The nation is tentatively moving toward a new debate over increased restrictions on guns in the aftermath of the second-deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history on Friday.

And while legislating guns has gotten less and less popular in recent years, some are suggesting that the killings of 20 young children in Newtown, Conn., have so shifted the gun control paradigm that Congress can and should act now.

Here’s another question in the debate.

Time for Gun Control?

  • Over my dead body
  • Might be a good idea
  • Way past time
  • Irrelevant because of Constitution

Click poll title for results.

  1. MikeN says:

    “In NFL post-game: an ad for shoot ‘em up video game. All for curbing weapons of war. But shouldn’t we also quit marketing murder as a game?”

    David Axelrod.

    They’re coming for your video games. And really why have video games that promote illegal behavior?

    • Dallas says:

      Nobody is taking away my constitutional right to an Xbox

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Because playing violent video games is fun and when you misuse a violent video game—-nothing happens.

      Playing with guns is fun too, but when you misuse a gun—people get killed.

      See the difference?

      • Captain Obviously Clueless says:

        That is the most head-up-the-ass analogy I’ve possibly ever heard. Thanks for the laugh.

        People die and have died because of video games.

        Oh, maybe that topic isn’t liberal enough for your tastes though. Maybe because talking about it would threaten your ability to play XBox. Tsk tsk.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          People die and have died because of video games. //// VIDEO GAMES DON’T KILL PEOPLE, ONLY PEOPLE (with guns) KILL PEOPLE. (sorry I broke stride there, but I had to add it)

          Jeebus you gun nuts can’t keep your crap out of the drinking water.

          Ha, ha.

  2. prof. johnnycakes says:

    Bobbo, OK, I’ll say it. Your friends ARE really reptiles and that weird scar on your head… well, when you licked that 9v battery when you were 6 years old, it went a little haywire. Representatives of our agency will get on that ASAP.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Oh Johnny—thats not it.

      I’m surprised no one has said it. Thread is long enough, stupid enough. Still, people aren’t going there. Approached it, but took an early off ramp.


      Tell us Prof–are you for or against personal FLAME THROWERS==and why?

      • The Monster's Lawyer says:

        ok, ok, ok, I’m tired of waiting for it to so I’m gonna say if for those gun-rights dumbasses.
        “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.”
        Let’s go….

        • The Monster's Lawyer says:

          Sorry about the bad spelfing. It’s hard to type while locking and loading.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Thank you.

          You made me laugh too.

      • prof. johnnycakes says:

        I would have to say I’m for them, but my insurance company probably isn’t. I do hate groundhogs and clearing brush is bothersome without torches. Also, I find it frustrating applying Tar to flat roofing without propane torches. If they could just put it neatly in a canister so I wouldn’t burn my nuts off (again) I think it might work. btw; are you soliciting one of us to get you one?

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          There you go prof. Revealing how simple these questions really are. No reason for gun nuts to go to ground just because they are disagreed with. Well done.


          You have used up your ground hog card.


          PS–I of course would not advocate FLAME THROWER control if i didn’t already have 3-4 buried in key locations across the western us. Can’t be too over prepared when personal liberty is at stake. But if you have one you don’t want—I’ll take it.

  3. sargasso_c says:

    It’s a city vs. country, cowboy vs. boy scout debate. This is what happens when women are removed from the decision making office.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Gee sarg==that was almost on target. Sadly though, cities and country intertwine and cannot be separated so.

      Quite right about the wimens though. They care more about people and the kiddies. Seems everything men swing their dicks over get polluted.

      As always—wouldn’t it be (nice/justice/enlightening) if we all had to live in the worlds we would create “for everyone else?”

      I’d throw in short term vs long term thinking.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      sargasso_c gets it. Women in the US favor gun control between 60-70% depending on polling technique. This will be the defining issue of the 2014 mid-terms.

    • Dallas says:

      Women will generally vote for gun control because guns are male toys since puberty and gives them a sense of strength.

  4. MikeN says:

    Attorney General Eric Holder gave the OK for the government to compile dossiers on American citizens. So let’s have the government take guns away from liberals, and compile dossiers on everyone else, and let liberals brag about it by giving them bumper stickers that say I do not own a gun. Yard signs too.

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Guyver getting more illogical as he approaches mandatory retirement says:
    12/17/2012 at 11:45 am

    you know the shooter in this case was home schooled and raised by a gun nut survivalist?

    You’re just full of hasty conclusions today. Let me guess… you’re government-schooled which is why you’re so adept at committing logical fallacies all of the time? /// I am only quoting an early report. Its all early right now but that was 3 days after? The shooter was home schooled. The mother is a survivalist gun nut. I doubt those facts will change in later reporting. They could.

    Guns kill people. Get rid of them and get rid of the individualist attitude that the whole world is just there for you to rebel against.

    Another liberal mantra. /// Yes–to counter the opposite stupidity put out by gun nuts. Totally appropriate because: its factually correct. We live in SOCIETY. Different rules than living in a wilderness.

    People are not responsible for their own actions…/// I disagree. We are all responsible for what we do. More knee jerk unthinking made up Puke talking points? Not only are people INDIVIDUALLY RESPONSIBLE as you post, but just as importantly and contested by you Pukes is that we are COLLECTIVELY RESPONSIBLE as well for all the same reasons. I am not an island, but a social creature. I need my fellow man. When we all benefit, I benefit too. Easy to see.

    just the inanimate objects which compel criminals to commit a crime. /// What a stupid thing to say. Objects don’t compel people, they only enable people. Two different words. Learn the difference.

    Ha! /// Yes, time again to advice you to buy a dictionary and read it. You don’t use the common definitions/meanings of simple words. No wonder you make no sense.

    Silly gun toting Hoomans.

  6. MikeN says:

    This will be taken more seriously when liberals abandon their argument that some innocent life not only shouldn’t be defended, but that fellow citizens should have a constitutional right to take that life on a whim.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      You shouldn’t liberals seriously. That makes it easier to kick your ass in elections.

    • Dallas says:

      at the dinner table all over the country:
      “Honey boo, when you git’n yo paycheck? We need nudder AK-47 cuz the Negro gonna ban them.”

      You know very well that any excuse to buy a gun makes gun nutts giddy.

  7. So what says:

    120 comment 2/3 by bobbo. If I hadn’t read the headline I would have mistaken it for a global warming thread. There are days when bobbo makes alfie seem positively reticent and reasonable.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Whats funny is Alfie is proud of that.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Hey Guyver–you do make some good points above. I could pick them out one by one but they are tangential (as I recall). If you have a real point to make, other than debating points, post it individually and we can give it a go. Most of the fault is mine, tired of writing the whole argument out, I use a shortcut thereby giving your nonsense a perch.

    Nuclear bombs don’t kill people, only people kill people.

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Guy on tv says more kiddies are killed by lightning each year than in Mass Shootings.

    Good to know. Puts everything in perspective. I’m still not telling Little Johnnie not to climb that tree in the back yard when its about to rain though. Just an over protective parent here. come to think of it, I’ll bet fewer kids are eaten by sharks when going to school too. No reason not to swim with hooked fish either.

    (Ex Police Officer- Michael Doren–haven’t seen him before. A voice of reason in the wilderness.)

    Remember, otherwise eradicated weaponized smallpox viruses don’t kill people, only people kill people.

  10. Captain Obvious says:

    So far so good. The first person who ascribes political or religious motivation to this tragedy is a complete asshole. This was the act of a tortured mind.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Tortured?…. or bewildered??….. or fantasizing as some do that guns show they are strong and to be admired???

      Fragment grenades don’t kill people, only people kill people!

      • ± says:

        ****sayeth bobbo****
        Fragment grenades don’t kill people, only people kill people!

        I like your analogy, but why are you switching sides now?

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          I’m hoping the repetition will get any on the fence to see the incongruity of the position.

          We hear guns don’t kill people so often it may gain authority just from the repetition.

          changing the object/tool might demonstrate what the tools are designed to do??

          Repetition absurdum!

          That was a good funny you made yesterday. I would have commented but didn’t want to draw my detractors to you.


  11. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    First time I went hunting I was given a single shot Mauser from WW1. Had a fun day freezing my ass off in the High Country. I don’t think the experience would have been any different had I a TANK MOUNTED FLAME THROWER AND ROCKET LAUNCHER.

    What would be “wrong” with limiting gun ownership to single shot long rifles?===You know, on par with what was available when the Constitution was ratified?

    If that was your position, you would be well grounded constitutionally and in practical reality. Beyond that lies the fantasy of self protection as if alone in the wilderness. As if grocery stores and police departments did not exist.

    All part of the social fabric and how dysfunctional it can be–like so many issues.

    culture. For good or bad, its all culture, and those that come later will look at this in amazement we were so twisted. Assuming future cultures.

  12. prof. johnnycakes says:

    Tangentially, I’m getting a vibe that the shooter was jilted by the 1st grade teacher’s refusal to go out with him & this was an emotional crash to a boy with emotional deficits. In effect, “he saw red”. Just a theory.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I had lots of discipline issues in grade school (believe it or not!) and it never occurred to me to shoot anyone over it. Run away–yes. Get on a raft in the local flood run off system during a storm?–yes. Cut class?–yes. Go off school grounds with my similar truant buddies?–yes.

      Hmmm…. two parents, no guns, respect for education. No video games but we played cowboys and indians. No guns at all in the neighborhood but we had slingshots.

      I feel sorry for the kiddies today. Born into a world of first person shooters?

  13. Captain Obvious says:

    I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions. I think moderate imperfections had better be borne with; because, when once known, we accommodate ourselves to them, and find practical means of correcting their ill effects. But I know also, that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.

    Thomas Jefferson

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      The man could write! I oft times wondered how he could be the author of Freedom in our Founding Documents and yet own slaves. It slowly dawned on me its how he made and maintained his wealth. The desire to be RICH is the cause for a lot of evil in the world, even by otherwise good men.

      Ha, ha. Money does corrupt.

      Just look.

  14. kmfix says:

    Limiting people to guns that were around when the Constitution was written would be acceptable.

    • oldman says:

      Limiting people to computer bandwidths that were around when the Constitution was written would be acceptable.

  15. Common Sense says:

    Restricting guns in the hands of RESPONSIBLE people makes NO SENSE! Criminals and crazy people will always find a way to BREAK THE (IMPENDING) LAW(s)!

    The only thing gun limitation will do is help criminals and crazy people get BETTER ARMED!

    So if you want to create any (more) new gun laws then don’t look to limiting guns – they are just TOOLS! Look at WHERE those guns (TOOLS) are USED!!! And possibly WHY people USE them!

    • LibertyLover says:

      The only thing I can figure is they must like watching someone rape their wife.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        I believe that is exactly what you think.

        Hee, hee……..

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Cyanide tipped umbrellas don’t kill people, only people kill people.

  16. MikeN says:

    Time for gun control? ALWAYS. Both hands on the gun, steady, aim, fire!

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Cluster Bombs don’t kill people, only people kill people.

  17. Bigdanlovin says:

    Better idea:

  18. Bigdanlovin says:

    Better Idea:
    It’s high time for mental health reform in this country. These “shooters” need help before they turn into monsters & start slaughtering people just to be famous & go out with a bang.

  19. LibertyLover says:

    “If I thought for one minute that banning guns would stop one mass killing I would gather up every gun I own and cheerfully turn them in. Even if I thought giving up my guns would save one life I’d do it.

    But it won’t.

    The only way to save people from being killed by deranged humans is to make mental health a priority and make effective treatment available and stigma free. Help parents to get help for children that they know are in trouble and encourage friends and family to speak up when they see a person that is troubled and without help.

    We can take care of each other with compassion and common sense. Banning guns will do nothing to solve anything.”

    Tony Womack

    I agree with him.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Well–you are both idiots.

      The guy in China attacked 20 folks with a knife. No one got killed. See how gun violence works?=====>No guns, no deaths.

      So, there is your one case for you. Oh–well that took place in China. right you are. But the demonstration is made. The guy had no access to guns, so he used a knife.

      How could the same thing not happen here in the USA? You think guns arise from the mere wish to suck Wayne LaPierre’s balls? Its not. They have to be manufactured and so forth. Easy to stop if anybody really wanted to. Easy being a relative term but home made zip guns won’t be flooding the market.

      BAZOOKA’S DON’T KILL PEOPLE, ONLY PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE. I’ll give up my BAZOOKA in my imaginary world when its proven to my imaginary position that a single person won’t be killed. People in China don’t count.

      • deegee says:


        Stabbing people = good.
        Guns = bad.

        Tell that to the people who get stabbed.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          deegee–how do you flip flop back and forth from being rationally engaged to being dip shit stupid?

          No violence is good. Can you wrap your pea brain around that?

          Now==go back and re read everything that has been posted and recognize how fucked up you are to come up with that conclusion.

          Report back when you have cured yourself from being an idiot.

          but don’t ever forget: TORPEDO’S DON’T SINK SHIPS, ONLY PEOPLE SINK SHIPS.

          Note to dimwit: that does not mean torpedoes are goo things.

  20. John E. Quantum says:

    I may be repeating what others have said in the comments above since I haven’t read them all-

    Talking about gun control is always important, and we should do it. Even banning guns, though not practical to do, would be easier than what really needs to be done.

    It is time that everybody wakes the fuck up to the fact that we need much better access to mental health assistance for the people in this country that need it. It is so hard to get help for a family member who is mentally ill. especially of they don’t cooperate with getting help. The most psychotic need help the most, but are often least likely to receive it. And psychotic people commit horrible crimes.

  21. ECA says:

    Guns in the constitution is so that our representatives are afraid of the PEOPLE and do as we request..

    WHERE were the parents? tHE SHOOTERS.

    There are restrictions already. There are already LAWS..

    HOW the hell did an ADULT get on the grounds of the school? and not go thru the offices??

    Until we get about 50million more jobs in this nation, MORE people are going to find themselves at the END OF A ROPE..
    HOW do you solve THAT??

  22. D. Last Saneman says:

    To hell with gun control. How about a little nutcase control?

    Oh, sorry, that scumbag was just “expressing himself”.

  23. Are you kidding me? says:

    The shooter suffered from Asperger’s and his “responsible” mom provided him with automatic weapons. So sad.

    Looks like she reaped what she sowed.

    • So what says:


      • Are you kidding me? says:

        Just setting the record straight or should we be “thankful” he only had semi-automatic weapons??

        • So what says:

          Correcting your misstatement of the facts.

          • So what says:

            Toss into that, she didn’t “provide” him with the rifle or the pistols. He took them, that in itself was a criminal act called theft.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            So what–you recognize thats an argument to outlaw guns right?

            I didn’t think so.


          • So what says:

            Only in your alfie deluded “brain”.

  24. Captain Obvious says:

    It’s too bad that the first victim, his mother, didn’t have a gun so she could have stopped this madness before it got out of hand.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Thats an exact quote of a tweet sent in by Michael Moore. It was explained to be SARCASM, as the woman had 12 different guns at home and had taken her kiddie (our gunman) to the firing range for practice.

      What a good environment for a detached anti-social kid with problems to be brought up in.

      Yes—gun create GUN CULTURE where a nut case comes to look at guns as if they were a solution to some problem which becomes any problem and so they act out. Its a continuum–you hunters only slightly removed. YOU might be right about yourself—-but what are your kiddies learning that you don’t intend?

      Thats gun culture my friends—the USof A.

      The benefits of general gun ownership are outweighed by the negatives. Majority good common sense should rule on this issue. As we too often see, the Supremes are wrong on this issue. Again==the same Supremes who wrote that money does not corrupt politics.


  25. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    @Bobbo – let’s take your poor attempts at changing the old analogy to the next logical step:

    At an undisclosed location, 10 miles from the nearest human settlement, place any 10 weapons you deem to be most deadly inside a small building, leaving the door open. Place guards outside, with strict orders that nobody is allowed to enter, but anyone leaving must be permitted to do so.

    Try the same with 10 unarmed, homicidal maniacs (after removing the weapons from the previous experiment, obviously), and tell me what you think the final result will be.

    As D. Last Saneman said above, we need more nutcase control. Specifically, more should be done to keep weapons out of their hands, and they must be better supervised.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      You must be operating several levels above me because I don’t get what you are driving up much less where you think you arrived.

      It would have made more sense to have the guards surrounded by homicidal maniacs? But in your scenario, I can only guess that “nothing” happens? In the first case, the guards keep the public out including maniacs, so nothing happens, and in the second hypo nothing happens because there are no guns. If there were guns, the maniacs would grab them and probably shoot a few of each other and then take the bus into town?

      So—you’ll have to use small words and explain the vision you are flashing on.

      For about the third time: we don’t need gun control OR more mental health services===we need BOTH.


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      btw–if that is a reference to Bubba Ho-Tep, ….. then….. well done. Bubba Nosferatu is apparently on its way. Can’t wait.

  26. noneofyourbusiness says:

    No. But it is time to for idiot control.

  27. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    LibertyLoser says:
    12/17/2012 at 3:57 pm

    “If I thought for one minute that banning guns would stop one mass killing I would gather up every gun I own and cheerfully turn them in. Even if I thought giving up my guns would save one life I’d do it. /// I called him stupid for posting this, but I’m torn. I also have a strong suspicion he is just lying. Can a person who can post on the web really be this stupid??? He has to be lying….. right?

    Well, I’m embarassed to say this but I had never heard of the Australian experience before today. Seems around 1996 they had a mass murder of 35 people and the nation was tired of having about one mass murder a year so OZ outlawed rapid fire weapons and shotguns and tightly licensed the used of firearms. They got the law passed in 12 days. Many guns were voluntarily tuned in under a government buy back program. Heavy penalties for gun use thereafter.

    The result: since this law, Zero mass shootings in Australia. The homicide rate by guns after that down by 50%. The per capita murder rate in Australia is 1/30th the rate of USA.

    I got this from The Ed Show which is on right now. Could be some fudge here an there but…..

    Loser===want to deny lives haven’t been saved in Australia using a program we could implement here as well? Note==guns not outlawed, just restricted via common sense rules.

    Stupid or lying……… its a toss up.


  28. What comes next fishing hooks ?
    In Canada we had some long gun hunting rifle registry
    It went totally out of control – huge budget cost overuns that somehow the bureaucrats never noticed
    The average gun owner suffered
    Nothing happened
    And in the end with all the $$$ wasted it was cancelled finally
    what a boondoggle
    American wake up this is nothing more than liberal – we know what is best for you ism
    Time to go fishing

  29. Captain Bee Fart says:

    I think it’ s time we ban bobbo for the crime of boring mass numbers of people to death.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I agree. Its boring when 22 kiddies are killed and mass numbers of people continue to “think” that nothing can be done or that guns don’t kill people.

      some issues are just too f**king obvious. You know–like human caused global warming. Yes==just that obvious.

      or that gays are human beings just living out their genetic instructions like the rest of us,

      or that there is not a responsive father in the sky that personally responds to requests for help,

      or that government services and taxes need to be increased in the USA far more than is being proposed by Obama right now….

      a whole list of things.


  30. Eric says:

    Can we restrict media to the forms of communication that were around during the time the Consitution was written?

    • ± says:


      Better than awesome! We should be all for that! [he said with dour hope that liberal weenies will get the irony]

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Which irony P/M? The irony of Eric’s post, or the irony of your response until you identified it as irony which negated the irony by making your remark to ambiguous?

        The purpose of media is to inform the public. The downside is revelations of national secrets. As the downside increases–it will be regulated down to its original purpose.

        The purpose of a well armed militia was the defense of the community. The downside is the mass murder of innocent people. The downside has increased past all reason given the defense of the community is otherwise provided.

        I don’t see any irony at all. Just the attempt at it.


    • Ginger (Mrs) says:

      I think far too many soldiers and Americans civilians have been harmed over the last decade. I won’t can’t even begin to talk about our war casualties.
      So, you folks do not belong to a recognized militia so stop carrying on about the 2nd amendment. It is our children who should be protected. The NRA has just had one too many mentally ill advocates. We do need change

      • LibertyLover says:

        You are absolutely correct in that our children should be the ones protected. You get no argument from me.

        However, protection was denied them. Gun Control laws mandated that no non-police be allowed to carried guns in the school.

        Because of this, a criminal broke the law and carried a gun there.

        You’ve heard this before: Guns were outlawed so only the Outlaw had the Gun.

      • ECA says:

        dEAR GINGER…

        Before you say much I ask you to figure something out..

        WHY did he go to a Grade school?
        HOW did he get in?
        THE STANDARD, is that the only open doors during school hours are those leading threw the OFFICES. This is so that someone doesnt SNEAK in and kidnap the kids..

        HOW did he get a gun, and WHERE, from whom?
        These questions are MORE important then anything else.

        • deowll says:

          As a recently retired teacher I have known for years that there is nobody at most schools is prepared to deal with an armed intruder.

          The classroom doors don’t appear to have been locked to the halls which might be the law in that state due to fire safety considerations.

          The perp clearly did not have a problem getting into the classrooms and the teachers and students have been trained to stay put inside when they hear shooting/lock down. In this case that was a very suboptimal choice.

          The media claim he got in by shooting out a window which suggests it wasn’t plexiglass. Of course you can spray plexiglass with WD-40 and set it on fire. Good solutions can be hard to find.

      • Sea Lawyer says:

        By law, all men age 17 to 45 are members of the militia unless they meet the criteria for exemption.

        10 USC § 311


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