Geez. I have to wonder if this is a hoax. If not the country is in real trouble.

found by +Ken Adams

  1. Hmeyers says:


    • stormtrooper 651 says:

      Hoax yes, but that dude is dumb, especially moronic where he says “I’m using maths and science”.
      And yes, the country is in real trouble.

      • JLF says:

        Some folks think politics is an art. Not so. It is a tribal ritual complete with human sacrifice and cannabalism. That is why we get so many people on both sides who have no business running for anything. – they were dipped in a vat of stupid so they tasted bad.

  2. TThor says:

    A long and happy marriage of equals are awaiting.

  3. Thad says:


  4. TooManyPuppies says:

    Doubt it was a hoax, she was dead serious. How would I know? That gal has the same brain as my ex-wife. Driving through a school zone at 25mph I asked my ex how far we would travel if we drove a steady 25mph for 1 hour, her answer was pretty much just like this gal.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      Were you speeding?

      That’s a high speed limit for a school zone.

  5. Dick Montie says:

    How long is a rope?

  6. RR1 says:

    I work at a college and see this level of intelligence in those close to graduating on a regular basis. Hoax or not, sheeple are generally stupid.

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    She’s a moron, the fact she married that douche-nozzle proves it…

    • GregAllen says:

      That was my first thought.

      My wife has flaws but I wouldn’t post them on the Internet.

  8. Admfubar says:

    when they met, she said, “Hi I’m beautiful but stupid”.
    He said, (in a Austin Powers voice) Yeahhhh baby!

  9. ECA says:

    I want her on my team…
    in a foot race, she can run 1 mile in 7 minutes..Average 8.6 miles per hour..

  10. Dick says:

    If you want to see a truly stupid person deal with math have him/her make change without a calculator or any other aids like pencil and paper. You can almost see the little hamster wheel derail in the minds of these true failures of the educational system.

    Yes! The country is in trouble. And they tend to vote incorrectly too! That’s the scary part.

  11. Z says:

    I don’t think it’s a hoax and it’s pretty old. They have already been on Tosh.0. He isn’t a mental giant either:—miles-per-hour—uncensored

  12. dave m brewer says:

    She didn’t have a little hamburger (icon) button to push. Give her a break…

    Besides, I bet she swallows really good at 80 mph.

  13. Mr Diesel says:

    Who cares how stupid she is, I’d do her.

  14. huskergrrrl says:

    I hope these people don’t reproduce.

  15. dcphill says:

    Maybe there is something to the idea of “dumb blond jokes”
    Ya think?

  16. gary in gilroy says:

    Nice girl to spend the weekend with…Who’s gonna believe her testimony in court?

  17. Likes2LOL says:

    My mom, a retired high school algebra & geometry teacher, attributed “the beginning of the end” of U.S. math proficiency to the introduction of hand-held calculators in the 1970’s — her students became unable to factor even simple polynomial equations because they no longer had the times tables memorized.

    I don’t think this video is a hoax; she sounds too sincere.

    Most cashiers today can’t calculate in their heads how much change to give in a cash transaction if the cash register didn’t tell them. Remember, the U.S. got to the Moon on slide rules, not calculators.

    P.S. The guy is definitely a douche, but I suspect he’s getting what he wants out of the relationship.

    • daveo says:

      I agree, I went to high school in the 70’s and that was when they stopped requiring math, so naturally, I rebelled and took more math.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      I think it was the introduction of hand-held calculators to primary school students in order to learn math in the early 1990s that is more pertinent. This woman is also demonstrating the problem solving technique of estimating every problem from the beginning that also was introduced in the early 1990s.

  18. denacron says:

    Like driving by a wind farm and having a person say “Why do they put these up? Its already too windy here without them!”.

  19. GregAllen says:

    I vote hoax.

  20. roy b. giv says:

    blondes have more fun, and he’s jumpin’ her.

  21. Scott M. says:

    In theory, if you marry a person, that should exclude them from this type of treatment. She is the franchise player on his team. Yet his insecurities manifest themselves in this display of ridicule. So very sad.

  22. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    There are lots of people with ZERO math comprehension. I had a roommate studying Political Science and I had to divide the electrical bill for him as dividing by 2 was beyond his skills.

    Of course, in Poly Sci—he was a genius.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Of course, in Poly Sci—he was a genius.

      I very much doubt that.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Well, Mpod—thats what he said! since I never took a poly-sci course, what else could I think?

  23. Simon T says:

    I’m not sure who’s the biggest dickhead… The girl for the obvious or the bloke for videoing the whole thing whilst driving!

    • Me (a.k.a. You!) says:

      It’s the bloke videotaping the whole thing. He’s probably either in the process of getting a divorce or permanently residing in the dog house for exposing her ignorance.

      Then again, she is blonde!

    • Kat says:

      I did this when I was younger. It happens the same as it does when I would say the Our Father and mix the words together not knowing they were supposed to be separate. To me, mph was just a jargon word. In my mind it wasn’t three separate words, but one word.

      I don’t think the guy is that bad because I thought it was hilarious when I figured it out. If you ask me, it’s people that don’t realize that their mind does tricks to get them through the day that makes them idiots. If everyone’s mind didn’t do things to make life easier, pickpockets would have a much harder time taking peoples wedding rings while they’re wearing them or a wallet from their back pocket. Magicians wouldn’t be able to take a plane on a stage and make it disappear without people knowing how.

  24. Me (a.k.a. You!) says:

    I’d like to know how many people here even know what a fire plug is? We all see fire hydrants everywhere, but who knows what exactly a fire PLUG is?

    I’d also like to say that dumb is a relative term since dumb is really more of a clinical term indicating one’s inability to talk. Therefore, I prefer the more accurate word, stupid. Of course, stupid is somewhat relative too.

    …Probably because everyone has a relative like that who’s stupid. (Can I have a drum rim shot there?)

  25. Alfie says:

    We shouldn’t just assume she’s dumb. Psychologists refer to “critical periods” during which development needs to happen, and if it fails to happen, you’re stuck for life. This is part of why some people are terrible at math. So she probably had an awful math teacher, or was busy being brainwashed with religion, or was more interested in boys during those critical years.

    • TheMAXX says:

      Or she doesn’t think for herself. She could be a straight “A” student grades 1-12 and still be confused when asked to think to get an answer.

  26. HUGSALOT says:

    I once had an girlfriend who said I should see a cardiologist when I kept complaining about my bad heartburn. I was surprised she knew what a cardiologist was! Stupidity runs rampant. To bad she was a cute/hot blond chick over-thinking something so trivial.

  27. chrismo says:

    As someone who has never had heartburn, I have to defend your ex-girlfrend. I only recently found out that it has nothing to do with your heart.
    This mph girl is as retarded as the driver is a dick.

  28. George says:

    Looking at the bell curve of IQ and population, you find that about 2/3 of the people fall within one standard deviation of the norm (100). So when you look at IQ in the general population, 1 standard deviation below 100 takes you to an IQ of about 85, which one could describe with the non-scientific term “dull”. 2 standard deviations puts one at an IQ of 70, which is borderline deficient to feeble minded.

    So, if 1/6 of the population falls below an IQ of 85 and 2.5% (1/40) falls below an IQ of 70, then given that there’s 311 million Americans, nearly 52 million are dullards, or worse and nearly 8 million are feeble minded.

    On top of this, education has failed millions of average students leaving them the functional equivalent of “dull”.

    I believe only about 2 or 3 percent of the population has a true mastery of math, science and technology sufficient to recreate it if some calamity were to befall civilization.

  29. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    I channel surfed onto “Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader” and the Blond missed the second question for $2000: How many dimensions does a rectangle have? She said it was on a piece of paper so one dimension. 4 of 5 kiddies said two. One kiddie said 4.

    but then I missed where is bile produced in the body? I first said liver and then would have guessed gall bladder. Always over thinking it.

  30. Haunted sheep says:

    That looked fake to me. If she was really that dumb he would have to immediately pull over and out something in her. Since that don’t happen. Fake.


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