For some reason, I’m thinking this may be a tad controversial in some circles.

[VP Joe] Biden indicated that President Barack Obama is considering executive action to address the gun issue, although he noted that it’s not yet clear what options may be plausible outside of legislative movement.

“The president is going to act,” Biden said. “There are executive orders, executive action that can be taken.”
“I want to make it clear that we are not going to get caught up in the notion of ‘unless we can do everything, we’re going to do nothing,'” Biden said. “It’s critically important that we act.”

  1. bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

    do-ill always insightful when it comes to the common good says:
    1/9/2013 at 11:07 pm

    If a law is put forward that addresses a need and would actually prevent others from being harmed then perhaps it is worth considering. /// Yea!==There ya go! Sure hope you don’t spoil this by devolving into something entirely self centered, factually wrong, and irrelevant.

    On the other hand /// Oops…. this ain’t smelling real good…

    very few laws relating to preventing violence by preventing citizens owning firearms have been demonstrated to have done much if anything to limit violence. /// Yeah, because you know the prohibition on machine guns, bazookas, teflon coated shells, just hasn’t curtailed their use.

    At best they are acts of showmanship in which shallow thinking hacks get to take center stage and pretend to have done something useful. /// Yeah, because two recent mass shooters were taken down when they stopped shooting to load a new clip is just “showmanship” that banning large clips/drums would not save a few people…. with the downside of such ban being ABSOLUTELY NON EXISTENT.

    Must murders seem to occur in cities of more than 250,000 people and most of the murders in those cities seem to occur in certain specific neighborhoods. /// I’ll accept that “idea.” And those murders don’t count?–or whats your point Country Boy? … and what about the other murders? I assume they don’t count either because you know==you got your guns so screw everyone else?

    If I recall correctly more people are bludgeoned to death than shot and killed and more people are beaten to death with fists than either or at least that is what the FBI says. /// Hmmm… the “mass fisting” I have read about were of something else.

    Do-ill must be an NRA Shill===one paid by the Gun Manufacturers to keep their commercial enterprise legal and prospering. Just heard the NRA is campaigning against totally voluntary buy back programs because they want the guns to be in circulation. Thats the kind of single mindedness that should not be ignored===even by the membersheeple of the NRA.

    Guns Kill People. Let’s all grow up shall we?

  2. Haunted sheep says:

    I’m so tired of liberals imposing their will on good people. If a liberal is scared then we need to ban it. These are the same folks that brought us the brilliance of ban bullying. Liberals brought us the federal reserve, the United Nations, the last assault weapons ban (can you say columbine?). Don’t these “people” ever get tired of being scared?
    It seems that it’s really time to discuss splitting the country. The coasts can go their own way and tax themselves to oblivion and Texas and the central states can continue to live as they see fit. Low taxes, guns galore, death penalty and so on.
    I am still surprised that nobody has recommended that we don’t ban obortion outright. The liberals are so very worried about murders all of a sudden. Heaven forbid they continue murdering the innocent to the time of thousands a year.

    • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      Say Sheep–who’s more ascardey cat: someone who needs a gun to feel secure, or someone who can face the world without one?

      I’m sure you’ll continue your wild projection fantasies in every case.

      What else do you Hate about Democracy?

      • deegee says:

        I use firearms for target practice and hunting.
        I’m not afraid nor do I need a firearm to feel secure.
        My firearms are locked in a safe, so they are not even available to me while I am away or if someone was to break in while I was sleeping.
        A baseball bat however is beside the bed…
        But you want to take away my choice and freedom of having a sport and obtaining food.

        And what does democracy have to do with an Executive Order to ban something that is guaranteed in the constitution?
        That smells of non-democracy to me.

  3. moss says:


  4. Mr Diesel says:

    When a single one of you anti-gun people learn enough about a firearm to stop saying clips then you will sound intelligent enough to hold a conversation on the subject. Otherwise you are just showing your ignorance.

    • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      Diesel–what term do you think is more/most appropriate and once I use that term instead of “clip” how has anything else changed?

      Rather anal and low brow to think only the term you use is the appropriate one don’t you think… or as Sheeple might think, why are you forcing your liberal terminology on the rest of us who only want to secede from the USA and form our own countries?

      • Mr Diesel says:

        Because if you can’t even use the proper terminology in any discussion anything you say after that is moot.

        It’s just like saying the tube the bullet comes out of on a gun is called a doorknob. It makes you sound like an idiot to people who actually do more about firearms than you do. It isn’t liberal technology either, it is a fact.

        Very few firearms use clips and certainly none of those “evil” black ones, they use magazines. Continue to use the term clip if you wish and you will continue to sound ignorant in any discussion but I know for a fact that you are not ignorant (on most things).

        Silly hooman

        • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

          You are right, I don’t know the terminology–but I do know people who claim an expertise based on nothing more than a technical vocabulary base are most often complete bullshiters.

          I assume some multiple shot weapons have clips, and some have magazines, and some might have combinations of both or of some third choice?

          I issues are clear, as is your avoidance.

          So obvious…. it would hurt if it was a pain.

          • Mr Diesel says:

            Several decades of experience with firearms, several years of competitive shooting (at paper) and Captain of a military installation pistol team along with teaching Navy SEALs to shoot in competition (once).

            I’m not a bullshitter when it comes to firearms.

            I still have never seen one jump up and shoot without a person attached.

          • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

            I don’t doubt at all your expertise in the area of guns and shooting. You are full of it though to think that such expertise informs you at all as to the social consequences of various different gun policy positions, or more to the point that people without such weapons expertise have nothing to say about the effects of gun policy on society.

            Most Emergency Room Doctors don’t know the difference between a clip and a magazine. They only know how to remove a bullet from your body when a victim is hauled in. Who do you want to perform that service? Wayne LaPierre or a qualified Doc? Each body of knowledge to its own applicable issues. No mixing them up.

            Two different issues that you proudly confuse.

          • deegee says:


            So on a firearm, what’s that shoulder thing that goes up?

            Again, irrationally relating the crime with the tool.
            In the USA more people are murdered with clubs and fists, when do we start banning those?
            In the UK more people are murdered with knives, when do we start banning those?

        • Mextli says:

          But that evil weapon of war II, the original M1 Garand, had a clip with a capacity of 8 rounds. Hmmm, we will still be able to buy that.

    • MikeN says:

      No, no, barrel shrouds must be banned.

  5. Dallas says:

    150 comments! Nutt’n gets Teapublicans riled up like God, Guns and Gays !

    • Mr Diesel says:

      That’s true, I’m glad I’m not a Teapublican.

      • LibertyLover says:

        Same here.

        I guess Bobbo is, though. He’s drooled here more than anyone.

        • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

          Guilty as charged. A few others here have the needed shovels, but I’ve got the hip waders too.

          Just another of a long series of issues where no body learns anything and everyone sticks to their long held belief systems.

          I do wonder how many people read any of these threads and have a change of position? A new idea? I do on rare occasion. Do get a chuckle quite often thhough==even when not rereading my own posts.

          Doo Dah!

        • Ah_Yea says:

          Bozo the Troll gets around! We are not the only place he lurks.

          See these links to learn more! (I think you will find them VERY interesting!)

      • Dallas says:

        I hope your outrage over the possibility of maybe imposing the opportunity to recommend a cautionary bill for consideration of assault military rifles is at least equal to the slaughter of children

        • Mr Diesel says:

          What is an assault military rifle? Bobbo would say words mean things.

          Look up the difference, use Wikipedia, I’ll wait.

          Assault rifle
          Assault weapon

          An assault rifle is a selective fire (selectable among either fully automatic, burst-capable, or, sometimes, semi-automatic modes of operation) rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine. It should be distinguished from the US legal term assault weapons.

          In the United States “assault weapons” are usually defined in legislation as semi-automatic firearms that have certain features generally associated with military firearms, including assault rifles. Some definitions in “assault weapon” legislation under consideration (in 2013) are much broader to the point of including the majority of firearms, e.g. to include all semi-automatic firearms or all firearms with detachable magazines. The 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which expired on September 13, 2004, codified the definition of an assault weapon. It defined the rifle type of assault weapon as a semiautomatic firearm with the ability to accept a detachable magazine and two or more of the following:

          -a folding or telescoping stock
          -a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon
          -a bayonet mount
          -a flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor
          -a grenade launcher

        • LibertyLover says:

          Oh, please. You could care less about the children.

          You want to protect the children? Grab a club and charge a lunatic brandishing a rifle he broke 46 laws to get. I’m sure he won’t break law 47: Murder.

          Unless you are willing to do that, let those who actually know something about self-defense make the decisions.

          • Dallas says:

            Your idea of posting an armed guard at points of public gathering is no more foolproof than curtailing the accessibility of assault weapons. Get off your high horse.
            In addition my post had more to do about your jumping up and down of a potential restriction than its effectiveness

          • LibertyLover says:

            Where have I ever said posting an armed guard was the answer?

            Dude, go back on your meds. You’re seeing things.

        • Mextli says:

          I hope your outrage over certain jerk-offs taking advantage of the resulting publicity to advance their personal political ends is as great as your outrage of the slaughter of children.

          Why does every dumbcrap look at every tragedy as an opportunity?

  6. Harry says:

    If you want to be part of the well regulated militia Join the National Guard!!

    • LibertyLover says:

      The argument below has been presented in federal court and to date has not been refuted, legally.

      “It is the NRA’s view, based on law (Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution; Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 311(a)), court precedents, and legal historical interpretation, that all able-bodied persons, explicitly those between the ages of 17 and 45, are members of the federal unorganized militia, except members of the organized state guards … the National Guards of the various states (which also serve as a part of the National Guard of the United States, a military reserve subject to nationalization by the President of the United States), and certain government officials. An “organized citizen militia” must be created under the Constitution itself and/or the laws of a state.

      “Title 10, U.S.C., clearly affirms the existence of the citizen militia; it is little changed since the original Militia Act of 1792 (except for the addition in this century of recognition of the third type of militia, the federally supported National Guard, in addition to the enrolled and unenrolled militia).

      “Further, the individual right to own firearms is guaranteed by the Constitution, but the right to own firearms is not at all dependent upon the militia clause. The militia clause of the Second Amendment merely adds to the reason for the right, which is a common law right rooted in the right of protection of self, family, and community.

      “The Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to arms; participation in a citizen militia organization does not make that right more valid nor any stronger.”

      • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

        Irrelevant side issue.

        With your close reading of the Constitution–is the right to bear arms “connected” in any way to a well regulated Militia? If not, what is the purpose of that introductory language? Why not just say it straight out: “All men can have arms?”

        You too can be smarter/more honest/less corrupted than a Supreme Court judge. Just read and give purpose to “all” the words of the Constitution.

        • LibertyLover says:

          Please go away. No fish in this pond either.

          • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

            ….. or you can’t be any smarter.

            No fish for you.

        • MikeN says:

          A well-crafted pepperoni pizza, being necessary to the preservation of a diverse menu, the right of the people to keep and cook tomatoes, shall not be infringed.

      • Mr Diesel says:

        No one (except for maybe bobbo) has said ban all firearms so your post isn’t part of the argument.

        People want a commonsense solution to the problem. It is unfortunate that both sides will line up and fire lies at the other.

        • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

          Fair call Diesel. My ideal would be no guns except for specialized police forces and the military. Crime to be fought by man power, radios, and computers.

          but I recognize my position is too extreme left. Too reasonable. Too 21st Century. So–No assault rifles, no hand guns, no extended clips, no exceptions to background checks for ALL transfers, all data bases to be linked. Enhanced penalties for possession/use of illegal guns.

          Boys and can still their toys and I would guess depending on the nature of the programs selected (gun buy backs, sweeps, etc) that the gun death rates in the GOUSA would start to fall in 5-10 years.

          Success is measurable progress towards a worthwhile goal. Don’t you agree?

          • Mr Diesel says:

            Sure, I’ll wave my hand and poof, no more guns.

            Now give back to police and the military firearms. Assuming the asshat in the White House doesn’t jack boot everyone what do you think will happen next?

            Crooks steal the guns and kill people.

            History repeats itself.

          • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

            Now Mr Diesel–Shirley you can read more closely than that? I SAID 5-10 YEARS, because I recognize/expect initial resistance and ham fisted stupidity on the part of the ATF.

            I’ll post again: when guns are illegal, then only criminal will have guns. And that will be a good thing. Make their arrest and incarceration that much easier. Over time, the gun culture will change. The alternative, much like Global Warming, will just be conditions getting worse and worse.

            Progress…. requires change. What a concept.

          • Mextli says:

            I like this idea of linking of the databases. Fortunately that information will never be misused.

            Why stop at guns? Lets link medical databases. Don’t forget all gun nuts are … well nuts.

            Brave new world you got there Mr. Orwell.

        • LibertyLover says:

          I was responding to Harry’s post on militias — I thought I was fairly on-topic with my reply.

  7. Mr Diesel says:

    Yes I can read Bobbo and don’t call me Shirley.

    Sooner or later makes no difference and as you point out only criminals will have the guns. You imply that it will be easier at that point. Let’s see, the argument you are trying to use is that when only criminals have guns we can then arrest them and the problems with guns are solved. It sounds like you just made the case for the gun supporters. Why not speed it up and with no more legislation needed you can arrest criminals with guns today can’t you?

    Sooner or later is of no consequence, we can arrest criminals today that are in violation of the laws.

    • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      I’m not following you Diesel. Australia and England are similar to USA. They allowed guns but coincidentally both had mass shootings in 1996 and within weeks both passed stringent gun control laws. Australia had a large gun by back program. Neither country has had a Mass Shooting since and both had dramatic death by gun reductions.

      I assume USA is more gun crazy than Australia or England, but over time, the culture could change==one reason I don’t think a beat cop needs a gun. That might legitimately be phased in as the statistics warrant.

      Right now–a cop sees suspicious activity and he stops a car. Dudes are armed or have weapons in the car but they are “legal” and nothing the cop can do but let them go knowing they are up to no good. when only criminals have guns, those same dudes can be arrest for gun violations (if they are).

      Simple. No reason it shouldn’t work just as machine guns are being made and sold. Reduce people to the lower weapons of choice. If after a few decades, it turns out even more people get killed by knives, arrows, hammers or bats==then sure==rearm the people. History informs us it just ain’t the fact.

      • Mr Diesel says:

        Our culture is different than other countries where have taken away the people’s freedoms. I care what our Declaration of Indepndence and Constitution says, not what other countries lawmakers want to do to their people.

        Males overseas like having sex with boys at 12. That’s their culture and while I find it disgusting IT IS THEIR country.

        Mass shootings are only part of the problem. The biggest mass killings didn’t involve firearms.

        To me a firearm is just a tool, like hammer or wrench. It was designed to do a job. In my case protect my family.

      • jpfitz says:

        Mass shootings are a side effect of either losing ones job and mind. Other shootings are the crazy machinations of young men feeling impotent in todays society. I’m no doctor but some people just loose the ability to see that they need help and instead inflict injury and death upon the helpless. They don’t go after armed civilians or professionals, only the helpless.

        I’m a middle of the road progressive. I believe in the Republic and the right to bear arms. I also condone the helping of the poor and especially the elderly.

        This story caught my attention, a woman at home with small children defends herself and family by plugging a would be daytime intruder. So bobbo tell me what do you recommend the helpless do to ensure the safety of themselves and their children when the boogeymen comes at your door with a crow bar. Don’t answer with the usual answer like calling the authorities. By the time police arrive it could be too late.

  8. jim g says:

    Like I said 4 years ago:
    Barack Obama, the LAST President of a “United States”.

    • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      Nice video worth watching. Crime stats are down with most experts opining its our criminal youth growing older.

      What he had mostly done is introduce the false assumption that we can only deal with one issue at a time? As in==lets address why crime is higher in large cities and ignore overall crime.

      I do agree the FBI data base is a good objective one. Data bases of worth are collected by set definitions that are easy to follow and not for any particular purpose.


      Do you let facts and analysis guide your opinion or do you rely on what you grew up with, how you feel, what you were last told, or some trusted other source?

      Makes a big difference.

  9. McCullough says:

    The schools are already mini prisons anyway, lets just surround them with barbed wire fences and be done with it.

    Solved. Now maybe you guys can get some actual work done.

    • Gwad his own self says:

      And let’s not forget that the biggest (most numerous AND most dangerous) threats to students come from inside the school itself.

      • GregAllen says:

        I worked at a tough urban high school and there was minimal security.

        We had a lock-down drill but no metal detectors or anything like that. I never saw a student with a gun.

        Guns were still a problem though. When a fight would break-out, the kids could go get a gun in about five minutes. Needless to say, this escalated the conflict.

        Lock-up rules, strictly enforced, would help that.

        • GregAllen says:

          I mean gun lock-up rules. Guns safes, or similar. Not the kids!

        • Gwad his own self says:

          Nowhere did I say that the danger in schools was from guns.

          You’re so focused on guns that you can’t see anything else.

          You probably haven’t noticed but I tend to be liberal (VERY liberal) on most subjects but this is one area where the liberals have it absolutely WRONG.

          This is like trying to prevent heroin abuse by banning spoons. Easy target, minimal results.

  10. bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

    deegee making a number of revealing comments says:
    1/10/2013 at 11:55 am

    So people who use firearms for sport, which is a large percentage of them, are suddenly one day going to use their firearms to become murderers? It must be scarey living in your world. /// Again, the concept of being afraid is raised by our gun toting totally reasonable faction.

    Personally, I am more afraid of the anti-gunners. They are the ones who are mentally unstable. /// More Fear.

    They are the ones who said after Dec 14 that the NRA and those involved with it should be killed. /// First I have heard of it. Good to have specialized news hounds to sniff these whackos out. Anyone threatening anyone else should be “checked out.” Too easy to get a gun and kill someone else you so vehemently disagree with. You see how that works?===> Nut Ball ranting on the Web-easy to ignore, challenge, try to educate. Nut Ball with a gun?==>I too would be afraid….. because ……. guns kill.

    And Piers Morgan and his anti crew on CNN ~Jan 08 called for the murder of Alex Jones and laughed about it. //// My guess is that Gun Nut Alex Jones is more mouth than threat, but that could be an error on my part. If Piers/Crew/Jones make any direct threats of murder, they should be interviewed and cautioned at the minimum by the Police. Placing a “Good Man with a Gun” outside the Studios, or Obama sending crack fueled hit men to shadow Jones would not be prudent.

    DeeGee–what you demonstrate above is exactly what makes America the most Gun Deadly Rich Society on Earth: our Gun Culture where men feel inadequate without a gun. You probably confuse the safety measures you have taken with your guns for why you have guns in the first place. You like to shoot guns as you grew up doing. A child hood fixation by express statement.

    Grow Up.

  11. bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

    deegee says:
    1/10/2013 at 11:55 am

    So people who use firearms for sport, which is a large percentage of them, are suddenly one day going to use their firearms to become murderers? //// I can see the power of this experience/context for you and the many gun owners similarly situated. Sadly, the same “system” that you could live responsibly in is the same system that is creating more deaths from Guns in the USA than any other Rich/Western Country==not by a little bit but by multiples of x10, x20, x30, x40 … etc. Rather than argue as you do that “Guns don’t Kill People” (nonsense on its face making you a bit of a Nut) you should be in support of reasonable gun controls. You aren’t because of the slippery slope argument and what you continue with:

    It must be scarey living in your world. //// Covered Above.

  12. bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

    deegee warming to his subject starts to rotate and says:
    1/10/2013 at 11:21 am

    Go to YouTube and watch the video xxx
    The title is: “Ben Swann REALITY CHECK for Piers Morgan Gun Stats” /// Yes, he starts by saying of course a country that outlaws guns will have less death by guns. Very penetrating argument against guns? Ha, ha. He then goes on to show that the gun violence is higher than what Morgan stated==whatever as the gun deaths are still a fraction as that in the USA. He then goes on to compare the higher violent crime rate in England compared to the USA. Violent as in==not killed. Silly misperception of a greasy argument.

    When you actually take the time to look at the real stats, you can see where the anti-gun people are pushing agenda and not truth. /// No, I can’t see that. The “agenda” I see independent from that video is making America a safer society overall. What agenda do you think is there? Demasculation from the Hissy fit you are starting to throw.

    By your own anti-gun admissions, /// Its not an admission. Its my stated purpose.

    if a country had 100 firearm deaths per year, then we better ban guns. /// Ha, ha. Nice. What is the per capita rate of firearm deaths? On the Island of Pago, Pago population 15,000 = yes guns would be rationally banned even in consideration of the feral pig population.

    And if that country then changes to 100 stabbing deaths per year, you celebrate that you disarmed the “crazy gun-toting” people. /// …. and the rotation to pure drooling is completed. Want to provide sufficient facts to make any judgment on? What do you want to assume here? If the stat was 100 gun deaths and 100 stabbing deaths, then reducing the gun deaths by 98 with an increase of 10 stabbing deaths would be a good result. You can play with the numbers to get whatever result you want. Instead, you play with yourself and your imaginary fears.

    Grow Up.

    • Johnny Got His Gun says:

      Do you EVER shut up? I would hate to be your wife….

      Maybe thats it, she probably blew her fucking brains out listening to your incessant bullshit.

      • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

        I see you are as confused about your gender role as you are about Gun Policy.

        Wifey is more anti-gun than I am. More gun nut idolatry seeing the gun as a solution to any problem. ((IE for the slow–thinking wifey would blow her brains out. See how guns have crept into the subconscious? Its the “gun culture” that permeates our culture. Not a good thing))

        I enjoy target shooting the few times I have gone. I consider paint guns, archery, and darts to be the same activity. Its an outrage I can’t shoot my bow in the neighborhood as I used to as a child. After all, I never actually hit anyone with an arrow. Whats all this fuss?

        • Johnny Got His Gun says:

          Gosh, more incessant bullshit, what a surprise!

          Grow up, get a job, loser.

          • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

            No…. YOU do it.

            See how easy that is?

    • Gwad his own self says:

      Does violent really equal “not killed” to you, or did you misspeak?

      You know if you were talking about banning milk, you could do that pretty effectively. Milk has a shelf life. Banning firearms, not so much. Guns have lifespans measured in HUNDREDS of years. Bullets lose potency after a long time, but not too long ago I went skeet shooting and used up some old ammo that my grandfather had since before WW-II; it worked just fine. I also have his service revolver (He was a LTCMDR over a Seabees battalion in the south pacific, not that that’s relevant, I’m just giving him props.) Said revolver is still loaded with the same bullets he carried. (pistol cleaned and serviced regularly.) The last time it was fired was in the 60’s when my grandmother killed a rattlesnake with it at our family cabin on Lake Martin. I don’t have any doubts that they still work just fine.

      Firearms aren’t going away, you are kidding yourself, best find another way to deal with your anger issues, son.

  13. bert says:

    Of course – you realise that if politicians actually ‘fixed’ anything during their tenure – with something that resembles a permanent solution – they would be slowly doing themselves out of a job…
    That just can’t be done : schools, guns, cars or banks – don’t mess with something that’s already broken

  14. bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

    deegee now in a complete lather says:
    1/10/2013 at 11:33 am

    You are really going off of the deep end away from reality on this. /// Yeah, one of us is. Lets see who?

    “Guns kill people” /// Yeah, verily.

    More people die from car crashes. Cars kill people. /// Yes, they do. Thats why they are strictly licensed with written and performance testing and a requirement for insurance for any damages caused. Excellent point there Dee Gee.

    More people die from cigarettes. Cigarettes kill people. /// Again–tightly regulated so that smokers tend to kill themselves more than others. If guns killed mostly their own owners, much of the harm would be removed. Excellent point there Dee Gee.

    More people die from cancer. Cancer kills people. /// Kinda a stupid repeat of cigarettes but who is buying/selling/and distributing cancer? Really stupid point there Dee Gee.

    More children die from starvation, why are you not feeding the children? /// Excellent point there Dee Gee. We should feed as best we can all the people on Earth. The food is there. As with Guns, its the policies and distribution systems that are killing people who don’t have the power/ability to organize themselves to prevent this harm.

    And don’t try the old anti “guns were made for killing” as that is complete bull. /// You lost me here Dee Gee. What were guns originally made for? Target Practice? Practice to do what? I see the Lather is starting to foam. Ha. Ha.

    “Jesus was anti-gun.” /// Of course Jesus is anti-gun. Always and forever will be. Standing outside of time and the natural word. Jesus loves all his little children and doesn’t like seeing them killed by his Father’s Play toy left out after cleaning. Free Will–meaning its within our own control.

    Guns were not even invented at the time of Jesus.
    Are you this totally far from reality? /// Jesus is eternal and knows all things. What are you… anti Jesus????? Jesus is also anti matter transfer by cold fusion because it shrinks our balls. But I don’t expect you to be as omniscient as Jesus. We are after all only Hooman.

    And if you want the truth about what Jesus thought and said, you had better read the bible, because Jesus was FOR personally arming yourself against the street criminals of his day, and he was FOR open carry of personal protection, what would be classified as an open carry handgun today. /// Ha, ha. Why am I not surprised? Hard to find single nuts. They come in bunches.

    Luke 22:36 is only one example scripture:
    “and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one” /// Kudos to ohgodnakedfarmers says:
    1/10/2013 at 3:20 pm….But start farming right after…..
    they shall beat their swords into plowshares
    Isaiah 2:3-4

    Please stop with the emotional and illogical nonsense. //// Ha, ha. Mated in 9 moves.

    • Johnny Got His Gun says:

      Apparently its become bozo’s mission in life to force you to conform to his way of thinking. Stop feeding his ego. I’m quite convinced that this loser is being paid to do this.

      If you continue to debate this asshole, you are just going to waste valuable time. This is his job.

      • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

        Johnny Got His Gun but lost his mind says:
        1/10/2013 at 8:11 pm

        Apparently its become bozo’s mission in life to force you to conform to his way of thinking. /// You think hearing calm rational specific responses to issues raised directly to me is FORCING you to do anything? Like What?… Obviously not to think. So… what are you being forced to do?

        Stop feeding his ego. I’m quite convinced that this loser is being paid to do this. /// “♫ I believe this… because I do, I do…..”

        If you continue to debate this asshole, you are just going to waste valuable time. This is his job. /// Ok Dvorak===where’s my check?

        • Johnny Got His Gun says:

          Gosh, more incessant bullshit, what a surprise!

          Grow up, get a job, loser.

          • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

            By definition, you can’t be surprised twice in a row by the same thing…. unless you are incredibly stupid.

            Are you incredibly stupid Johnny?

            Keep the sharding up, and I may have to refer you to Liberty Loser.

          • Ah_Yea says:

            The only way to deal with Bozo the Troll is to ban him or never respond to him. Make him irrelevant.

            Bozo the Troll gets around! We are not the only place he lurks.

            See these links to learn more! (I think you will find them VERY interesting!)



          • LibertyLover says:

            Bozo the Troll!

            Perfect description.

        • Johnny Got His Gun says:

          I am relatively sure Dvorak disagrees with everything you say, and he isn’t cutting the check.

          Have you ever listened to NA?

          • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

            Well Johnny, as a little girl would do along with the other whiners on this forum, you over personalize the comments made.

            Imagine if every post here was made without any name reference at all?

            How would the thread read then?

            Grow up.

    • deegee says:


      rofl, you break me up man. 🙂

      I disagree with areas of many of your posts but they are still fun to read.

      FYI, I don’t typically bring up my area of education, trust me when I tell you that Luke 22:36 relates to our time and Isaiah 2:3-4 to the future so it does not apply to the discussion. My previous comment stands as scripturally correct.

      • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

        I will be agnostic on your representation of the Bible… cause I just don’t care. Anti-theists are like that.

        My own reference, I hope you sense, was one of humor. Perhaps only for myself, but why else post?

        Too bad there wasn’t some way to actually connect on issues of concern/import/impact/relevance close and far from our own understanding/appreciation of the Universe?

        Gun policy is a good one because there is so much nonsense about it…. but then…. most issues do. Thats what makes them “an issue.”

        Go in Peace and Humor.

  15. Mextli says:

    The best and only reason needed to own a gun; you want to.

    • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      Next Lie—I gotta go with Johnny Got His Panties in a Bunch on this one: you post way too much for what you have to say.

      Ha, ha.

      • Gwad his own self says:

        Post too much for what you have to say. Post too much for what you have to say. Post too much for what you have to say. Post too much for what you have to say. Post too much for what you have to say. Post too much for what you have to say.

        Gwaddam, my screen is covered with splatters of coffee right now.

    • Dallas says:

      That’s how I feel about owning a flamethrower – No real good reason but occasionally you want one when waiting in line at DMV

      • LibertyLover says:

        […]The 2nd Amendment is about bearing arms to protect yourself from threats, up to and including a tyrannical government.

        Spare me the whole, “You won’t be happy until everybody has nuclear weapons” reductio ad absurdum. It says arms, as in things that were man portable.[…]

        Larry Correia

        • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

          Nuclear Weapons, Flame Throwers, Machine Guns==all portable by arms but held illegal as they represent a danger beyond what is judged reasonable. As society becomes more crowded and more injured by arms floating around all over the place, the reasonableness threshold will get lower and lower.

          Reality will keep making itself known until even Gun Nuts and Sup Ct Justices in the Pocket of Big Armament will not longer deny it. Only a question of how many innocent people will die first.

        • Dallas says:

          I see your position and understand it.

          However, in practical terms when accounting for how lethal they now are, how easy it is for the mentally unstable and young to get and how ineffective they will be when Obama chases you with a predator drone, it should provide a case that maybe the benefits of assault weapons are not worth the price.

          • LibertyLover says:

            You are assuming a second revolutionary war wouldn’t sink the country into non-superpower status and said former superpower would still have the resources to maintain a fleet of drones (techs, pilots, infrastructure, etc.).

            If it happened, it wouldn’t be just a few people. It would be a percentage large enough to effect change.

            And what percentage of the people actually flying these things would bomb their own people?

  16. dadeo says:

    I’d love to read these 250 comments but not sure where to start. I feel like I’m trying to find my way around some sort of dysfunctional

    • Uncle SAM says:

      So WHAT!

      If they made a gun that made it possible to shoot accurately from 10 miles away I’d still be asking the same thing: SO FREAKING WHAT?!

      It’s not the gun that bothers me. Or even the ammo! IT’S THE PERSON!!!

      You may not like our LAWS and if that’s the case then you’re certainly welcome to LEAVE!

      But examine yourself for a moment and ask WHY you want to ban guns, limit ammo clips, etc. The answer will probably be because you’re PISSED OFF! And rightfully so!!!

      There is no reason ANYONE should kill a bunch of kids or anyone else peacefully going about their mundane LIVES! NO REASON AT ALL!!! So when a malfunctioning PERSON does these horrible things we want to grab him/her by the neck and kill them OURSELVES! It’s only HUMAN! And it only angers us more when there’s nothing left to grab!

      That right there says, WE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE!!! NOT GUNS!

      So go ahead and make all the long range weapons you like. Allow them to shoot RPG’s even too! But make DAMN SURE the person pulling the trigger is of sane mind and above all else, RESPONSIBLE! That’s what needs to be “discussed”. Not more INSANE gun laws.

      And you may want to start looking at CULTURE which GLORIFIES all this violence too!

  17. McCullough says:

    Its better to have a gun and not need it, then to need one and not have it.


    • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      Man who’s child is killed by the Man’s own gun does not plan wisely.


    • Dallas says:

      “Tis unwise to have grenade when needed if grenade pin often falleth from thy hand”


  18. MikeN says:

    Obama should use the powers granted by the health care law to mandate everyone either own a gun or pay a fine/tax penalty. They should also be required to pay for gun background check system as well as for gun training courses. Mandate that be covered by health insurance.

    This will stop the freeloading problem where people benefit from having others own guns, thus making their own residence less likely to be robbed.

    • Dallas says:

      That analogy doesn’t make any sense even if I would imagine myself at your level, drunk and high.

  19. MikeN says:

    Actually, they are hoping for a second shooting to really push public opinion in their favor.

    bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:
    1/10/2013 at 9:54 am

    …………and there’s another disgusting idea projected onto the reasonable gun limitatios side.

    Al Gore refused to sell his Current TV channel to Glenn Beck, saying that he would only sell to someone who shares his point of view. He then turned around and sold it to Al Jazeera which refuses to declare Hamas or Hezbollah terrorist groups, and acelebrated the release of a terrorist who shot a man in front of his daughter, then bashed the 4 year old girl’s head in with his gun.

    Child murderers are closer to liberals than those who support the 2nd amendment, and they are willing to use child murders and murderers to advance their political goals.

    • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      ?Child murderers are closer to liberals than those who support the 2nd amendment, and they are willing to use child murders and murderers to advance their political goals.? /// How so? Care to actually provide some analysis rather than conclusionary statements that on their face don’t make any sense?

      Liberals = support Change.
      Those who Support the 2nd Amendment = want to serve in the Militia ///// I really don’t see where propinquity to Child Murders is raised by either sort of person?

      On the other hand, when people are murdered by guns, it does make sense to respond to reality doesn’t it? If you want to call this “advancing political goals” such a thing is unavoidable to anyone who advocates a position. It would be as stupid as saying that 2nd Amendment Types cheer when homes are invaded and driven off by a home owner with a gun. Can’t stand any closer than that?

      Really, the analysis of a shit for brains liebertard. I’m surprised Liberty Loser didn’t post it.

    • Dallas says:

      I’m delighted to get a different point of view so Al Jazeera is great news. Why would you want Glenn Beck? You already get fed the bath water you seek to rationalize your craziness from FOX News?

      • LibertyLover says:

        So I guess I was spot on about you not caring for the children.


        • Dallas says:

          I care lots for them!

          In fact a huge portion of my realestate tax dollars goes to train those little fuckers and I don’t even have any !!

  20. MikeN says:

    former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell said: “The good thing about Newtown is it was so horrific that, I think, it galvanized Americans to a point where the intensity on our side is going to match the intensity on their side.”

    • Mextli says:

      Perfect example of what we have known all along. The anti “gun nuts” are so worked up we are finally starting to see their true colors. Making their point with human tragedy, sad.

  21. LibertyLover says:

    Bozo the Troll,

    I guess you can’t take the hints from so many other people on this board either.

    So let me explain it to you. You are a bore. You contribute nothing to any argument. You are not welcome by the majority of the people who contribute, as evidenced by their comments. This makes you angry so you lash out in even harsher methods which does nothing to endear you to them.

    You can’t be as smart as you think you are or you wouldn’t troll like you do. This leaves only two conclusions :

    1) You _are_ a troll.

    2) You are so lonely in your own life that this is the only place where you can get attention.

    Everybody trolls. I do it myself sometimes. But you have turned into the booger that just can’t seem to be scraped off of a finger. Perhaps we should call you Booger the Troll instead of Bozo the Troll.

    Please, please go somewhere else.

    You may comment if you wish.

    • Johnny Got His Gun says:

      I concur.

      • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

        You two sound/post like little girls at a pretend tea party. Its the ideas I present that you don’t like.

        A good troll is worth so much more than an immature response.

        Stick to the issues is a good rule. I often violate that rule for reasons already stated but at least I do address the issues as part of the response and when met with reason, I am totally responsive in kind.

        Must suck to be you, although I am sure you are happy as clams when the light bulb comes on in your play oven.

        Ha, ha.

        but to the point: I’m surprised. Actual Biden Committee recommendations that Obama can act on himself by Next Tuesday? Holy “The Government can Actually Do Something.” Who’d a thought that?

        Its a different tangent not yet discussed==but for all you reasonable Gun Fethishers out there, what would be so wrong with REASONABLE GUN CONTROLS that would stop short of the rules that you already apply to yourself?

        Anyone here actually “think” that Gun Control out of Washington is actually going to take your guns away?

        Go Ahead – – – – raise your hand. I’ll be surprised if they even outlaw/confiscate clips/extended clips/magazines/drums/hoppers/belts (etc) but at least I did hear it mentioned. I’ll be Gob Smacked if they did the same for semi-automatic rifles and hand guns.

        Actual requirement to turn these good for nothing but killing weapons into the Government? Never Happen in our Gun Crazy country==but even if it did happen, what would be so wrong with the allowance to have highly powerful, accurate, modern, single shot rifles.

        How would your own Manhood or appreciation of the 2nd Amendment be impacted?

        Children….. stop picking on the unpopular kiddie and enjoy the party.

  22. Johnny Got His Gun says:

    Get help, psycho.

    • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      Johnny with His Wad in a Bunch – – don’t you know to have any credibility at all you have to Lead By Example?

      Loser and Oh_No don’t do it either. They pollute this forum with their incredible childishness that in fact amounts to trolling as well “if” they had the intellect to connect those dots with the side and telling absence of no substantive contribution.

      thats not quite fair. On occasion, in isolation, we do get a few talking points…. but never the follow up. Worse than trolling, to spew a taking point and then be unable to make any argument at all in support of it. Douche Anal and Do-ill are so much better at this. Follow their example. Oh_No does provide links on occasion and that is a good thing—to find out where the talking points come from.

      Should we wait for “I concur” from Loser and Oh_No, or just assume that position? SO MUCH room for improvement. Not really to be expected from anyone with “XXX got his gun” though. More than a “tell.”

      Seriously dipwads. Think about how you form your ideas and attitudes. What FACTS and logic you have to back your position. Is it actually emotions and ideas that you just accept without critical review?

      Guns don’t kill people?=====Really????? To whatever degree you think that, emote that, you have an excellent measure by which to measure future improvement.

      You are Homo Sapiens for Darwin’s Sake==fulfill the potential your linage has given you.

      Or not.

  23. Dallas says:

    Dang 280 comments !! It wasn’t event
    titled as “Muslim Obama gunna take gun away from whitey” !

  24. GregAllen says:

    If Republicans didn’t want Obama to do his job, they should have run a decent candidate.

  25. Captain Obvious says:

    Americans be crazy. Right or left, fear has taken your balls.

    • Dallas says:

      Just because teachers are to be packing heat and children are wearing bulletproof vests doesn’t mean we live in fear.

      • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is a Moderate Conservative by any party not captured by the Wing Nut American Talibans says:

        Heard one commenter on MSNBC (a woman, forget who but she deserves credit) say that the American Public doesn’t trust school employees/teachers to dish out corporal punishment and now some think it is a good idea to let them shoot people?

        Well, there are pros and cons to all we do.

        Add them all up and the core issue comes down to: how many innocent people dying are worth the right to have guns the way we do? Depending on that number, you either restrict or liberalize.

        Since guns provide zero countervailing benefit ((target practice, collecting, hunting are not worth a single death in my book while the self protection, home protection, and crime prevention have been netted up into the statistics we see)), I think they should be outlawed totally with special license for whatever exceptions are granted.

  26. The Wrong Guy says:

    Can’t find the quote I read somewhere, but it had to do with guns don’t kill people, the finger pulling the trigger kills people. When I first read it, without reading further to see he was referring to the person and mental health, I thought he was saying if we cut off everyone’s fingers, then ta da! No more gun violence. Ha!

  27. Steve S says:

    “Spare me the whole, “You won’t be happy until everybody has nuclear weapons” reductio ad absurdum. It says arms, as in things that were man portable.[…]

    Larry Correia

    • LibertyLover says:

      I’m aware of the Davy Crockett. It wasn’t really “portable.” I would label this one “luggable.” It’s portable like a tank is portable. Yes, it moves around but it isn’t something you can keep in your closet and throw over your shoulder when needed.

      And this falls under artillery, not arms.

  28. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is a Moderate Conservative by any party not captured by the Wing Nut American Talibans says:

    Just nudging the thread to 300 so Dallas can score:

    The Wrong Guy says:
    1/13/2013 at 6:35 am

    Can’t find the quote I read somewhere, but it had to do with guns don’t kill people, the finger pulling the trigger kills people. When I first read it, without reading further to see he was referring to the person and mental health, I thought he was saying if we cut off everyone’s fingers, then ta da! No more gun violence. Ha! /// I was thinking about the nonsense that a gun is just a tool. A tool? Ok–to do what? I want to take the heating element off my NewWave Oven and to do that I need what I call a “flat headed Phillips Screwdriver.” Its not a torx head–a new kind of screwdriver is needed to remove the screws holding the unit together. ((I have a working spit and with this heating element I can cobble together an excellent rotisserie–yes, its Rube Goldberg, but still fun)). Well–without this tool, I can’t do what I want to do.

    As I think about the few times I have wanted to mass assault a group of innocent victims, I have always been drawn up short by not having a fully automatic weapon with a drum magazine.

    Without the right tool, a suicidally depressed madman is just left to the internet.

    Know what I mean?


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