Thanks, Ursarodinia

  1. noname says:

    If you were clinically dead then get up, walk and have a hunger for brains you might be a zombie.

    FDA approved cures are gun blasts to the head, axe to the head, consuming fire,….

    Then again, I could be wrong.

  2. The DON says:

    Wheres the punch-line?
    I was convinced that this drivvel had a purpose…..

    • noname says:

      There is no punch-line. It’s meant to be a fun scientific exercise. Mostly only enjoyable by those who do rigorous science.

      It’s scientific dry humor. It’s not meant to be ha ha humor.

      • Admfubar says:

        sooooooo it is humor for someone that can use their brain?…..
        there are several soon to be zombies that read these pages then!

  3. sargasso_c says:

    No such thing as dry humor. It’s spelt, “humour”.

    • noname says:

      My bad, good catch.

      • noname says:

        My bad again, I was a little too quick to apologize

        British English (e.g. colour, flavour, harbour, honour, humour, labour, neighbour, rumour) and in -or in American English (color, flavor, harbor, honor, humor, labor, neighbor, rumor).

        I am American, therefore its humor!

        Either way, it’s a good lesson for me.

        • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is a Moderate Conservative by any party not captured by the Wing Nut American Talibans says:

          You covered English English and American English. Now…. cover Dry Humour English.

  4. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Serious question: Do zombies have to poop? They’re eating brains all the time so you would have to assume they have to eliminate or they would endlessly grow into zombie giants. However, I’ve never seen the issue addressed.

    • noname says:

      It’s like asking, does Donald Trump poop? Has anyone seen him poop? If Donald Trump poops in the woods does it stink?

      • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is a Moderate Conservative by any party not captured by the Wing Nut American Talibans says:

        Donald Trumps shit stinks when he comes back to the city. He needs to wipe better.

      • The Monster's Lawyer says:

        He’s so full of shit, i don’t believe he does eliminate.

  5. Admfubar says:

    tuesday the voting dead will be out in full force…

    run! run for your lives!!!

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    Diagnosing a zombie? See if they pull the lever for R or D today.

    D = zombie

    What’s the difference between a zombie and a liberal? You shoot a zombie in the head and it dies.


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