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What a bunch of pussies Teapublican women really are.
They should lay there and take it, or piss themselves right liberal coward?
I bet those bull dykes are tough enough aren’t they Dallas.
Some are quite tough, yes.
I know mostly ‘lipstick’ lesbians – they’re quite beautiful but like muff diving. Ewe
Yes, we kind of like our women on the feminine side….go figure.
Of course you do. The more feminine they are, the less feminine you need to be.
Say what?
Dropping a gun, is never a good idea.
Though, trying to catch one is always a worse idea.
Not one of the shotgun shooting woman was properly trained in their use.
The rifle shooter is a little different. That is what happens with some scoped guns.
Joe Dumbshit didn’t say you needed training to fire a shotgun… just walk out and shoot. Your a Sheep and a DA.
No, he’s right (Mr. Diesel, not Biden). It was obvious that the woman firing the rifle and looking cool knew what she was doing and had fired it before. Just as obvious was that the other women had no idea what to expect and were unfamiliar with the shotguns. In either case, training is the key, not the type of weapon. My wife was a marksman and could have handled anything shown in the video.
Oh thank you, for a minute I thought you knew what the fuck you were talking about.
Last comment to Brewer
What a Vice Pres. says it is right… your wrong. You don’t need training. Also, you kill two birds with one stone. You signal to your neighbor that there is an intruder in your house and you kill your neighbor at the same time.
A 12 gauge shotgun has has 25 to 50 ft-lbs of recoil energy, whereas an AR-15 has about 3 to 4 ft-lbs of recoil energy. Training can help a person know what to expect when the trigger is pulled, but it doesn’t change the laws of physics. A home defense shotgun has 10 times the recoil energy, making it harder for a small framed woman to fire and control. There are reasons to choose a shotgun over a semiautomatic rifle for home defense, but ease of shooting it isn’t one of them.
A .410 shotgun is quite effective for home defense and kicks very little.
Police use tactical shotgun loads which are much lower power than regular high brass buckshot. They learned that the powder charge in regular buckshot is way more than necessary for CQB in places such as a home.
Since USA gun laws are pretty lax, you can take advantage of it and buy police tactical loads at your gun store.
people getting hurt is funny
Oh boo hoo.
And I’ll bet you any money that there plenty of, uh, non white ladies, like Michelle O’Mama, who are looking at these videos and going “Shit… If those skinny white bitches hold on to their men like they do their weapon, its no wonder they end up like Nicole Brown Simpson, know what I mean?“
At 10-years old I fired a shotgun for the first time.
My dad tried to give me advice but I wouldn’t listen.
Man, my jaw hurt when the recoil sent the butt of the shotgun into my face.
Lesson learned the painful way.
A shotgun isn’t a rifle!
Your aching jaw may have nothing to do with the rifle.
Like driving a car… something that can be learned by one’s self … but
Like driving a car… important enough that the activity should require training, licensing, and insurance.
UNlike driving a car…. not required or even beneficial in our society GIVEN the alternates readily available.
Truth hurts—-as any well aimed shot will. I have a 300 hot drum ready to roll. UNlike driving a car…the bullets of logic can be avoided by armored stupidity.
Lets not confuse individual exceptions with a good general rule?
Ha, ha.
“Like driving a car… important enough that the activity should require training, licensing, and insurance.”
I have all three.
NRA Expert in high power rifle and won trophies with pistol.
When I heard O’biden make those claims I just rolled my eyes knowing he is a know nothing dipshit.
My brother has a Bushmaster. Easiest gun to fire after a 22 short. The recoil is so minimal that you can practically brace it on your chin. A shotgun is heavier, louder, and will deliver quite a kick.
Joe you’re either a liar or an idiot. Maybe both.
i need to clean my glasses… i thought the headline stated Hillary Ensued…. :))
When the wise points at the moon the fool looks at the finger 🙂
What’s needed is a nationwide mandatory training for all gun owners, just like in Switzerland.
Dumb chicks (and dumb/untrained people in general) should not be allowed to own any firearm whatsoever.
Free speech is a constitutional right under certain conditions (i.e. you do not commit treason).
Gun ownership should be treated the same. Mentally and physically fit, with yearly retest.
This video needs a BS meter. Too many mini-skirts.