Sales of bulletproof backpacks for schoolchildren are through the roof days after a masked gunman’s rampage left 20 kids dead at a Connecticut elementary school.

Parents began snapping up the high-tech bookbags Friday, the same day of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, Elmar Uy of the Massachusetts-based armor company BulletBlocker told the Daily News.

They also sell shields that start at $175 — bulletproof inserts that can slide into backpacks, laptop bags or purses. They add about 20 ounces — it’s just like tossing a bottle of water in your bag, Uy said.

The company has seen a 300% to 400% increase in sales since the tragedy…

Online, reaction to the kiddie armor reflected sadness.

They are now selling bulletproof backpacks for children. What is this world coming to?” wrote Twitter user Courtney C. Jenkins, a pastor in Ohio.

Many called the backpacks a “sad sign of the times.”

“Duck and cover!”

Republicans really miss the Cold War.

  1. Dallas says:

    ““Duck and cover!” Republicans really miss the Cold War.”

    Nice one! LOL

  2. MikeN says:

    300 to 400% increase, could be sales have gone from 1 to 5.

  3. Ya Ya Ya says:

    …And as far as the Cold War is concerned;

    As for me, I don’t miss the cold war. I’m glad it’s over. But is it?!

    Could the Communist manifesto still exist and could it still be in the process of being promoted?! Think about that for a minute. Because one only needs to look to Washington and their local State governments for the answer.

    If you ask me, the cold war isn’t in Europe any more. It’s right here in good old U.S.A.! And the fight seems to be with our leaders and the political values that they want to promote.

    So it seems like it’s NOT the Republicans who miss the cold war, it’s the Democrats! I mean, did you really think the second most powerful government on earth would give up all that easy? The players may have changed but the poisonous thinking and warped values seem to be all too well and very much alive.

  4. ECA says:

    Lets see..,.
    BAckpack, in the locker..NOT so good..
    Laptop with BP case? Every Kindergarten should have one..
    BP desktop?? Shoot you in the foot..
    BP clothing?? thats TONS of clothing, and have you Ever been shot with JUST CLOTHING PROTECTION?? IT HURTS and can break bones insted.

    So what do we want, a FUlly body suit, and Other oddball accessories?? WOW a better gunman will just shoot you in the head..Cut your throat??

    CAN I suggest something EASIER??
    A DOOR to keep trespassers OUT of the school.

  5. Plumbum says:

    I’ll bet she has a nice looking ass!

  6. WmDE says:

    Time to put a well regulated militia to work. Require that every adult citizen carry and be as proficient as possible with a two-shot derringer.

    This will put enough distributed fire power on the street to drive nutcases back into their tower sniping option.

  7. Anonymous Coward says:

    The answer is clearly to pass a law that all bullets in gun free zones spontaneously convert into Nerf(tm) Bullets so nobody can get hurt. This has the advantage of being as realistically effective in the Real World as any gun control law that the Dems would pass if they still controlled all of Congress like in 2009-2010.

    That being said, I want to take note that the NRA’s (and others’) blaming of video games by association makes as much sense as blaming the wearing of clothes, watching movies, driving cars, living indoors, and brushing teeth, all of which most “spree killers” can be assumed to have in common. 99.9% plus of video gamers don’t murder people in Real Life. At what percentage do the “guns kill people” freaks stop associating video games with real world violence?

    • bobbo, one lib-tard spanking right wing retards for years says:

      Of course video games encourage the use of guns to “solve” problems. Of course not everyone who brushes their teeth commit mass slaughter.

      All a matter of degree and the pro’s and con’s of keeping legal vs making illegal vs regulation.

      It is disengenuous to say that a law that outlaws guns, or clips, or semi-automatics or whatever won’t work…. give it actual enforcement and a while to work.

      If you don’t have a gun, you can’t kill by a gun.

      Pretty simple.

      • deegee says:

        False on the video games scapegoat. Only a small percentage of video games have guns in them. Every study done has also found no direct link.

        Other countries are doing/have tried ‘outlawing’ guns. It does not work. Period. You can’t rewind the clock and remove all firearms from the earth. The ‘war on drugs’ has worked so well hasn’t it, and drugs are illegal. How can any person be so naive to believe it would work with anything else?

        I will agree that people do need to be trained in proper handling, use and storage, and that background checks are necessary. But most countries already have those requirements in place (to varying degrees).
        Criminals ignore that. And most firearm related crimes are with illegal or stolen guns. If they are going to go murder someone, which is illegal, why would they care how many laws they also break obtaining the weapon to do it with?

        “If you don’t have a gun, you can’t kill by a gun.”

        But you can very easily buy one on the black market, steal one, or make one in your basement.

        The problem isn’t the gun. If all firearms turned into fluffy bunnies tomorrow and every human’s brain forgot how to manufacture them, then evil people would just use bombs, knives, dynamite, gas, hammers, screwdrivers, baseball bats, golf clubs, poison, frying pans, rocks, fists, or anything else they could get in their hands to do their evil deeds.
        And in most cases, bombs kill and injure way more people per incident than guns. Look into the cases of all of the suicide bombers over the past few decades.

        I sometimes wonder if you are just trying to egg us on and get our goats, or whether you really believe all of the nonsense you are posting.

    • bobbo, one lib-tard spanking right wing retards for years says:

      Gun nut as if from a speech writer for Wayne LaPierre?

      Armed everyone.

      Could not be more stupid.

      thanks for posting.

  8. ShotgunMo ... look for me on CODBO2 says:

    It would take some gall for the present administration to even consider proposing blocking the sale of the very weapons it just sold to Mexican drug dealers, to law abiding American citizens.

  9. bobbo, one lib-tard spanking right wing retards for years says:

    deegee raising doubt on his claim to a high IQ says:
    12/21/2012 at 10:33 pm

    False on the video games scapegoat. /// I never said that. Read and Parse.

    Only a small percentage of video games have guns in them. /// Yeap, thems the ones.

    Every study done has also found no direct link. /// Thats what I said.

    Other countries are doing/have tried ‘outlawing’ guns. It does not work. Period. /// False. It worked in Australia and UK clamp downs in 1996. Has been working in Switzerland for years. Same with all the European countries. Just look at the stats. Death from guns 1/4th to 1/30th the rate of USA.

    You can’t rewind the clock and remove all firearms from the earth. /// Of course you can. Talking about the USA.

    The ‘war on drugs’ has worked so well hasn’t it, and drugs are illegal. How can any person be so naive to believe it would work with anything else? /// Because it works on many similar things and has been shown to work in those other countries mentioned above.

    I will agree that people do need to be trained in proper handling, use and storage, and that background checks are necessary. But most countries already have those requirements in place (to varying degrees). /// Yep, and its working.

    Criminals ignore that. And most firearm related crimes are with illegal or stolen guns. If they are going to go murder someone, which is illegal, why would they care how many laws they also break obtaining the weapon to do it with? /// the largest mass shootings have taken place by kiddies stealing guns from their parents or getting them legally. They don’t have the social skills to buy an illegal weapon. When only criminals have guns—they’ll be easier to put in jail.

    “If you don’t have a gun, you can’t kill by a gun.”

    But you can very easily buy one on the black market, steal one, or make one in your basement. //// Black market will reduce over time and is not convenient for the socially retarded. Can’t steal one if they aren’t generally around. Hand made guns?? Sure. Not that many, not that good. Pull my finger.

    The problem isn’t the gun. /// Yes, it is. THAT is EXACTLY the problem. Silly to say otherwise. Stand back from the Koolaide.

    If all firearms turned into fluffy bunnies tomorrow and every human’s brain forgot how to manufacture them, then evil people would just use bombs, knives, dynamite, gas, hammers, screwdrivers, baseball bats, golf clubs, poison, frying pans, rocks, fists, or anything else they could get in their hands to do their evil deeds. /// True, with much less lethality. Just look at the stats by country.

    And in most cases, bombs kill and injure way more people per incident than guns. Look into the cases of all of the suicide bombers over the past few decades. /// When/if bombs become the relevant issue, then more steps can be taken to control them too.

    I sometimes wonder if you are just trying to egg us on and get our goats, or whether you really believe all of the nonsense you are posting. /// HEY!!!!===Thats what I was thinking.

    Guns don’t kill people…..
    Bazookas don’t kill people….
    Smallpox doesn’t kill people….
    Bayonets to the gut dont kill people….
    Drones don’t kill people…..

    What do you need? Caps?

  10. ECA says:



    FIX THE DOORS so trespassers CANT GET IN..
    THEY have to go THRU the OFFICES and get registered and PATTED DOWN..

    • So what says:

      OK moron, since you are obviously too stupid to google an article let alone utilize the caps key. He shot out the locked door with the fucking rifle. He then shot and killed the office staff and kids. Jesus you make alfie and bobbo look intelligent.

      • ECA says:

        no panic button?? to lock down the WHOLE school and call the cops..?

        Do we still have Student SEARCHES for guns and drugs, going on in major metro??

        AND why read the news(I hate all the BS) you know it all..
        AND why not have a double door system so they have to ring a bell to get entrance??

        ALSO. the doors in MY OLD school were METAL, PUSH BAR..
        You cant Shoot out a PUSH BAR..(not easily..)

  11. MikeN says:

    Make all of America a gun-free zone. From now all, all gun purchases are free, paid for by the government.

  12. deowll says:

    Body armor has kept a lot of people alive through the years. If my nieces and nephews are running from a shooter I want them to be wearing one of those.

    If some of the teachers had had one of those and some mace/pepper spray/ a taser and maybe a ball bat or the handle from a broom a lot more people might still be alive today.

    The thing that forcefully stands out in my mind in the case in the EU, the batman case, and here is that people wanting to stage mass murders attack at locations they know a lot of unarmed and defenseless people will be. Schools as they stand are such easy targets it’s appalling.

    The other observation is that explosives and accelerants will get you a much larger body count. I think the Oklahoma city bomber got 168.

    I don’t care how many gun laws you pass or how many people you throw in prison somebody is going to get a weapon: a gun, a knife, a club, a sword, machete, an ax, whatever and then the intended victims are either going to be prepared to fight back or it will be another massacre pure and simple. If the staff at schools aren’t provided with some means to incapacitate a would be killer it is criminal negligence pure and simple.

  13. t0llyb0ng says:

    1.  Is there any legislation or edict that can make our guns go away?

    No.  The kids got shot because there was no one there to protect them.

    2.  Is there any legislation or edict that can make global warming stop?

    No.  The earth heats up or cools down because of what the sun does.

  14. SchwettyBalls says:

    No body armor or back pack is going to stop anti-personnel rounds from a straight shot from an assault rifle.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      Aren’t most rounds anti-personnel by their very nature?

      For the rest of the retards that can’t get a single fact right let me help. There is no such thing as a one hundred round clip or 50 or 40 or 30 or 20…you get the idea. They are called magazines. As soon as you post a reply that mentions the word clip when referring to any modern weapon you immediately show your ignorance on the subject to which you are talking. Get it right and people may even listen to your point of view.

  15. dadeo says:

    Since you aren’t ‘ladder-broke’, if/when the Lions lose you gotta give me your antlers for the pile.

  16. no crazier than thinking we should arm teachers and expect them to basically replace law enforcement as we continue to cut their pay and benefits. just sayin.


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