
  1. Not My Type says:

    Color coding the fugly girls.

  2. MajFauxPas says:

    In Soviet Russia, protect sun from face.

  3. Moebeans says:

    Face transplants are all the rage in the Soviet Union

  4. kjb434 says:

    Left wing idiots in another attempt at the illusion that everyone is equal, has implemented a new helmet for all citizens of California.

  5. davis says:

    la buena vida

  6. noname says:

    How republicans feel!

  7. WmDE says:

    Bertha: I thought this was a nude beach.

    Elsie: Well they said that everyone voted and that this was as nude as we could be.

  8. Mextli says:

    Pussy Riot takes a break after getting out of the Gulag.

  9. Captain Obvious says:

    Chinese facekinis are useful for nude beaches.

  10. T-Bird says:

    Bondage beach volleyball is exhausting…

  11. Animal Mother says:

    We are so embarrassed that we voted for Romney and the Legitimate Rape Party that we can’t show our ugly teabagger mugs.

  12. GregAllen says:

    “Who the hell are we kidding? Most dudes would still do ’em.”

  13. noname says:

    Republican rape prevention strategy.

  14. These Chinese manufactured burqas and jilbabs are too dang small. We must occupy Mecca in protest of having our jobs sent there…

  15. MWD78 says:

    Female Luchador Beach Party!

  16. McCullough says:

    Jersey Shore…2025

  17. Dick_Cheney says:

    Do you know me?

  18. Salty says:

    “First of all, welcome to the Lardies Anonymous beach party…”

    One of the Smurfs forgot to use suncream.

  19. Pam says:

    Postmenopausal Pussy Riot

  20. B. Lou Floyd says:

    Blue Man Group rejects. Unfortunately Betty is color blind and wore pink.

  21. Blue Eggs and Ham says:

    They got the “wet suit” concept half right.

  22. noname says:

    Romney’s campaign staff takes permanent unpaid vacation.

  23. Bagre says:

    Fat roads anonymous!

  24. Bagre says:

    Fat broads anonymous!

  25. Pig Out says:


    Nacho Libre – Part TWO!

    Nuns in the Sun!

    “This is NOT a hold up!”

    “Bags” and Sacks!

    “Do you REALLY want them to take it OFF?!”

    Guess what the hubbies are wearing!

  26. John E. Quantum says:

    Widespread condom use finally catches on. For her pleasure.

  27. shooff says:

    “One Baggers” on the Beach.

  28. bob dobbs says:

    Everyone that remembers when this blog had interesting content take off your masks!

  29. Dannythedog says:

    Pussy riot turns 40!

  30. Uncle Patso says:

    Las Luchadoras vs menopause!

    (See “Wrestling Women vs The Aztec Mummy)


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