1. Captain Obvious says:

    That’s a lot of bush.

  2. noname says:

    Plumber at Work!

  3. dcphill says:


  4. Nate says:

    “My neighbor’s reaction to the comment system here.”

  5. UncDon says:

    Lot’s wife tarried while admiring the Lord’s begonias, and so was turned into a pillar of hedge.

  6. Wayne says:

    Hmmm, reminds me of his wife.

  7. bushhog says:

    Hmmm… needs some more trimming to make it anatomically correct.

  8. shooff says:

    Explain that fence?

  9. kerpow says:

    Leaf blower

  10. msbpodcast says:

    Nice topiary work… 🙂

  11. jacbrew says:

    Huh! So that’s where the squirrel hid it’s nuts.

  12. Admfubar says:

    hey doc i think there is something in my bush, can you take a look at it?
    Doc, “Looks like a Cheney to me”

  13. WmDE says:

    Bushes fault.

  14. Ben Dover says:

    Some people need to be kicked in the aster

  15. The Lawnmower Man says:

    “Your ass is grass…”

  16. Dorf on Golf says:

    I think my balls went into the rough

  17. GardenSlave says:

    Kiss my Azalea, neighbor!

  18. GRtak says:

    I love my neighbor

  19. Dallas says:

    How us amazing urbanites view life in suburbia

  20. Mikey says:

    Life along the US/Mexico Border.

  21. Paul says:

    I tell them, turn the other cheek. But they’re too envious when the grass is greener on the other side.

  22. Airman says:

    Time for a Super Soaker full of Roundup.

  23. Holdfast says:

    I see you’ve found out what BOHICA stands for.

  24. Screw IT Al says:

    Diggin’ DEEP are we?

    I don’t mean that as a caption (or maybe I do). I mean this photo is OLD! Like TEN-PLUS YEARS OLD!!!

    I also seem to recall an original caption something like “Nosy Neighbor Gets an Eye Full.”

    Now I suppose it could mean, ” ‘Bushes’ tax breaks get ‘clipped’ “.

    • McCullough says:

      There’s always some idiot who has to point out that since they have seen the photo…EVERYONE must have seen it!

  25. Ben Dover says:

    Never buy a Chia Pet from an adult book store.

  26. robublind says:

    “Yeah, I would tap that”

  27. Ron says:

    Kiss my grass!

  28. dadeo says:

    Gramps’ hedge fund is beginning to pucker.

  29. noname says:

    A lost Street Mime wearing a Ghillie suit looking for a dropped dime!

  30. peter_m says:



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