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Ben Domenech, a conservative author, described Romney’s candidacy as having “a message without music, delivered by a candidate with little or no personality, saddled with enormous advantages in life which become disadvantages in the world of politics.”
Combine that with a party that simply is out of touch on so many issues with where majority of the country is on social issues and also still hasn’t a clue how to get voters registered and voting like the Dems did and it’s no wonder the outcome.
In the end, no matter what they think about Obama’s handling of the economy, the voters didn’t think Romney could do better, so they decided to stick with the devil they know.
Given what you identify–its a mystery how Rmoney did as well as he did?
I saw one interview of a 35 yo Republican Woman voter and she was asked what she thought of the war on women. She AGREED it was happening but just didn’t believe her rights to abortion and contraceptives would ever be impacted. ……….. I think that explains alot: the very targets of the Repbulican WAR on the Middle Class is simply not believed by the targets.
Its like the Loyal German Jews of 1933. I love my country, why would they come after me?
Silly Hoomans. We should all believe what other people say. It reveals so much rather than listening to OURSELVES. You do see that all too much. Even on this forum.
Just look.
Repug wives also do as their told – or else. Occasionally, a small % gets to vote their conscious.
Ha, ha. I have to admit that ALL of the Republican wives I have personally known and can think of all seem a bit “Archie Bunker Stifled” compared to the Liberal variety.
To be fair, it might be what they want, some kind of security or laziness in not thinking for themselves, a product of early conditioning. Who knows?
IMHO, it’s exactly the Archie Bunker household. Edith knows better but she loves Archie very much and it’s just not worth raising Archie’s blood pressure.
Yep, bobbo the same way you know that Obama has taken away your right to an attorney. And support him anyway. So bobbo, try be a little genuine.
And you have the balls to use Germany as an example.
Douchenozzle? Ha, ha. You down in the dumps McC?
You keep trying to label me. Something conservatives like to do rather than think through a position. YES—-I think Obama is far superior to any Republican that was in the running. Hard to tell with those not running. Jeb Bush?–He might even be “ok” but he has the Curse on him now. “..♫… Cain slew Able, how sad it would be…”
NO—My Nom de Flame sums it up.
Will you ever care (dare?) to actually address a substantive issue and back up any objective falsifiable point made?
…… but I won’t be holding my breath.
Old White Men… what you gonna do?
Nah, I’m having a great day actually. I called you on your comparison to R’s taking away women’s rights, and the women who will still vote for them, to the German Jews who lost their Civil Rights but still loved Dear Leader.
And in fact you were right. I’ve complained about NDAA numerous times and you agree with me every time. It’s been in your face since Obama sneakily signed it in on New Years eve last year, and I protested it on the blog. The German Jews didn’t have access to information like we have today, but we do. So this, in my opinion is much worse, simply BECAUSE you were well informed and still you support dear leader. BTW I bet I’m younger and darker than you.
Squirm all you want, but you’ve been pwned.
Edith, Archie wants his favorite chair.
Why do you continue to insist that I support Dear Leader?
Five express negations of the imperative statement.
My Nom de Flame.
Pragmatism not really being a characteristic of “support” as commonly used.
What does whatever you have that is darker than me got to do with what?
I’m glad you have perked up some. Still know factual presentations. No opinion is worth more than the facts they are based on. Probably wise to keep your facts imaginary.
Same as it always was.
Har, whatever bob. I’ll let you off the hook now. It’s become embarrassing.
When I disagree with Obama, why would I vote for the other guy who would double down on those policies because he claims the president is weak and apologetic? When the opposition party crucifies for attempting to have trials and eliminate the Gitmo rights-free-zone?
I may not agree with everything Obama does, but he beats the alternative.
A vote for evil is still a vote for evil. That hasn’t changed.
Then dont vote. I actually thought about it since I was dissatisfied with Obama.
Then the Republican freakshow started up and reminded me how much worse it could be.
Tax hikes which = Fewer jobs/less profitability.
EPA and FDA, etc regulation by the ton which = fewer jobs and less profitability.
I predict that at least 60% or more of the population will be taking hand outs by 2016 only, if we get the oh so very likely collapse of the dollar, what ever it is you are getting won’t cover your needs.
Continued wild spending ending in the dollar doing a complete collapse. I don’t mean inflation in normal terms. I mean if you drop a hundred you most likely won’t bother to pick it up.
Most likely the end of the US as a super power.
Most of you are going to have major problems getting or keeping a Dr. You may qualify for free care but the line may be long enough you die in line. This happens fairly commonly in Europe and Canada. Now it will happen here. Old people of course will be repeatedly told to go to the end of the line. They won’t call it euthanasia and it isn’t because it won’t be a mercy killing, you just died before your number came up.
It would not shock me if a very large number of multinationals now based in the US relocated. Apple, Microsoft, GE, etc.
Don’t worry. It’s all going to be Bush’s fault.
The good news is that those of you still working you will most likely a have a huge paycheck which can be taxed as such and the bad news is a million dollars may not buy you a bag of beans.
You forgot dogs and cats living together.
Higher taxes on the wealthy has never had a negative impact on jobs before. Fact is the lower we have been taxing the rich the worse our economy has done. More money and economic influence concentrated into fewer hands is not a way to have a healthy economy. A mass of people will on average make better decisions with how they spend their money than a few individuals will. See “wisdom of crowds”.
Video from the year 2016!
After Obama’s reign…..
Reign implies someone with absolute power like George W. claimed as he pushed through many terrible changes to the government and our laws. Obama has been making many improvements to help people in general and hasn’t been forceful about it but has worked with the congress and senate to get those things done.
I don’t think this was merely a presidential win for Obama. If I recall correctly the Republicans decided to double down and make this into something more than a presidential contest. They changed it into a contest for America’s future. It would go one way if Obama won and a completely different way if Romney won. I’m sure they planned on keep to that course if they won. But they didn’t.
Obama won so now we go his way into the future. So I guess we don’t have to listen to Ryan, Limbaugh, Nugent, Fox “news” or Nordquist about how they think we should move forward. It’s over, they bet the farm on that contest and lost.
I don’t think the shellacking is over yet. I think Boehner and Ryan are going to get their asses handed to them on the “fiscal cliff”.