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I wonder if Obama knows about this.
Good. Patriot missiles and other sophisticated weapons need to be accompanied by US troops. Unlike the Cheney administration, we should not just throw the weapons over the wall to fall into enemy hands.
Why do you hate our troops doing their job?
Why do you hate our troops so much that you want to send them “over there” in the first place?
Try to ignore the stupid troll. He’s so fucking dumb he doesnt understand that under Sharia Law, homosexuals like him will just be exterminated like bugs.
Fuck you and die.
No sheeple, the topic had nothing to do with gay rights so I didn’t see the need to feed his urge to go there. Instead, I thought of something simple he would understand.
pedro, the closet suites you. We wish you’d also close the door.
I believe that’s their job.
Here, read it and get some education dumbass.
duh’ Turkey is a member on NATO they scratch our back we scratch theirs. Remember they border Iran.
Barry’s presentation skills are improving.. His ability to shed a virtual tear while grabbing the new gun control lever is impressive. Seamless.
It takes a genuine piece of shit to politicize today’s horrific events on the same day.
I totally agree, the Liberals are coming out in droves.
Aw ‘come on, Barry can’t help it. It’s pre-programmed. We’re all pawns on the board to those guys.
O’ the irony.
Gay Bashing? Anti-Obama/pro Gun. Probably think there’s a war on Christmas too?
Hey Dallas–have you lived long enough in this world to take this ignorance with a sense of pity on these idiots===as long as you don’t have to be in the same room as they are?
What I can’t imagine is that they are proud of it too.
Silly Hoomans.
You don’t find it a bit disengenuous that Dallas supports the same group who would like to see him dead for his alternative lifestyle.
You’re a bigger dummy than he is.
Dallas says:
12/14/2012 at 12:20 pm
Good. Patriot missiles and other sophisticated weapons need to be accompanied by US troops. Unlike the Cheney administration, we should not just throw the weapons over the wall to fall into enemy hands. ///===>BECAUSE then those weapons are used against our troops, overhead civilian aircraft, etc.
Why do you hate our troops doing their job? /// Their job is to use those weapons against our enemies, not give those weapons to our enemies.
Jamie–YOU couldn’t be more stupid. I don’t know who the Muslim Fundies would hate more. A gay person or a dumb shit like you. Its a puzzler–hate and stupidity being what they are.
Hey dumb shit, the Syrian rebels are AL Queda. OUR ENEMY. Or didn’t you get the memo.
Syrian Rebels Tied to Al Qaeda Play Key Role in War
Is reading difficult for you? Respond all you want, I wont wast more time on brain dead libs.
Well Jamie–you are blinded by your own homophobia and the stupidity that goes with it. As shown above, Dallas’ ((although Dullass does make me chuckle for the word play)) statement is Pro-USA and pro USA troops.
but even if you can’t see that, it doesn’t matter as “the enemy” includes Al Quada, Fundies, Nationalists, Russian Operative, Syrian Secret Service or whoever would use those loose weapons against us.
Don’t you have two brain cells to rub together?===You Know–raise your IQ to room temperature?
Stoopid Hooman. Can’t even see the light when the switch is thrown for him. Fits the type.
Wesley Clark was just telling people what they wanted to hear. Why did he not reveal this when he was running for President in 2004? Handpicked by Bill Clinton to stop Howard Dean, this would have been crucial info that would have given Clark cred with the Dean camp and probably won him the nomination. It was the support of Dean that caused Kerry to support Obama over Hillary. Ed Schultz pretended to his caller that he didn’t understand her point that this was a great betrayal by Kerry since Bill campaigned for him after having heart surgery.
Seems the same group of experts are at it again. So why not call this blog by a better name? Something like, “IDIOTS WITH KEYBOARDS!”
Getting back to the original topic. Once sequestration kicks in how the bleep are we supposed to do all this bleep? Arm a bunch of brownies and send them over without support? I don’t think that’s going to work nor is claiming to be a super power with a navy the size the US had before WWI. We were ranked as 13th at the time.
A naval strike force like that could pretty much shut down all air traffic over Syria in less than a day. Whatever is happening in Turkey is probably not be strategic.
What is known rather than Clark’s surmises is that when Clark was in charge of forces in Kosovo, he ordered NATO forces to retake an airport that the Russians had occupied, and his order was refused by the British general who responded, I’m not going to start World War 3 for you.