I was born in Mississippi in 1949. Around that time one of the easiest ways to lynch an entire African-American family was to set the house on fire and shoot people as they ran out. That tactic  took fewer people than the average hanging, and you didn’t have to show your face.

The technique also worked well in Al-Qaeda’s massacre at the American embassy in Benghazi.

And it worked at Big Bear, too.

The San Bernadino County Sheriff’s knew the grenades they fired into the cabin were highly flammable, and would be set off by a spark. Or a gun shot.

Either the sheriff’s people were stupid about that or the Sheriff lied when he said they had not intended to burn Dorner.

The cabin was surrounded. A siege was in order, not a lynching. Certainly emotions ran high. Anger. Adrenalin  surf. But the public has a right to expect that their law enforcement personnel are professional and disciplined. And have an interest in justice rather than revenge.

Law enforcement failed on all of those accounts at Big Bear.

Dorner may very well have been the vicious killer he was painted as.

But the way that law enforcement behaved that night at Big Bear resembled the sort of undisciplined, fury-driven madness that characterized the Ku Klux Klan of my home state. Or terrorists at Benghazi. One can argue that the motivations may have been different, but the results are indisputably the same.

I have written about a number of the many strange, suspicious aspects of this case: L.A.’s “Killer Cop:” Was He Set Up? but law enforcement’s stonewalling, lack of transparency and blood lust to revenge their own losses raises a questions, destroys their credibility, further damages the shaky trust they have with the public and makes a lot of people wonder, “what was so important to cover up that they have to made sure he never got a chance to speak in court?”

I took some minor licks in the 1960s, most notably when a Madison County (Mississippi) deputy wanted to beat the hell out of me and my best friend Arthur for bringing water to a school teacher from Ohio whose car radiator had overheated on Highway 55 during a civil rights march.

I outran the sucker in my 426 Hemi Plymouth, otherwise I might not be writing this right now. I have seen the face of undisciplined law enforcement and know what it looks like.

And right now, it looks a lot like Big Bear.

  1. mharry860 says:

    It also worked at Waco and that was a bunch of innocent people.

  2. stormtrooper 651 says:

    Iperdue’s incoherent rambling and delusional fantasies part of the same trend? Is this what happens when a population gets all its information from movies and comic books?

  3. Molon Labe says:

    This is the dumbest article I have ever read. This idiot killed people in cold blood and you’re saying that them killing him is a bad thing? Jesus you stupid libtard

    • I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny says:

      Let me translate what you just said:

      We do not need lawyers, judges, juries, or accountability in the united states. It is sufficient for unelected law enforcement personnel to make all relevant decisions about how a crime is investigated, who the responsible individuals are, and mete out whatever punishment they choose, without any possible repercussions from mistakes in fact, judgement, or execution.

      That about sum it up? And please use the word “obvious” in your reply just to confirm my suspicion that you are retarded.

  4. Kahless says:

    To compare the Chris Dorner situation to the lynching of innocent black families in the 60’s is ludicrous at best.

    I’m not sure where you are, but here in Southern California the only thing on the news once they found him yesterday was Chris Dorner. There were news helicopters watching the cabin the entire time. If Dorner had wanted to walk out of there alive, he could have at any point in the standoff. He could have as soon as the cabin caught on fire. Instead, the reports are that he shot himself as soon as the fire started. He knew it was over, and he ended it for himself.

    The cheap link bait article is enough to confirm that the author here is making up whatever he wants to. If you go read that article, all that’s offered is wild speculation about what could happen if a conspiracy were in place.

    Here’s the thing… the simplest answer is usually the truth. This was a disturbed individual that lost it and decided the best way to handle it was to cause as much damage as possible on his way out. That’s it.

  5. George says:

    When Dorner decided to take on the cops, and started killing them, he wrote his own death warrant. This was no “lynching”, it was what happens.

    Remember the North Hollywood shootout? The wounded suspect, Matasareanu was allowed to lie shot in the legs, on the ground for 70 minutes without medical help. They didn’t “kill” him, they just used their power to let things take their course.

    In Big Bear, the cops fired incendiary tear gas into the house, kept their guns trained on all the exits, and let things take their course. Dorner knew what would happen. He was one of them.

    Dorner was really no more than a disgruntled ex-employee who had a grievance about his termination. The problem was that his employer was the police department. When he went postal, he couldn’t walk into a gun-free office and shoot a bunch of co-workers. He had to go hunting for them. In the end Dorner deserved what he got.

  6. deowll says:

    You can look at this two ways:

    1. Dorner had demonstrated that he was a better shot than they were and the safest way to take him out if you wanted to go home to mamma after work was this way.

    2. They wanted revenge and this was an execution.

    Both statements may be true.

  7. McCullough says:

    I heard somewhere that due process is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Now where could that have been? And who might be presently held
    accountable for that?

  8. bob arctor says:

    Right on Dvorak. This guy was wrong and no justification for being out for blood, but he was supposed to be the “bad guy”. Looked to me the like the L.A.P.D. were the “real” bad guys, again. What happened to the negotiator talking him into surrendering? what happened to waiting him out (it would of been overtime, cops loves ot). they intended to kill him from the start. The LAPD attacked, as murderers or vigilantes, one or the other. There is supposed to be procedure, the cops should enforce the law by upholding it. their actions were criminal.

  9. Isn’t it a true adage that the more things change the more they stay the same.

  10. Chris Mac says:

    what’s the opposite of lynched

  11. Experienced firemen and arson investigators will tell you that its not possible to set the “impossible fire”. Look for example for the distinctive odor of gasoline or another type of auto fuels

  12. The0ne says:

    Both sides on a path of vengeance but only one party won’t ever be guilty. Until I know more details of the case and the reason I say sucked to both parties, more so to the Police.

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Always amusing to see the either/or false dilema played out for fools to munch on.

    Its clear to me that Dorner went nuts after typical lying BS from the LAPD. Its in ERROR to think its one or the other when its BOTH!

    Push any person hard enough, long enough, and he will break. Some sooner than others. I’ve heard there is a second manifesto from another Black Cop saying all the same things exept he is not going to try to clear his name. What do you think?===> the cops are as virtuous as the Clergy??

    Dorner grew up and was employed to use GUNS as his resolver and that was what he did. His mental break with reality is only further demonstrated by how easily he got pinned down and caught. An expert at asymmetrical warfare would still be out there.

    And the Blue Line of Silence continues. Excess force used by the police officers on the community dealt with by firing the honest cops who try to stop it from happening.

    Truth Hurts.

  14. B. Dog says:

    By way of Infowars and the NoAgendaNewsNetwork, there is more info:

  15. msbpodcast says:

    Did anybody catch a video of the arrest?

    The shots were going off like corn popping in a kettle.

    The cops set themselves in an arc in front the place with snipers on the side waiting for anybody trying to try to get out, and they shot it full of holes (like Bonnie and Clyde’s car.)

    They were sending that ex-cop straight to hell. Tossing in the incendiary grenades was just icing on the cake, a foretaste of his destination.

    I have no doubt that the place burned to its foundations because they were scared of getting lead poisoning from the smoke.

    The lesson to take away from this is that the LAPD are a big, stupid, ugly, murderous bunch of killers. Stay the fuck away from them.

  16. msbpodcast says:

    I call spam on this bullshit post.

    Why are you giving this ass-hole free advertising?

  17. LibertyLover says:

    I was keeping up with all the news I could find on this. Dorner had one of the worse runs of bad luck I’ve ever heard of.

    1) He tries to steal a boat and the mooring line gets caught in the prop.

    2) He takes off into the mountains and his axle breaks on his truck.

    3) He holds up in a cabin and it ends up being within spitting distance of where they set up a command post. No sneaking away into the night from there! I bet his sphincter factor was about 9.75 when he noticed that.

    4) He manages to steal another truck and one of his captives breaks free and reports it.

    5) He steals another vehicle and crashes it.

    If any one of these situations had turned out in his favor, there would be more dead cops.

    I’m a strong believer in karma. For that much shit to have happened to him, I can only surmise he had it coming. That being said, the cops should have starved him out and not burned him alive.

  18. Admfubar says:

    this one was mild in comparison. check what happened here

  19. scandihoovian says:

    The comments allover the La Times are raving with people saying the police radios were filled with chatter talking about burning him alive. That’d be the best evidence that won’t ever be released, imo.

  20. Dallas says:

    Well, I think it’s a bitter sweet happy endings. It’s sad that one of the good cops died. The puke’s forgot to make light of that unfortunate death because of all the excitement around roasting a black guy. May God be with the families involved.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      Since you took it there….he was a big fan of almost all things on the liberal side of the fence. Did you hear that on the MSM? No. But a whack job shoots Giffords and the first thing out of the liberal media is that he was Tea Party nut job. They were wrong but that never stops them.

      • Dallas says:

        A liberal pro gun nut? Didn’t hear that.

        Anyway, the key difference was in the Giffords case it was an assassination planned of an elected official by Sarah Palin – the Teapublican carefully chosen to be Vice President of the United States.

        In the event McCain died, Sarah would become the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and set foreign policy. OMG, that was hard to write.

  21. MikeN says:

    Largest massacre of minorities was at Waco.

    • N K says:

      You mean the largest suicide of wacko’s don’t you?

      I’ll concede the point that the cops had no business burning them out too! But then those branch Davidians were about as crazy as Woody Woodpecker on acid.

      • Burntfinger says:

        Really? I rodeoed with 3 of the guys who died in that fire, asshole. I knew them, their wives and their kids. There was NO legitimate reason for what was done to those people.

        • Rick Cain says:

          The fires started at 3 simultaneous points in the building, as verified by heat sensitive cameras in helicopters over the compound.

          Koresh thought an assault was in play and he ordered the place BURNED down in hopes of killing as many attacking agents as possible, and many of his people were shot in the back as they attempted to escape through windows and doors.

  22. MikeN says:

    LPerdue leaves out the Dorner manifesto. He says he knows police tactics. A siege might have been what he was planning on.

    He murdered a few non cops, but that’s not important to the cop haters.

    • Publius says:

      Lawful behavior of government officers is not important to boot lickers.

  23. Jefire70 says:

    First Christopher Jordan Dorner was bad man who did evil things and deserved to die.

    But LEOs are not Judge Dreed. If the reports are true about the radio traffic say the cops wanted to burn the place down. They need to be held accountable. These gun happy cops also shot 3 innocent people in there shot first ask questions later mentality.

    If any of us civilians did what they did we would be in Jail.

    • N K says:

      HEY! If you can have a Utah State Trooper tazer someone for not wearing a seat belt or a Mississippi State trooper tazer an 83-year-old woman for ANYTHING or even a Denver cop in uniform break into the wrong house and KILL a man for drinking a soda in his own bed! Then is it really such a surprise that other cops in EVERY major city might also beat up innocent bystanders or even walk off the force when confronted with a real emergency like what happened in New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina? Or burn down a house with a real criminal inside?!

      It’s unfortunate that a growing number of cops are nothing more than bullies who, not too surprisingly are also COWARDS! Not all cops but a good number of them ARE!!! But then, it’s also rather cowardly for any cop to not uphold the law especially when he/she sees a fellow officer break the law and decide they are the next incarnation of Billy Jack or Dirty Harry or someone.

      Getting a bunch of doughnut eating Barney Feif’s together at Big Bear is nothing new. About the only thing new here is that they finally found a real criminal to go after but somehow collectively forgot about their oaths. Or did they?!!!

      Welcome to the new America where Nazi Germany is still alive and well. “Jack booted thugs”? Ya, right!

  24. dusanmal says:

    Ruling powers simply can’t take yet another extreme leftist mass murderer while attempting to paint a story of dangerous Right. Hence, kill him to reduce exposure of his writing and motivations and Leftism (and Left Mass Media obliged in hiding a lot of this Leftist manifesto, NoAgenda was one of very few places where you could find it whole).
    That is the story. Not so much victims (sorry for them but the story is how they were less important than Big Government needs for hushing up). Not the act/or no act of lynching a murderer. But the whole process of hushing up inconvenient truth by half truths and redirections.

  25. orchidcup says:

    Cop killers don’t get no mercy.

    There were a number of tactical responses by the police that may have resulted in Dorner’s capture, provided he didn’t shoot himself.

    His apprehension would have resulted in a very expensive trial and an insanity defense.

    The scenario ended as I presumed it would.

    • MikeN says:

      Me too. I predicted liberals were ecstatic over the case, as they get to cheer on a cop killer, and it ends in the death of another cop.

  26. kevink says:

    Batman, Spiderman, Jack Bauer, CSI, Law and Order…. how many of our crime dramas have a person faced with institutional injustice who must bend or break the law in order right the wrongs of the corrupt system?

    Now we have some nut, who targets a police depart, who everyone knows is extremely corrupt, not that it matters, and everyone is astonished that this happened? I am surprised that it doesn’t happen more often.

  27. Anonymous Coward says:

    The police did not intentionally burn the cabin down and the guy with it. It was simply a cross burning that went horribly wrong. 😉

    The extent that portions of the Left (including a CNN panel) cheered on this guy’s murderous behavior is just plain disturbing.

    The veneer of Civilization keeps getting thinner and thinner…

  28. mojo says:

    Yep, that’s what an “understood” shoot-to-kill order looks like.

  29. super77 says:

    Same sh*t different day. The cops could have easily waited him out, collected even more overtime pay and put him behind bars. But hey, let’s get some justified payback and no one will be to blame.

    Move along, nothing to see here.

  30. I shot the sheriff but I didn't shoot no deputy says:

    Fire cannot burn fire…


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