This is Japan where Micky D’s was selling any size of fries for 100 yen (about $1.20 at the time). University students were going in and ordering obscene amounts and that’s the photo you see.
Freedom fries can put out your eyes. So, that is why we’re wearing these occular sheilds {not to be used as a life-preserver, birth control, or teeth}.
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Breakfast with Kim Jong-Un.
WHAT?! No Mac & Cheese? Cheap macaroni and cheap cheddar melted together. It’s a Depression era classic. Mac & Cheese! Mac & Cheese!
I’ll have a drink and flench flies and super size the flies preese..
ok slap me i might like it!
This is Japan where Micky D’s was selling any size of fries for 100 yen (about $1.20 at the time). University students were going in and ordering obscene amounts and that’s the photo you see.
The Japanese-to-English translation purchased at a used bookstore for 25 cents turned out to not be such a good deal after all.
Freedom fries can put out your eyes. So, that is why we’re wearing these occular sheilds {not to be used as a life-preserver, birth control, or teeth}.
Someplace in this world there is a car that would run on fries..
In America, we have hotdog eating contests for the Koreans to win at. But in Korea, they only have fried potato stick eating contests.
Guess which government surplus food is being pushed by the school lunch programs this week.
Next on the Food Network – How South Korea broadcast TV teases the north.
SUPERSIZE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suicide Club.
Is this why they are skinny and pale?
Would you like fries with that?
Excuse me waitress….I specificially said LARGE fries!
Gettin fried…. “woh, do you guys see a bunch of FRIES??”
You want fries with that?
Make sure you leave room for Mac and Cheese.
Call the War Department and get some gas masks.