For some reason, I’m thinking this may be a tad controversial in some circles.

[VP Joe] Biden indicated that President Barack Obama is considering executive action to address the gun issue, although he noted that it’s not yet clear what options may be plausible outside of legislative movement.

“The president is going to act,” Biden said. “There are executive orders, executive action that can be taken.”
“I want to make it clear that we are not going to get caught up in the notion of ‘unless we can do everything, we’re going to do nothing,'” Biden said. “It’s critically important that we act.”

  1. jpfitz says:

    “One of the NRA’s main points was that the Federal Government needs to create a national database of people with known mental issues.

    So they want to register people but not guns !!

    That just doesn’t sound American !”

    Just one of the comments from the article above.
    Oh boy, this is so Orwellian 1984. Lists and more lists of people with guns, people with a mental health disorder, people who have felony convictions and people who diddled little boys and girls.

    So a military member returns from combat with PTSD and his residence will be tagged on the map as a mental heath disorder.
    Plain old depression, the type of depression one usually goes through after a spouses death, or being let go at a job will be included in this list. Eventually every house on the block can be tagged and considered dangerous, so, NO GUN FOR YOU.

  2. Dallas says:

    Exec order? The loons are gonna go crazier!

    The Honey Booboo’s are stocking up on the meantime

  3. Ben Dare says:

    Its what dictators do. Most gun owners saw this coming long ago, despite the incessant lies from Obama.

  4. Ben Dare says:

    I do believe however, that much of this can be attributed to the psych drugs all of these crazies are on….it says it right there on the bottle. Depression, suicidal and dark thoughts, etc.

    So the obvious answer, lets drug the kids more…yeah, that’s it. If you have ever had the displeasure of being on antidepressants, you know what I mean.

    • Uncle Dave says:

      I always remember hearing an interview years ago with a guy who’d written a book on the testing the military did on unsuspecting people. One experiment was done at the prison in Chico, CA related to aggression. Interestingly, members of what became the Sybionese Liberation Army — the ones who kidnapped Patty Hearst — were there at that time. While the guy didn’t expressly state they were test subjects, some of the acts of that group sounded an awful lot like what one might expect from taking psychoactive drugs that increased aggression, violence, etc.

  5. dusanmal says:

    Let him try. It will have the same effect if some Right Extremist President made an executive order limiting free speech or extremist from either side (Left is not immune and partly practices this under Obama) issued executive order to detain people who have committed no crime, because they may or in the extreme – execute them.
    RIGHT to bear arms, with no limitations is in the Constitution. Such rights can be altered in one and only way: altering Constitution by following explicit methods to do so. Nothing else. President from the either side who infringes on the explicitly stated human rights in the Constitution by any executive act must be arrested and prosecuted, no immunity for that level of the crime. Maybe Obama is up to that kind of confrontation.
    As for gun violence – with every right come consequences. Founders envisioned worse consequences if there was no right to bear arms. Way worse. We’d be all safe if Government locked each in a cell without communication or arms, managing by executions how long one lives to contribute to the society. That is the end goal of Progressive movement. Infringing on the right to bear arms is just one of the first steps that way.
    On related note: January 19th is a Second Amendment appreciation day. You know, like one of those anti-Progressive ChicFile appreciation days. Go and buy arms, ammunition or anything from any gun store, brick and mortar or online on that day. I surely will, betting that millions of others will too.

    • LibertyLover says:

      I wonder if we could find a federal judge who will to write an arrest warrant on the president, deputize a bunch of citizens, and then turn them loose to show up at the White House to execute it.

      Could the WH guards and SS then be charged with aiding an abetting a fugitive if they refused to hand him over?

      • Dallas says:

        When your boy Bush violated 6 Constitutional amendments, I didn’t see u call for a mob arrest

        • LibertyLover says:

          Actually, I did. You don’t remember me screaming about Ron Paul years and years ago?

          And do you remember me saying I was glad Obama was taking Bush to court for violating those laws, and shutting down Gitmo, and stopping the wars, etc.?

          Get a new line. That one is getting old.

        • McCullough says:

          I did as well, the Liberals have long term memory issues. They like to use it to justify their own corruption.

    • Martfin says:

      Where does it say in the Constitution “RIGHT to bear arms, with no limitations”? It doesn’t, so if you want to quote the constitution get it right, it say’s and I quote

      “Amendment II

      A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Oh and by the way, are you part of a “well regulated Militia”?

      • Ben Dare says:

        Whatever. You aren’t on the Supreme Court, and that issue has already been addressed and upheld.

        • Martfin says:

          I’m not even a citizen of the USA, but I know what your Constitution says!!! LOL That comment just made you look dumber.

      • LibertyLover says:

        Where does it say in the Constitution “RIGHT to bear arms, with no limitations”?

        The lack of any defined limitations IS the right to not have any limitation.

        See the 9th and 10th Amendments — If not explicitly defined as a power, then the power doesn’t exist.

        As the Constitution doesn’t give the government the power to limit it, they don’t have the power to limit it.

        If you are going to quote the Constitution, be sure you read the whole thing.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Loser, you certainly never miss an opportunity to scream how stupid and misinformed you are on every issue you note.

          Note being addressed in the Const is called being “not addressed” and is an issue for the Supreme Court to fill in==just as they DO ALL THE TIME.

          Worse than stupid to post as you do. The constitution does not mean whatever unhinged notion you wish to bring to it: the Constitution means what the Sup Ct says it means.

          Silly boy. Quit playing with yourself in public.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Did you say something? I could hear it up here on the bridge.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      That doesn’t mean he won’t try.

      Our government, and Dem’s in particular, are falling headlong into Fascism.

      We know it, we see it, except for the crazies like Dallas and Bobbo, who would have tossed the Jews into the trains or shoveled them into the furnaces if their great leader told them to. And they are too stupid and ideologically fervent to see where this is going. Ideological Fanatics are dangerous because facts and reason don’t get in the way of their religion.

      Guns are the canary in the mine. You have to get rid of guns and make the people dependent on the Government for their food, shelter, health, and livelihood.

      Obama the foodstamp king and his supporters have created the perfect environment for the slide into Fascism.

      Buy guns and bullets, and JOIN THE NRA.

  6. MartinJJ says:

    The end is near. More staged school/theater/mosque attacks will follow to promote all this on your fake news. One half will probably politely hand in their guns under pressure (like taking their children, prison sentence, etc), while the other half will start a civil war with the police and military. But Big Government is prepared. Many people will die or simply disappear. Enjoy your freedom (well, what is still left of it) while it lasts.

    • Ben Dare says:

      And people politely boarded the trains in the 30’s.

      Quit wetting your pants son.

  7. Jack Mehoff says:



    It’s like everyone all of a sudden realized that even crazy people can shoot guns. But instead of doing the right thing and locking up the nut jobs or even keeping a close eye on them, our leaders and countless other IDIOTS seem to think that limiting guns is the answer. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?!

    The NRA has been telling everyone for DECADES that PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! Guns are just TOOLS!

    Forget about the CONSTITUTION for a moment, because a CRIMINAL or even a CRAZY person WON’T! If you got a bullet in your ass then you probably don’t care what caliber it is or even what kind of gun it came out of. But you probably give a real big fuck about WHO PUT IT THERE!


    • Dallas says:

      The trick you bozos stick to when bringing up gun control is you talk “taking guns away”. The topic is military grade assault weapons in public. You avoid the real question on the table because even you know it’s a fucking crazy idea to allow those weapons in public.

      The only reason you stick with the broad brush party line is you’re terrified of the ‘slippery slope’ scare the NRA has spooked you with.

      You’re irrational fears are getting in the way of common sense.

      Why do you Teapublican gun crazies hate to protect innocent lives? Many of them are white babies .

  8. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    My reaction on the Headline: “Gee, I wonder if he is going to activate the Militia and call everyone in who has a gun?”

    Talk about poetic justice!

    Now, let’s see what the brain trust has to offer….. and Alfie.

  9. birddog says:

    Leave sleeping dogs alone and don’t poke the bear. You might just start something you don’t want.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      …. and what would that be bird brain? Another 20 dead school children? THAT kind of sleeping dog/inactive Bear??

      More fantasy revenge adolescent BS. Thanks for the peak.

      Assault Weapons are next to useless to fight government tyranny and not needed at all for self protection. Only good for killing fellow citizens and providing a fetish for those with feeble imaginations and over compensating penis envy.

      Eat it.

      • birddog says:

        Eat what? I am like wong the Chinaman I don’t go for those gay fantasies.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Eat the fantasy revenge adolescent BS. You know: get rid of it.

  10. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    jp on the fritz: wants to keep the status quo. Nothing wrong with people with mental issues to have guns. We’ll give that a MINUS 1.

    Pedo Bear: throws down major Red Herring: guns don’t kill people, only criminals with illegal guns kill people. MINUS 2.

    jp on the fritz: found in bed with Pedo Bear who evidently will share a gun fetish with the older crowd. BONUS X2 for the boys.

    Dallas: accurate as ever. Will result in the Obama Protective Service being issued more guns to counter the increased death threats. Would be ironic if not so expected.

    Ben Dare: supporting the Obama as Hitler meme. Gee, did the gun nuts see Newtown coming too?….. and do nothing.

    Douche Anal–incomprehensible lapsing into simply wrong. Ha, ha. Looney on the gun issue. What a surprise. Yea–just to remind the gun nuts who are still tethered to Earth: even Scalia the idiot right activist Juror has said the Const does not protect the right to own semi-automatics. A small glimmer after ignoring as does Douche and the Gun Nuts, the pre-amble to the gun language re a well regulated militia.

    Liberty Loser–always inane. An inanity wrapped in a fantasy posting embarrassingly. Silly child. I don’t recall LL ever bragging about how many guns he has. I wonder why not?

    Jacked Off–seems to think that one being shot in the ass with a bullet, the main issue is WHO shot you. Obviously–never been to an Emergency Room.

    Retards. At least you are all consistent. As wise on the issue of gun control as you are about the Constitution. The first you confuse as simply a tool, the second as toilet paper.

    Well done foolish Hoomans. I wish you could be sent to a parallel universe of the type you advocate for. THAT would be some kind of justice.

    Government does like lists of people they can mismanage and manipulate. Might be the only gun reform we get this massacre around. How many innocent dead before the whack jobs are treated as such? 250 years and counting…….

    Yea, verily.

    • birddog says:

      Well after that hate filled rant I certainly see who needs to be on the mental health list.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        I agree. We need to stumble towards the truth, toward effective legislation and regulation enforcement. Make the list, check it twice, find out who’s been naughty and nice.

        Reward appropriately.

    • jpfitz says:

      bobbo says,
      “jp on the fritz: wants to keep the status quo. Nothing wrong with people with mental issues to have guns. We’ll give that a MINUS 1.”

      Change that score. you took my words as literal. I’m being sneaky and circling around the reality of guns. If I want to eat some fresh venison I am with the status quo? Criminal or sick people aren’t to have guns.

  11. birddog says:

    For anyone in favor of illegalizing guns , I think the principle should be democratically applied. Let us begin by disarming the Pentagon. If this seems unreasonable, ask yourself: who kills more children in a month, Ritalin-addled little boys in America, or the US Air Force in every Muslim country it has heard of? All I ask is an honest body count. I will accept your numbers.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      More children killed by guns in USA than the USA kills by its military. Statistics. Facts. Even if not true, how many kiddies killed by guns in USA per year are worth the right to own these guns? You should have a number in mind. If you don’t….. then you are UNTHINKING on the issue.

      Sucks to be you. You evidence a shred of rationality though. You can start with that, rather than finish with it.

      • Johnny Got His Gun says:

        Jesus Christ, somebody get this guy a WAHHHHmbulance.

        Even Speaker Boner doesn’t shed tears like bobo.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          What do you shed on the thought of twenty 5-6 year olds being shot 10-11 times each while at school?

          How many dead children are worth the right to own extra large clips on semi-automatic weapons designed and useful only for killing people?


          • Johnny Got His Gun says:

            I didn’t do it Bozo, so its got nothing to do with me.

            I obey all the laws, unlike the war criminal you voted for.

            Try to get a grip. Its a tad embarrassing.

  12. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Calling people names. A few, many, you are put off by that?? How else to express/represent my RAGE at the stupidity of your position? Sorry, but being “polite” while advocating policies that kill 20 kiddies at a time is inappropriate.

    No cover for you. You are tagged for the idiot you are. Same as your fellow gun nuts. You can’t argue your position because it is demonstrably and logically wrong. But you want the respect of polite conversation?


    • birddog says:


    • birddog says:

      Yet another new survey shows that Republican supporters know more about politics and political history than Democrats.

      On eight of 13 questions about politics, Republicans outscored Democrats by an average of 18 percentage points, according to a new Pew survey titled “Partisan Differences in Knowledge.”

      The Pew survey adds to a wave of surveys and studies showing that GOP-sympathizers are better informed, more intellectually consistent, more open-minded, more empathetic and more receptive to criticism than their fellow Americans who support the Democratic Party.

      Read more:

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        The widest partisan gap in the survey came in at 30 points when only 46 percent of Democrats — but 76 percent of Republicans —- correctly described the GOP as “the party generally more supportive of reducing the size of federal government.”

        ///////////// I can see some ambiguity there. Who “SAYS” they are for smaller gov?==the Pukes.

        Which party has increased the size of gov (ie==increased gov spending/deficit) more?==Again, hypocritically, the Pukes.

        Its a Propaganda vs Fact issue. I’d say the Democrats who got this question “wrong” on the survey where factually correct.

        Sorry Goebbels. You only got one ball.

    • jpfitz says:

      I don’t give a shit what u call me. I have a right to own a lever action deer rifle. I don’t need an assault rifle or believe anyone not in LE needs one either. That is just my opinion and you know what they say?

  13. WmDE says:

    In 2011 there were 323 murders committed by rifle.

    Also in 2011 there were 728 murders committed using what the FBI calls “personal weapons.”

    Confiscating these “personal weapons” would greatly reduce the murder rate. It would also cut back the rifle murders quite a bit.

    “Personal weapons” are also known as hands and feet.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Hands and Feet have other non-lethal purposes.

      More UNTHINKING pro-Gun BS.

      Pure BS.

      Silly human.

      • WmDE says:

        In 2011 there were 3,010 murders committed with items having non-lethal uses. (This includes 5 poisonings with no substance information.)

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Is that a typo or a brain fart? Your post makes no sense.

          The issue is Guns.

          Guns—Assault Rifles with extended clips should be illegal. Supreme Court has never said otherwise.

          discuss on point?

  14. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    birddog says:
    1/9/2013 at 5:55 pm

    Yes you are correct gun violence probably would drop without guns but the overall crime rate would increase. /// Brain dead/talking point/red herring word play.

    In China–20 Plus crimes of assault by knife = zero dead.
    In USA –26 killed by assault rifle = 26 DEAD.

    So–where do you want to live? Restricted Gun policies with ZERO dead but high non-lethal crime statistics, or USA the Worlds Highest Death by Guns rate?

    You have NO ARGUMENT HERE…. but you will use it again because you argue only by repetition. Usually to the church choir which keeps you going.

    Gun Nut. No solutions, just BS.

    • birddog says:

      Actually you left out the facts that does not fit your agenda this has been going on in China for over 3 years with numerous deaths. To answer you question about where would I rather live I will stick to the USA for now, I do not want to move to a country that is number one in human rights violations. I am tired of wipping your ass with the facts so I guess I will go to dinner good day.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Eat it.

        • birddog says:

          I have already told you I don’t do that gay crap lol

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Eating dinner is gay crap? Not what I have for dinner. Another key difference?

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Birddog==yes, point to individual cases rather than the group statistic. Its a lie posing as defective analysis. Like going to China to live as opposed to the gun/no gun policy which was the point of the comment.

        Silly Hooman.

  15. Howard Beale says:

    What if Wayne LaPierre child or grandchild went to Sandy Hook?
    6yr olds are not going to be packing and the armed guards at Columbine wore worthless.

    Does the NRA want to lobby to have the government pay for mental health programs?

  16. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    pedro says:
    1/9/2013 at 5:39 pm

    Bobbo, you’re not going to curve killings by taking guns away from citizens, you’ll only make the illegal trade of guns and customization grow. /// I agree there easily could be a reactionary spike in this activity here in the GOUSA===but again===>>> OVER TIME, an enforced anti-gun policy would result in fewer guns available and that should lead to fewer illegal homicides, accidents, suicides by gun. Proof: Australia and England gun law change in 1996. Proof: machines gun use declined after they were outlawed. Will bad things still happen? Of course. Will it happen in the numbers we see now?==Probably not.

    The real problem is a society in which there’s people with too thin a skins and very low self-esteem that are being told is OK to be like that when in reality you’re feeding a psychological disorder that will trigger either self violence or violence to others. /// Its always a MIX of MANY interacting social issues. Not just one or two. Here, the “its OK to be like that” is the use of Guns to address an issue. No guns–no death from guns. Stone cold logic.

    These people will always find a way to release their anger. /// Yes, in China–20 plus people stabbed, zero fatalities. In USA==26 DEAD. You see the difference?

    The solution is fixing the society, not baning guns. /// Please stop it. Facts, statistics, logic are against you. Mere repetition is not an argument.

    Your solution is akin to the redneck that sold his cot because his wife was cheating on him. No cot, no sex, no cheating. /// So the Black Crows were wrong: “♫…got caught cheating…”

    Good one on you Pedro. At least you tried.

  17. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Ha, ha. Macho Men: “Stop crying”/Man Up/===yes, takes quite the man not to care when innocent people are killed.

    Quite the man.

    Another totally defective meme. “I’m a man!!==Watch me put five rounds into that bunny rabbit.”===> this is the “gun culture” at the heart of much of the violent acting out we see. Only two steps removed from Johnny Got His Gun and Ben Dare.

    Sad, defective, human beings. Leaders of the Gun Nut crowd.

    It shows.

    • Ben Dare says:

      Don’t have a hissy fit, twink.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Man up. Only pussies post about others having a hissy fit.

        Shake that sand out of your vagina and be a Real Man.

        Real Man. Ha, ha. Really….

        • Ben Dare says:

          Hey, I’m not the one who “flowers with ideas” twink.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Thats certainly true. Childlike in your vulnerability. How much of your money have you paid over for guns, ammo, posters?

            Silly Hoomans.

  18. RegularDude says:

    How many kids die from accidents that are caused by alcohol?

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Kiddies drinking alcohol is illegal. Just like it should be for guns. Whats your point? Anything I can think of sounds really stupid.

  19. sargasso_c says:

    Making guns illegal. Like making drugs illegal. How did that work out?

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      sargasso–Kudos to you. First rational on point argument made. Still wrong. But good. Lots of differences between drugs and guns and what it would take to control them.

      I’ll leave it at that knowing that being intelligent enough to make the comment, you are also intelligent enough to know its deconstruction.

      • Jefire70 says:

        Ask Mexico how that’s working for them. Drugs and Guns are illegal there.

        • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

          Whats your point? We aren’t a Catholic country hobbled by centuries of Colonial Rule.

          Mexico IS more the example of what IS happening to the USA if we don’t get smart.

          Thanks for the example.

    • birddog says:

      ………and Prohibition

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Hmmm…. Gee, I don’t think Bird Dog does have the intellectual heft of sargasso.

        1. Ease/quality of home vs commercial production
        2. Unit cost
        3. Psychological and physical addiction vs cultural meme.
        4. Ease of Detection
        5. Social Attitudes towards the activities

        Just a quick start.

        • deegee says:

          So people who use firearms for sport, which is a large percentage of them, are suddenly one day going to use their firearms to become murderers? It must be scarey living in your world.

          Personally, I am more afraid of the anti-gunners. They are the ones who are mentally unstable.
          They are the ones who said after Dec 14 that the NRA and those involved with it should be killed.
          And Piers Morgan and his anti crew on CNN ~Jan 08 called for the murder of Alex Jones and laughed about it.

    • Chris Mac says:

      I totally agree. I should be able to buy my booze, drugs and guns legally at ever corner store.

      • Chris Mac says:

        Correction. Every corner store. For that matter, why not at the local car dealership or nearest bank.

      • sargasso_c says:

        For a time as a kid (in the 50’s) our family lived in a rural Australian mining community where you could buy guns, morphine, dry ice, hard liquor and dynamite, from the corner store.

  20. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Johnny Got His Gun says:
    1/9/2013 at 6:42 pm

    I didn’t do it Bozo, so its got nothing to do with me. /// You are an island of a man among the rest of us huh? How many coconuts on your fantasy island?

    I obey all the laws, unlike the war criminal you voted for. /// Good, When guns are made illegal (no, I don’t think that will happen… only that it should in a sane society) then you will turn yours in. Good boy.

    Try to get a grip. Its a tad embarrassing. /// Yes, actually connecting consequences to public policy instead of fantasy illusions is embarrassing. I guess you won’t be embarrassed if a loved one of yours is ever shot by some nut with a gun? All a part of your freedom?


  21. So what says:

    The best part of scrolling through one hundred plus posts? Not reading any of Bobbo’s cut’s it down to about thirty.

  22. Johnny Got His Gun says:

    Yes I am an island of a man, completely separate and apart from idiots like your self. I don’t give a flying fuck about your cause, it has nothing to do with me. That’s the beauty of freedom, I don’t have to conform to your “group-think”.

    I understand you passion for this subject, but I don’t agree with it. But Liberals like you want to force your ideas on people like me. You can spew all you want, and I really don’t care.

    As long as you never tell me how to live MY life, we could probably get along. You see, how I live my life, as long as I am hurting no one, is really none of your business.

    • bobbo, straffing gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      Johnny….. the whole point of “No man is an island…” is to succintly remind people of that simple fact: Reality.

      You and I are not islands unto ourselves. What we do and don’t do directly and indirectly affects other people. Not by design or desire but by Reality.

      Until you can accept the bedrock of Reality====>that we are all on this spaceship Earth together, then you are simply put: part of the problem.

      Simple Truths.

    • Johnny Got His Gun says:

      Again with the lecture. When are Liberals going to get it through their fucking skulls that we don’t agree with your Globalist mindset? We reject it, we have an opinion that differs from your own. You need to respect that, and if you can’t respect that we have a right to our own opinion, then YOU will suffer the backlash. All we ask is that people like you stop demonizing us and leave us (the law abiding gun owners) alone.

      Take that any way you want.

    • LibertyLover says:

      I understand you passion for this subject

      He isn’t passionate about anything other than attention.

      That’s why he picks those subjects which are sure to generate tons of traffic and drools all over them.

      If there were a verbal board, I would swear he likes to hear his only voice.

      Just tell him to go away.

    • Dallas says:

      “As long as you never tell me how to live MY life, we could probably get along. You see, how I live my life, as long as I am hurting no one, is really none of your business.”

      You sound like one of them there faggots! Nutt’n worse than a faggot with a gun!

  23. MikeN says:

    Obama could by executive order declare that all government workers be unarmed. THey have been increasing the number of employees who carry weapons over the years. I think this site blogged about Education Department employees with weapons.

  24. jpfitz says:

    All mass shooters since 1999.

    The rate of people killed by guns in the US is 19.5 times higher than similar high-income countries in the world. In the last 30 years since 1982, America has mourned at least 61 mass murders. Below is a timeline of mass shootings in the US since the Columbine High massacre:

    December 11, 2012. On Tuesday, 22-year-old Jacob Tyler Roberts killed 2 people and himself with a stolen rifle in Clackamas Town Center, Oregon. His motive is unknown.
    September 27, 2012. Five were shot to death by 36-year-old Andrew Engeldinger at Accent Signage Systems in Minneapolis, MN. Three others were wounded. Engeldinger went on a rampage after losing his job, ultimately killing himself.
    August 5, 2012. Six Sikh temple members were killed when 40-year-old US Army veteran Wade Michael Page opened fire in a gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Four others were injured, and Page killed himself.
    July 20, 2012. During the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, CO, 24-year-old James Holmes killed 12 people and wounded 58. Holmes was arrested outside the theater.
    May 29, 2012. Ian Stawicki opened fire on Cafe Racer Espresso in Seattle, WA, killing 5 and himself after a citywide manhunt.
    April 6, 2012. Jake England, 19, and Alvin Watts, 32, shot 5 black men in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in racially motivated shooting spree. Three died.
    April 2, 2012. A former student, 43-year-old One L. Goh killed 7 people at Oikos University, a Korean Christian college in Oakland, CA. The shooting was the sixth-deadliest school massacre in the US and the deadliest attack on a school since the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre.
    February 27, 2012. Three students were killed by Thomas “TJ” Lane, another student, in a rampage at Chardon High School in Chardon, OH. Three others were injured.
    October 14, 2011. Eight people died in a shooting at Salon Meritage hair salon in Seal Beach, CA. The gunman, 41-year-old Scott Evans Dekraai, killed six women and two men dead, while just one woman survived. It was Orange County’s deadliest mass killing.
    September 6, 2011. Eduardo Sencion, 32, entered an IHOP restaurant in Carson City, NV and shot 12 people. Five died, including three National Guard members.
    January 8, 2011. Former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in the head when 22-year-old Jared Loughner opened fire on an event she was holding at a Safeway market in Tucson, AZ. Six people died, including Arizona District Court Chief Judge John Roll, one of Giffords’ staffers, and a 9-year-old girl. 19 total were shot. Loughner has been sentenced to seven life terms plus 140 years, without parole.
    August 3, 2010. Omar S. Thornton, 34, gunned down Hartford Beer Distributor in Manchester, CT after getting caught stealing beer. Nine were killed, including Thornton, and two were injured.
    November 5, 2009. Forty-three people were shot by Army psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan at the Fort Hood army base in Texas. Hasan reportedly yelled “Allahu Akbar!” before opening fire, killing 13 and wounding 29 others.
    April 3, 2009. Jiverly Wong, 41, opened fire at an immigration center in Binghamton, New York before committing suicide. He killed 13 people and wounded 4.
    March 29, 2009. Eight people died in a shooting at the Pinelake Health and Rehab nursing home in Carthage, NC. The gunman, 45-year-old Robert Stewart, was targeting his estranged wife who worked at the home and survived. Stewart was sentenced to life in prison.
    February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak, 27, opened fire in a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University, killing 6 and wounding 21. The gunman shot and killed himself before police arrived. It was the fifth-deadliest university shooting in US history.
    February 7, 2008. Six people died and two were injured in a shooting spree at the City Hall in Kirkwood, Missouri. The gunman, Charles Lee Thornton, opened fire during a public meeting after being denied construction contracts he believed he deserved. Thornton was killed by police.
    December 5, 2007. A 19-year-old boy, Robert Hawkins, shot up a department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, NE. Hawkins killed 9 people and wounded 4 before killing himself. The semi-automatic rifle he used was stolen from his stepfather’s house.
    April 16, 2007. Virginia Tech became the site of the deadliest school shooting in US history when a student, Seung-Hui Choi, gunned down 56 people. Thirty-two people died in the massacre.
    February 12, 2007. In Salt Lake City’s Trolley Square Mall, 5 people were shot to death and 4 others were wounded by 18-year-old gunman Sulejman Talović. One of the victims was a 16-year-old boy.
    October 2, 2006. An Amish schoolhouse in Lancaster, PA was gunned down by 32-year-old Charles Carl Roberts, Roberts separated the boys from the girls, binding and shooting the girls. 5 young girls died, while 6 were injured. Roberts committed suicide afterward.
    March 25, 2006. Seven died and 2 were injured by 28-year-old Kyle Aaron Huff in a shooting spree through Capitol Hill in Seattle, WA. The massacre was the worst killing in Seattle since 1983.
    March 21, 2005. Teenager Jeffrey Weise killed his grandfather and his grandfather’s girlfriend before opening fire on Red Lake Senior High School, killing 9 people on campus and injuring 5. Weise killed himself.
    March 12, 2005. A Living Church of God meeting was gunned down by 44-year-old church member Terry Michael Ratzmann at a Sheraton hotel in Brookfield, WI. Ratzmann was thought to have had religious motivations, and killed himself after executing the pastor, the pastor’s 16-year-old son, and 7 others. Four were wounded.
    July 8, 2003. Doug Williams, a Lockheed Martin employee, shot up his plant in Meridian, MS in a racially-motivated rampage. He shot 14 people, most of them African American, and killed 7 before killing himself.
    December 26, 2000. Edgewater Technology employee Michael “Mucko” McDermott shot and killed seven of his coworkers at the office in Wakefield, MA. McDermott claimed he had “traveled back in time and killed Hitler and the last 6 Nazis.” He was sentenced to 7 consecutive life sentences.
    September 15, 1999. Larry Gene Ashbrook opened fire on a Christian rock concert and teen prayer rally at Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, TX. He killed 7 people and wounded 7 others, almost all teenagers. Ashbrook committed suicide.
    July 29, 1999. Mark Orrin Barton, 44, murdered his wife and two children with a hammer before shooting up two Atlanta day trading firms. Barton, a day trader, was believed to be motivated by huge monetary losses. He killed 12 including his family and injured 13 before killing himself.
    April 20, 1999. In the deadliest high school shooting in US history, teenagers Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold shot up Columbine High School in Littleton, CO. They killed 13 people and wounded 21 others. They killed themselves after the massacre.

    • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      jp–you missed the cause celeb of Newton with the 26 Dead including 22 or so 5-6 year olds?

      also–I think the multiple is x40 for Australia and/or England. I think of them as “high income” nations. Not that x20 isn’t bad enough to establish the relationship between availability of guns and gun violence.

      All kinds of evil, people not going to jail, in the GOUSA.

      Its culture. As evil and stupid for us as when we see evil and stupid in other cultures.

      Some call it freedom.

      • deegee says:

        Go to YouTube and watch the video v=N9efqhGBHZI
        The title is: “Ben Swann REALITY CHECK for Piers Morgan Gun Stats”

        When you actually take the time to look at the real stats, you can see where the anti-gun people are pushing agenda and not truth.

        By your own anti-gun admissions, if a country had 100 firearm deaths per year, then we better ban guns.
        And if that country then changes to 100 stabbing deaths per year, you celebrate that you disarmed the “crazy gun-toting” people.

        Dead = dead. Murder = murder.
        The tool used does not matter to the murderer.
        Nor do laws, or whether the weapon was illegal or not.

        The problem is NOT guns, or bows and arrows, or knives, or baseball bats, or tire irons, or fertilizer and diesel bombs, it is that the world has a percentage of evil people who want to harm others, and they will do it with whatever means is available to them. Even if they have to obtain that means illegally.

        All that banning anything like guns does is remove/infringe the rights of the SIGNIFICANTLY larger group of people who would otherwise use the banned object without any harm to others.

        In the USA, 96%+ of the firearm related murders are caused by people with criminal records.
        You need to start getting rid of these criminals who do not want to adhere to proper social values and rules. Lock them up, send them to the moon, or send them to their maker. Only that will solve the vast majority of the problem.

        But I realize that even if any anti were to intellectually understand and agree with what I just said, they would still want to ban guns out of emotion because of the psychological disconnect they have with reality, hoplophobia and irrational fear of inanimate objects is a problem with a percentage of the population.

        The truth of the matter is, anyone who thinks that banning guns will stop or even decrease murder is a fool with no concept of reality.

  25. George says:

    I’ve been listening all day to the “cold dead hands” guys yell and scream that Obama acting through executive order against guns will be totally unconstitutional and outside his powers. While it may be the former, I think the later may not be the case.

    During the administration of Bush the elder, the Secretary of Education, William Bennett, recommended the temporary administrative halt of “assault weapon” import in response to the attack on schoolchildren in Stockton, California by Patrick Purdy. Later the import halt was codified into law.

    During the Clinton Administration, Secretary of the Treasury, Lloyd Bentsen, had several shotguns declared to be “Destructive Devices” based upon a determination that they had a bore diameter over one-half inch (as most all shotguns 28 gauge and larger do), and their sinister appearances.

    Indeed, most any gun part, including rifle scopes, tripods, and magazines are all imported into the USA only after import paperwork is filed and approved administratively. All these things could be halted by Whitehouse edict, for at least a short period of time.

    Guns manufactured and sold in the US are more of a problem as their sale, while regulated by law is not strictly under the behest of the whims of the executive branch as are firearms imports. Still, I could see administrative foot-dragging in the realm of the instant-check system. While it would be illegal for the executive branch to order all instant-checks to be stopped, I could foresee them ordering a temporary halt to verify the accuracy and integrity of the system.

    I’m not hoping for any of this. I just won’t be surprised whatever happens.

    • MikeN says:

      I think the instant check has been written as an ‘opt-in’ system. If nothing comes back, it is presumed OK to sell.

  26. MikeN says:

    The liberty of a free people comes from the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. Frederick Douglas

    • Dallas says:

      Cute. What else ya got?

    • jpfitz says:

      Different times my man. I don’t need a gun to have freedom. And the right to own a gun is for a militia to use to fight for liberty, and shoot the occasional varmint.

      Back in the mid 70’s my Dad had open heart surgery down in Texas. I was a teen and stayed behind to watch my brother and sisters. My Mom went with Dad to Houston for the surgery and Dr. Debakey did a triple bypass. What I’m getting at is that while in Texas Mom was shocked at the men walking around with machetes and pistols. I didn’t know there were jungles or high noon shoot-outs in Texas. But Mom painted a picture of fear and scary men with all sorts of weapons.

      You know I’m being facetious, but that’s how I remember Mom telling us about Texas.

  27. MikeN says:

    As the president said, if your actions result in only saving one life, they’re worth taking.

    • Jefire70 says:

      “As the president said, if your actions result in only saving one life, they’re worth taking.”

      He and you are an idiots!

      So should we all start driving 10 miles an hour. Just thing how many lives that will save. Lets ground all planes so we have no more plane crashes. Lets close all hospitals since it will save more lives since there will be no more medical errors.

  28. bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

    Johnny Got His Gun says:
    1/9/2013 at 8:45 pm

    Again with the lecture. /// No lecture, just a simple point universally accepted/recognized by all thinking people.

    When are Liberals going to get it through their fucking skulls that we don’t agree with your Globalist mindset? /// Hard to disagree with someone and not recognize that you disagree?

    We reject it, we have an opinion that differs from your own. You need to respect that, /// Every nut case has “an opinion.” Opinions are only worth the facts, analysis, and reality that backs them up.

    and if you can’t respect that we have a right to our own opinion, /// of course you have that “right” in that limited sense. How can you argue for your rights by denying others their own, all in the same breath? The unrecognizing childish self centered of this is striking.

    then YOU will suffer the backlash. /// The backlash of the limp noodle you profer by this inanity? Ohhhh…. we are all terrified.

    All we ask is that people like you stop demonizing us /// Oh, poor baby. You being demonized. Yes, quite the man. Need another clip?

    and leave us (the law abiding gun owners) alone. /// Turn in that mutlishot penis substitute child. You ain’t man enough to discharge it.

    Take that any way you want. /// Just as I have. Your position cannot be reasonably supported without taking responsibility for what it causes: Death of Innocent People.

    I say 50K deaths per year due to car accidents is WORTH the mobility and life style it allows the general public. All steps should continue to license, monitor, and enforce safe driving laws. Top Heavy, over sized vehicles should be outlawed and specialty licensed for limited purpose jobs and so forth.

    Guns should be illegal as the need for a counterbalance to over reaching government is fantasy nonsense, food is available in stores, and self protection is factually not true as a group statistic. You want inoperable/non-modifiable works of art?==Thats just fine. With that, happy to leave you alone.

    Easy Peasy….. and not a dry eye in the house.

  29. Mextli says:

    The disgusting part of all this is how libs are busting their ass to pass legislation while Newtown is fresh in the publics mind. Gotta take advantage of that grief right guys?
    I have never seen such a sanctimonious, smug, and self satisfied bunch as Bloomberg, Morgan, Feinstein, Cuomo, et al. Every one of them trying to get as much press as possible.

    • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

      Next Lie says:
      1/9/2013 at 9:34 pm

      The disgusting part of all this is how libs are busting their ass to pass legislation while Newtown is fresh in the publics mind. /// There you go again! Much more disgusting is trying to shut up any public discourse on the subject or having Wayne LaP9ierre come out and say the only solution is more guns. Give me/the public a BREAK!!! Guns kill people==lets get rid of them.

      Gotta take advantage of that grief right guys? /// If not now…. then when? But yes–action is easier to take when/after tragedy hits so people can more clearly connect the CONSEQUENCES of public policies. Nice rhetoric from the Gun Nut crowd though. Jesus was anti-gun. You remember Jesus right? The man that walked on water showing the Gun Nuts that he couldn’t swim? Gun Nuts complaining Christians only worshipping him after he died?==that kind of stupidity posing as a response?

      I have never seen such a sanctimonious, smug, and self satisfied bunch as Bloomberg, Morgan, Feinstein, Cuomo, et al. /// Well–they certainly have no business being self satisfied===UNTIL THE FREAKING GUN LAWS ARE CHANGED. But again, I appreciate the red herrings. Got more clips?

      Every one of them trying to get as much press as possible. /// Yes, its about time. Imagine what will happen if another group of kiddies is MASSACRED any time soon? I know, I know…. just a necessary coincidence caused by lack of an armed, body armored, private gun carrying citizen posted every 10 feet in public. Bazookas and Machine Guns to be allowed on private property—for protection of course.

      Silly Gun Nuts.

      • deegee says:

        You are really going off of the deep end away from reality on this.

        “Guns kill people”

        More people die from car crashes. Cars kill people.
        More people die from cigarettes. Cigarettes kill people.
        More people die from cancer. Cancer kills people.
        More children die from starvation, why are you not feeding the children?

        And don’t try the old anti “guns were made for killing” as that is complete bull.

        “Jesus was anti-gun.”

        Guns were not even invented at the time of Jesus.
        Are you this totally far from reality?

        And if you want the truth about what Jesus thought and said, you had better read the bible, because Jesus was FOR personally arming yourself against the street criminals of his day, and he was FOR open carry of personal protection, what would be classified as an open carry handgun today.

        Luke 22:36 is only one example scripture:
        “and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one”

        Please stop with the emotional and illogical nonsense.

        • ohgodnakedfarmers says:

          But start farming right after…..

          they shall beat their swords into plowshares
          Isaiah 2:3-4

    • MikeN says:

      Actually, they are hoping for a second shooting to really push public opinion in their favor.

      • bobbo, neutering gun nuts with their own lack of ammunition says:

        …………and there’s another disgusting idea projected onto the reasonable gun limitations side.

        Funny how many liberals buy guns, extended clips, ammo and load the guns up and find some good old boy to liquor up and force the weapon on him with the advice to go fight for his freedom.

        Happens every few hours in the USA. Very evil these people who want to limit mindless violence.

  30. deowll says:

    If a law is put forward that addresses a need and would actually prevent others from being harmed then perhaps it is worth considering.

    On the other hand very few laws relating to preventing violence by preventing citizens owning firearms have been demonstrated to have done much if anything to limit violence. At best they are acts of showmanship in which shallow thinking hacks get to take center stage and pretend to have done something useful.

    Must murders seem to occur in cities of more than 250,000 people and most of the murders in those cities seem to occur in certain specific neighborhoods.

    If I recall correctly more people are bludgeoned to death than shot and killed and more people are beaten to death with fists than either or at least that is what the FBI says.

    • Mextli says:

      “At best they are acts of showmanship in which shallow thinking hacks get to take center stage and pretend to have done something useful. ”



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