Detroit police found the body of a 93-year-old man…stuffed inside a freezer in his son’s basement after investigators said the son stole the casket and remains from a Detroit cemetery…

The body found inside a home in the 4700 block of Eastlawn, Detroit Police Sgt. Eren Stephens said. It was in a new freezer in the basement, according to a Detroit Police source. The man was identified as Clarence Bright.

Bright’s 48-year-old son reportedly told family members on Monday that he stole his father’s body from Gethsemane Cemetery on the city’s east side Monday morning to resurrect him through prayer, a Detroit Police source said. The son was taken into custody Tuesday morning along with a 38-year-old man after officers found the men on the city’s east side in a white van containing the empty casket. Police didn’t identify the men.

Family reached at the duplex where Bright lived on Garland in Detroit said the issue was a family matter, that tensions were high and declined further comment.

Bright’s funeral was Saturday, but his body was being held in the cemetery’s mausoleum because the ground was too wet for burial, according to investigators.

Bright’s son made odd comments at the funeral, said Gwendolyn Coleman, a next-door neighbor of Bright’s son. She said she has known him for about five years, since he has lived alone at the home at 4647 Eastlawn St…

“At the funeral, he said, ‘Y’all might think I’m great, y’all might think I’m great’ — everybody heard that at the funeral,” said Coleman. “Then he said, ‘Watch what I’m going to do, watch what I’m going to do.’ Everybody heard that — the whole family, too. We didn’t think he was going to do nothing like that, though.”

True Believers are a trip! You’d think they’d realize that if this crap worked bodies would be repopulating households all over the world.

  1. Mr Diesel says:

    It’s Detroit. Until Obomba bails their asses out they have to have something to do.

    • stormtrooper 651 says:

      Detroit now officially a third world city, the exact same policies will give you a third world country in no time.
      Of course no one is more delusional than eidard who is desperately trying to distract from the oncoming tsunami by blaming religion.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    He must really miss his dad.

  3. MikeN says:

    No post about the hoax internet girlfriend of Teo? That story cut too close to home?

  4. dave m brewer says:

    He wanted the audiophile casket back…

  5. sargasso_c says:

    How mortally embarrassing, for the family.

  6. Dallas says:

    Prayer to bring his dad back? Just a tad crazier than Mitt Romney’s suggestions that prayer will keep our children safe from gunman.

    At least THIS loon wasn’t (yet anyway) chosen by Teapublicans as the one guy that should be leader of the free world.

    • Guyver says:

      Just a tad crazier than Mitt Romney’s suggestions that prayer will keep our children safe from gunman.

      Could be worse. We could have a leader who thinks restricting gun rights for law abiding citizens will somehow curb criminal behavior.

      • Dallas says:

        Waahh waahh …the negro wants to take my gun and GI Joe doll. Wahhh

        Oh please, what he’s restricting at worst just makes total sense.

        • Guyver says:

          Waahh waahh …the negro wants to take my gun and GI Joe doll. Wahhh

          A liberal countering a point by making things racial? Wow! I didn’t see that one coming. 🙂

          • Dallas says:

            On the upside you to comprehend that unlike Teapublicans, liberals are not racists.

          • Guyver says:

            On the upside you to comprehend that unlike Teapublicans, liberals are not racists.

            I comprehend not to label an entire group racist or fringe based on the actions of some existential nut jobs.

            I do not see the message of being fiscally responsible or smaller limited government as racist. You do. I beg to differ.

          • Dallas says:

            Oh please, you’re as hypocritical as they come. Calling yourself the above is the typical facade.

            You’re like a butter and cheese loaded baked potato calling yourself a health food.

  7. Guyver says:

    True Believers are a trip! You’d think they’d realize that if this crap worked bodies would be repopulating households all over the world.

    Nothing surprising with the liberal mindset these days.

    Find an existential fringe nut ball and somehow insinuate that this person is demonstrative of the norm for the group you’re griping about.

    Just another intellectually dishonest liberal misrepresentation grounded on a deep dislike towards religion in general. Surprise! Surprise!

    • Dallas says:

      You’ve seen Fox Snooze bring in the left crazies so hush

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Find an existential fringe nut ball and somehow insinuate that this person is demonstrative of the norm for the group you’re griping about. //// Ummmm…. rather than a “norm” isn’t it a REQUIREMENT to be a Christian to believe that JC was Resurrected?

      You Know: Dead as a Dead can be and then….. He’s Alive!!! And yet you call that a fringe case?

      Does kinda remind me of Princess Bride ((On in about an hour–one show I can never channel surf through without stopping)) “Not all the way dead, just mostly dead.” Ha, ha.

      Fairy tails and Religion—and Political Analysis. When they all amount to the same dogma…. you got yourself a nut ball.

      Yea, verily.

      • noname says:

        bobbo, the very unpragmatic nut

        What a farce, you again professorially trying to argue as DU voice of reason or sanity? How dangerously delusional are you?

        What off topic are you again flaring and railing about?

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          noname==while I welcome all honest engagements, it is beneath my aura to explain what it plainly posted. Read and reread until an actual question forms.

          You can do it!

          I have FAITH in you.

          ((Hint–I was ranting about the word/idea above that is different than the other words/ideas.))

          And remember: you can do it.

          • noname says:

            Hummm “beneath my aura to explain” … “to explain” …

            A classic deluded “I am Too Sexy to be Plain” or understood person!


            These Auras, glow of light about your noggin, be they flashing or flickering lights? Do Meds stop the accompany seizures or the complex migraines?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Really? I tend to doubt it…. that you don’t understand what I circuitously but still plainly stated with hints and all.

            Or do you not understand what is circuitously but still plainly stated with hints and all any better than the similarly displayed humor?

            No name. Curious case, showing how little insight it takes to fill in the form of a paragraph and yet lack any content.


          • noname says:

            It’s rare indeed if hints are needed if “plainly stated” as you say.

            Equivocating or speaking from both sides of your mouth is not being plain. You can’t be both obfuscating (needing hints) and plain at the same time, IMHO!

      • Guyver says:

        Ummmm…. rather than a “norm” isn’t it a REQUIREMENT to be a Christian to believe that JC was Resurrected?

        Red Herring. What Christian group condones what the guy did or maintains that this guy was doing their religious ceremony?

        You Know: Dead as a Dead can be and then….. He’s Alive!!! And yet you call that a fringe case?

        You haven’t ruled out he was an alien astronaut violating the prime directive and was reanimated back to life by those on the mothership. 🙂

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    My Magic 8ight Ball sez:

    ……….”Didn’t pray hard enough.”

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Guyver says:
    1/17/2013 at 1:35 pm

    Just a tad crazier than Mitt Romney’s suggestions that prayer will keep our children safe from gunman.

    Could be worse. We could have a leader who thinks restricting gun rights for law abiding citizens will somehow curb criminal behavior.

    ………..//////////// McGUYVER===my bad! I had not recognized before you were a Religious Nut Ball. THAT explains soooooooo much! Taking positions opposite to all the factual evidence and scientific conclusions. I just thought you were a shill. Ha, ha. One more blow to my estimation of Hooman Beings.

    So==now you are advocating for RMoney’s Solution to the Gun Violence Problem in America huh?? Sound like an anti Global Warming Nut to me. An anti-Science Luddite.

    It all makes PERFECT sense now. I always thought you were “weird.” Good calm responses. Detailed. Even some half decent arguments here and there. Just plain totally nuts.

    Yes—if good law abiding citizens could only be identified in some way then in dreary unrealistic fact, we would need NO LAWS AT ALL. Just the good book so to speak.

    Poor baby. The same rules you advocate for yourself that would “work” are the same rules that apply to criminals>>>>>>>>and our current rules AREN’T WORKING.

    I as seriously interested Guyver–what would you do?


    • Guyver says:

      McGUYVER===my bad! I had not recognized before you were a Religious Nut Ball. THAT explains soooooooo much!

      Just because I can point out a liberal rant doesn’t translate into my being religious. You’re just full of logical fallacies aren’t you? 🙂

      Consistent with my skeptical mind, I’m agnostic. So hardly a “religious nut ball”.

      Sound like an anti Global Warming Nut to me. An anti-Science Luddite.

      I’ve never said Global Warming is not taking place. I’m merely skeptical of those who CLAIM TO KNOW that CO2 is CAUSAL or that humankind is the root cause.

      I’m not interested in Chicken Littles who try to push theories as though they are scientific fact. You should really try to embrace the Scientific Method instead of not practicing what you preach.

      It all makes PERFECT sense now. I always thought you were “weird.” Good calm responses. Detailed. Even some half decent arguments here and there. Just plain totally nuts.

      I never claimed to be sane. 🙂

      Poor baby. The same rules you advocate for yourself that would “work” are the same rules that apply to criminals>>>>>>>>and our current rules AREN’T WORKING.

      It helps if the President tried to enforce the laws on the books instead of playing games like Fast and Furious.

      Or trying to maintain that Eric Holder had executive privilege when being told to testify on Fast and Furious… but somehow later an “internal” investigation revealed he had no knowledge of the events. Really?!?!?! But he needed executive privilege protection? Ha.

      I as seriously interested Guyver–what would you do?

      Expose emotionally-based liberal fallacies:

      Gun control will fail as more people are determined to exercise their Constitutional RIGHT (not to be confused with an entitlement program):

    • Guyver says:

      McGUYVER===my bad! I had not recognized before you were a Religious Nut Ball. THAT explains soooooooo much!

      Best example how I see things:

  10. The0ne says:

    I don’t see anything wrong here. Dude is religious and he’s doing what he think is right to try to bring his beloved Father back from the afterlife. Tell me which religion doesn’t, in some ways or another, do this. You want to go to Heaven? Pray. You want to come back as a bird? Pray. You want to believe in Religion to kill Evolution? Pray.

    So you want your Dad back and did the prep work to get the body as well. I say he’s doing it RIGHT!

    • spsffan says:

      Excuse me, but if he’s Christian, than isn’t he bringing his father back from eternal bliss to …… 21st century Detroit?

      How utterly selfish and cruel!

  11. Thomas says:

    I suspect that this is less of a religious issue and more a mental health issue.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      …………..and the issue right behind that is: How to tell the difference?

      Got any quick guidelines for us?

      • Thomas says:

        Religious zeal and mental illness can be a dangerous and toxic mixture. There are no easy answers, that’s for sure. Still, I know religious people who are clearly sane and I, unfortunately, have met some truly mixed-up people who are not religious at all. We’re all free to think what we want, but I don’t believe broad, sweeping generalizations are helpful to anybody.

        I’m just saying.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Yeah==but how do you tell the difference?

          I asked that of our corporate psychiatrist who was a devout Catholic with 8 kiddies. He had no answer either.

          On a mundane level, its fair to say that as long as you can still function in society that you are not crazy. But how anti-Science and faith oriented can you be while still functioning and yet be totally off your nut?

          I think of the Pope as a good example. Well==not so much “good” as …..NO the Pope is not a good example. I think that position is all about power and ego. Religion not having much to do with it.

          I can see being on your knees x hours per day/week praying for whatever. If it is taken at some level as a kind of meditation, I can give that a pass. BUT if its done with the real expectation of changing the Universe COUPLED with a denial that such change never occurs==then I think crazy is in the room with you regardless of the functionality.

          And how functional is being a religious loon? Hidden by being cloistured by similarly situated loons?

          Nice issues to truly consider.

  12. Timmay! says:

    fuck. Can the stiff sit on a horse for my son’s b-day party?? … now that would be something

  13. orchidcup says:

    If praying to God actually worked, every man would have a long-legged large-breasted blonde as a wife and every woman would have a sensitive, strong, compassionate man as a husband and every kid would have a PlayStation and a motorcycle.

  14. prof. johnnycakes says:

    This story is what happens when Hollywood execs inject their ideas into kids’ minds of mush. Wonder if he looked like that neighbor kid in “Frankenweenie” too?

  15. Anonymous Coward says:

    It’s hard to get over the death of a loved parent. Keeping their corpse in your freezer is just effed up in the head.

    This is a story of mental illness grade grief, not religion.

  16. The0ne says:

    So now he’s charged with “theft”. Hmm, who owns his fathers remains? The cemetery? The city? The state? Obama-nation? God? Sow whomever owns the remains should also have the right to refuse visitation from family members in “fear” on anything happening to it…you know, like how our national security is now.

    I would hate to die and have someone I don’t know own me. I mean, I’m already dead, what more do they want from me! Apparently to torture and charge people with theft.

    This kid is smart. You was trying to protect his family, his father in this case. All he was doing was removing his father from an oppressive owner (city, state, gov, God, whatever) so that he can live in the afterlife in peace and cold. If you think about it, that’s one damn nice gesture and it’s a sign of great love, God’s love. He may even be one of God’s angel sent to resurrect his father, zombie state or otherwise. And it may not be today or tomorrow but surely in the future it will happen.

    You can’t deny this kids love for his father to be resurrected in the future. It’s like saying don’t have any ideas because well we’ll charge your for theft, like what Apple does. I’m just saying we should be all like this old kid and pray to God for immortality and resurrection. If anything good is to come out of this it’s that we can now finally have zombies around to perform head shots with. At least that right 🙂

  17. msbpodcast says:


    Think up your own associations.

  18. Rich says:

    His faith and balls are lacking. He should have parked Papa on his favorite La-Z-Boy and nuked some popcorn and just…waited.

  19. dadeo says:

    He’s just a necro-stealyaback.


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