JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)- The woman named “Democrat of The Year” this year by the Jefferson County Democratic Party has been convicted of felony theft by a Jefferson County jury for stealing from a developmentally disabled 71-year-old woman.

“The jury did right,” said Cindy Maxwell, an advocate for the victim. On Thursday, a jury convicted 66-year-old Estelle Carson of felony identify theft and felony theft from an at risk adult for stealing checks from the woman and using them to pay her own cable, cell phone and internet bills. The victim is partially blind, developmentally disabled, has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair. She is on a fixed income of $596 per month according to the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office.

Nearly as bothersome as the theft itself to Maxwell and other supporters of the victim, is the fact the Jefferson County Democratic Party was made aware of the ongoing criminal investigation and honored Carson anyway. According to documents obtained by CBS4, in November of 2011, the Jeffco Democratic Party announced it planned to honor Carson for her activism on behalf of Democratic causes and her efforts to register voters.

Perhaps there is a Nobel Prize of some kind in her future….

  1. noname says:

    I could be wrong but she won’t be
    “Democrat of The Year”, this year!

    • jbenson2 says:

      She might win again.
      The Democrats really like redistribution, especially when it involves other people’s money.

  2. US says:

    Sounds about right, no matter the party they are all thieves. How anyone supports either party is beyond me. The mistake that was made wasn’t the stealing, it was doing it outside the party infrastructure. I’m sure there are set procedures for how to steal like this without getting attention of the media. Really, democrat of the year should have known how to use the system.

    • Ken says:

      Seriously, a little more effort on her part and she could have joined the criminal class of government where she would never be held accountable. Instead, she’d get a fat pension and worship from the sheeple.

  3. mustardtits says:

    Well to be fair,, she was the only black lady in Jefferson County so they had to go thru with it.

  4. Admfubar says:

    ohhh looksee.. another 1%’er at work

  5. jcj7161 says:

    OMG..thanks to this post Obama wont be re-elected!!

    • McCullough says:

      You’re welcome!

    • dusanmal says:

      Thanks to his own wrong strategy. This is tight election, lost by Obama’s single issue strategy (RomnyBad) that have failed in the first debate. Trivial. If he was not arrogant and too soaked in Chicago politics, there were strategies that could have been winning for him (ex. ignoring Romney and pushing openly his agenda clearly and daringly, not attempting to fake who he is [ex. I will increase taxes on the rich to X%… I will ban oil exploration on public lands… ] because that would energize his base and make Romney performance irrelevant bit).

  6. Zybch says:

    How could anyone (especially with special needs) possibly live on less than $600/month?

  7. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Most excellent analogy, as in:

    Rmoney planning to do the same thing to the entire USA less 1%.

    Class warfare has ended for the time being. Victors are out in the fields shooting the wounded. YES–I consider Rmoney, actually any Puke from this the Party Formerly Known as Republican, as being anywhere near and above 20% in the polls as victory for them. You see this in arguments like: “There are still moderates in the Republican Party.”

    Ha, ha. Can’t tell shit from shinola. What can we do but use polls to “guess” at who will win? Currently thats Obama. We can still argue about hitting the next fiscal cliff during the lame session and whether or not the Pukes will double down on the Tea Party Faction, or take steps to move to the middle.

    As close as they are to winning this election based on LIES and MONEY==I think they will double down.

    Embrace the Horror.

  8. McCullough says:

    ” What can we do but use polls to “guess” at who will win? Currently thats Obama. ”

    Ha! According to MY poll, Pedro is kicking Obama’s butt!

  9. MikeN says:

    Nobel Prize? Why because she’s not George Bush?

  10. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Speaking of Rat Bastards, History Channel currently showing part 2 of a 4 part series on “Men who Built America.” Currently on the Carneige/Frick/Pinkerton massacre of Union workers and his contest with Rockefeller. Next week on JP Morgan and Edison.

    Good series actually dipping into the evil heart of man and the large amount of luck and circumstances leading to the greatest fortunes ever built.

    Not at all like Mittens Rmoney. At least they “built” something. Not pure extraction like the Wallstreet Types.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Awh crap! Keep forgetting my footnotes: whats interesting so far is how each of these Builders where on the initial wave of new technologies and how they beat out their competition thru insight, pluck, and luck. Not quite the same feel as software riches built today – – – but similar enough to be in the mold.

      Its like right now–some future richie should be about ready to assume the lead in ……. what? Green energy, biotech? Batteries, Nano Tech, Carbon Capture…What? I read the first 3D Printing shop has opened in London. Can a few Kinko’s be far behind? Shop Keepers never get rich……Walmart you say?

    • Daddy Warbucks says:

      It’s worth pondering where we’d be if the “Men who Built America” never existed.

      Better off, worse off, same?

      • bobbo, one Real Liberal making Obama a Moderate Conservative by comparison says:

        I think we would still have developed oil as a resource and steel as a building material. But your excellent question remains…. what difference does anything make? Thats not dismissive but rather open ended.

        People, act according to the rules. Then and now we have rapacious capitalism aggragating the profits to a few at the very top. Union Busting. Fair dealing an issue to laugh at.

        Hopefully, another Teddy will arise from the ashes.

  11. A |\| () |\| Y |\/| () |_| S says:

    Even after Estelle Carson was formally charged and the overwhelming evidence against her was made public, the Jefferson County Democrats still decided to honor this freak anyway. These same Democrats have still made no move to revoke the honor either. The argument was and still is that all people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Which just goes to show how a complete group of fools will always twist things around to suit their own agenda – and how they’re almost always Democrats too. But then this is POLITICS where appearances mean everything. And it’s not like anyone is really looking either. Give it a month and almost everyone will be asking Estelle “who”?

    Still, you just have to wonder where these same Democrats were when Richard Nixon (a Republican) was accused of covering up the Watergate scandal. After all, Nixon was and still is technically innocent of that crime. But can you imagine what these Democrats would do if some group of Republicans wanted to honor Richard Nixon even posthumously for normalizing trade with China?! (Seems 1972 was a pretty busy year for old Dick.)

    Frankly, it amazes me how an impeached Democrat President like Bill Clinton can campaign for a sitting Democrat President like Barack Obama and not be considered a liability. It seems that no one in the press/public can remember that ol’ Billy boy was a draft dodger who still managed to normalize relations with Vietnam during his administration – and despite the long list of war crimes. It’s almost too easy to point out Whitewater and how he managed to get himself impeached. But then we have other famous Democrats like that drunkard Ted Kennedy who actually killed Mary Jo Kopechne!

    It seems that being a Democrat is really just code for being mob connected. And it makes sense that any honors should go to various lowlifes like would-be inmates. Not that Bill or Ted were convicts, but they did work for the government! I’m sure “Bill and Ted” were also honored by somebody and possibly even have Nobel Prizes too. After all, if Barack Obama can get one for doing nothing more than managing to get himself elected then any Democrat can get one as long as they do something bad to get recognized – or “made”!

    So it looks like the Democrats actually did honor the right person after all. Maybe next year the honor will go to Charles Manson! Just don’t expect it to go to Benito Mussolini (Adolf Hitler’s “bitch”) since that might be a little too obvious.

  12. bobbo, one Real Liberal making Obama a Moderate Conservative by comparison says:

    My, my, my, goodness. Total partisan Bull Crap but not cribbed from talking points. Mindless babble from an original source. How amusing! Where ya bin buckie??? You’ll have little company here==all free range ditto heads.

    1. “Which just goes to show how a complete group of fools will always twist things around to suit their own agenda” /// Yeah, totally corrupt -or- revealing as to how meaningless the reward it. ===OR===even a twofer?

    2. “Still, you just have to wonder where these same Democrats were when Richard Nixon….” /// I’ll guess grammar school… and no, I don’t wonder at all. I don’t even think you wonder. Just too stupid to think about what sounded good at first impression…

    3. “It seems that no one in the press/public can remember that ol’ Billy boy was a draft dodger” /// You mean like Mitt Rmoney and his Five ChickenHawk boys? I totally agree with you on this one. You mean like Bush the Cocaine Junkie awol from the Guard? I totally agree with you on this one. yes, Yes, YES===all lying sack of shit chickenhawks should not be qualified to even run for presnedency.

    4. Off on your own drug induced rant when failing to identify what “mob” is involved here. Isn’t the mob about Organized Crime? Once again, that more describes Mitt Rmoney and his cabal of .01% per centers then those others. Well—Kennedy did run alcohol during prohibition, … and that other thing… but not Billy Bob or Dicky Boy. what you talkin bout Willis===not that it could possibly be relevant….

    5. “So it looks like the Democrats actually did honor the right person after all.” /// No I don’t think so, but this most likely is your bid at sarcasm??

    What a silly twit.

    • Justice for All says:


      Nice try. Roommate of victim here…the dems KNEW IN ADVANCE of the ADMITTED crime and chose to honor the criminal anyway. There is no defense for this fact.
      Name-calling and mean posting does not make you an activist; it makes you appear childish and prone to temper tantrums. Get over yourself.

      • bobbo, one Real Liberal making Obama a Moderate Conservative by comparison says:

        Justice–I said it was totally corrupt.

        What more do you want?

  13. Charliej says:

    Hey, McCullough, republicanism is a mental disorder. You certainly seem to be disordered, your hatred of all things Democratic has affected your mind. It seems to be missing. Anyway, why don’t you take all that hatred and stick it up your ass.

  14. msbpodcast says:

    They’re scum, (they’re planning to take away her health care next anyway.)

    We’d do better picking names out of a hat.

    There isn’t even any fuckin’ debate about this…

    Why doesn’t somebody get the ball rolling on this and get rid of parties?

  15. Rick says:

    Not to take a devil’s advocate position here but….innocent until proven guilty.

    Problem was she ended up being proven guilty. Anyway she’s one black woman, she shouldn’t be held up as representative of her race.

  16. GregAllen says:

    Desperate to claim parity with their own corruption and hypocrisy, conservatives have to focus on some _county-level_ Democrat no one has ever heard of.

  17. MikeN says:

    With Hurricane Sandy approaching, Romney-Ryan e-mail says to give to Red Cross, and to get your Romney/Ryan signs inside as they are potential hazard. Obama-Biden e-mail suggests you give them $5.

    • Bob says:

      Not surprising really. Different mindsets.

      To a liberal / democrat, help should come from the government first, since in their mind, its the only entity that can “fairly” distribute limited resources, and taxes are a means of collecting these resources.

      On the conservative side, its more of an individualist attitude. Individuals should be in charge of what, how, and if they want to help. Either by giving money through an organization you choose, or by giving money or time directly.

      So of course Romney would ask individuals to do something to help, and Obama would use the power of the federal government to force you to help. Not surprising really.


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