1. noname says:

    I now would like to see a Time-lapse Video Of Hurricane Sandy recovery, now!

  2. Mother Nature is Cruel says:

    From this vantage point, it didn’t look too bad. The only big clue was the power outage in lower Manhattan.

    This tragedy is still unfolding. There are so many things broken.

  3. UncDon says:

    I wanna see Tsunami Sandy.

  4. Dallas says:

    What did Chris Christi know about Sandy and more could have been done to avert loss of life.

    • noname says:

      Be real, National and State public warnings where sent in advanced. State preparations where carried out in advance for Hurricane Sandy.

      Did Christie or anyone for that matter get everything perfect with the State warnings and Preparations? I am sure the lawyers can and will find some fault to exaggerate with anyone and anything.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      A law was passed in Florida around 2004 or 2005 that required all gas stations to be equipped with backup generators. During the hurricanes in these years, gas stations became small neighborhood distribution centers for food, ice, and fuel. Is there a similar law in New York, New Jersey or in other affected areas?

      Hurricane Sandy definitely increased in speed and intensity after turning west and before landfall.

      Standing water has been a problem in New Jersey.

  5. MikeN says:

    Like how the plane is only Air Force One when the president is on board, this is not a hurricane by the time it made landfall.
    It’s actually extra-tropical cyclone Sandy.

    • Rwest says:

      Which was done for insurance claim purposes — people will get more money to rebuild from insuranace companies becuase it was not a hurricane when their home was damaged.


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