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A republican will never lie, so you can believe him!
The Shatner I Can’t Get Behind That!
that thing on trump’s head is effecting his brain…
prolly popped outta and egg case
Trump should know. Obama said they grew up together in Kenya.
What did he chop off his mom’s legs? Was that the Muslim punishment for being a nude model(pics available online)? Didn’t he know yet that she was modeling for his real dad?
This will certainly explain why the most transparent President in history lawyer-ed up his passport records!
He didn’t lawyer up, he had an aide of a government contractor look thru his passport file, to be sure his story held up. Then he gave the contractor a top post in his administration while the aides were ‘fired’.
Anyone catch the comedian who offered Trump a Million Dollars to remove the dead ferret from his head?
Not a laugh or a chuckle but a smile.
Best response to trump
I like Donald Trump obviously he is a very successful American. Their is plenty of legitimate reasons to not vote for Obama. My reason is simply. He did not provide the leadership I expected from someone holding the Presidential office. I could care less if he is Democrat, Republican or Independent. A person who cannot do better in 4 years to help this economy out of recession does not deserve another 4 years. Because even if you are a die hard Democrat who believes in Obama’s policies and goals. How can you believe he will get any of that done? The guy is a great motivator and speech maker. But he is pathetic at rallying even his own party on his agenda.
John—aka===toilet brain: you have identified a valid concern but are doing a porcelain dance regarding CAUSATION AND CURE.
The Pukes rain our economy into a ditch with the passive failure of the Dumbos and Voters to stop the massive transfer of wealth from the 99% to the 1%. As Clinton said: “NO ONE could have recovered the economy in 4 years” as you are demanding in your faux non partisan BS.
Obama should be criticized for not recognizing and treating the Pukes for what they are: the biggest threat to American Democracy yet put into the field. With Rmoney running so close, it appears the electorate is littered with idiots like yourself: too stupid to not to cut their own throats.
Silly Hoomans: VOTE YOUR OWN SELF INTEREST which in America means the least worst of the two candidates presented.
Yea, verily!
Yeah, that is what sheeple do. They vote their own SHORT TERM self interest at the expense of the long term self interests of everyone. And that is why this country is in the mess it is. D/R sheeple are responsible.
Not quite. Rather, I think the Great Majority of Puke voters vote “The Party” thinking it is the same party they they bonded with 20-40 years ago and now they fail to evaluate EITHER the short or long term financial effects on themselves and their children.
EG–getting a $250 per year tax break makes no sense when it is balanced by a reduction in Medicare, Soc Sec, Healthcare, unemployment, increases in local sales taxes, less education and so on down the line. BUT that is demonstrably what has been happening the last 20 years.
The “values” the Republicans push are equally suspect but can’t be summed up as objectively as the economic one’s can be. I suppose there is no reason for a menopausal woman to care if birth control is taken away.
And to John above: I apologize. My error to equate your “fresh” idiocy with the old idiocy that has been mindlessly repeated and contested on this forum.
Maybe you have some fresh ideas to defend these losing propositions?
Let’s see them?
Yes it is clear that you believe that:
a) D and R voters are not essentially equally responsible for the mess the country is in. (50/50?, 48/52?, 54/46?, … irrelevant)
b) if Rs became extinct, then all will become peachy keen as Ds set things straight
Your political opinions continue to show you as a silly fatuous person to those who feel it worth their while to bother to read past a post title which starts with “bobbo”.
Go and vote D or R like most of the sheeple on this board (although there are more non-sheeple here than I’ve seen anywhere else). Then feel good about yourself as Rs and Ds continue the destruction of our nation.
Funny how Republicans are selfish assholes, and yet you insist that people would vote for Democrats if they voted for their own self interests. Six of one, half dozen of the other as I see it.
We already know what Donald Trump is. We already know the “birther” stuff is ridiculous. So what’s the news here? Is this supposed to influence *anybody*?
Looks like the RepubliPukes have the smoking gun picture.
Ughh. Now we have to endure the squeals of FUX News
± says:
11/4/2012 at 10:45 am
Yes it is clear that you believe that:
a) D and R voters are not essentially equally responsible for the mess the country is in. (50/50?, 48/52?, 54/46?, … irrelevant) // No, Pukes are almost exclusively responsible for our current mess. The Dumbo’s only for failure to stop them. Sorry==but Dumbos are known as the TAX and Spend party, and as relevant here, the Party of the NANNY State. Tax and Nanny, the lack thereof, has caused our current crash. ((World wide leveling of the playing field and automation another very strong element of the story not as subject to the PARTISAN analysis.))
b) if Rs became extinct, then all will become peachy keen as Ds set things straight // Idiot! Of Course Not. After the Pukes are ReBuked, then time to go after the Dumbos. We need to get the Corporate Overlords on the run.
Your political opinions continue to show you as a silly fatuous person to those who feel it worth their while to bother to read past a post title which starts with “bobbo”. // Pure ad hominem. No Analysis…… as usual.
Go and vote D or R like most of the sheeple on this board (although there are more non-sheeple here than I’ve seen anywhere else). Then feel good about yourself as Rs and Ds continue the destruction of our nation. /// More worthless rhetoric from…. what????—a liebertard I take it??? You vote for a third party when a third party HAS A CHANCE TO WIN! Otherwise you vote in effect for the WORST candidate by your own values.
C’mon PM===try to argue? You know–point, counterpoint? Not monkey shit thrown on the wall. Give it a try.
Pure ad hominem. No Analysis…… as usual.
No ad hominem here, just incidental agreement with the assessment of others on this blog who vote but won’t be voting for the destruction the country (non R/D voters). These are smarter people than those who vote to destroy the country wouldn’t you say? [he asked rhetorically] Go (you won’t) with the smart people consensus. The sheeple consensus got us where we are.
You vote for a third party when a third party HAS A CHANCE TO WIN! Otherwise you vote in effect for the WORST candidate by your own values.
This precious statement should become an amendment to the constitution. We can add to that amendment that everyone must consult bobbo first to see whether who they are voting for “HAS A CHANCE TO WIN”.
Well PM–all you’ve done is broken up your irrelevant generalities as if directly responding. You haven’t.
If something has never happened should you vote for the Black Swan? NO ONE —EVER—IN HISTORY===ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME, as won a democratic election when polling below 20% with any other two Candidates taking the remaining 80% of the estimate.
Polling is a SCIENCE! More in the vein of sociology so it is not a hard science, but a science none the less—a methodology that can be confirmed by others that makes a prediction and has a track record.
So–you evidently have confused the definition of “intelligent voter” with a that of a hopeless irrelevant dreamer.
What have you got? I’m happy and content though. Throw your vote away–I doubt you are smart enough to figure out who is the least bad candidate between Rmoney and Obama.
Keep on doing what you do so well.
Stupid Hooman.
So to you, voting for someone who loses (or is likely to lose) is throwing away your vote. So we still need to check in with bobbo first (or someone he designates?) before voting so we don’t throw away our vote.
To me, voting for the lesser of evils is voting for evil. I won’t vote for evil (knowingly). People voting for known evil is why we are where we are. When it comes to Democrats and Republicans, the parties are irretrievably corrupt and in turn corrupt even the most principled innocents who join them as politicians. Voting for Republicans or Democrats is voting for known evil. Period. Stop patting yourself on the back for voting for (lesser of) evil.
It is simple logic that nothing will change until Rs and Ds are permanently overthrown (peacefully, thru voting, yes, it is in the constitution). When enuff people think this way is when some third party can win and things MAY change. Or not. But with certainty, nothing but decline will occur with continued R/D hegemony.
The massive need for Money corrupts, despite what the Supreme Court thinks.
If any governmental official has to spend more than 5% of their time fundraising for their next election, then they aren’t working for U.S., they are working for those who buy their elections.
If you want honest government, take the money out of the equation, again; despite what the Supreme Court thinks.
If you think congress is corrupt, why would you not think the Supreme Court is not corrupted by their seemingly unlimited power?
The whole push of the Republicans is to destroy our democracy and replace it with a Corporate oligarchy, where such power effectively rests with a small, extremely wealthy group of inside individuals. As long as the Republicans service the Corporate oligarchs, they can guarantee they will have the monies they need to buy their elections.
There was a time when families had time besides just working to outdo the Jones; to enrich their community somehow. Those days are gone with two incomes needed to afford loans for 250K houses, 25K cars & $4 gas. Buy the way, by the time the loan is paid the 250k house cost 750k.
We are all now effectively beholden to the Corporate oligarchs Gods.
No one dares to protest anymore, for fear of career reprisals.
Our only hope as a continuing American democracy and rule by the people for the people is campaign reform!
Nice review noname. I look forward to an exchange on a more pointed issue.
FOOL hardy sheeple..
look at bottom of the link..
How many did yo see on TV??
The demo, will only SHOW the 1 demo running..
The Reps will only show the 1 REP they want..
What about the others??
There is a LAW about EQUAL time on TV, but it was AUGMENTED in the 90’s..
noname said:
Our only hope as a continuing American democracy and rule by the people for the people is campaign reform!
Agreed. Some process needs to be developed to qualify candidates who may be suitable to be politicians. Then their campaigns are funded equally to the penny from the general fund of taxes collected. Not one penny more is available to any one running for office from any individual or organization. All funds are spent through a central website and transactions can be viewed in real time by anyone by visiting the website (and NOT logging on).
Since people are too stupid not to re-elect bad politicians, there should be a single term limit. This means many good politicians can’t ever serve again. Too bad. The good that will be created by keeping the bad politicians from being re-elected will be eclipsed by the positive effect.
Why should it be that in a republican form of government that the people should not be able to choose their preferred representatives just because their preference has already been chosen before?
I said why.
All I see is that people are too stupid to have a representative form of government, so their ability to choose their representatives should be severely restricted.
What are you searching for? Is this reason not good enough? We now have the governance that sheeple (D/R voters) give us. The people who hire the government won’t change, so the system has to be changed to give us better governance.
My objection is that you are misdiagnosing the problem.
The disfunctional, as some would call it, state of our government has more to do with the winner takes all voting systems employed by most of the states than is it caused by being able to choose the same representative twice in a row.
Did Obama write anti-Semitic poetry?
Under water grottos, caverns Filled with apes
That eat figs. Stepping on the figs
That the apes Eat, they crunch.
The apes howl, bare Their fangs, dance,
Tumble in the Rushing water,
Musty, wet pelts Glistening in the blue.
Trump offered to give $5,000,000 to any charity Comrade Obama selected in return for passport and college records. Trump still has the money.