These two articles consider who might be on the cabinet for Obama’s second term or Romney’s first. Who do you think each would want/get? Who would you want in that position?

A. Chief of Staff
B. Secretary of State
C. Defense Secretary
D. Attorney General
E. CIA Director
F. Director of National Intelligence
G. National Security Adviser
H. Homeland Security Secretary
I. Treasury Secretary
J. OMB Director
K. Council of Economic Advisers Chairman
L. Energy Secretary
M. Health and Human Services Secretary
N. Housing and Urban Development Secretary
O. Interior Secretary
P. Commerce Secretary
Q. Labor Secretary
R. Agriculture Secretary
S. Transportation Secretary
T. Education Secretary
U. EPA Administrator
V. Supreme Court
W. Federal Reserve Board

  1. Captain Obvious says:

    Obviously you want Joe Pesci for Chief of Staff.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    What does it matter? Except for the Sup Ct, all of these positions are simple tools of the Executive in Chief and whomever/whatever cabal pulls his strings.

    Good show just now on Democracy Now to repeated once tonight about a shadowy hedge fund cabal that teams up with Rmoney to make their billions. On is a double blind trust with Mrs Rmoney that made money during the bankruptcy of the parts company that works with GM. It was moved to China which is part of why Rmoney was against any bailout.

    All very conspiratorial and ILLEGAL in most civilized countries, which is only CONSISTENT with it being immoral but legal here in the USA.

    BIG MONEY = BIG EVIL. When names are named and the names are billionaires….. I tend to believe.

    Yes, it goes up a notch:


    The equation only grows.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Greg Palast: “Mitt Romney’s Bailout Bonanza: How He Made Millions from the Rescue of Detroit”; Greg Palast on “Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps”; Six Arrested in Illinois Protesting Bain Capital’s Plan to Close Sensata Plant, Move Jobs to China

      On the ED Show–Congress person proclaiming the Pukes have blocked 9 different job creating programs proposed. Very consistent with the above: Short Betting the USA.

      Its what the international top .01% do while Puke Voters think their enslavement is a form of freedom.

      Silly Hoomans.

      • MikeN says:

        Nice to see Greg Palast still at work spinning conspiracy theories. Actually, Obama made money from how the government bailed out Delphi. And screwing over Delphi’s workers in favor of UAW helped even more.

        • MikeN says:

          Has Greg Palast already written his article about how votes were stolen from Obama, or is he going to wait until actual results come in?

    • DogEars says:

      I have some questions with the absolute quality of your repeated statement that RICH=EVIL. If I’m a moral, ethical person, striving to become rich, must I become evil to do so? Is the term rich philanthropist an oxymoron? If we tax the rich, feed the poor, till there ain’t no rich no more, will we have rid the world of evil? Once the world has been rid of these evil rich, who will feed the poor? Will the formerly rich no longer be evil? If I’m poor, and win 200 million in the lottery, will I become evil? If I dream of becoming rich, am I already evil, or am I just dreaming of being evil? Is wealth directly proportional to evil? If I’m only moderately rich, am I only moderately evil? Do I become a little more evil with each dollar I bank?
      If RICH=LIARS, and I tell you I’m rich, then that means I’m actually poor, which means I was telling the truth, which means… crap I’m confused.

      • ± says:

        Har. Don’t expect a response more cogent than the logic demonstrated in the equation.

  3. Dallas says:

    Willard would choose Donald Rumsfeld for Sec of Defense; Marie Osmond for Sec of State and Donnie Osmond for Chief of Staff.

  4. UncDon says:

    Elmer Fudd surely for Dept of the Interior if Romney gets in.

    • MikeN says:

      That would be an improvement. Someone who supports hunters and shooters and would not be opposed to drilling even if gas prices are $10 a gallon, as the current Secretary stated when he was in the Senate.

  5. gildersleeve says:

    Nice looking cabinet. Who’s the designer?

  6. noname says:

    Who Will/Should Be On The Winner’s Cabinet?

    How about MR. MIRROR!

    That way, anyone how looks at the cabinet, thinks they are on the cabinet!

    Everybody is a winner!

  7. dusanmal says:

    Way too much detail asked. I’ll say what looks probable (not that I’d welcome such choices)

    Chief of staff:Eric Fehrnstrom
    Secretary of State: Giuliani
    C,D,E,F,G: Current ones fired together with deep layers of surrounding staff, new people – impossible to tell but background checked to the womb
    H: Would be possible to be dismantled, hard. Barbour.
    L,M,N,R,U,T: Disbanded, if not for U (EPA) Joe Manchin
    Interior Secretary: Santorum
    Supreme Court: Edith Brown Clement
    I or W: Ron Paul. Meg Whitman
    Not asked but possible position of importance and payback: UN Amb. Gingrich

  8. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Doesn’t matter who the individuals are if they follow the proper agenda:

    1. If America isn’t leading the way, the human race has no reason to exist. This means a doomsday bomb is perfectly moral if America ever falls.

    2. City living is detrimental to human development and shall be outlawed. Working there is fine as long as you drive in from at least 2o mi. out – in your own full-size private vehicle. Rebuild every city to accommodate every working adult driving their own Suburban individually. Parking and roads will be sized appropriately.

    3. Every citizen shall be required to eat bacon cheeseburgers, drink alcohol, shoot guns, go nude in public and have sex with multiple partners. ( this takes care of a lot of quirky groups, liberal and conservative that all need to STFU.)

    4. Threaded commenting systems are not worthy of Americans and shall be punishable with torture.

    • ± says:

      Agree with #4; hierarchical commenting is vastly superior.

      • Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

        Rich = good. Replying to individual comments = evil!

  9. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Dammit, I forgot

    5. All citizens are allowed to say “fuck” any time they like. The Parents Television Council and and other dried up biddies can shut the fuck up. God invented profanity so we could use it.

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    DogEars fairly asks evidently for the first time:
    10/19/2012 at 7:14 pm

    I have some questions with the absolute quality of your repeated statement that RICH=EVIL. /// Few things are absolute, and when touching upon hooman affairs: nothing is absolute.

    If I’m a moral, ethical person, striving to become rich, must I become evil to do so? // No. Just hard to avoid.

    Is the term rich philanthropist an oxymoron? /// No, just easier that way. Usually the two acitivites are performed separately. That says a lot just on its own.

    If we tax the rich, feed the poor, till there ain’t no rich no more, will we have rid the world of evil? /// Course not. Evil as variously defined is an absolute in human affairs. (Eeeeks!)

    Once the world has been rid of these evil rich, /// Don’t need to get rid of them==just regulate/jail them. Evil declines, philanthropy may or may not increase.

    who will feed the poor? /// Everyone else.

    Will the formerly rich no longer be evil? /// Probably most will still be evil, just not by stealing everyone else’s money. But they are a compulsive if not clever lot.

    If I’m poor, and win 200 million in the lottery, will I become evil? // No reason why not, but more likely a victim.

    If I dream of becoming rich, am I already evil, /// Course not.

    or am I just dreaming of being evil? /// Two different dreams. Connected by equation only as a tendency/weakness in human affairs.

    Is wealth directly proportional to evil? /// No. some very evil poor people around. Look at your average small church pastor, nickle bag pusher, or first term congressman.

    If I’m only moderately rich, am I only moderately evil? /// Thre is an evil in pointless repetition.

    Do I become a little more evil with each dollar I bank? /// See?

    If RICH=LIARS, and I tell you I’m rich, then that means I’m actually poor, which means I was telling the truth, which means… crap I’m confused. /// Yes, thats evident. Only simple minds think in absolutes. You are surrounded by like minds.

    Easy = Peasy.

  11. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Ideas have always been better expressed by others already: “….the mathematical notion of equality is inappropriate to the description of a world where … statements of equality are always relative to an implicit standard of tolerance.”

    So sayeth the google. (Why would google say “Don’t be Evil?”)

    Evil–the heat generated by the compression of people. You feel the temperature rise with every million more.

  12. MartinJJ says:

    4 More expensive Obama/Romney slaves and you would have needed to invent new letters also.

  13. MikeN says:

    My apologies to those who I recommended invest in Obama with a 25-60% return, as it appears the whole investment is going to be worthless.

  14. Bob73 says:

    Is this ongoing nanowar between pedro and noname really necessary?

  15. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    If Barry wins, the human race is fucked anyway, so it’s all a moot point.

    • MikeN says:

      Won’t happen. Romney has gotten endorsements from Manchester Union Leader, Orlando Sentinel, Tampa Tribune, Columbus Dispatch, and Lee Iacocca. Orlando, Columbus endorsed Kerry and Obama. Lee is a lifelong Democrat.

      Obama has gotten endorsements from Russell Crowe, Chavez, Castro, and Putin.

  16. soundwash says:

    -har har, another “illusion of choice”

    -It makes no difference.

    Both sides are controlled by the same corporate / policy think-tanks that install all cabinet level puppets, write all the scripted talking points for said puppets, write all our laws, plan (most of) our Lives and of course, plan all our wars 30 years (at least) in advance.

    a pointless exercise.


  17. MikeN says:

    Also endorsing Romney are Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, I suspect the Olsen twins will endorse next, and I believe that privately Hillary will be voting for Romney.

  18. hmeyers says:

    If Obama wanted to win this election, he would have replaced Biden with Hilary. Would have been an automatic re-election where 1 to 1.5% of the vote in key states means everything.

    I’ve always maintained Obama does not want re-elected, watch for a “fuck up” tonight.

    Even a minor “fuck up” gives Obama and Michelle complete freedom. And this is last chance Monday.

    Unless Obama has a October or even November surprise in mind.

    He doesn’t golf all the time because he wants to be president, he golfs to escape from being president. He has the fortune, the fame, the security staff for life … and the enthusiasm for the job he displayed in the first debate where he walked through the motions.


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