The United States, Britain and Canada have refused to sign a new global telecommunications treaty, warning it would provide a mandate for governmental regulation of the Internet, potentially ending 11 days of fractious talks in Dubai.

In pre-written statements, the three countries informed a summit of the International Telecommunications Union of their decision, with Denmark, the Netherlands, and Kenya making similar announcements…

“It’s with a heavy heart and a sense of missed opportunities that the U.S. must communicate that it’s not able to sign the agreement in the current form,” said Terry Kramer, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. body.

“The Internet has given the world unimaginable economic and social benefit during these past 24 years. All without U.N. regulation.”

The United States and its allies have fought to ensure the new treaty, which is being revised for the first time since 1988, only applies to traditional telecommunications.

A large bloc of countries led by Russia supports adding language to the treaty that could open the door to more regulation of cyberspace on issues from spam, security and the assignment of addresses to web pages.

Expected – and given the history of how the Web has grown – probably correct for all the right reasons.

  1. Jack O'Shyte says:

    The UN was established as a peacekeeping body. It has failed at that, but has become too big for its britches anyway. Rightfully, it should be abolished.

  2. Gwad his own self says:

    Get U.S. out of the U.N.

  3. Dallas says:

    Thank you Prez Obama for protecting the internet and our freedoms, unlike the Cheney Administration,

    • dusanmal says:

      You mean thanks to the same President who is pushing harder than Bush for “Internet kill switch”, who astronomically escalated “public private partnership” (fascism) with telcos to spy on us without warrants and mandates for Government to have, store and control your medical information online? That one? No, thanks. UN related decision is for propaganda, actual actions are true Progressive throttling (as with hands on your throat) of freedoms of any kind for “public good”.

  4. TThor says:

    And Norway too!

    Uhum..maybe? But only maybe, together with EU… we may sign later if… if .. if… the UN say it is OK…

    According to the idiot delegation leader Mr. Willy Jensen in the Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority (can;t be more Orwellian than that, but Norway is that last Stalinist nation in Europe – according to a Swede minister…).
    Please let this bozo what you think about that:
    I hope….

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Some good news for a change.

  6. MikeN says:

    US and Canada have also refused to sign the new global warming treaty. Pretty much only Europe has signed on after Kyoto treaty has expired. Another correct move.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Just because the US, the UK and Canada happen to be voting the right(?) way on this issue, there is no reason to think that they’re right on climate change. (Its going to be something we’ll have to deal with whether you think it man made or not.)

      The reason that the US, the UK and Canada cant support the UN treaty is because that would interfere with Echelon™©® and the tri-lateral spying on each other’s citizens.

      I never think that the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand dont have their own reasons for spying on us.

      • deegee says:

        “Its going to be something we’ll have to deal with whether you think it man made or not.”

        Move to higher ground.

        Any person who thinks that the climate does not change needs to just look back 13000 years to an ice age.
        The majority of people incorrectly believe that everything in their life should be totally constant from birth to death, and when they have a colder winter or a hotter summer they think the sky is falling down.
        Any small amount of changes that are man-made are miniscule compared to what naturally occurs.
        The government has just become corrupt enough to realize that they can tax the sheeple over sensationalized tripe, and so-called scientists know they can get $millions in grant money to do “studies” so long as their results agree with the lobbyists.
        What is your alternative? Solar and Wind and Geothermal? Three of the biggest energy jokes to come out of the past few decades.

        We will long run out of money to corrupt corporations and governments, and long run out fossil fuels before the earth turns into Venus.

        • spsffan says:

          Except that, people who don’t believe that climate changes also don’t believe that the earth is older than 6,000 years. So, how are they going to “look back 13000 years” ?

          And, while I’m at it, fossil fuels will run out sooner or later. If we haven’t figured out how to get along without them before that, it’s curtains. Of course, I’ll be dead, so I really don’t care.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Opposite Reality PedoBear thinks this statement: “And, while I’m at it, fossil fuels will run out sooner or later.” is an example of being short sighted.

            Ha, ha. What a donkey rider.

            More insightful: if we right now had a big spigot that provide the world with ALL THE FREAKING OIL WE WANTED FOR FREE—we would RIGHT NOW have to figure out how to stop using it.

            KICK that donkey Pedro. You’ll be walking soon enough.

  7. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Its fun to lambast the UN…. then I look up…. and there is Boner or Graham on the tv showing me what the USA has for political leadership.

    I really HATE thinking this but the UN can’t be as bad as those clowns/bastards/corporate shills/religious nutballs. Now… the UN “CAN” and wants to be that bad “but” there are so many nut cases, they mostly cancel each other out. Nut cases being canceled out… thats a good thing.

    Obama, sad to see, needs to grow a back bone. Take the Pukes to task. xxxxx I could be wrong about that. What might be right for the Nation could easily be not what a Congress Creeps own district actually wants. Hard to assess that until you come across the Union Busting activities in Wisconsin (?) and else where. Stealth Puke Candidates funded and directed by the Crotch Brothers: “Best democracy money can buy.”

    Interesting times.

  8. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    So DUMB, he must be paid for such dribble, deegee says:
    12/14/2012 at 11:00 am

    “Its going to be something we’ll have to deal with whether you think it man made or not.”

    Move to higher ground. //// Yep, but a whole host of even more impactful events as well. If only sea level rise was the only civilization challenging effect.

    Any person who thinks that the climate does not change /// That argument is only made by climate/science denying dunderheads like you. I think its called Strawman argument with red herrings in his pockets.

    needs to just look back 13000 years to an ice age. // Yep. Caused by volcanic activity.

    The majority of people incorrectly believe that everything in their life should be totally constant from birth to death, /// Again–only idiots argue that in an attempt to mislead. I’ll bet you think guns don’t kill people either? Or that people choose to be poor? Good right wing ditto head non-think stuff.

    and when they have a colder winter or a hotter summer they think the sky is falling down. /// Really?–The SKY falls down? How about when your house gets washed away in a 100 year flood? What to think then? How about a record setting snow fall followed 3 days later by a record setting hot spell? You know==not the SKY FALLING==just the weather getting more extreme?

    Any small amount of changes that are man-made are miniscule compared to what naturally occurs. // Exactly correct. But man-made is what we can control thru concerted effort IF we aren’t as dumb as shit as you represent.

    The government has just become corrupt enough to realize that they can tax the sheeple over sensationalized tripe, and so-called scientists know they can get $millions in grant money to do “studies” so long as their results agree with the lobbyists. // General rhetoric with no link to the issue at hand. Why not blame witches?

    What is your alternative? Solar and Wind and Geothermal? // Yes.

    Three of the biggest energy jokes to come out of the past few decades. /// Meanwhile, Germany is self sufficient on solar alone==but what about non polluting DECENTRALIZED energy production do you think is a joke?

    We will long run out of money to corrupt corporations and governments, and long run out fossil fuels before the earth turns into Venus. // Science denying dumb shit. All the science says that isn’t true. Did you see that chart regarding the 30,000 peer reviewed articles in the past 30 years that support AGW balanced by your position of 40 articles denying or challenging AGW?

    What a dumb ass.

    • Mextli says:

      “Supported by generous subsidies, a public that is fairly open to green investments, and a widespread skepticism of nuclear power, energy producers have covered the country with wind generators and solar panels. Twenty percent of Germany’s electricity now comes from renewable sources.”

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        Hey Mextli–100-50-20 matters little===”It’s Coming!” and already breathing hard.

        I do apologize for posting incorrect facts. Lazy and not taking the time to correctly remember. A hazard when confronting idiots with an even worse well considered opinion that burning carbon is the only answer.

  9. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Any small amount of changes that are man-made are miniscule compared to what naturally occurs. // Exactly correct. But man-made is what we can control thru concerted effort IF we aren’t as dumb as shit as you represent.

    Well, I got that wrong. Nature “can be” and even will be catastrophic in a minute as when Yellowstone Super Caldara blows or the Canary Islands cause a 100 foot tidal wave etc. All man has to match that is Global Nukulear Exchange. but absent those shattering events, NATURE appears to be relatively stable with only very slow changes over time. Left to its own, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is regulated within a narrow range. It is mankinds “miniscule changes” added up nearing 200 years now that gives us more co2 in the atmosphere than has been seen in 100K’s of years.

    Small things have huge consequences. Mother Earth does not care if Mankind survives or not. THAT is not a big change for Mother Earth. When mankind’s technology stops spewing co2 into the atmosphere, Mother Earth will take a few thousand years ((only an eyeblink as we hoomans are want to say)) to re-establish whatever solar based climate is the natural ((ie-non man made)) state of affairs.

    Are we men of Science?—–or devo?

  10. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Correction to above: Germany does not have 100% solar capability according to this article I came across by coincidence from my daily feed ((Its only 50%)). I think I previously read Germany does produce 100% of its electrical need from solar/renewables on certain days?

    We are only at the start of the solar revolution with advances still being made every day.

    SCIENCE—the future is so bright, some day soon inbreds like deegee will be bred out, or fitted with collars.

  11. fred says:

    bobbo, FYI:-

    “Stanford scientists build the first all-carbon solar cell.”

    Efficiency is low at present – but it’s very early days yet.
    Interesting piece of work.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Thanks Fred. Solar panels can be made right now ((in China)) that are cost competitive with taxpayer supported Coal and Oil fired plants. The issues that are preventing widespread adoption right now are storage and transportation.

      As hinted at above, I think one great benefit of developed solar will be that each home can be self sufficient==no more wide spread power outages we are seeing more and more of.

      If carbon is working for photo voltaics, my ignornance says maybe a cheap efficient BATTERY could be made as well? Absent a break thru on that front, does seem to me that centralized power plants could make hydrogen gas/liquid with their excess production and then burn that into the grid when the sun don’t shine?

      We could benefit mother earth by retrofitting insulation right now. Old, simple technology that saves energy AND provides jobs.

      Bottom Line–we probably are past the tipping point for some major catastrophe. I’m thinking when a biggie hits and “everyone” agrees AGW is upon us, the science will turn to how to sequester carbon from the atmosphere. Why not turn it into solar panels?

      • Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

        Great, but how does that help you spend the majority of your weekends 4-6 hours driving time in your private vehicle away from where you live? How does it help us outlaw mass transit and apartment buildings? You seem to forget that American standard of living is the reason the universe exists.

        • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

          Well El Supremo–you got me there. I also prefer a universe with cars so big we require a European Country to make a U turn ((with regards to that social satirist who first wrote that some years ago—I picture his face, but not his name.))

          I also prefer double cheese burgers and a Six Pack with Fries.

          Real Life is so disappointing.

    • MikeN says:

      Solar power generally increases CO2 emissions, because they have to run backup gas plants when the sun is not shining. The backups they use are less efficient CO2 wise and emit more than a standard gas-fired plant installation. So you have Solar-CO2 emissions*(% of time that solar is available)+Backup-Gas CO2 emissions*(100-% of time that solar is available) compared to regular gas CO2 emissions. The difference between the two gas plants makes solar a waste with regards to CO2. The companies getting the subsidies just like to get you to think otherwise.

  12. deowll says:

    Love the picture of the radio. That is really cool. I own one but it doesn’t work and I don’t know of a local I could trust to make it work.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      A while back when I was into wood working, it was quite popular to find these old not working cabinets and redo them while replacing the innards with modern stereo equipment. Given tubes are not sold at the grocery store anymore, thats the way to go?

      • Phydeau says:

        I remember when tubes were sold at the drugstore! Brings me back… 🙂

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Yep. I remember with fondness following my Dad to the store to test tubes. I thought that would make a good career—fixing tube tvs and radios. I was stunned at how many people could not match up pictures and wire patterns to the stock bins.

          and then the future passed me by like I was waiting for my Popsicle to melt!

  13. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Every single person should be required to publish a full length, high resolution nude of themselves just to get on the Internet. That would keep most of the idiots out of the way and let the adults get on with the business of using the Internet to make money, buy big houses and cars and generally emit carbon.

  14. MikeN says:

    >just the weather getting more extreme?

    IPCC AR5 draft has been leaked. They find little confidence in a trend in extreme weather beyond natural variation. Hope you aren’t a science denier.–IPCC-shows-almost-complete-reversal-from-AR4-on-trends-in-drought-hurricanes-floods

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      and yet the sea level continues to steadily rise:

      Science deniers indeed.

      • MikeN says:

        You keep saying that. It doesn’t mean what you think it means. Ignore the recent drop, which gets chalked up as weather. What we see is a long term sea level rise from 1870 with NO ACCELERATION. The big CO2 level jump and global warming itself supposedly started in the late 1970s. Yet we see the same sea level rise as when there was a lower level of CO2. Big dent in the theory. In response, climate scientists have to massage the data to try and prove acceleration that is not evident in your chart. If you are good at math, you can see a debunking at Climate Sanity.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      Wind, solar could provide 99.9% of ALL POWER by 2030


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