The fun starts at 2:50

Two Texas women are suing after state troopers subjected them to a humiliating and invasive ‘roadside body cavity search’ that was caught on video. Female trooper Kellie Helleson is seen in the footage aggressively searching the private parts of Angel Dobbs, 38, and her niece, Ashley Dobbs, 24, in front of passing cars.

The women, who claim the trooper used the same rubber glove for both of them, were initially stopped by Helleson’s colleague David Farrell on State Highway 161 near Irving after he saw one of them throw a cigarette butt out the window. Angel Dobbs said Helleson irritated an anal cyst she suffers from during the search, causing her ‘severe and continuing pain and discomfort.’

The suit said: ‘Angel Dobbs was overwhelmed with emotion and a feeling of helplessness and reacted stating that Helleson had just violated her in a most horrific manner.’

The two women are also suing the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, Steven McCraw, who they claim ignored previous complaints about ‘unlawful strip searches, cavity searches and the like. Angel Dobbs passed a roadside sobriety test and the women were given warnings for littering.’

I think the bigger story here is that the cops are doing this in full view of the public and knowingly being recorded on camera. Also, keep in mind simple possession of marijuana is now legal or decriminalized in many states. The Public will pay big for this.

  1. MikeN says:

    Who knew that because marijuana is legal or decriminalized in some states, that those states get to dictate policy in the other states.

    Texas is also #1 in prison rehabilitation and drug treatment for prisoners.

    • Colonel Panic says:

      So Mikey, littering justifies a sexual assault by police in PUBLIC. You mean that policy?

      Fucking idiot.

      • MikeN says:

        No it doesn’t justify it. Just commenting on McCullough’s comment that implies other states’ policies should dictate policy in Texas.

        • McCullough says:

          It’s called putting things in perspective, Mike.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            No its not. Its called making irrelevant connections. How close to the Drone Program is this?

            I assume all involved thought it was a legal cigarette butt being illegally littered onto the highway. Still illegal IN ALL STATES, if it was mj.

            Totally appropriate to make a stop and give a ticket for that…… but nothing more.

          • McCullough says:

            So how is it irrelevant that in most states it’s a misdemeanor or even legal, and in another state it warrants a cavity search in public?

            In any state this is considered unreasonable search, even if mj was detected. It’s totally relevant.

          • MikeN says:

            In West Virginia it’s a misdemeanor to sell your children. I guess that puts things in perspective, we should say it’s no big deal

          • MikeN says:

            Concealed carry is legal in many states. So if the cops come in and knock a guy to the ground upon realizing he is carrying a gun, cuff him up and put him in jail, we should put things in perspective and say the cops are overreacting because of the laws in other states.

          • Get a Clue! says:

            There’s no arguing with an IDIOT like that. So don’t waste your time!

            Next video we see will probably be of Mikey getting shot to death for drinking a soda in his own bedroom! (Remember that one?)

    • Jonesy says:

      MikeN – do you have a problem with the 4th Amendment?

    • Carlos says:

      Where can I apply for that state trooper job?

  2. Carlos says:

    Two girls, one set of gloves!

  3. Dallas says:


    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      exactly what i was thinking.

      • Dallas says:

        That was rough to watch.

        I always have my breakfast or lunch before viewing a video post from McCullough or response from Alphie.

        • The Monster's Lawyer says:

          This is symptomatic of our eroded sense of self respect and privacy. It started in earnest with allowing the TSA evermore invasive routines at the airport. Those who bristled at the “inconvenience” were told to find another mode of transport. Now it’s accepted as normal for someone to grab your privates in public as well as x-ray you. Now this. Is this the price we have to pay if we want to use the interstate highways?

          • Dallas says:

            I agree. The sheeple are desensitized to getting groped by the Republican installed TSA.

            In addition, having children shot and killed in schools is just “downside” of the 2nd amendment right to the thrill of owning an assault weapon.

          • MikeN says:

            TSA is expanding to highways as well. So if you don’t like it, just stay at home.

          • Zero Truth says:

            Dallas, if the Dems gave any more of a crap than the Reps, why is the Rep installed TSA still here? Open your eyes and realize they’re all assholes. Security Theater only has one audience, and it ain’t us.

            Right and left, red and blue, are Stalin’s tactics with American precision. The Republican National Corporation and the Democratic National Corporation are the bleeding same thing.

            Regarding your idiotic gun trolling, show me the last mass shooting at a police sation, you know, where the guns are. No, it’s always where they AREN’T: The open Victim Free Fire zone around our schools.

            Sigh. Guess we better lock up any slave who visits a gun range, he Must Be Planning An Attocity!!! OMGzorz!!!1!!eleven!

          • The Monster's Lawyer says:

            MikeN ~ “TSA is expanding to highways as well. So if you don’t like it, just stay at home.”

            Thanks for supporting my point. I feel sufficiently oppressed now.

    • McCullough says:

      Next time, it gets posted with Smell-O-Vision.

  4. plarsen says:

    Of course a cavity search is a police state reaction and in the described situation is comparable to assault.

    However, littering is no laughing matter. It is frightfully impolite and a sign of bad manners. It is deserving of punishment. Politeness is part of the social fabric.

    It made me think of something I once read in a Henlein novel: “The Cat Who Walks Through Walls” and I looked it up again.

    In it Dr. Richard Ames has the following dialogue with his bride to be:

    Dr. Ames: “No, no, not Tolliver. Although it may develop that Tolliver should be dead. No, dear, the man who killed Schultz. I must find him and kill him.”

    Gwen: “Oh. Uh, I can see that he should be dead; he’s a murderer. But why must you do it? Both are strangers to you — both the victim and whoever killed him. Actually it’s not your business. Is it?”

    Dr. Ames: “It is my business. Schultz or whatever his name is was killed while he was a guest at my table. That’s intolerably rude. I won’t put up with it. Gwen my love, if one tolerates bad manners, they grow worse. Our pleasant habitat could decay into the sort of slum Ell-Five is, with crowding and unmannerly behavior and unnecessary noise and impolite language. I must find the oaf who did this thing, explain to him his offense, give him a chance to apologize, and kill him.”

  5. Mooking says:

    These two “officers” belong on the national sex offenders registry for life.

  6. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    99% of the time, officers do follow department protocol. Its the Head Trooper/Texas controlling Agency that needs to be fired.

    • Dallas says:

      …or sent to TSA

    • BubbaMustafa says:

      99%?? LOL No friggin way its that high. 70% at BEST

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Yeah–but not on stuff they know they are filming themselves. NO DOUBT in my mind the cops are acting 100% withing department protocols. Probably could get fired if they DIDN’T do this.

        I am trying to be a more positive kind of guy.

        Its not the cops—its the Department/bosses.

        The babes didn’t look like they minded. I would still say we can do the roadside here, or take you downtown if you need more privacy, car towed, etc.

        Ha, ha. Cops. Thin blue line separating something……..

  7. Reverse Engineer says:

    Spinal Tap’s “Smell The Glove” comes to mind…

  8. TripHamer says:

    Hum….littering….look at their ID….write a ticket and move on.

    I’m sure there are more, real dangerous criminals out there that they can better spend there efforts on, protecting us from.

    • dadeo says:

      What self-respecting pot smoker throws away a perfectly good roach anyway?

  9. Captain Obvious says:

    It’s Texas. The officer thought they were her cousins.

  10. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    One of us on the wrong wavelength with McCullough says:
    12/19/2012 at 11:13 am

    Darn–wrote my whole response and then recognized where you are coming from: the Texas cops saw a butt thrown out a car window and they made a stop and search/cavity search looking for illegal drugs which could have included MJ?

    If MJ is illegal in Texas, and illegal under Federal Law–why shouldn’t they be able to do this???? Because laws in other states are different? But THATS THE WHOLE REASON for federalism==different states having different laws.

    My point would remain the same—is there probable cause to suspect drug possession when a butt is thrown out a car window? I can argue that either way and be happy with the results.

    Know your state.

    • Captain Bee Fart says:

      Yeah I don’t think a public cavity search is appropriate under any circumstance except maybe life threatening.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Ahhhh….. you are right. I forgot the public part.

  11. deowll says:

    I’m afraid that I must agree with the poster. Somebody needs to pay because I don’t think there were grounds for a cavity search at a public location.

  12. Nate says:

    “The fun starts at 2:50”?!?!?!!?!?!?

    You asshole, there is no FUN in this video, it’s not FUNNY, FUN OR FUNLIKE!!!!!!

  13. Neptune5 says:

    The cop went back first then front on each girl. Aren’t girls told to wipe front first then back for hygienic concerns?

    I am male so this is not from direct experience, but I’ve heard going the wrong direction can lead to infections. And it seems kind of gross. I bet this officer barely got a passing grade when she took the body cavity certification course.

    Oh yeah she forgot to change her gloves between searches.

    • Captain Bee Fart says:

      “Oh yeah she forgot to change her gloves between searches.”

      Har! Minor detail.

  14. George says:

    And you all understand that it’s the cops that will be on point for enforcing the new anti-gun legislation that is coming.

    “Spread your legs. We’re searching for illegal guns, clips (sic), and bullets.”

    And they are also the ones that will be exempt from all of it.

  15. dusanmal says:

    So many comments and no one is getting it: this is NOT about marijuana or drugs. That is the lame excuse. This is all about us letting Government to become too big and powerful “to help us”. With such authority given, inextricably connected comes power of police state. You want single payer healthcare – this comes attached to it. You want social services of all kinds – this comes attached. You want Nanny Government – that Nanny can now spank you and insert thermometer or laxative in whatever orifice it wants to.
    In the country with Constitution preserved, cops would shiver in fear of even looking at you wrongly. But, people voted in one more term for anal-probing Progressives. That’s what you get.

  16. Chris Mac says:

    Do they only get the HD version back at the station? How am I supposed to fap to that?

  17. MikeN says:

    But of course the public should be unarmed.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:


      I mean Mickey….. Really?????

      Yeah, a gun is the answer…… to what exactly?

      Sorry I took the bait. Too stoopid to take seriously. YOU GOT ME!!!!

      I hate it when that happens.

  18. Comanche says:

    Did your here a request to search?
    What is the probable cause?

  19. B1 says:

    We may have a lot of CCTV in the UK but I have NEVER heard of this happening so out in the open as this! You’ll have to go through this before picking your kids up from school soon – “SHUT UP SLAVES” or what!

  20. Harry says:

    Law suit.

  21. MikeN says:

    Alexis de Tocqueville warned Americans against succumbing to an “immense tutelary power” that reduces us to “a herd of timid and industrious animals of which government is the shepherd.” The ultimate goal of American “progressivism” (although not, of course, its avowed intent) is to turn Tocqueville’s warning into a fact. And as we all know, it is the sad fate of sheep to end up in the slaughter-house.

  22. t0llyb0ng says:

    lawsuit is one word
    no hyphen in slaughterhouse

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Why do you hate spaces so much tolly? City born and bred?

      If I could spell, I might join you. Just for the fun of it, you know?

  23. Johnathan Stein says:

    Does anybody have another link to this video? The original is gone.


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