From last night’s SNL. And yeah, there’s an ad at the beginning.
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Thanks for reminding me why I stopped watching SNL twenty years ago.
Why do we perform necessary evil to show that evil will not be tolerated. Drones are evil.
They droned Stevie Nicks!
Everyone has “droned” Stevie.
She even did Mick Fleetwood. I almost puked when I heard that.
You get killed by a rusty sword, a chariots wheel, an arrow, dynamite, a machine gun, a snipers rifle, a speeding car, a poisoned tipped umbrella, a biological weapon, a nuclear bomb, a slow starving due to ethanol subsidies in the West ……. whats the exact difference? So, now-add drones.
“The Issue” remains the same and constant thoughout history and logic. Only the tool has changed.
Wheres the beef?
Who was it that said in order to welcome something into your home that you are afraid of, one of the things you have to do is laugh at it and make it into a harmless caricature of what you are afraid of?
Excellent point. I watched about the first minute of this on SNL last night and channel surfed to something else. I think the manipulation you refer to is what turned me off.
Same with the opposite point of view: demonizing an issue.
“It is what it is.” Just a tool. In this case, answering my own question as off point as it is: the amount and nature of the collateral damage is a difference. Not to the person who was targeted, but to the surviving population. Still- would you rather have a drone with 5 collateral dead, or a bomb with 50 collateral dead?
That is the very issue being mis-emphasized right now in the difference in civilian deaths in the flare up in Israel right now. Its all BS. The relevant issue not even identified much less discussed.
Through out History–a defeated enemy left with too many soldiers is a constant threat until they are finally wiped out. Israel won’t find peace until it kills ALL its enemies, and the collateral folks that support them.
Its not nice, just reality.
I remember when Jimmy Carter was still president and SNL was still funny.
We have both gotten old.
Perhaps it’s time to Drone the comedy writers of SNL’s so called humor – Lamest show on earth…
As this item was unavailable for 96% of us, please could someone describe it for those of us deemed scum by Hulu?
Use Tunnelbear, a VPN based location anonymiser.
Once again, priorities are being missed. We must ask ourselves, “how does this affect the American standard of living?” (by extension – how does this affect the very purpose of the universe?)
Does this help reduce population density (increase “urban sprawl”?) Does it increase the average size of the American house/yard? Does it get more Americans driving full size 4x4s long distances?
If not, why is it even being discussed? Stay focused folks – we don’t have the resources to worry about trivialities.
To quote the great philosopher Homer, Simpson that is … “Be more funny”
Nice to see they didn’t leave out the “Double Tap” 🙂
I don’t know exactly when SNL stopped being funny. I think it might have been when Eddie Murphie and the second bunch of actors took over. Not that Eddie wasn’t funny – he was the only one!
Who can forget the “Bass-O-Matic” or “Cheebuger-Cheebuger-Cheebuger”? How about the “Coneheads”, “Samurai Hit Man”, “Mister Robinsons Neighborhood” or even “Gumby-Dammit!”? I’m sure I’m leaving other skits out like Chris Farley’s one and only moment about living in a van down by a river. But just who told David Spade he was funny? Or Jimmy Falon?! I’m not sure I like Spade in anything since he’s never been anything more than a snide little prick. And Falon? Don’t even get me started!
The point is, there really aren’t that many worthwhile SNL comedic moments. You can almost see the steady decline in writing since Conan O’Brien left too. Now, it’s all pretty much run by Tina Fey and a group of idiots who couldn’t recognize funny if it involved a pie in the face of Richard Nixon. And it’s only gotten worse where they now just “phone it in” with politically charged cartoons that they somehow think are humorous.
You might get a chuckle on occasion. But can you really say any of it is exactly memorable?
About the only person who keeps SNL or even 30 Rock going are people like Tracey Morgan. But that’s not saying much since his style of comedy is really nothing more than slap-stick “pee pee” jokes. It’s when they try to go above those mind-numbing pee pee jokes that we can see their near complete lack of imagination which involves any real comedy. Almost ever time it just pokes fun at politicians (often republicans) or is somehow politically charged satire that isn’t even very good. And if I want that kind of entertainment there are at least two much better shows to watch – The Daily Show or The Colbert Report.
If you ask me, SNL is a near complete waste of time to even watch. That is, unless you’re a mindless “stoner” or someone unable to change channels.
I would have liked it better when I was nine.