Executive Producers: Dame Viki Poole, Ronald Dreslinski Jr, Daniel Mack
Art By: Daniel MacDonald
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  1. Dallas says:

    Hi all! Don’t forget to vote for **President Obama** tomorrow and not for Willard, the lying cult leader.

    Obama is the dark handsome one – yes. Willard is the other one with slick hair – not him.

    • BigBoyBC says:

      I’d rather vote for Roseanne Barr, than listen to four more years of “Saint Barry’s” BS…

  2. corvette_lady says:

    I’m writing Hurricane Sandy on the ballot. One vote to clean up ol’ DC.

  3. TooManyPuppies says:

    The scat trade! I pretty much fell outta my chair on that one.

  4. SPOCK says:

    and please don’t forget… the november
    surprise is scheduled for tomorrow =P

  5. gildersleeve says:

    If it’s a hanging chad election again, pay attention to the party in charge of the ballots in the offending state. That party should lose ALL bitching rights during the next 4 years.

  6. ECA says:

    What has been done to make CHOICE, not an option..
    Electoral vote.. changed from a SPLIT vote, to ALL FOR 1..1 person gets 51% they get ALL of those votes. which isnt nice.
    This eliminates TONS of states with lower Populations…FARMERS. I would rather a FARMER ran for president, and Old farmer.

    A solution? EASY, give EACh state 1 Electoral vote. that Gives EACH state some power. Also makes it so they have to Politic, EACH STATE, not just 13 HIGHESt populations..
    10% of the nation WILL NOT VOTE, religious and other reasons..
    Another 10% will be DECLINED to vote as they are NOT demo or rep, and you cant vote in THEIR PRIVATE ELECTION..
    did you know that?? You cant vote for a democrat unless you ARE A DEMOCRAT..REPS, do the same thing some times..Strange..WHY?? then they dont have to COUNT any other votes..and its almost automatic VOTE..even if they change their minds..
    20% wont Vote because they DONT see an OUT or a choice..better then whats there or Better then ANYTHING out there. Why vote an idiot into office, esp if he cant DO ANYTHING.
    Another 20% wont vote, because they KNOW what can be done, and it AINT being done, and those in OFFICE aint doing it..

    In the end, 1/3 of this nation belongs to 1 of 2 parties.. one side will win and 1/6 of this nation will have voted IN a president.
    Out of 300,000,000, 1/3-100,000,000 will vote and from that 50,000,000 people will elect a president.

    Lets say a class of 30 kids want a class pres… and with the above number only 10 voted, and the 5 that voted for 1 person gained that 1 person president. 5 people in a class of 30.

    I wouldnt grouse to much it AT LEAST 150 million(1/2 the population) voted. Even if that EXTRA 50 million voted for another party.
    No other DEMOCRATIC based nation, has only 2 parties. NOT even england.

    • WmDE says:

      Another 10% will be DECLINED to vote as they are NOT demo or rep, and you cant vote in THEIR PRIVATE ELECTION..
      did you know that?? You cant vote for a democrat unless you ARE A DEMOCRAT..REPS, do the same thing some times..Strange..WHY?? then they dont have to COUNT any other votes..and its almost automatic VOTE..even if they change their minds..


      • ECA says:


        You dont know this?
        The Dem and reps can and DO restrict the voting to their OWN group..
        IF you are NOT in those groups, you would need to Write-in your vote for them..

        • WmDE says:

          I guess you are talking about primaries. For a primary you have to be sort of a member of the party holding the primary. Primaries do not elect anyone to office. They elect people to run from a certain party.

          In my state both the Democrats and the Republicans hold their primaries on the same day. You walk in the the polling place they ask you in which primary you wish to cast a ballot. For that 10 minutes you have to choose Democrat or Republican. The rest of the time you are just a registered voter.

          Primaries are private. They are Dem vs Dem and Rep vs Rep. Writing the name of one parties’ candidate onto the other parties’ ballot would be strange.

  7. ECA says:

    About the electoral collage..


    • ECA says:

      heres how..

      50 % dont vote, but the electoral decides on the 1/3 that DID vote..and sends ALL its votes 1 way..
      IF you dont vote, it SHOULD NOT COUNT..

      • Dallas says:

        Agree. Good point. It would at least add some sanity to the insanity of the EC

  8. t0llyb0ng says:

    Waiting for the electoral college to bite us in the ass again.  What an archaic & malignant “institution” that is.

    The link to the podcast on this blog results in a different filename than the link at NAshownotes does.  Any particular reason for that?  I’ve not compared the two files to see if they are the same.

  9. t0llyb0ng says:

    Okay, you made me look.

    Same byte count & same elapsed time.

  10. deowll says:

    The cover page makes my respect for what was left of your intelligence fall hugely. Good luck on still being in business in 4 years.


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