You can download the No Agenda podcast here

  1. Jefire70 says:

    He should have just downloaded Autotune.

    • msbpodcast says:

      LOL. Pretend that this was before Autotune.

      I remember recording studios in Montréal during the ’70/’80, where and when an audio engineer had to effin’ work for a living.

      Now every fuckin’ recording artiste* sounds like Hatsune Miku.

      *) Artiste might be how you refer to yourself babe, but in our ear cans, you sound like a cock suckin’ harpy.

      • msbpodcast says:

        I just watched/listened to it again (and again.)

        Oh Glod, my stomach hurts and the tears of laughter are pooling at the corners of my eyes.

        Thank you whoever put this gem together, and tank you whoever found said gem.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    She has a big future ahead of her.

  3. dave m brewer says:

    I can just see Adam acting like this during the show.

  4. MattG says:

    That was gold!

  5. Rich says:

    That was wonderful. Thank you.

  6. Gobbi says:

    This Video shows me, that EVERYONE ca sing! <3 😉




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