A northern Indiana man who allegedly threatened to “kill as many people as he could” at an elementary school near his home was arrested by officers who later found 47 guns and ammunition hidden throughout his home.
Von. I. Meyer, 60, of Cedar Lake, was arrested Saturday after prosecutors filed formal charges of felony intimidation, domestic battery and resisting law enforcement against him. He was being held Sunday without bond at the Lake County Jail, pending an initial hearing on the charges…
Cedar Lake Police officers were called to Meyer’s home early Friday after he allegedly threatened to set his wife on fire once she fell asleep…
Meyer also threatened to enter nearby Jane Ball Elementary School “and kill as many people as he could before police could stop him,” the statement said. Meyer’s home is less than 1,000 feet from the school and linked to it by trails and paths through a wooded area, police said.
Police said in the statement that they notified school officials and boosted security at all area schools Friday – the same day 26 people, including 20 students, were shot and killed at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.
On Saturday, officers served warrants at Meyer’s home and arrested him. The statement said police had learned that Meyer kept many weapons in his older, two-story home and “is a known member of the Invaders Motorcycle Gang.”
Officers searched the home, finding 47 guns and ammunition worth more than $100,000 hidden throughout the home…
Just in case you thought we may encounter a shortage of violent gun nuts.
Read the Link!
the guy was just arguing with his wife. Who hasn’t threatened to burn up his wife and kill everyone in the local school when told to stop drinking and take a bath?
What has happened to FREEEEEEEDOM of speech and private marital conversations in this Country?
The police should protect and serve–not intervene, violate rights, and jail innocent HEROIC Americans.
What we should do is find out why more police officers don’t go to church!!!!
Yea Verily—from the Church of the Red Herring, Wayne LaPierre/Pastor.
I propose a new gun control law that says nobody is allowed to own more guns than they have teeth in their mouth.
“allegedly threatened to set his wife on fire once she fell asleep…”
She’s probably a big girl.
Everyone settle the fuck down !!! This is a bullshit story. I would say wait for the facts to come out but we all know(well some of us)that the voices get quieter and quieter as they become more and more truthful.
At the same time, armed person with legal, concealed gun while in the movie theater shoots and stops another lunatic with guns just as that one attempted to start killing people in the theater…
As any right, right to “bear arms” carries consequences. Consequences that Founders deemed lesser, acceptable evil versus the need for the particular individual right and evil that could emerge if that one is suppressed. History proved them right. End of story.
Path to alter fundamental right exists as well. Go, change Constitution in Constitutionally proper manner if one of those rights is bothering you. Keep in mind as you erode one right, others will go away similarly. Number of people in this country ready to surrender free speech is higher than those ready to surrender right to bear arms… Just sayin’.
What a silly goose you are Douche-Anal. Your analysis doesn’t withstand a peppercorn’s worth of challenge. There WERE NO MOVIE THEATERS when the constitution was ratified.
See the gaping hole in your thinking?
I didn’t think so. But there it is.
That’s just total bullshit.
Confuscius Say: Wise man will wait for enlightenment, or speak rashly.
Guns don’t kill or injure people, only people do that.
What was or wasn’t around during when the US constitution was written has nothing to do with its contents and meanings.
All of this BS about 2nd Ammend. only applies to flint-lock rifles or such is pure crap.
There were no guns when the 10 commandments were given/written, so by your logic that means “thou shall do no murder” is no longer relevant to murders committed by those means? Bullpoop.
When your constitutional rights regarding free speech were written, there was no Radio, no TV, and no Internet.
So by your logic, there is also no free speech on any of those newer mediums.
So shut up and get the frak off of the internet. If you want to send us your comments, do it by telegraph or pony-express, since apparently that is what they meant in the constitution according to you.
Ever notice how people against things like the 2nd Ammend. always twist it to try to fit it to their twisted fantasyland way of thinking? Apply your narrow minded thinking to only the narrow items that fit your agenda.
deegee in his always amusing way challenges us: “Ever notice how people against things like the 2nd Ammend. always twist it to try to fit it to their twisted fantasyland way of thinking?” /// ummm, truthfully…. no, I’ve never noticed that!
I’m glad that I amuse. 🙂
Don’t quote the founding fathers. They were thinking muskets.
Right, because clearly what they were all lacking was the gift of visionary thought.
Well, they nevere thought the S Ct would read the amendment as anything other than a necessary part of a well regulated militia.
The meaning the gun nuts want (and have under current S Ct ruling) is the 2nd amendment as if those limiting words of purpose were not even there. They didn’t use extra throw away words anywhere else.
So–yeah==they weren’t very visionary recognizing what the Roberts’ Court would do 250 years later. The Roberts’ Sup Ct: “There is no evidence that money corrupts politics.” ? wtf????
Hey douche-knuckle: if you’re going to say that “only the militia is allowed to have guns” then you might be interested that the question “who is the militia?” has been answered. Read and be enlightened:
10 USC § 311(a): “The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.”
The US Supreme Court ruled in US v. Miller that when called into action the militia was to show up “bearing arms supplied by themselves…” Black’s Law Dictionary defines militia as, “The body of citizens in a state” and not the “regular troops of a standing army.”
The militia is distinctly different from the National Guard or the US military forces.
Oh! And cannons, and swords, and pistols, and bombs, and — well you get my meaning. Whats why they used the word “Arms”.
Does anyone think they were afraid the Government may someday want to amputate the arms of citizens? (Probably not impossible but a little far-fetched.)
I’m sure I’ll take a lot of heat for this so bring it on.
Its time for a discussion about the probabilty that copy cat killers are being fueled by non-stop coverage by idiots in news media who, by the way, get most of the facts wrong…..
The news outlets have to take some responsibility for these incidents.
And I do believe the leftist Hollywood penchant for ultraviolent films, as well as the violent video games need to take some responsibility as well.
Its the same as porn desensitizing the youth as to what is normal or not normal. This is just common sense.
I think you are waaaaaaay overstating your case. There hasn’t even been a sequel to Ultraviolet as far as I know and Milla Jovovich should keep the right to make movies.
this is still a free country afterall.
I agree, but if the Lefties in Hollywood want to make movies like SAW 12, then they should just shut the fuck up when someone emulates their hero in the movie.
The same goes for anyone who supports this countries (and I am talking about the current admin as well) policy of shipping arms and killer drones to ANY other country. What about the “children: who get in the way of one of Obama’s drones. No love for them?
You don’t get to have it both ways. Stop selling arms to other countries, or as I said, shut your yap.
What???? You’ve gone from funny typo’s to conflating totally (sic!) unrelated issues?
Ha, ha. When intelligent people post stupid things (See Douche-Anal for instance), the issue is emotional… not on the posted Topic.
When authors from Hollywood to the Bible have their plots stolen they should always speak out and sue for copyright infringement==where ya been?
So–freedom fighters against military dictators should be left to sticks and stones while the entrenched goverments they are fighting has all the tech? If France had that policy back in 1776, we would still be part of Britain. What do you have against FREEEEEEEDOM—and the weapons trade necessary to secure it???
So–freedom fighters?
My God, you’re an idiot.
Yes, let’s mix the use of drones in a military operation with civilians killing other civilians for the excitement.
Yup, that’ll cloud the issue for a while
So you’re good with US shipping arms all over the world for killing others?
Got it.
If it’s in the national interest of the Us, yeah, sure.
OK, your turn. You OK with selling shoulder mounted Rocket Propelled Grenades at Walmart? Why or why not?
A ridiculous question unworthy of response.
…exactly what our founding fathers said when somebody asked about future guns in sheeple hands that shoot 50 pellets per second.
Dallas said – …exactly what our founding fathers said when somebody asked about future guns in sheeple hands that shoot 50 pellets per second.
That’s an AUTOMATIC (think machine gun) weapon…they have been banned for many many, many, years.
Try to keep up.
So an RPG is not a machine gun so I take it you’re OK with that. Quit evading the question that might reveal hypocrisy.
bitch did’t make him a sammich.
Q: What do you say to a woman with two black eyes?
A: Nothing the bitch has already been told twice
But I really can’t support the practice of calling women bitches. They are angels. Light fluffy angels. Disrespectful to call/think of them as anything else.
But I do love sammiches.
Absolutely right. I love my wife. Mostly cause she makes a mean sammich.
Now, this guys wife, I don’t know….
McCullough conflating shit with shinola says:
12/18/2012 at 12:59 pm
So you’re good with US shipping arms all over the world for killing others? /// Actually, given the real world where if the USA doesn’t sell the arms someone else would—I have to say Yes, that is what we should do. That way, we make money and we have more control over repair and maintenance, knowledge of the capabilities, and potentials and other real politik stuff like that.
BUT THE SHINOLA IS: foreign arm sales has little to do with domestic gun policy. why do you insist on conflating the two??
“Actually, given the real world where if the USA doesn’t sell the arms someone else would”
You are rationalizing, and again you’re full of shit.
“BUT THE SHINOLA IS: foreign arm sales has little to do with domestic gun policy. why do you insist on conflating the two??”
It’s called hypocritical…and thats what YOU are.
Liberal? Hah, I look like Martin Luther King to your Mussolini. You Liberals are a hoot.
Oh really McC. Its totally ok to be wrong coming out of the chute. thinking of particular instances, special private definitions of words and so forth. but when you are shown the errors of your ways AND the better path, its just “conservative” to cling to your set notions.
So–tell us true==AFTER actually thinking about it:
Some resource rich country want to buy modern military arms. They can buy from USA, France, Russia, or China. Tell me your top 2 reasons you would prefer Russia or China or France get the business rather than USA?
After that: Assume USA sold the weapons and now that country want to invade its neighbors==but we tell them if they do that we won’t resupply them with parts or maintenance for their selection of weapons. Why would you give up that leverage???
Finally–please tell us how not selling Drones to Pakistan will save children in the next USA schoolground massacre?
We will all wait ((ohh, probably not–Milla Jovovich is making a sammich in the next hour))
This is my last word (to YOU) on the subject. By your (anal)ogy, it’s OK if I sell drugs to the kid next door, because if I don’t someone else will.
That’s about a simple as as it gets. You, cannot see the forest for the trees.
Your opinion, I’m wrong. My opinion, you’re wrong.
Gee McC—the kid next door is the same as military weapons to a nation an ocean and continent away?
Rare to see such a total fail. Don’t take any comfort though–totally obvious you can’t answer the question so you just fluster about impotently. Why not just admit you are wrong and be a smarter person?
You aren’t too old to do that are you McC?
Pay no attention to me, I am just a drooling moron.
You finally stated an opinion most of us can agree with. You even added a decent suggestion. One I plan on implementing.
Jamie—how many times have I told you not to try to blow me in Public? Your private adoration is all I need.
Silly Hooman.
Maybe I should report that my boss wants to kill Obama? hmm…
CMike righfully says:
12/18/2012 at 3:21 pm
Hey douche-knuckle: if you’re going to say that “only the militia is allowed to have guns” then you might be interested that the question “who is the militia?” has been answered. Read and be enlightened: /// Quite Right. You got me! Its a long discussion and you have to read the cases and the confirming cases but Miller goes more to what weapons that Militia can have and which it can’t. IRONICALLY–Miller says the Militia can only have those weapons normally used by troops. That would mean fully automatic weapons and such–not single shot and what not.
But yes–I agree with your and the Courts definition of Militia even though the USMC was written 150 years After the Constitution. It uses a fair definition.
Do you think the Founding Fathers thought average backwoodsmen, farmers, and renegades should have semi-automatic weapons==or large clips?
This all goes to what exactly was being weighed and appreciated at that time and place. Beyond that–you gotta wrestle with why the exact same words don’t allow for Bazookas but do allow weapons of lesser leathality==and that ties in with the IRONY noted above.
The TRUMP reason supporting NO GUN CONTROL though is the S Ct and its rulings. They do have the final word in this country.
Fair Catch. Well done.
I think the key words in the constitution are “well regulated”. That kind of implies to me that the founding fathers expected reasonable limitations on the way such weapons would be controlled, subsequent supreme court interpretations notwithstanding.
People with the ability to understand English punctuation will realize that the clause talking about a well regulated militia is set off my a comma, meaning that the phrase “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” stands by itself. If you cannot understand this then you understand neither the English language nor the Constitution.
Before the comma was the predicate or purpose, after the comma was the dependent clause.
IOW–you are saying the entire sentence means only what the partial sentence means.
Just Look.
Finally the truth. CNN.com has an in depth interview with the latest killers BARBER. Yes , finally some important answers!
Guns don’t kill people, it’s that massive bleeding.
I guess MikeN won’t be posting for a while.
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
The question that must be answered by anyone who proposes a gun control law, ‘If you take away our guns, how will we shoot liberals?’
Now that the 2012 election is over, the progressives are activating their sleeper agents to end civilian gun ownership once and for all.
Liberals to nutballs, please shoot some kids so we can achieve our dream of gun control, which is part of our agenda for people control.
Note to blog editors, Obama has appointed a commission to look at things, which means he has decided not to do anything on this issue. So there is no more need to run with his talking points.
Armed people are citizens, disarmed ones are subjects.
Weep. We’re gonna take away your Tommy Gun and if you’re good, we’ll give you a GI Joe with one outfit.
Little kids are killed every day in automobile accidents. Probably hundreds, if not thousands, every year. Year after year.
I don’t hear anybody screaming for the control of the sale and manufacture of automobiles. Automobiles don’t kill people, it is people that kill people.
The problem is not guns or automobiles.
The problem is sick, fucked-up low-life people.
Environmentalists say that all the time.
Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people, 19 of which were children under the age of 6. 800 more were injured.
He didn’t use a gun. He used fertilizer and a U-Haul truck. Using gun control logic, all U-Hauls and Fertilizer should be outlawed because Fertilizer and U-Hauls kill people.
Here is a fairly complete list of mass killings.
There are plenty of links to do some research. Not a single one of them occurred in a location where the victims were known to be armed. Coincidence? If you believe the media, yes.
If you truly want to stop these kinds of atrocities, you must give people a way to defend themselves.
For schools, I would arm half a dozen or so teachers. Make them members of the local Police Auxiliary and train them in responding to these types of situations. I know plenty of people who are reserve police officers with regular jobs (preachers, teachers, lawyers, engineers, you name it).
Murders are going to happen. You can’t stop them. You can stop a murder from turning into a massacre, though.
Why not arm the kids? Every per-schooler should be able to return fire.
Come up with a real argument and I’ll take you seriously. Until then, you’re just a joker in the deck that should be ignored on the side of the table.
Like setting up a militia in a Kindergarten?
Seriously though (cause you’re a smart guy), putting enough firepower into elementary schools to defend against a nutcase with military grade weapons and body armor is just nuts.
Test: go ask 10 mothers with young children in school. It’s a point of view that’s really put of touch with reality.
Actually, every mother I’ve talked to is ok with it. I haven’t run into one yet (and I’m involved with the school board in my area and the city management).
Case in point, my wife’s cousin is a school teacher and her father (wife’s uncle) is a cop. Both are for it.
This is something that is probably going to happen in this area in the next few months.
You are thinking worse case scenario, a gloom and doom kinda opinion. These are the same arguments that have been brought up time and time and time again and the problems have never materialized. Utah, Israel, airplanes, different school districts in Texas, concealed carry, etc.
“Oh, my God it’s is the end of civilization as we know it!”
Hasn’t happened.
Lunatics like that don’t attack people who are willing to fight back. Why do you think they go after schools?
The problem with your solutions is you never accept tackling the problem from the source. You’re like a quack doctor that only prescribes an even stronger dose of pain killer.
In your solution, you arm the schools. If that fails, you have everyone wear body armor, then you place schools in underground bunkers.
How about doing both? Y&es, perhaps arm schools at this point because there are 300Million guns out there.
But, (this is where you tune in)….stem the flow of increasingly lethal weapons going to the hands of the sheeple.
Arming the teachers or parent volunteers works in Israel, why not here? No mass school shootings since 1974 when they instituted the policy.
I’m asking.
Yes, that was good article!
Key entries for the lazy:
There was a terrorist attack on an Israeli school in 2002, but it was quickly stopped with the help of an armed teacher.
The United States Post Office adopted the gun-free-zone concept some 30 years ago to protect its employees. Unfortunately, rather than protect, its weapon ban simply increased the casualties by depriving all the intended victims of a means of self-defense. The number of casualties during these shootings was dramatic and the term “going postal” emerged.
After the Aurora, Colo., theater shooting, one investigator found that the only theater for miles around that had a “No Weapons” sign was the one in which the mass shooter chose to wreak havoc.
The problem with your solutions is you never accept tackling the problem from the source.
The source of the problem is not the guns. Read my first paragraph. McVeigh didn’t use any guns and he killed more people than all of the mass shootings in America combined. Where’s your solution for that?
Why should the debate on this not point to the over 10,000 armed airline pilots in the skies every day. The “doom and gloom” folks predicted a “shoot out at 35000 feet” Guess what Hoss, it hasn’t happened and the Armed Pilot program is one of the safest, most cost effective programs EVER run by the government.
I think it could be a model for an armed teacher program across the country.
If you aren’t afraid to have a police officer in the school, why would you be afraid to have teachers who are ALSO trained as police officers in the school?
Could it be because it is easier to point to something concrete instead of addressing the root cause?
Liberals are afraid to have police officers in school. Oakland School System passed a policy that all police that come to school must be unarmed.
Your assertion that having armed pilots is directly responsible for no armed airline attacks is hollow. I know you don’t believe this either but rather provided something to rest your case that teachers packing heat is a sound idea.
The ONLY reason why arming teachers has even a shred of rational consideration is because there are 300 Million guns already out there and growing. That idea quickly becomes a total hairball only Alphie will defend when you factor in the impracticality of arming, training and safety concerns of having weapons in classrooms.
Determined, skilled and often intelligent people will find a way to shoot up what they want. What we are trying to stop are the loons, the heat of the moment fools, the hormonal teenagers getting easy access to military weapons.
The Israeli example is also a bad example. That is a small country , in perpetual war and where all of their citizens have some sort of military training – and they’re intelligent.
I’m in somewhat support of having a trained officer at schools but my bet he is the first one to get shot dead.
Your assertion that having armed pilots is directly responsible for no armed airline attacks is hollow
I asserted no such thing. You assumed that because you think that way.
I asserted that we didn’t have firefights at 35,000 feet when that was the major argument against arming the pilots.
Likewise, arming the teachers is not going to turn a school into a shooting gallery, which seems to be everybody’s fear.
Determined, skilled and often intelligent people will find a way to shoot up what they want.
You are absolutely correct. However, none of the cases in history, upon which you are basing your argument, have involved a skilled and intelligent person. They’ve all been lunatics. If they really wanted to make a point, they should have attacked a police station.
I’m in somewhat support of having a trained officer at schools but my bet he is the first one to get shot dead.
I am proposing giving the teachers the same training, geared specifically toward stopping these kinds of situations. You put half a dozen anonymous armed and trained men in any school and that school will never suffer what the last few unlucky ones have. If it tastes like duck and smells like ducks and quacks like duck, isn’t a duck?
And you couldn’t be more wrong about the cop being shot first. Cops have been used in high schools for years and the ones with cops have not been attacked since. The attacks have been targeting schools and areas without protection.
BTW . . . still waiting for your solution to the McVeigh scenario.
Applying McVey—you say gun control makes no sense because McVey blew up chicken shit?
After all–McVey used chicken shit. Which kinda reminds me of what you have for brains.
Silly Hooman.
Technically arming teachers could work. In reality, it turns every American community into a war zone. That’s not the world that most people want to live in.
You lock your door at night. You lock your car. You have an alarm system.
You’ve got predators out there who want to take whatever you have as soon as you turn your back.
You can be a victim or you can choose to defend yourself.
Your choice.
I choose to defend myself and my family and my community.
And, for the record, I prefer to live in a world populated with unicorns shitting rainbows, too.
But I’m a practical man — knowing that world will never materialize, I choose the method that offers the best protection.
Really? What do you get out of shitting Unicorns? Pedro has his donkey. Appears there is a whole subculture out there in admiration of quadripeds.
I too am a practical man. I think I can best protect myself by getting guns out of society and locking up those who violate the direct appreciation of causation.
We disagree.
Solution: Put it to a vote. You lose.
Silly Gun Loving Goons.
Start by taking guns away from liberals. Just yesterday news of an arrest of one liberal who called up Congressmen and threatened violence because he disagreed with their politics. Let’s start by disarming the liberals, and see what the impact is.
It had to have been a squirt gun.
Gun Nut: Hello My Congressman. I hate that you have given up your perfect NRA rating and now want to ban 100 bullet drums. I’m coming to DC to empty my drum all over your dumbass.
Congressman Receptionist: Thank you for your call. Congressman wants to provide you with the bestest service ever but first, can you tell me if you think people have a basic right to access food, clothing, shelter, education, and healthcare?
Gun Nut: Oh Hell No. With enough guns, you don’t need that stuff.
Congressional Recptionist: Whew. Thank goodness. For a minute there I thought you might be a liberal. May I send you a map of DC with a list of local attractions.
Gun Nut: Hell No. With a gun, I can get that stuff my own self. Damn gubment give away programs.
Suppose Lanza had sent an e-mail explaining his plans to his mother. He ends up shooting her after she objects. Do you think it is a good thing that the government intercepts the e-mail and stops the shooting?