The nation is tentatively moving toward a new debate over increased restrictions on guns in the aftermath of the second-deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history on Friday.

And while legislating guns has gotten less and less popular in recent years, some are suggesting that the killings of 20 young children in Newtown, Conn., have so shifted the gun control paradigm that Congress can and should act now.

Here’s another question in the debate.

Time for Gun Control?

  • Over my dead body
  • Might be a good idea
  • Way past time
  • Irrelevant because of Constitution

Click poll title for results.

  1. Common Sense says:

    Why do you think this recent tragedy is somehow worse than if it were a bad plane crash? Is it possible to “believe” that broken people don’t somehow malfunction too?

    Restricting the use of a TOOL like a firearm is NOT the answer! Because if it were then we wouldn’t allow drunk driving to continue EITHER!

    Get a grip and understand what the real issue is – it’s called RESPONSIBILITY!

    • RODEDOG says:

      Nice poll JCD!! Split the right wing voters 3 ways to make it look even. I demand you at least include a Ross Perot button.

  2. Sematics says:

    Why not institute some crazy motherfucker control.Lock the assholes up forever like they used to in the good ol days.

  3. deowll says:

    We do have gun control. The states with the most gun control laws are blue states and are also the states with the most killings. Chicago is running as may as 10 people a day. It’s the murder capital of the USA. I’m sure if you’re a blue state person that’s all the evidence you need to declare gun control a success.

    Side issue:

    many of the people carrying out the major attacks seem to be mentally ill people who haven’t been taken into protective custody. Do you want to do something about that?

    Do we need to outlaw violent games and movies? They do seem to be playing a role. The word is desensitize. They make violence more acceptable.

    Other issues that need to be addressed:

    The guy in China got 22 school kids and 1 adult using a knife. Do you want to outlaw knives?

    I recently read that the biggest mass killing was 40 with a stick of dynamite. Do you want to pass more laws to go on top of the laws we already have relating to explosives?

    Of course the dude that said that was the biggest was wrong. That was over a hundred when some dude set a night club on fire using an incendiary and the fire exits where chained shut. He was mad because his girl friend was with another guy. I believe that occurred in NY City.

    Just a personal side note to the chosen. Since automatic weapons (machine guns) were outlawed in 1936 I would personally appreciate it if you stopped holding up your stupid sign by loudly proclaiming you want automatic weapons outlawed. Try saying semiautomatic weapons or guns with large clips. It might fool people into thinking you have something intelligent to add to the conversation.

  4. newhaven stumpjumper says:

    It is time for “media control”. I think the media feeding frenzy contributes to the problem in a significant way.

    • Rick says:

      The media reflects society, not the other way around. Even Fox News propaganda tries to manipulate the public and pretty much fails.

  5. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    d0-ill trying to sound all rational and objective says:
    12/18/2012 at 7:13 am

    We do have gun control. /// Thats true–just not enough and not enforced, and too many loopholes, and not Nation wide. We have so little gun control, its really a misnomer.

    The states with the most gun control laws are blue states and are also the states with the most killings. /// I seen it reported just the opposite–but it doesn’t matter. As stated–no Nationwide tight control so anyone that wants a gun can get one in America. That being the case, its easy to understand why local gun controls don’t work.

    Chicago is running as may as 10 people a day. It’s the murder capital of the USA. I’m sure if you’re a blue state person that’s all the evidence you need to declare gun control a success. /// Oh, so witty. gun control is like water—if there is a hole anywhere in the bucket==the water will leak out. In the USA, our bucket is more hole than wood.

    Side issue:

    many of the people carrying out the major attacks seem to be mentally ill people who haven’t been taken into protective custody. Do you want to do something about that? /// yes–fully funded mental health services. And lets raise taxes to pay for it.

    Do we need to outlaw violent games and movies? /// I wouldn’t mind at all or at least a labeling system which I assume is the case already? Its fun to try and divert attention away from guns to any subject but guns. In Canada they have all the same video games but the homicide rate is 1/5th that of the USA. ITS THE GUNS DUMMY.

    They do seem to be playing a role. The word is desensitize. They make violence more acceptable. /// Its not more acceptable just because it is more likely. You can be totally desensitized but if you don’t have a gun, you can’t kill with a gun. See the connection?

    Other issues that need to be addressed:

    The guy in China got 22 school kids and 1 adult using a knife. Do you want to outlaw knives? /// No. They have a useful utility other than killing people that justifies their use. Course–long knives are banned, as are knives on Airplanes. See the contextually relevant application?

    I recently read that the biggest mass killing was 40 with a stick of dynamite. Do you want to pass more laws to go on top of the laws we already have relating to explosives? /// No, explosives aren’t in the news that much. If they were==then of course.

    Of course the dude that said that was the biggest was wrong. That was over a hundred when some dude set a night club on fire using an incendiary and the fire exits where chained shut. He was mad because his girl friend was with another guy. I believe that occurred in NY City. /// And his primary motive was probably to show how comparatively safe guns were??? I don’t get your fevered point her do-ill.

    Just a personal side note to the chosen. Since automatic weapons (machine guns) were outlawed in 1936 I would personally appreciate it if you stopped holding up your stupid sign by loudly proclaiming you want automatic weapons outlawed. Try saying semiautomatic weapons or guns with large clips. It might fool people into thinking you have something intelligent to add to the conversation. /// Yea==I hope you get your wish by the signs not being needed as all such weapons full or semi get outlawed. No reason to think people not into guns should observe the actual distinctions that exist==you know, like you and logic and causation? I would personally appreciate it if you stopped holding up your stupid red herring BS claiming that guns make us safe.


  6. MikeN says:

    Lots of liberals seemed to think that Gabby Giffords was shot because Sarah Palin put a target on her on a website. Surely video games have more of an effect.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      I agree with you—surely they do.

      What about guns?

      Do you think guns have an effect? I mean, if putting targets on politicians faces, and video games have an effect, then why wouldn’t having a gun have an effect?


      Is it Magic Mikey???


      • Jonesy says:

        Dumbo (bobbo) said in an earlier post: Canada has 1/5th the amount of gun related killings. Since the US has 10 times the population, that means they have a much bigger problem than we do.

        Now bring Mexico into your analogy, another country with a gun ban. Who owns the guns in Mexico dumbo? And the public are sitting ducks.

    • Dallas says:

      Agree! Many liberals do agree that placing a rifle scope on target on the website by a candidate towards an elected official is bad thing.

      Also, violent video games do have a negative effect on society, primarily the young.

      Your observations are getting good.

      • Jonesy says:

        Texas Democratic Party leader, blogger calls for shooting NRA members.

        Your response?

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          sounds like they are recommending Second Amendment remedies.

          Your point unknown to yourself. Haw, HAW!!!


          • Jonesy says:

            Aww, you’re just sore because you lose the Canada argument. Loser. Never did address the Mexico argument either.

            And please point out to me where the 2nd Amendmant calls for murdering people?

            Who’s the Dumbass now? Hmmm?

          • Jonesy says:

            Also, where did Mexico get the guns? I seem to remember on a post somewhere you saying that if we don’t sell the guns to other countries, someone else will.

            You said that, didn’t you. Would you like to me to find it for you?

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Jonesy–please confirm the homicide by gun rate is lower in Canada than in the USA. without that basic literacy and honesty, you aren’t worth the bother.

          • Jonesy says:

            I will be glad to do that when you point where murdering people is a 2nd Amendment remedy. And why Mexico, a gun free society has more dead than the Vietnam war on the US side.

            Since we are both being literal and honest.

        • Rick says:

          It is Texas after all…

    • Rick says:

      Considering what Palin did was illegal, I’m amazed she wasn’t arrested for it. A 10 year old kid was investigated by the Secret Service for going to school with a t-shirt with george bush’s face with a crosshairs on it.

  7. fred says:

    Did anyone hear the deafening silence from the NRA in the immediate aftermath of the shootings?

    Anyone would think that they would be proud of the effect that their dangerous little toys can produce.

  8. MikeN says:

    A site that encourages disbanding TSA shouldn’t be supporting gun control. Why are you so scared?

    • fred says:

      “Why are you so scared?

      I can think of 20 pairs of parents who could give you a very good answer to that inane question. Are you stupid or something?

  9. Mextli says:

    I wonder how many “assualt rifiles” Ms. Dianne Feinstein has caused to be sold this week?

    • oldman says:

      Everything is sold out, magazines, lower receivers, ammo, anything people can get their hands on.

    • Rick says:

      Assault Weapons have been selling briskly BEFORE all this. You could fine dozens of AR-15s at Wal-Marts, Academy, Dick’s, Bass Pro and other sporting goods locations. Sales have gone up considerably since Congress allowed the assault weapons ban to expire.

  10. mojo says:

    Molon Labe, baby.

  11. MikeN says:

    Why is the media always saying ban on so-called ‘partial birth abortions’ but never saying ban on so-called ‘assault weapons’?

  12. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Jonesy having a chance to prove his integrity says:
    12/19/2012 at 11:39 am

    I will be glad to do that when you point where murdering people is a 2nd Amendment remedy. /// That was a joke son–referencing the Politician Lady who made that statement should some legislation not go her way.

    And why Mexico, a gun free society has more dead than the Vietnam war on the US side. /// Well, OBVIOUSLY Mexico is not Gun free. Do you mean Mexico has laws against gun ownership so now only the Drug Lords have guns? Assuming that, good to know that you think the USA is no more competent than Mexico in bringing justice to Drug Lords. btw==you might be right about that.

    Your turn.

    Since we are both being literal and honest.

    • Jonesy says:

      Then I agree that your statement about Canada having 1/5th of the gun related murders was poorly written.

      Happy now?

    • Jonesy says:

      And BTW, I KNOW the USA is no more competent than Mexico in bringing justice to Drug Lords, nor banksters, politicians, etc, etc….

      And that is a good case for not taking away firearms. You are going to leave American citizens, especially those who live on or near the Mexican border completely vulnerable to the cartels, who can freely walk across the border. You do understand that Phoenix has the highest rate of drug related kidnappings in North America?

      Would you have those people under the bed and wait for the police?

  13. MikeN says:

    Alexis de Tocqueville warned Americans against succumbing to an “immense tutelary power” that reduces us to “a herd of timid and industrious animals of which government is the shepherd.” The ultimate goal of American “progressivism” (although not, of course, its avowed intent) is to turn Tocqueville’s warning into a fact. And as we all know, it is the sad fate of sheep to end up in the slaughter-house.

  14. Rick says:

    99.9% of all weapons are illegal for US Citizens to own. Only a tiny segment of firearms with limited feature sets are allowed, as well as weapons of antiquity such as knives or some martial arts weapons.

    Its really about figuring out where the line is drawn on what is legal.


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