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Let see the monster work unplugged!
ah… it mimics congress….
you want something one way…. and congress makes sure it is done the opposite way!
Its not worthless. Provides 38 seconds of amusement as one marvels it uses such a narrow stick compared to a big human finger. Nice precision. Like the computer itself, I’m sure we will find a use for this technology.
Oh – – it mimics the NRA whenever asked if Guns play any role in Gun Violence.
Or an Obama voter when asked how their choice for Pres is any different from Bush when it comes to warmongering.
The same could be said for the MPAA and RIAA, whenever movies and rap songs are blamed for gun violence. I don’t know what the lobbying group for Video Games is. But they probably react the same to such criticism of their products, as well.
Now I know there’s gonna be readers here who defend all forms of entertainment as not having anything whatsoever to do with causing gun violence. So answer me this. Why are no video games, or movies, or songs, allowed to have a message like “let’s exterminate the Jews”, if there wasn’t this real fear that it would lead to such acts actually being encouraged? Apparently it’s Ok to show murder and mayhem, in general. That’s not going to have an significant effect on impressionable minds. Just don’t dare you label the intended victims, Jews or Black or any other so-called minority. Especially if they’ve got tons of lawyers and lobbyists in Congress.
So tell me again, media doesn’t have any effect on people. And that’s why the Anti-Defamation League, and the NAACP, keep the “virtual” slaughter of their membership, at an absolute minimum (or even at zero). Ok to blow away a horde of zombies, as long as they aren’t Jews or mostly Blacks. Then, and only then, such entertaining expressions are seen as leading minds to the next Nazi regime, or something. But hey, remember, movies and video games aren’t suppose to have any such effect. Right?!!
It reminds me of our government.
more useful than 47 percent of citizens though, cheaper to run too.
You include all the veterans who are disabled, all the seniors past their prime. Hell of a good heart you got there. Your sense of compassion just oozes from your comment. Merry xmas mr. Grinch.
Inverse Whack-A-Mole!
Wow- someone digitized my relationship to the universe. No wait, almost. All this thing does is turn off whatever gets turned on. My version would simply change the state from however I left it – 5 minutes ago. And if I left it unchanged for 5 minutes, it would change it back. Meaning I would get what I wanted half of the time. Nevermind, that’s not right either.
Made in the USA. He could probably sell a ton of them as expensive gadgets in the USA also. And you still wonder why everything is shipped abroad?
It needs its creator to implement a Traveling Salesman algorithm.
It may have been used in the 2000 election, for the people who attempted to vote for Gore
I really think Douglas Adams would have been proud of this machine. Reminds me of his button that lights up saying, “Please don’t push this button again!”
Of course, it’s the ___ World’s Central Banks ___ doing their best to fix the universal fiscal crisis.