Mike Groll/ Associated Press

New York’s Assembly on Tuesday easily passed the toughest gun control law in the nation and the first since the Newtown, Conn., school shooting, calling for a tougher assault weapons ban and provisions to try to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill who make threats.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo pushed hard for the bill, which passed the Senate on Monday night. He is expected to quickly sign the measure into law.

This is a scourge on society,” Cuomo said Monday night, six days after making gun control a centerpiece of his State of the State address. The bipartisan effort was fueled by the Newtown tragedy that took the lives of 20 first graders and six educators. “At what point do you say, ‘No more innocent loss of life’?”

The measure, which passed the Assembly 104-43, also calls for restrictions on ammunition and the sale of guns.

“This is not about taking anyone’s rights away,” said Sen. Jeffrey Klein, a Bronx Democrat, when the bill passed the Senate late Monday night. “It’s about a safe society … today we are setting the mark for the rest of the county to do what’s right.”

Another provision places requirements on therapists, psychologists, registered nurses and licensed social workers who believe a mental health patient made a credible threat to use a gun illegally. They would be required to report such a threat to a mental health director, who would have to notify the state. Any registered handguns — or registered assault weapons purchased before the ban — could be taken from the patient.

Though the Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos said “It is well-balanced, it protects the Second Amendment,” a few demagogues raised the usual NRA stink in opposition.

They failed to stop passage of the bill and Governor Cuomo will sign it.

  1. Mike says:

    Hmmm. When someone decides that someone else might be a threat, it is legal and necessary to confiscate their weapons.

    That’s real good. Hope I never make one of the deciders angry with me.

    • JLF says:

      I don’t know you but I bet that within an hour or so I could tell whether it is safe for you to possess a firearm. I would do that by placing a gun in your hands, give you basic instruction and see if you could safely use the thing in a controlled environement. If you could not, then you should not have one. That is how gun control should be handled. Not everyone who wants a gun should have one. But unless there is a demonstrated reason you should not, then it should be OK. Some control is a perfectly sane and rational thing.

      • dusanmal says:

        “Not everyone who wants a gun should have one” – fine idea, but please amend the Constitution first to allow such mindset. I am sure you’d disagree with “Not everyone who wants to be alive should be alive” with caveat that you want to see how they’d live their lives before allowing them to continue living.
        USA Constitution gives indisputable RIGHT to own gun, whether you are an idiot or highly moral and educated person. On par with life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, free speech,… USA Constitution provides a mechanism for society to adjust it if need be. So, all gun law changes are OK if you achieve them by that mechanism. Otherwise they are unacceptable tyranny.
        Finally, some control by the States is OK. NO control by Federal Government is OK. Again, if you do not like the latter, amend the Constitution. By Supreme Court decisions – control by the states up to the level that ordinary person can get a gun without unreasonable cost, time and effort is fine. My example with previous (under this article “lax” NY law): highly intrusive and unforgiving of ANY error initial questionnaire (can you state exact dates of all places where you have lived with exact address or provide contact to all previous employers, some of which have gone out of business years ago?) intended to create denial by unavoidable mistakes followed by the no limit in how long the state can take before followup interview needed to grant you a permit. For me it took more than 12 months… In my view patently unconstitutional, now they’ll “toughen it up”… Not intended to keep us safe, intended to make Government powerful beyond Constitutional limits.

        • JLF says:

          No sir that is incorrect. We already deny gun rights to certain people and that is done lawfully. Certainly we can require people to understand the proper use of firearms before we allow them to own one. Like someone said once, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

          I agree though that control must be by the States and local government rather than the Feds. No person in their right mind trusts Obama to do anything properly.

      • spsffan says:

        I beg to differ. I’ve known plenty of people who after being briefly instructed in safe gun handling could demonstrate safe handling in a controlled environment. Under those circumstances, they would appear perfectly safe.

        But, they might well go ahead and get real stupid or downright dangerous when left unsupervised.

        I’d be willing to bet that Adam Lanza was instructed in and knew full well and could have, a few months ago, demonstrated for all of us safe gun handling practices. I’d bet the Ft. Hood shooter could as well. That doesn’t mean they won’t go nuts on you someday.

        Now, there are certainly some folks who can’t follow simple instructions, and they should be weeded out first.

        Of course the 2nd Amendment doesn’t have exceptions for the mentally ill. Heck, the definition of mentally ill changes over time.

        Oh! How I wish this were as simple as you want to make it. It isn’t.

        • JLF says:

          Making policy under emotional distress produces bad policy. But in a rational world we do what we can with what we have available at the time and even so, some people will do bad things even though they have been properly educated. Think your average Democrat voter and legislator. But that doesn’t mean we stop trying to do the right thing. The same can be said for firearm safety. You can’t always filter out the radical or the insane but we can do what you can.

  2. noname says:


    Unlike CT (Newtown CT), there isn’t much of a gun based mfg industry in NY! Apparently, Albany doesn’t have to deal directly with gun or NRA lobbyist.

    New York State has always lead in enacting many of the first enlighten citizen protection laws in the aftermath of some event!

  3. sargasso_c says:

    One of the safest cities in America has just become slightly safer?

    • Carlos says:

      ‘cept for taxi drivers.

    • Dallas says:

      I would agree with you.

      The ‘safety’ of a city has little to do with how many people killing tools are available for sale.

  4. Mooking says:

    So much for the Hippocratic oath.

  5. deowll says:

    If New Yorkers think they shouldn’t be trusted with guns then who am I to argue? Slaves should never be trusted with guns; only free people.

    • mharry860 says:


      • noname says:

        Really, that put you almost in perfect agreement your fearless leaders!

        Here is a typical exemplar example of superb Republican leadership thinking and logic, “Gun Appreciation Day” staring Chairman Larry Ward!

        • deowll says:

          Nope, I’m not fearless leader and don’t want to be. I won’t kill you to take your guns. I don’t want them because I don’t want to make a slave out of you but if you or anybody else wants to be a slave then that’s your call.

          As for not letting the slave class have weapons, they were trying to pull that bleep as long ago as Ancient Athens. The Athenians revolted and killed the tyrant that tried to disarm them. I don’t think the good people of NY have that much backbone.

          • noname says:

            There you go again with your “I don’t think”, then you go into a mouth frothing characterization of the “good people of NY”.

            Shame on you!

            You know, there is a reason you lost the home field advantage and the war!

  6. So what says:

    Legal challenge in Basis for lawsuit, lawyers need money.

  7. JLF says:

    The problem with gun control is that it does not control the people who use them illegally. All illegal killings were committed by people who could not legally have one in the first place.

    Now, if gun control legislation is intented is to ensure gun owners know how to use and store them safely, then that makes sense.

  8. Mr Diesel says:

    I lived and worked in that state for a while. Second most f’d up state in the union right behind Kali with Illinois third and NJ is fourth.

    Now a “legal” shooter can just carry more handguns with them to do a shooting. Everyone should feel a lot safer now.

    Can’t wait to see the village idiot’s press conf tomorrow with children. It’s all about the children. Obomba is a stone cold waste of space.

  9. Sea Lawyer says:

    Nothing like hysterical overreaction…

  10. notatall says:

    new yorkers (at least the nyc variety) have already proven to be the biggest pussies on the continent for letting themselves get bullied by that tiny, effeminate asshole bloomberg. Now it looks like the rest of the state is making a run for the title. No wonder terrorists like attacking the place…the pussies won’t stand up for themselves.

  11. Anonymous Coward says:

    The NY state government just made it safer for those with criminal intent to victimize New Yorkers. Huzzah!

    • ± says:

      Huzzah indeed! But I bet that you like me, feel sad for the minority who would not have it so, but have it forced upon them. Think how RD voters orchestrate an imminent collapse, vis-à-vis the remaining innocent third party voters.

    • Dallas says:


      Let the criminals go after the now unarmed loons above to reduce the burden on society. It’s all good!

  12. McCullough says:

    Until you get the people off the psyche drugs, you’re just pissing in the wind.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      Comment deleted. violation – ed.

      • Sea Lawyer says:

        And more important in the long run, if there are heritable genetic causes of these defective mental conditions, just drugging people so they can be “normal” enough to pass on those genes is just what our species doesn’t need.

      • McCullough says:

        Monsters Lawyer – Yes I have personal experience with idiots in the “health profession” wrongly prescribing psyche drugs simply because a person is having a difficult period in their life, such as divorce, family member’s death, etc.

        Once you are on them, you will have an extremely difficult time getting off them. The fact that you don’t realize the problems of over prescribing powerful mind-altering drugs…make you the idiot. Not I.

  13. Howard Beale says:

    7 ROUNDS! only 7, what if the guy attacking me was able to take 7 rounds and is still coming?
    What if i’m a really bad shot? Have you guys every shot pistols there’re hard to hit anything with until its already in your personal space.
    what if 8 or more jackbooted government thug federal agents come after my gun?
    What about the frickin Zombie Apocalypse?! when you are running away from A congress of zombies 7 round ant going to cut it. might scare off muggers but zombies nope you will need at least 30 rounds.

    Oh the Republicans should get behind this because they love State’s Rights.

    I wonder if the gun manufactures can some of those millions of dollars they gave the NRA to prevent this sort of thing back? The 4 million or so rank and file NRA members should expect this sort of thing from the over 300 million of the rest of us.

    • Howard Beale says:

      i need a proof reader for my rants

    • JLF says:

      The American Army fought WWII with a rifle that used an 8 round magazine. The British used a 5 round, bolt action rifle as did the Germans. It is a hard sell to suggest civilains need or shouldhave 30 round magazines for whatever reason except that their version of the Second Amendment says so. Show me where it is said. It doesn’t. It says the right own and bear arms shall not be infringed.

      The SCOTUS said in thier 2008 supplimental that certain restrictions were in keeping with the Second Amendment. That opens the door and keeps it open for the foreseable future.

      • LibertyLover says:

        Show me where it is said. It doesn’t. It says the right own and bear arms shall not be infringed.

        It’s right before the clause that says you can own as many goldfish as you want.

      • Howard Beale says:

        No rocket launchers, no fully automatic guns, no grenades, no intercontinental ballistic missiles, what’s so different about saying no 30 round magazines? The 2nd Amendment says nothing about data bases of who is baring what. And if the Feds can be alerted about large purchases of chemical fertilizer why not bulk ammo?. I’m starting to wonder if the people who are against these suggestions are not mentaly competent enough to own guns.

        • LibertyLover says:

          And if the Feds can be alerted about large purchases of chemical fertilizer why not bulk ammo?

          They are.

          • Howard Beale says:

            Colorado shooter Holmes bought something like 6,000 rounds of ammunition online? no one was alerted. If you have knowledge of a law enforcement agency being alerted to a kid in an Aruora apartment buying that much ammo please share it with us.

          • LibertyLover says:

            I just did.

          • Howard Beale says:

            link to proof please!

        • LibertyLover says:


          If you can’t google things on your own, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

          • Howard Beale says:

            with the power of google thats the best you could come up with some local police needing of follow up on a tip? link please to prove as you claim that some one was alerted to Holmes buying 6,000 rounds of ammunition online.

            were you home schooled by low IQ parents? lucky you, we let you vote anyway.

          • LibertyLover says:

            You’re funny. The government does monitor it.

            Perhaps what you really want to know is where the threshold is between what YOU consider to be a mass quantity and what the government considers a mass quantity.

            If you want to get technical, 6,000 rounds isn’t that much. Heck, you can get .22s in 5,000 round boxes. However, there are instances where 1,000 rounds of .223 triggered a visit from the DHS and where 10,000 rounds didn’t. There simply isn’t enough manpower to check out every mass sale in the nation. There are literally millions of rounds sold every day of the year.

            But I’m not going to do your homework for you. If you are that concerned about, buy it in smaller quantities. Buy two boxes and shoot one. Keep stockpiling. Or better yet, reload your own.

          • Howard Beale says:

            prove your claim, show us evidence that the government had knowledge of Holmes purchase. you continuing to try to move off topic only makes all the rest of your posts under this moniker even less credible. if thats even possible.

          • LibertyLover says:

            That wasn’t your initial question.

            Your initial question was for “bulk ammo.”

            And if the Feds can be alerted about large purchases of chemical fertilizer why not bulk ammo?

            I believe I have proven that. If you want to know where the computer record is currently located for that specific transaction, perhaps you are asking a bit much.

            If you want to know HOW it is done, that is another question altogether.

    • Sea Lawyer says:

      The 16th Amendment makes your “states’ rights” comment moot where immunities against federal government power are concerned.

  14. Beer and Bobbo says:

    Crazy Gun Nuts…….Howl!!!
    Manhood limited: seven shots
    Mind Clip, is empty.

    Ha, ha.. yes, YOU can’t be free unless the mentally disturbed have a right to automatic weapons with 100 bullet drums.

    Tick, tock.

  15. deowll says:

    Actually noname I do think. Time passes and the future becomes the past. If you look at the forces in play it often isn’t at all hard to see which way the river is flowing nor all that hard to judge how fast the current is moving. The founding fathers knew what to expect and did what they could to delay the inevitable to the degree they could foresee it. Living much more recently than they did the details of what is going to happen to this nation in the short term are not all that hard to discern. You are right that which I love is going down to destruction. In the long run the debate is lost. You aren’t going to enjoy the ride either. Living in a bankrupt police state with no rights, no liberty and no prosperity is going to be bleep. I won’t say without hope because hope springs eternal in each new generation but the young adults of today are not going to have the same opportunities as previous generations.

    • noname says:

      Well, I won’t argue with your perception of things!

      I am sure the basis of your outlook derives from an honest attempt to frame your perception of current events.

      Yes, currently things do indeed seem bleak; but, historically how many times has the outlook been bleak or worse?

      The question I see for Americans, can the masses continually strive for a productive mindset to collectively improve our country’s future, or will still more people see their only hope in controlling their future is to fall into an inescapable urban survivalist kill or be killed mindset?

      Which society would you want your kids to live in and what will you strive for?

      • LibertyLover says:

        I appreciate your efforts here but something to consider: A person is smart and productive. People are stupid and lazy.

        As a collective, they will never work as hard for someone else (family excluded) as they do for themselves. Sure, you might find the occasional individual — there might even be a few people here on this thread. But as a whole, humanity will not do it.

        As to what society do I want my kids growing up in, kill or be killed? Neither. I want them to grow up in a society where everybody’s property rights are respected at the individual level.

  16. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Boy, that Jon Stewart is looking rough. (the guy on the right)

  17. MikeN says:

    Now when will the politicians who voted for this stop having armed bodyguards, stop sending their kids to schools with armed guards, and stop living in places with fast police protection?

    • Capuccinno and Bobbo says:

      Good Argument. Had to think about it……… the key I think is that you are pointing out that people in power have effective law enforcement/protection at their service. does this mean people without such protection should have guns?==or rather that they should also have the same protection?

      And by same protection, i mean a level of protection that matches their level of risk? Can anyone say that because Obama’s kiddies have Secret Service Protection that means everyone in America should?==or does it mean something else?

      So–long long thread to finally raise a decent question. Its not a winning point, but its legitimate at least.

      So==how can the average citizen best protect himself from the violence of evil doers with or without guns? Ha, ha==the evidence is pretty clear than less availability of guns makes a big difference.

      Like most important issues, the answers/elements are more than one. More than 10. Pick any number you like except 2. I can’t think of any issue that is down to a choice between good and evil.

      Reality Sucks — even moreso if you cling to false ideaologies, and THAT always sucks unless you are living in a cave.

      Silly Hoomans.

      • MikeN says:

        I wasn’t referring to Obama’s kids or politicians’ kids, though it is a bit of hypocrisy there, but rather that many schools in wealthy areas do have armed guards which is not well known.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Yes, thats a fair recognition. The rich aren’t like you and me though==they can afford things we can’t.

          Sum it all up, for a SOCIETY, is it cheaper to arm and regulate how many people with the deaths that will still occur -OR- make guns illegal and the consequent costs of that.

          How to add in the death of innocent people because guns were available?

          Its when Reality/Physics/Science is denied for whatever reasons there are that a society stares into the Abyss.

          Oh….. the Horror.

      • MikeN says:

        This isn’t that strict of a law. I think Connecticut was already banning ‘assault weapons’. What we have is more laws to make innocent people be turned into criminals, such as the guy who was arrested for a gun in his luggage on a flight that stopped in New York.

  18. JLF says:

    Anyone who trusts big government to do the right thing more often than local government should step back, sit down and take a break. Local and state government is safer only because we know where these people live and can grab them by the scruff of the neck and plant a boot in thier butts. Go try that with that crud that currently occupies the White House. If we MUST suffer government as practiced by imperfect people who often come up with bad ideas, at least let us have immediate access to them.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I think Reality is quite the opposite of what you post. ie==local/state governments being more corrupt than Feds. You may think the locals have more control because they “know” their pols but the pols know YOU too, you and their own friends and relatives.

      Course, I’m just making stuff up out my ass. Just as you do with yours.

      praise be to Obama. May he be kept safe from the idiot loons like yourself.

  19. Pin Head says:

    Looks like New York is now on every nut ball komakazie’s list of targets.

    Wait a minute, IT’S NEW YORK! It’s not like there isn’t ALREADY a stabbing every other minute or where people don’t get pushed into oncoming trains, get run over by some taxi/bus/idiot, or where complete nut jobs don’t fly into buildings – or steam into harbor docks every so often. And it’s also not like hurricane victims don’t need any help avoiding death either. Those are all natural things in New York. But OOOOOO! those pesky unsafe guns. They just gotta go.


  20. JLF says:

    History is chock full of examples of sovereigns abusing thier power. Obama and his sycophant Senate are just the latest. If you want to know what happens next just go back in history.

  21. Why does the word “goombah” pop into my head whenever I see Andrew Cuomo?

  22. gildersleeve says:

    Yet another example of of why you don’t vote-in the children of past leaders.

  23. Dallas says:

    So far, I have not heard of any mass killings in NY this week. The ban is working

    • BubbaMustafa says:

      Wasn’t this week but what about the cops doing it this past summer? surrounded a guy and shot away hitting a lot of innocents.

  24. Cash McCall says:

    NY has always had the toughest gun laws in the country. It also has one of the highest crime and murder rates by gun so how exactly is this working to the benefit of citizens?

    One other point, they have the highest murder rate by subway train platform push offs. Why don’t they ban subways before one of their trains kills again?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      One other point, they have the highest murder rate by subway train platform push offs. Why don’t they ban subways before one of their trains kills again? //// Ooohhh—Close….. so very close. Just keep thinking about what you already have your beg toe in……

      ………….. keep going…………

      Now—Just why don’t they ban subways????

      Then—-apply to Gun Policy debate.

      Of course you won’t, but its fun to put the answer right in front of you.

      • dadeo says:

        Sometimes a train is just a train and a gun is just a gun..

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Only in dreams are they anything else…… and even then, maybe only in Frueds Coke fueled imagination?

  25. MikeN says:

    In their haste to not let a crisis go to waste, New York lawmakers didn’t exempt law enforcement in their ban on lots of ammo. Heckuva job, Andy. As of a week ago, every cop in the state is in violation of the law. Put them all in jail!

  26. MikeN says:

    Lanza in Newtown didn’t use an assault weapon but rather 4 handguns. New York liberals are wimping out and not going after the handguns.

  27. Why do people lose their ever loving minds on this subject? If you want/have guns, please get ahold of yourself. Nobody is “coming for your guns”, it’s a logistical and political impossibility. It’s a fiction that is being sold to you by gun manufacturers. Please live in reality when discussing this, or any issue. Thank you.

    • JLF says:

      It is not loosing their minds over guns. It is somethng close to panic when folks see what the Democrats are doing to us against our will. These people are dangerous and close to extreme in their views all across the board. Add to that the complicity of the fourth estate and many believe the situation is close to explosive.

      Only a fool refuses to see that people in the middle are fearful too. When people Jon Stewart and late night comics start saying the same things as Fox News, you have more trouble than you know. Guns are only part of the equation.

      • jimmy says:

        Let’s be fair here, it’s not just the Democrats who are doing to us against our will. Ever hear of the Patriot Act? It is a way bigger violation of the Bill of Rights than any sort of assault weapons ban, ammo ban, or background check legislation would be to the Second.

        The Republicans took away our telephone and email privacy, put thousands of drones in the air, created the TSA to allow for unfounded searches and seizures (of toenail clippers and bottled water) as we go through the airports, and created a guns/war first, money second, and people a distant third society. All in the name of security and the War on Terror.

        • JLF says:

          Maybe, but that is not the big issue that scares sane people. The subversion of the Constitution and Obama’s refusal to obey it are the big problems. There is a slippery slope thing at work with him. He has opened the door to doing what he wants and the Democrats are jumping on board. Thier idea is to subvert the Constitution and do as they please. Imagine what they would be saying if GW Bush or any Republican tried that.

          It is Obama’s subversion of the law and Constitution that scares people. All the rest is side show.

          Liberals and conservatives have always and will always fight over how to spend resources. Obama and his kind are taking us to a place where the will not be enough resources to fight over or the power of people make things happen the way THEY want.

  28. MikeN says:

    Hmm, looks like they have banned all handguns. I missed the significance of banning ammo level higher than 7.

    • JLF says:

      It doesn’t matter much in the long run. The media has turned this thing into something that it is not. Gun buyers are not raising hell over how big a magazine is. They are raising hell over the bullshit stories that are being made up by Obama, Democrats and the media over this issue.

      The overwhelming percentage of owners have no intention of stockpiling assault weapons, ammo or large capacity magazines. It just is not so. But that is what that liar in the White House and the media are telling everyone. Gun buyers are afraid they will not be able to buy guns at any price and THAT is the issue. No one trusts that Democrat bastard in the Oval office.

  29. JLF says:

    The thing that makes today under Obama different is that he is an acknowledged radical leftist. He surrounded himself with radicals in college and again now as president. Ordinary people who do not follow politics closely and who rely only on one or two media sources for thier informaton, have no idea how the Obama’s radicalism can change their lives in the blink of an eye.

    The gun situation is just a highly visable reaction to the totality of force being used against the American people without their understanding and approval.

    • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

      Name one proposed legislation or executive order of Obama that you more than disagree with but rather would characterize as “radical leftist.”


      Thats just how stupid and cretinous you are. You are a steaming pile of offal in the marketplace of ideas.

      Prove me wrong.

      Ha, ha. Stoopid Hooman.

      • JLF says:

        Given the ad hominum attack, it is easy to see just how accurate my comments are. The cat doesn’t howl unless someone is stepping on its tail. Try reason and respect for other people’s opinions. Who knows, it may work even for you.

    • jimmy says:

      The only people who acknowledge Obama as a radical leftist are the radical righties.

      Reagan wanted an assault weapons ban. Reagan wanted to ban handguns within the city limits of DC. Reagan pushed for individual mandates on health insurance. Was he a leftist?

      Everyone seems to forget these things…

      • JLF says:

        Like the man said, you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. Socialsim is an evil that seeks to make the Federal government the power player in society. Among traditoinal thinkers, the people have the power and exercise it at the local and state level for most things. The Federal government does only what people. and local governments can’t do such as international affairs and supporting consentual Federal military. Obama and the Democrats have subverted the constitution that makes all that possible. If he keeps on the way he is going we won’t have a Federal budget to fight over. It will all go free-loaders and interst on the debt.


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