Executive Producer: Steven Fettig
Associate Executive Producers: Kevin Hamilton, Sir Thomas Pullyard
Art By: MartinJJ
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We’re living on the edge!
Our new War on Guns will consolidate disparate portions of whatever gun culture is presently “underground” & expand de facto availability of the forbidden hardware & ammo. This is too predictable.
The Affordable Care Act is neither affordable, nor is it care. It is mandated for-profit “health insurance,” rotten public policy & oppressively tyrannical.
Armed undercover guards in schools are okay & better than nothing, but the real solution lies in a bulletproof airlock at the entrance designed into all new school buildings—& optionally retrofitted onto old ones. An outer portcullis slides shut behind an interloper, trapping him like an insect in a jar. No airlock at your local school? Keep your idiot kid at home. Not my problem.
Newtown bought some security cameras recently. Whoopty-doo. That’s not gonna do it.
It’s great! It’s great! Everybody into the pool!