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Voting in the first place is part of the problem.
Its just encourages the bastards.
Get the 1%ers out of representing us, because they aren’t representing us.
Pick names out of a list of eligible (not criminal, not clinically insane, never been representative before) citizens and they’re in for one, and only one, term.
Right on! And may I offer other suggestions?
1) lobbyists can’t offer a dime, a lunch, a pen or anything of value ever again to any politician or political group
2) riders on bills before congress are illegal; you vote on one thing only (we could have the “Monthly Pork Bill” called exactly that, with 100s of things in it that any congressman who is wiley enuff could get included).
3) Gerrymandering becomes illegal. Voting districts become squares on a map or as close to that as is practically possible WITHOUT regard to anything other than logistics.
4)But best of all POLITICAL PARTIES BECOME UNCONSTITUTIONAL [this won’t happen because people are basically 99%ers or 47%ers depending on your viewpoint] so the first three things might make a big enuff difference to help repair things.
Let me state in addition:
1) I’d outlaw the current K Street cabal.
2) Bills are to be written in plain language and without riders of any kind. (I completely agree with you.)
3) Gerrymandering is immaterial and impractical (You’re not electing anybody.)
4) I’d just ban them for 100 years and then we’d re-evaluate.
5) I’d make ALL laws have a sunset clause. I’d have ALL laws be renewed or slide off the books.
You’re wrong about gerrymandering or it wouldn’t exist.
And the argument that some gerrymandering is good because it benefits minorities , is total bullshit. Minorities should make their interest align with the majority or move to a country where they’re interests ARE the majority.
The rule is that if there’s a hurricane, it’s the fault of the party in power, and they should be thrown out.
It’s a little odd that you don’t give use all of the choices.
You may write them in, in the comments section.
so Pedro is supposed to be Obama 12 years ago?
Jill stein
Rocky Anderson
I’m voting for Jill Stein.
Me 3.
PEDRO 2012!!!!
What is this DU communism?
Where’s the write-in candidate?
I am organizing a massive cross-country write-in campaign for me in 2012 😉
“Only guy in school that has a mustache”
You haven’t been in a high school lately. There are 16 yr olds there with full beards.
Obviously Obama’s going to win. I’ll say 60+ ECVs.
BTW, Obama is an jerk for doubling down on the TSA, the Patriot Act, etc. And he was gutless in dealing with Congress. However Romney would probably succeed in collapsing the world financial markets.
I am inclined to agree with your assessments.
i’ll vote for whoever stops calling me
80% chance Romney win by 285 electoral votes. Of questionable states taking FL, NC, VA, NH, OH, IA, CO
19% chance Romney wins by more than 285 electoral votes, possibly gaining MI and WI in addition to the above list. Infinitesimal but finite of possibly gaining PA too.
1% chance of bizarre and unexpected permutation of above mentioned states (ex. losing IA but gaining WI,… without significant impact on the overall result).
Implying 0% chance of Obama win.
Based on Rasmussen polling and what I’d call “modified Dick Morris method”: 47.* % or less at the present poll for Obama = certain Obama loss in that state. If more than that but less than 48.*% = Close call, most likely loss of Obama in that state. If more than that but less than Romney in that state = Close call, most likely loss for Obama. Else = Likely Obama win, close call if within error of the poll.
Good for you obviously. Sticking your neck out and making a prediction.
Romney will get FL.
Obama will get NH, OH, CO, IA.
I think VA will be tight but I’m guessing Obama.
I also think WI will go Obama which is kick in the pants to Ryan.
It sucks that Rmoney will win, but Obama will get 4 states (electoral).
Which 4?
I’m good, but not that good. 😉
So Romniy wins by 285 electoral votes? That’s a win of 411-126 with one vote for Biden.
Obama has pretty much dropped North Carolina, Florida, and Virginia. He is now campaigning in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Oh and the Des Moines Register decided to save its credibility with Republicans by endorsing Romney. First Republican endorsement in 40 years. On the bright side, the winner of that election ended up resigning ahead of the impeachment brigades.
Maybe if Obama had given the on-the-record interview they requested rather than trying to con them with a booklet full of pictures.
If the election were held today, most people won’t be able to vote. If a genius like Obama gets confused by the voting machines, what chance does anyone else have?
Who “thumbs up” with their left hand? Especially if they’re right handed. That’s weird.
It sounds like many don’t know who Pedro is. I just think he lacks political experience.
I’m thinking that “The Trouble with Tribles” was the best episode.
Yay for Pedro. he is the only one in this election who is not a total corporate stooge. Corporations own both (all) the evil candidates on your ballot. You will never get an opportunity to vote for somebody as honest and un-owned as Pedro.