I KNEW we should have taken bets on when this would happen.

In a recent investigative report by the Center for Responsive Politics and Hearst newspapers, the authors expressed concern that drones were being pushed into the domestic market before safety and ethics issues had been sufficiently addressed. Such fears played out when the first police department in the country to acquire an aerial drone crashed the $300,000 aircraft into its own SWAT team.

  1. noname says:

    A drone would never crash, do they?

    Impossible, America has the best trained arm chair warriors in the world!


  3. msbpodcast says:

    I’m not surprised. (That’s a military uniform, by the way.)

    Police blue trainee in the chair has to get a lift into work on account of he’s too stupid to pass the written portion of the driver’s test and they let him drive a drone?

    What were they expecting?

  4. deowll says:

    Part of what makes me flinch about this is the feeling that something as well suited for police work could have been had for maybe a third of what was spent.

  5. MartinJJ says:

    “…one of the main safety issues with drones is lack of ability to “sense and avoid other aircraft.”

    “Law enforcement officials are lobbying lawmakers to shift the oversight for use of drones from FAA to the Department of Homeland Security.”

    Soon they will crash into your flight also. It would be safe to bet on that instead.

  6. Brian says:

    Funny, this article is gone. I looked for it over the weekend.

  7. MikeN says:

    In Texas, they don’t trust the government and will send military hardware to attack its forces.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    “the authors expressed concern that drones were being pushed into the domestic market before safety and ethics issues had been sufficiently addressed.”

    We’re seeing something similar now, with radar speed cameras. Radar was fine, when all it was used for was finding things moving around in the sky. Lots of open, empty, uncrowded space in the sky. Not like on the ground. With so many things crowded together, moving in all sorts of directions, at different rates. Not surprising that radar signals bounce off one vehicle (no matter how tight a beam) to pick up some speed bouncing off another, or a building. As much as doubling or tripling the detected speed. Radar just isn’t reliable enough, on the ground to keep convicting people of speed limit violations. But since its a great revenue getter. States and counties will NEVER give up on it.

    And I’ll bet the same thing applies to drones. Fine for warfare in deserts. Where a few mistakes are more easily forgivable. But domestically used, they’re soon a disaster in the making. Like arming National Guard to keep Colleges safe from angry war protesters (Kent State?). This use of military technology, to “keep the peace” in the homelands. Is the very same nightmare story films like “Blue Thunder” warn us against. And yet, we’ve accepted that it can be done, with unmanned drones, instead of manned helicopter gunships. A subtle difference, which is lost on any sane individual, who isn’t in the Drones for Peace decision loop.


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