(Reuters) – Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.
The emails, obtained by Reuters from government sources not connected with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department and who requested anonymity, specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.
The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.

The records obtained by Reuters consist of three emails dispatched by the State Department’s Operations Center to multiple government offices, including addresses at the White House, Pentagon, intelligence community and FBI, on the afternoon of September 11.
The first email, timed at 4:05 p.m. Washington time – or 10:05 p.m. Benghazi time, 20-30 minutes after the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission allegedly began – carried the subject line “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack” and the notation “SBU”, meaning “Sensitive But Unclassified.”
The text said the State Department’s regional security office had reported that the diplomatic mission in Benghazi was “under attack. Embassy in Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well.”
The message continued: “Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four … personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support.”
A second email, headed “Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi” and timed 4:54 p.m. Washington time, said that the Embassy in Tripoli had reported that “the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi had stopped and the compound had been cleared.” It said a “response team” was at the site attempting to locate missing personnel.
A third email, also marked SBU and sent at 6:07 p.m. Washington time, carried the subject line: “Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack.”
While some information identifying recipients of this message was redacted from copies of the messages obtained by Reuters, a government source said that one of the addresses to which the message was sent was the White House Situation Room, the president’s secure command post. Spokesmen for the White House and State Department had no immediate response to requests for comments on the emails.
This story being dissected on No Agenda now.
It was and is a STUPID position to take. Obama is still a politician… not a savior. Just a hooman.
You don’t need any report to know that an assault with explosives and rpg’s is not a popular citizens’ demonstration.
What makes this “incident” impossible to resolve is what happens all too often: its not one simple thing which is all simple tons can handle. No–this was an organized attack on the anniversary of 911 AND a popular demonstration.
Damn Reality. Not simple. Stupid Lies never help though.
And you’d be saying the total opposite if it were a conservative in the White House.
That doesn’t make any sense Muckguyver. Whats the opposite of a politician?
Funny you try to rhetorically cast me as Pro-Obama on a post where I am not supporting him as a partisan would do. You try to say shit but your mouth is so full of it your articulation is less than audible, more of a munching sound …..
We don’t have to wonder what I would “say” should Obama have been a Puke. We had BushtheRetards demonstrate what happens: a demonstration/attack with loss of American Life: a Puke would say/did say: “They hate us because we Love the Baby Jebus. I have ordered an Air Attack on …. ((where is the most oil today???))… I have ordered an Air Attack on North Dakota!!! You are either with us or against us!”
Now… who on Earth could object to that?
So you mean you would have said the EXACT same thing if it were a conservative in the White House? Seriously? LOL. No, I’m sure your ad hominem mode would have kicked in given your bias if it were a Conservative in the White House concerning the same situation.
Pretty tragic how intellectually dishonest you can be.
Funny how you try to pretend you’re an objective independent making a passing comment. Sorry, but your comment just comes across as you trying to make a very weak attempt at somehow creating an illusion that you’re somehow not partisan.
Funny how this preceded the very thing you’re ranting about in the next paragraph. 🙂
Feeding the Troll. Beware!!
Then you agree Obama owes Romney and the American people an apology for THIS debate lie.
Well–I don’t know what Obama personally knew when but I think being stupid is worse than lying.
Obama is not stupid, so on some level I think he was lying too. Or maybe just “disconnected” and not interested in that particular public performance aspect of his job.
He should apologize and correct being stupid.
I’d throw Hillary under the Bus. ((Accck!!! he can’t do that what with Billy winning the election for him.))
Ok–I’d pull a Rmoney and keep the lie going and remember for the future its idiotic to make stupid statements that will come out shortly in the wash.
Real Politik: no, he can’t apologize. “I’m running for President for Gosh Sakes!”
I’ll have to give you credit for not pulling a Dallas.
I’m looking forward to his post as well.
***Well–I don’t know what Obama personally knew when but I think being stupid is worse than lying.***
Why would you confer any level of negative judgement on someone for being stupid? People don’t control being born stupid, but they sure control whether they lie or not.
Your position makes no sense.
I also said Obama wasn’t stupid.
What do you make of that?
Schizophrenia is treatable.
No… its not even subtle… the difference in what we do versus what we are. Being stupid as a choice versus a status that one is born with: two different things.
Not amusing it is an issue. We think with words…. and fail as well.
Little cagematch discussion on racism with the same simple failure. Its “everywhere.”
I think you’re right about that. So the lying part must be pathological.
Come on. you’re talking about politicians. Why do you expect the truth from them?
“Stupid is as stupid does.”
It says a lot about your intelligence and objectivity. 🙂
Am I missing something here? These emails really don’t say that Ambassador Stevens’ life was in danger, and imply that everyone is safe.
Lots of groups claim responsibility for things they didn’t do. An email from an anonymous (to us) sender may point at the force responsible, but is hardly proof.
Are you reading “twenty or so armed men are attacking, explosions heard, Ambassador is in”safe room” “?
But even the e-mails are irrelevant. WH admitted that they have had LIVE feed from consulate cameras AND LIVE feed from drone flying above… They have seen bombing, burning, killing (except if Obama have went to sleep by that moment). Seen. Live. Documented. Done nothing. This is 3am call from the Clinton ad in 2008. They chose to do politics instead of sending ready marines just 45 minutes away (most deaths occurred 4-7 hours into the conflict).
Yes. Because a safe room is usually considered a safe room.
As much you want to make this a “fiddling as Benghazi burned” election year story… this was a very complicated situation. From what I read by the time the second email 49 minutes later was sent, the ambassador was already dead. The response team which I think were Marines were on the ground by that time. If the attack started 30 minutes before the first email, what’s this 4-7 hours crap.
And you content the President was asleep at 4 o’clock in the afternoon? Got some proof?
That me clear up a thing or two… the response team was not the Marine but a special military team stationed in Italy. And the damning email claiming “Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack” is because they posted it on the Twitter and Facebook… and Lord knows everything posted on Facebook is the God’s truth.
The response team came from Tripoli about the same distance away, and did not have the heavy firepower. I think they were some of the ones who died.
The implication is that Obama intentionally did not provide protection for these people. So , why did Obama want these people dead? Were they Republicans?
Because this would anger the Arab Street. Did not want a heavy footprint in Libya.
I think you hit the nail on the head.
You’re trying to rationalize with irrational sheeple while they are herding behind Willard.
The notion that Obama willingly allowed death and destruction on Americans and property because he didn’t want to ‘anger the arab street’ is something out of Rush Lardass’s mouth.
So did he willingly allow death and destruction, or did his own agencies leave him out of the loop? Either way he is incompetent.
Another aspect clear from e-mails is that Obama Administration have hired “17 September” militia as security force for our Consulate… Catch? Head of this militia is veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan wars on the OPPOSING side, known Al-Qaeda leader, same for militia members and who is on record that he is against US and wants to wage Jihad against it… Who are idiots who signed in for such “protection” and why? What’s next, hire Chinese military to help us protect S.Korea or Iran military to assist in Afghanistan?
It took me a couple of days using media as my source to get it sorted out. The Libyans made it clear very quickly, by word and deed, that it was radical Islamist and they wanted no part of these people.
The WH kept on pushing total BS. With the data they had they should have had it sorted out in broad strokes in short order. How can anyone believe anything these people say?
Media still hasn’t covered just how long the attack was. They sent some people from Tripoli, but it’s not the same as the heavy air support they could have sent from Sicily which is the same distance.
Now Obama says he declared it an act of terror the next day, a lie.
Then he sent his ambassador out to all 5 networks to repeat the lie.
They thought the media would cover for them and they could get away with it, as early on they were all attacking Romney.
Why did we have an ambassador in Lybia to begin with?
Murders of all on Pan AM 103?
Because Goldman Saks and British Petroleum (BP) wanted to make big bank.
W. caved and put those guys on the ground by renewing diplomatic ties to enrich the Cheney, Zionist, and Neo-Cons.
Prove otherwise.
>W. caved and put those guys on the ground by renewing diplomatic ties to enrich the Cheney, Zionist, and Neo-Cons.
I have it on good authority that Obama and “Mr. Ed” Biden were the only two entities in the universe that had no knowledge of this event. That being the reason Madam Secretary fell on her sword.
See above,
I missed you protesting when we resumed diplomatic relations with Lybia.
I did.
Missed your input on it.
I wish when people shared that photo it was always with the caption that those are Libyan citizens who are taking the smoke-injured Ambassador to the hospital.
Especially because it was originally reported that they “dragged his body through the streets”
You and the person you responded to are idiots or young people if you think the ambassador died of smoke inhalation.
No blood. Black around the lips and mouth. If you have proof of something else, whip it out.
So they attacked, killed 3 people and then became humanitarians all of a sudden?
Hahaha, that’s pretty good.
No, other people did the killing, and the looters took the body to the hospital.
@Tomas, yes because it has to be the same people doing things there, there are no decent people in all of Benghazi, they’re all just thugs and terrorists. Now that I think about it, why would a consulate with an ambassador be set up in a city that has nothing but thugs and terrorists, seems like that is a bunch of wishful thinking on their parts.
Ignant jack monkey.
The med center they took him to is the source. And if that info is all part of the “coverup” it still conflicts with the “angry protest gone too far” story. In fact, angry protestors dragging the corpse aids that story.
Turn off the Faux Conspiracy channel and use your brain.
Why put up that photo at all? This blog never posted the Mohammed cartoons, but has no problem putting up pictures of a successful Islamist attack.
± says:
10/25/2012 at 11:59 am
I think you’re right about that. So the lying part must be pathological. /// No–Obama is a Politician, In America, Running for Office. Only guessing here, and giving Obama a HUGE benefit of the doubt: I’ll bet he was initially misinformed by whomever filters the world’s events for him and THEN when he knew the truth, he decided to ride it out with what he generically and serendipitously said right after the attack. Very much a judgment call the second time. Why take a “hit” for the truth when the context is politics?
Cheney wanted an immediate invasion of Lebanon but I agree with Pres Obama that all the facts must come in first.
The reason this shit is top of news is because someone benefits from it being circulated and reheated.
Obviously someone should ask an expert what they think. Like a Republican former Secretary of State, maybe?
Its obvious that politicians are not a source of truth==just spin. When they do tell the truth, its just a coincidence.
How “fooled” do you think Powell was, and if actually fooled, how much an expert?
NO–you take in as many facts from the source as you can get, then wait for a book to come out 5 years later.
….. can apply some common sense if you aren’t personally too biased.
Or maybe Condi?
Obviously I’m going to have to spell this out for you.
Obama also failed to send in attack helicopters and gun down the crowd that said ‘We are all Osama!’
At least Obama didn’t blame on the Youtube video, the loss of 7% of the Marine Harrier fleet in an attack by the Taliban. The media hasn’t covered that at all as there was no ambassador killed.
He fails to make the link that this might be why Clintons are working for Obama.
So this is a Behind Enemy Lines situation as well. Let’s see if we can get Gene Hackman to endorse Romney.
Trouble with Politicians they can’t admit they were wrong or made a mistake. they always try and cover it up. Obama is a great politician, he is just bad at telling lies.
I disagree, a great politician is great at telling lies, and getting his followers to buy into it. . This is why Obama is a great politician
A great statesman is something else.
Very true. Remember when the Persians snuck up behind Alexander and Burned his ships so there was no retreat and he was cut off?
“Look Men–our Navy has built us a Bonfire to Celebrate our coming victory.”
Ha, ha. ….. and nothing has changed.
Kyle Clark does the job the rest of the media won’t do. Nice to see a local reporter standing up to the President.
So if you get your news from the New York Times, you would not know anything about refusing calls for assistance in Libya. Perhaps you should remember this the next time you post a most censored news stories list.