found by David E. Lacey

  1. duh365 says:

    Isn’t this off-screen training for the adult film industry?

  2. UncDon says:

    Will Vladimir Putin try this, seeing as how he likes doing manly things all the time?

  3. dcphill says:


  4. Bigga-Dong-Banga-Gong says:

    all I can say is “ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long”

  5. JMagee says:

    What a pantload!

  6. sargasso_c says:


  7. Neptune5 says:

    my penis is way too small for this kind of activity.

  8. SPOCK says:

    i thought it was about girth… not length

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    At what weigh or arc of swing does the penis rip off the body? If it lands three feet away from your body, how long is your penis?

    Only if you screw sideways.

  10. msbpodcast says:

    I saw something like this on RT.

    I believe the medical procedure was called a “ripyourcockoff.”

  11. noname says:

    Ouch and snap!

  12. Uncle Sam says:

    Yank My Doodle, It’s a Dandy!

  13. Admfubar says:

    swing loooowwww sweet chariot…..

    son how many broken ankles are caused by this???

  14. noname says:

    Good luck John C Dvorak, you will have to let us know if the treatment works. After-all, if it’s On The Internet, it Must Be True!

    See what inexpensive medical miracles you can find goggling for prostate cures!


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