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We’re saved!
More drones! More war! More debt!
.. Sad thing is, now we’ll never know which Romney was the real one. =o
It was the liberal. Despite all the hints, the strongest one was when he said he is ‘severely conservative’.
I know. Was just trying to put a negative spin on this here great reelection event. =p
Obama is elected.
The republicans won!
Exactly. The math is way against anyone pulling us out of this spending crisis. Whoever is in charge will be blamed for the next 50 yrs.
Now maybe he can tell us his plan for the next 4 years.
Mandatory gay marriage and at least one abortion per family
those religious freaks in California voted AGAINST the proposition to legalize adult abortion.
I suppose their idiotic god told them how to vote.
Mandate. Obama is in touch with real people. Rush. Beck. Zomney. Multi millionaires. Nothing but yes men and think alikes around them. Challenge them, “You are fired,” leader Donald says to all.
The people have spoken. I was rooting for a different result.
And so goes politics.
The commentary on NBC was interesting — they hammered a bit on the flathead Republican primary process where they expect everyone to be a bible thumping, “no book lernin'” extremist.
Most comedic moment of the election cycle: 2 months after Akin shoots himself in the ballsack with mouth, another Republican guaranteed victory in a “red state” — Murdock — does same thing!
In retrospect, maybe it would have been a more fun election if Newt or Sanctorum got the nomination so Obama could have pulled a Reagan and won 49 states.
My point is that the flatheads gave a respectable moderate in Romney much grief for not being an extremist zealot, yet was their only chance to put up the “good fight” in the presidential contest.
Irony #2: Who would have expected Romney’s position 4 years ago on the auto-bailout to be an important factor years in the future?
6 of those or a half dozen of the other…
it makes no difference who you elect the corporations are still in charge
well we can legally get stoned in Colorado and Washington now though, right?!
Absolutely! of course you will be forfeiting your right to ever legally own a gun, but hey that’s what the cops are for right? Toke up sheeple
Y’all don’t get it.
Only reason Obama won is because he is publically viewed as the lesser of two evils. Thank bush for the view on reps. (Gitmo, NSA, Iraq, 9/11 fallout, Patriot act, etc)
This has zero to do with ‘the issues’.
Neither one should have gotten it.
Yup! Exactly right.
Read the Democrat program. Read the Republican program.
Four years from now – even at the tortured pace of growth the economy will be stronger.
The Party-formerly-known-as-Republican will change or die. Poisonally, I prefer the latter. I have no interest in bigots and 19th Century economists with $100 haircuts.
Cripes, I’ll probably vote for Hillary.
So now all the things that Obama pushed into hiding until after the election will come into focus. He told Russia he would have more flexibility on missile defense. He paid $8 billion of taxpayer money so seniors would not realize he is cutting their Medicare Advantage.
I am looking forward to see what “Taxed Enough Already Douche” has to say. I predicted a week ago more than 320 electoral votes for president Obama and he laughed at me. “Mittmentum” was only another fairy tale. He was wrong and I was right … so sweet.
What now? Move into JCDs WA home and toke up, legally!
Ouch. Romney and Ryan lost their home states. Now that’s a paddling.
Listen to Obama’s acceptance speech… and listen to the ‘other guy’s’ I am so glad he won.
We should hold congress accountable for results now.
And we all need to turn off the telly and get back to work.
Cmon. Obama would have had to have eaten a baby on live television to lose this election. He didn’t eat a baby on live TV, did he? I’ve been largely ignoring this lose-lose election.
So what? Either or would make no difference…
It’s have been god’s will that Obama won
We get 4 more years of a centrist President
Deal with it tea bags
The people have spoken… by not voting for Obama.
-300k less for Obama in Texas
-250k in Indiana
-200k in Ohio
-100k in Minnesota
-250k in Pennsylvania
-175 in Wisconsin
-900k in New York
90% of the vote in and Obama is down 13 million votes from last time…
Oh, the people have spoken. Resounding support for War Criminal Obama.
If Republicans are going to hold their heads up in public again you’re really going to need to learn about a thing called “arithmetic”.
The US Northeast has about 4-5 million less votes overall (that darn hurricane thingie). Obama will pick up another 5 million out west once the votes are counted. Check the overall math tomorrow and see if Romney even catches McCain’s numbers from 2008.
Yup, Obama was down among whites (wow, didn’t see that coming). But the Dems broadened their coalition which is leaving a stickie brown lump in most Republicans’ underwear right now.
Wow… the Democratic party excuse machine has already kicked into overdrive. I guess there really is no reasoning with Democrats because it is always somebody else’s fault.
Cry me a river. Oh, we had a hurricane. If it was not the hurricane it would have been something else. Weather happens to the Northeast and it is big news. Major storms slam Washington state and British Columbia fairly routinely and nothing is ever said. Same storm hits California, alert the media! Likewise, it snows everywhere in Minnesota, yet only Democratic areas seem to have a problem with snow and act like three inches of snow has never happened before. (Two years ago Minneapolis did not even have the blades on the plows.) Democratic New York reenacts Bush vis a vis Katrina and instead of a failed federal government the problem is global warming.
When Bush was elected the first time there was an all day rain storm up and down the east cost and people still voted and nobody blamed the weather, instead they blamed Ralph Nader.
Stop the blame game and deal with facts like a trillion dollar deficit. (Oh–wait, that is someone else’s fault too.)
Obama won form only a few reasons..
The truth is that IF’ we control it NOW, we can make things better, in the end.
we let it ALL fail..and forget out RIGHTS and responsibility to ENFORCE our government…BY THE PEOPLE.
I hope that other guy has a nice retirement as I hope to never see him again.
I voted for Obama again because the Repubs thought it would be a good idea to FIELD A FREAKIN’ CORPORATE RAIDER AS A CANDIDATE. I had my issues with Obama — mostly that he acts like a freakin’ Republican. Oh well, at least Repubs pander the loyal whacko voting blocks: Racists, Misogynists, Homophobes And Religious Extremists.
Cue the Tea Potty Outrage in 3.2.1…
I told my wife this morning I hope that the country turns into the same one as on the Walking Dead. Oh wait, it did last night during the election with the Liberals playing the part of the zombies. They want everything for free and give nothing in return.
There we go. A Tea Potty nutjob. That didn’t take long. hahahaha
Nutjob maybe, but not for the Tea Party.
I didn’t like Bush and I certainly don’t like Romney and I can’t stand Obomba. there hasn’t been a candidate I could stand in the 30 years.
I agree with you. Both parties suck. Corporations have completed their acquisition of the US Govt which is now more Corpro-Fascist then Democracy.
Yeah, we’ve got a president we can feel good about (We reelected the, uh, person of color, ain’t we liberal) but we’ve given him no support in congress (The country has shifted even more to the right.)
This will be four more years of the same useless intercine party politicking.
The problem with this fascist* republic** is the bicameral electoral system and what it has devolved down to.
The problems of the 1%ers vs. the 99%ers class warfare and the lack of representation have a clear and easy solution.
Get rid of the parties.
*) Its an economic system, not a value judgement.
**) Its a political system, not a value judgement.
Hate will only carry a Party so far!
It shouldn’t be a surprise, if you hate on key constituents; they don’t vote for you, despite all the scare tactics.
Of course, Repukes will respond, those we hate shouldn’t be voting!
Four more drones.
Here goes the world economy. Could you Americans please elect somebody competent and fiscally conservative next time? (the former is a bit much to ask, but the latter should be possible)
BTW, I doubt Romney would have been a better choice than Obama.
Her in Europe we are screwed and the US will soon be. How come nobody understands you can’t keep on spending money you don’t have?
Somebody has to be first, who ya got for 2016?
My bet is Romney or Ryan to go up against Hillary. Hillary wins because of all the Obomba sycophant supporters and all the leaches will continue to vote themselves freebies….clear up until the people who work for a living stop paying for it all.
Oh come on, you’re ready for another Bush to save the day! Go Jeb!
Republicans should view the results as a wake up call. The people are tired of divisive rhetoric, specious conspiracies and negative uncooperative attitudes from the right side of the isle. Or, they can just ignore the results and continue to lose elections.
It is interesting to note that geographically speaking, the majority of the country voted Republican. They can use that to delude themselves into thinking that that means something, but they would be wrong.
The only flaw in your thought is not understanding that to a Democrat cooperation means “do it my way and stfu”.
And the repubes are so different?
Agree. The GOP is obsolete and was dying. Like any weak organization that lost their roots in fairness and fiscal responsibility, a power vacuum ensued and was quickly occupied by the Tea Potty and Christian Taliban. The result was predictable.
Hopefully, a leader will emerge to exorcise these elements to rejuvenate the party. I’m thinking porker Chris Christie might be that person.
Chris Christie is the definition of pork barrel politics…
You got four more years, now lets see you do something.
Now we go back to work like good little subjects.
NDAA, Drones, Patriot Act, Debt limit extensions, Bailouts, Personal Mandates, Planned Drug Shortages, GMOs, Quantitative easing, Body Scanners… Yea, We Won!!
Rolls eyes. Quit being a sour loser and be a good role model
Loser? I’m not a republican. Just remember both candidates back NDAA indefinite detention of US citizens with no due process. When a federal judge ruled it unconstitutional Obama threw the whole justice dept. at overturning her decision.
Good role models don’t follow the heard.
Wake up morons.
Now what? Well more war of course!