1. Nibbler says:

    Glad everyone is getting along this morning. Are those juggling balls or apples? Very cool, almost made me think it was CG!

  2. Admfubar says:

    all slight of hand, just like the mega corps manipulate us…

    • jpfitz says:

      Although the corps. are a bit more obvious with the sexy ads.

      Off topic: Has anyone noticed the automobile tv ads where their cars are most times sliding, flying through the air and generally on the edge of losing control. Is this how we want our youngsters driving nowadays. I do enjoy watching racing, especially F1 and Australian v8s power sliding through a corner but leave the on the edge driving to pros.

  3. Dallas says:

    This is slightly more entertaining than those church healing acts that Alphie does.

  4. Captain Obvious says:

    Yann Frisch has spent years perfecting the balls and cup trick. This video is from the 2012 Beijing International Magic Convention where he easily won “Champion du Monde”.

    Those people gasping and applauding are other magicians.

  5. two to the head says:

    Dvorak blog used to be a place where there was SOME intelligent conversation about postings. Lately it seems to have devolved into a weird man/boy punch fest. Not worth reading…

    once again the internet devolves to the lowest common denominator.

    • ± says:


      Do you expect more from a blog substantially occupied by sheeple (people who hire Rs & Ds) ? [he asked rhetorically]

    • Captain Obvious says:

      As the smartest one here I can tell you that the reason is everyone thinks that they are the smartest one here.

  6. George says:

    What was it that Seinfeld said about magic?

    Here’s a quarter, now it’s gone. You’re a jerk. Now it’s back. You’re an idiot. Show’s over.

  7. nunyac says:

    John, you are right about the Wow factor, I quite enjoyed the performance.

  8. 2ndframerate says:

    Who thinks the video is sped up? Even the camera repositioning
    is ‘hyper-jerky’.

    Audio frequency would of course have to be shifted lower.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      no, i think the 1%’er with the apples and cups was ‘hyper-jerky’.

  9. Sea Lawyer says:

    Man sits behind table and impresses others with his ability to make balls disappear by dropping them into his lap.


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