I’m guessing ‘expert guest’ has a different meaning at Fox than in the rest of the world.

Near the end of the segment, it occurred to Carlson to ask her expert guest, Fox Business reporter Shibani Joshi, why it might be that Germany’s solar-power sector is doing so much better [than ours]. “What was Germany doing correct? Are they just a smaller country, and that made it more feasible?” Carlson asked.

Joshi’s jaw-dropping response: “They’re a smaller country, and they’ve got lots of sun. Right? They’ve got a lot more sun than we do.” In case that wasn’t clear enough for some viewers, Joshi went on: “The problem is it’s a cloudy day and it’s raining, you’re not gonna have it.” Sure, California might get sun now and then, Joshi conceded, “but here on the East Coast, it’s just not going to work.”

Gosh, why hasn’t anyone thought of that before? Wouldn’t you think that some scientist, somewhere, would have noticed that the East Coast is far less sunny than Central Europe and therefore incapable of producing solar power on the same scale?

You would—if it were true. As Media Matters’ Max Greenberg notes, it isn’t. Not even remotely.

UPDATE: Relevant findings (pdf)

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:


  2. Uncle Dave says:

    Maybe it’s all a social experiment to see how much BS the public will buy.

  3. JT Hut says:

    “They’re a smaller country, and they’ve got lots of sun. Right?

    The correct response to thequestion at that point would be: “No. No they don’t”.

  4. shooff says:

    When everything is scripted, any deviation to free thought is an exercise in ignorance.

    When the market dropped after the last debate, guest talking head after talking head on CNBC refused to acknowledged on-air that the market was dropping because Obama would win.

    It got so bad the Managing Producer called in (he is never on the air) and said each and every talking head said “before” they went on the air that the Market was dropping because Romney was DOA. None of them would say it on the air.

    Do you know why? Saying the truth was in conflict with either their boss’s fundraising requirements or their market positions.

    Talking heads are just that Talking heads. If you believe them and make investment decisions based on Lou Dobbs or Jim Cramer your are making a terrible decisions for your family.

    • Dippy Hipster says:

      You got it somewhat wrong. It isn’t really what they say that should raise your eyebrow. You can usually trust what they say. Of course, when they try to think and interpret something that too deserves some skepticism. It’s what they DON’T say that you should be mistrustful of.

      Think MONEY! They do. So think about what’s going to get the attention of a nation full of half-wits to watch.

      And if you don’t think planet earth isn’t at least 75-percent full of half-wits and absolute fools then just read this blog!

      …Now you know partly why earth hasn’t been formally introduced to any extraterrestrial beings. 😉

  5. dadeo says:

    Fair and balanced doesn’t necessarily include accuracy. None of our msm bring us the news. They all produce a news SHOW – a current event spectacle designed to grab ratings, not to give the public accurate, useful content. Sponsors would never pay for that..

  6. Dallas says:

    In their defense, Fox caters to the Teapublican sheeple bubble so they need to put forward representative morons.

    If they report the sun is shinier, closer to Europe or if it’s not a star at all because it does not have pointy things, then yes.

  7. hmeyers says:

    I can’t stand any of Fox-MSNBC-CNN. CNN sucks the least.

    Fox News Guy says:
    Everyone else:

    MSNBC guy/gal: Spouts off some talking points while ignoring or not bothering to address obvious real concerns or making any kind of effort to apply critical thinking.

    This leads to the conclusion that “excellence and journalistic integrity” isn’t part of the news these days.

    Just various channels holding “pep rallies” for certain groups of people. It’s kind of disgusting really. And disrespectful the viewer.

    • Dallas says:

      CNN is good. Wolf Blitzer is awesome and of course the talented and handsome Anderson Cooper. That’s the only news TV I watch.

      I do watch Fox periodically when I want to see what the latest Obama outrage is or what the sheeple are being trained on.

      On the web, there are many great news places. BBC , Huffington Post, Raw News, Al Jazeera, Mother Jones, USA Today, Economist, etc.

  8. Dick says:

    Yes. The complete retards are already taken by the other news organizations.

  9. dusanmal says:

    Opinion is one thing. You agree, disagree, challenge,… You have mind of your own.
    The real media catastrophe (as seen by the eyes which were stuffed enough with communist propaganda) happening right now is when the incomplete facts are presented with intention to skew your free understanding of the issue. Current example: KTTV-TV, KTLA-TV and KFI AM 640 – “publishing” manifesto of a cop-a-killer C.Jordan. And, just “by chance” omitting praises to Obama in it. Attempting to deceive with half facts presented as a whole. Facts that most CAN’T check (as they can check Germany’s solar exposure). For political spin.
    That is despicable. Stupid uninformed host or expert – just not good.

    • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

      “… the incomplete facts are presented with intention to skew your free understanding of the issue.”

      Another fine classic example would be Mitt Romney taking the fact that Chrysler was opening additional Jeep production in China for that market. Romney’s quote is

      “I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state Jeep — now owned by the Italians — is thinking of moving all production to China,”

      The story was on Bloomberg, but Romney lied because the story pointedly said no production would leave the US Jeep assembly plants. From the story is this paragraph:

      “Chrysler currently builds all Jeep SUV models at plants in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio. Manley (COO of Fiat and Chrysler in Asia) referred to adding Jeep production sites rather than shifting output from North America to China.”

      • MikeN says:

        Politifact called it it’s Lie of the Year, and has now backtracked to saying Romney’s statement is ‘technically true’

        • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

          You are talking about the political ad brought out by the Romney campaign.

          What I was referencing was the ACTUAL WORDS of candidate Mitt Romney and the ACTUAL WORDS from the Bloomberg story.

          The Romney campaign refused numerous to clarify his statement, and later came out with the ad. The ad was a master stroke of political sleaze of the highest order in that it cherry-picks certain facts and presents them in a way to produce a bald-faced lie.

          As far as backtracking, here is a qoute from Politifact about “technically true” facts.

          “The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.”

          Hardly seems to be backtracking to me. But the conservative bloggers need something to cloud the air.

          Romney spoke a lie at the rally. His campaign followed up with a classic example of what I refer to as “bearing false witness.” And it appears that the conservative bloggers and now you continue in the same fashion.

  10. Guyver says:

    I’ve lived in Germany for over 4 years and I can say it’s not a very sunny country. Washington state is very similar to Germany in terms of weather.

    With that said, Germany is an aggressively “green” country so much so that when I came back to Germany from a trip to London I felt as if I were entering into a sterile country.

    The reason why is simply cultural IMHO.

  11. kjb434 says:

    If you watch any of the cable news channels, you have to only look at it as entertainment.

    The funniest one is MSNBC which has no intention of portraying reality. Fox is bad also because they decided a large audience wasn’t being catered too and focused on that.

    CNN is just in the wasteland of incompetence.

    Just as Dvorak has said, if you take ad money, you are biased.

  12. plarsen says:

    I am positively shocked that the enlightened gentlemen here on Dvorak Uncensored do not get the point of Ms. Shibani Joshi. She has an education from Harvard – no less. She is a Morgan Stanley educated business analyst and an expert on Fox.

    I call for respect!

    Her point is clear and succinct as that of a true analyst and clearly stated!

    Germany is a smaller country and thus has more sun. Everybody know that when you concentrate more on less space then the intensity is higher. So obviously Germany has more sun. Just as Germany has a higher population density.

    Gentlemen – do please think before showing your disdain next time. Physics is nonsense when compared to business acumen and the higher sciences of economy! On top of that your comments may be construed as misogynistic – remember what happened at Harvard concerning underrepresentation of women…

    • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

      I admit I did not consider that an equal amount of sunshine concentrated into a smaller surface results in much more intensity, and thus efficiency.

      We should really study locating all our solar plants in Rhode Island to achieve maximum efficiency.

    • Guyver says:

      Physics is nonsense when compared to business acumen and the higher sciences of economy!


      On top of that your comments may be construed as misogynistic – remember what happened at Harvard concerning underrepresentation of women…

      Meritocracy will set your quota-mindset free. I believe in recognizing the best and brightest regardless of gender, race, political affiliation, orientation, etc.

      Speculation on some perceived institutionalized discrimination would be a moot point if everyone strives towards competing to be the best or acquiring the best.

  13. MikeN says:

    Germany gets as much sun as Alaska with one fifth the area. And it’s only getting 3% from solar, after subsidies. My guess is about a fifth of that 3% is fraud of people making money off of regular power so liberals can feel they are saving the planet.

  14. deowll says:

    Is Germany’s solar sector doing well? I thought it was running off government subsidies. The last I heard the Germans were building coal burning power plants because they were afraid of nuclear after the problems in Japan.

    • MikeN says:

      Yup. But greenies will go gaga and publish articles about how Germany managed to go 100% solar for a few minutes on a sunny day.

      • deowll says:

        I’m afraid you are correct. Pragmatism and living in the real world are not their strong points. There actually are a few locations alternative energy computes but they think something that cost as much as 17 times as much as fossil fuels is a great way to make money and expand the economy.

  15. MikeN says:

    Confusing stats. The map from Media Matters says Germany is as sunny as Alaska, another site says they get as much total sun as Alaska. Considering one is much bigger than the other, those are very contradictory. Is it the rate or the total that is equal?

  16. smartalix says:

    Alternate energy “doesn’t work” because the vested energy interests don’t want it to. We are idiots to listen to them, because if we do not pull our heads out of our asses and move this nation forward we are going to be energy slaves to oil forever. The fact is that we will always need oils and gas, but we no not have to be 100% dependent on it. Every dollar spent on alternate energy in the USA takes it out of the hands of poisonous industries and puts it in the hands of technical workers in local economies.

  17. MikeN says:

    Solar energy takes sun away from the ecosystem. Already average wind speed in the US has dropped over 30 years. Better to get energy from deep underground decayed life.

  18. Dippy Hipster says:

    It is AMAZING how many of you think a TALK SHOW is somehow NEWS. I can’t remember how many times ENTERTAINERS like Rush Limbaugh are quoted as NEWS! And I do like the guy, but he’s NOT NEWS!!! It’s even worse when you look at television since you might THINK you’re watching news but you’re NOT! Look again!!!

    Just looking at FOX and I can already see the idiots. Just look at who watches FOX programming like American Idol and practically every prime time CARTOON they show. (Nuff said!) Once you realize the idiocy level of FOX and it’s VIEWERS, does it now surprise you that they interview morons for news banter? This is nothing new except for possibly a new low in journalism for not checking their sources more thoroughly.

    But here’s the thing! FOX ISN’T THE ONLY ONE!!! And it’s not just a problem of the media either. You may be surprised to know that your courts do it too where they even PAY experts who may not even be experts for their testimony.

    So if you want to stay informed then learn to think critically (but look who I’m telling). Go ahead and watch the News since they usually get the facts right. Just realize it when they start commenting because your “spin” radar should be going off. You may even agree with the comments but THAT’S when you need to be especially critical. Of course, you might also want to constantly be asking the question “why is this news?” too! Because so much of what is reported is like 10-percent of what you probably should know.

    And when you start to remember historical facts, you may begin to see the real problem that all the “talking head” shows have – it’s called BIAS!

  19. msbpodcast says:

    Bah… The only TV I watch is closed circuit, (until they catch me at it. :-))

    Journalism died when Fox got its licence.

    • Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

      Dan Rather put the final nail in journalism

    • stormtrooper 651 says:

      You get the journalism you deserve, the US is now an intellectually backward country churning easily distracted illiterates out of its school system.
      Evidence of this is this liberal who posts a video about the massive failures of obamas energy policies and can only see an irrelevant flub by a junior reporter at the end of the clip.

      • stormtrooper 651 says:

        then he gives it a moronic headline, ironically claiming anyone and everyone holding a different opinion to him to be the morons.

  20. orchidcup says:

    The Netflix original series (copied from a BBC production) House of Cards starring Kevin Spacey demonstrates how media and government are manipulated and controlled by special interests.

    This is not an advertisement.

  21. kjb434 says:

    Journalism died when you could get a degree in it.

    News reporting by its very nature was ALWAYS a bias venture. It wasn’t until colleges starting offering degrees did the concept of ethics and unbiased reporting surface. And that was only an excuse for having to create the programs to scam students and the public to thinking you need a degree to report what happen.

    Journalism is a profession you don’t need an education to be good at it. A journalism degree only allows people who practice it to be major douchebags.

    Most cities and towns had multiple news papers that each had an expressed biased and no one admitted to being unbiased or evenhanded. They actually held it up with honor that they were biased. Very few cities have dual or multiple papers left that represent multiple political parties. Pretty much only DC with Washington Post (left wing) and Washington Times (right wing) is left. There may be a few others.

  22. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Uncle Dave only slightly missing the ball says:
    2/8/2013 at 12:26 pm

    As I said in my comment, I wonder if it’s some sort of experiment to see if we, the public, are willing to accept as fact anything they say. /// I have read the following response many times now. Not my own idea. This is no experiment rather it is “playing to their market segment” who want to hear this slanted propaganda over and over rather than be challenged to think. There is an INDUSTRY at Fox Spews organized to remove as much money from them as possible. Idiot books, Gold Coins, Assault Rifles, Survival Food and so forth. Hard to say how large/small this group would be without the constant pimping by Fox Spews but this is no experiment.

    Of those who follow the infotainment industry (I am one on the liberdrool side) MOST of the audience cannot stomach Fox, for as you post, it is garbage. But there is a percentage of phagocytes that can live on nothing else. Guns, religion, anti-science, anti gay, and xenophobic.

    America is a free country. Every nut group gets its own news if they will support the dogma.

    Same as it always was.

    Yea, Verily!! (Ezekiel 4:12)


  23. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    btw==I didn’t download the pdf as its more detail than I need, I assume….. BUT….. as with so much that is scientific, the experts really do know what they are talking about.

    YEARS AGO–the USA and of course Europe (if not the World, and of course the world too by now) was maped out with nice shaded colors showing the sun fall on average per meter of land. From that, you can apply the efficiency of solar capture and converstion and determine which if any technologies will pay for themselves or not, or how long to break even and so forth.

    While these maps stay the same, the technology gets better and better every year, better as in more efficient. Won’t be too much longer until solar power will be stand alone competitive with tax support Big Oil Carbon Pollution.

    THE REALLY BIG TEST: will Obama approve the tar sand oil pipe? He’s been way too much the politician given his hope and change rhetoric. I think he will approve some version of it…. OR… deny it which really should only be done with the announcement of some kind of moon shot program for green energy self sufficiency. Jobs, Tech Leadership, Saving Mother Earth all in one fell swoop.

    Too much science?…….Probably so.

    Silly Hoomans.

  24. Captain Obvious says:

    They know their audience. They give their audience exactly what they want. They makes lots of money. It’s obviously biased and misleading, but who cares? They are very, very good at what they do.

    I’m not sure who’s more irritating: people who think Fox is the real deal, or people who complain about it.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      Amusingly, that should be obvious to you…. as it is with everyone else.

      • Dallas says:

        agree. Evidently some people find the dumbing down of the electorate to be just fine.

  25. Glenn E. says:

    Another day, another bogus expert, that FOX failed to vet. Just business as usual. Expertise doesn’t count. Padding the minutes between toilet paper commercials, does.

  26. Somebody_Else says:

    Well, there’s a big market for stupid.

  27. hmeyers says:

    If we had honest news — instead of posturing news — our news would have credibility.

    An example: Because Fox and MSNBC are super-biased (cnn less so, but gives off some bias), it is difficult to fully trust what you hear on them.

    So we have a society that doesn’t really believe anything in the news. This is a really terrible situation.

    It breeds a great deal of distrust, bickering and posturing and I think this hurts our culture and dumbs it down.

    • Mextli says:

      I was convinced when I watched a congressional committee hearing on C-SPAN then coverage of the hearing on CNN. Hard to tell it was the same subject.

      The MSM seem to hire actors that give little content and an occasional fact.

      • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

        I remember saying the same thing after watching C-Span showing daily briefing from Saudi Arabia during the 1st Gulf war. That nite I would watch newscast and wondered why would they go with that fact or story when there was so much more in the breifing.

  28. Peppeddu says:

    It has nothing to do with being a moron, but everything to do with brain conditioning.

    If you constantly blur the line between reality and fiction and you repeat your “reality” enough times, people eventually start to question the validity of what the other guys are saying.

    Two of the many tools they use:
    #1 Selling opinions as facts and vice versa.
    #2 Mixing out of context facts to support their point of view.

    Most of the folks out there use the TV as the trusted primary source of news, and these are people who cast ballots.

    The biggest mistake is to think that this a moronic thing, this is carefully planned and carried out daily.

  29. Mr Ed says:

    Idiots talking to idiots and watched by gullible idiots. That is Faux news.

  30. Uncle Patso says:

    The proposed Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline is an interesting case — the unions, especially the construction unions, are all for it as a jobs program, while the environmental movement is aghast at the idea. Disarray in the ranks for traditional Obama supporters.

    • Cap'n Kangaroo says:

      And the Republicans bray about the pipeline bringing down the price of oil in the US when TransCanada’s own expert say it will not do so. The whole reason for the pipeline is to sell their crude at the Gulf Coast at Brent prices versus the much lower West Texas Intermediate. Fox news and Fox business and much of CNBC always seem to overlook this and parrot the Republicans.

      And don’t overlook that the southern portion (Oklahoma to Gulf Coast) is already being built since it does not require the President’s/State Dept. approval.


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