I understand some unpatriotic Americans forsook the all-American game to watch a rigged “who cares?” Presidential so-called debate. SHAME!
Giants Win the Pennant! Beat the St. Louis Chokers 9-0 in Final Game
By John C Dvorak Monday October 22, 2012
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St Louis Chokers seems a little harsh after what the Yankees did.
Yay, sportsball.
Sportsball. That’s a good one.
How old must one be to remember the “Giants win the pennant!” reference?
Older than dirt – wait, my name is mud (a distant relative of dirt) 😛
It was featured in the TV show MASH… so not that old.
Seems like a lot of work just to spend the next week getting chewed up and converted into Tiger crap.
Baseball is more interesting than golf and bowling but still far below any debate, much less a presidential one featuring Obama and Willard.
Baseball is more interesting than any debate. Especially one where no real candidates were debating.
They are real candidates in a very close election.
Baseball is more interesting than any debate dealing mostly with the Middle East. Again, we should have neutron bombed the entire region decades ago.
I say this as a peace lover, bye the way. I consider the Middle East to be like a cancer on the earth. It is sometimes necessary to cut out the cancerous tissue to save the patient. Heck, while I’m using metaphors, sometimes you need to use radiation therapy to fight cancer.
All this other talk is needless and boring to me.
On the other hand, Giants vs. Tigers, now that’s war!
Do they still play baseball as a major sport? BORING. So…slow…and prodding…and slow…
I’m surprised with all the pauses in game play there are enough people without ADD to keep up with this game.
It’s time to move on. Baseball is slow, boring, and old.
At least with baseball, there’s are real parameters to the game. Not some arbitrary clock, that is stopped and restarted every few milliseconds. The game ended because they ran out of time? What kind of sport is that?
Heck, they spend more time with the clock turned off in baseball, soccer and football than anything else during the course of a game.
This series was like the debates, where Obama choked away a big lead.
Obama has one bad game after Romney committed about a 1000 errors.
George Carlin – Baseball versus football:
Carlin died in June, 2008, before the election. He said he wouldn’t vote because…
St Louis Chokers? Definitely not going there.
let’s hope the giants didn’t drain all their magic
reserves surviving the last two series. the tigers
are looking good… but i won’t bet against frisco.
And now the giants will get killed by the Tigers!
This is crazy wild amazing! A baseball team won the Pennant!
Whether its watching 2 guys or 18, its the same pointless waste of time.
I read some Janet Evanovich and watched some Vampire Proscutor 2.
You keep on about these games or these elections like they meant anything.
GregAllen said:
“How old must one be to remember the ‘Giants win the pennant!’ reference?”
To which dittmv anwered:
“It was featured in the TV show MASH… so not that old.”
Also Sports Night.
In those days, a baseball game moved along at a much more rapid pace. Batters didn’t step out of the box before every pitch, adjust their cups and gloves, spit two or three times; pitchers only rarely took more than two or three signals from the catcher; for televised games, most of the action was seen in wide shots, where you could see several or most of the players, if not the entire field, and if the ball was hit, you could usually see the entire play.
Nowadays, the cameras are so good that 3/4 of the game consists of extreme close-ups, not even showing a player’s entire face because it’s so close-up. That way we can get every detail of every spit. (How are all those players not completely dehydrated after a full game of all that spitting?) There’s a pause long enough for a commercial after every pitch. Games that used to take an hour and 20 minutes now take 3 or 4 hours. (To be fair, every sport that is covered by TV has had this happen.)