“The Secret Service is aware of this and will conduct appropriate follow up if necessary,” Brian Leary, a spokesman for the United States Secret Service, says in an email.

I’m gonna murder Romney right now—
Weston Sebree (@WestonSebree) October 17, 2012

Somebody needs to asassinate This mofo Romney 16 Oct 12

If Romney is elected, I’m going to assassinate him #sniperstyle—
Erin (@erinheaven) October 17, 2012

if romney’s elected as president, I will personally assassinate him.—
Rihanna Taught Me (@breeziedeeznuts) October 17, 2012


@4shogbmg I aint gone lie… Food stamps the shit! I mite assasinate romney my damn self if he get elected ! I fuxx wit free 99 on the eats

Before the clock even had a chance to strike midnight, the death threats against Mitt Romney were already flooding the internet.

After the second round of the presidential debates, the social media website Twitter was simply aflame with hatred and threats against the life of former Massachusetts governor and current Republican candidate for president, Mitt Romney.

In the meantime, Liberal talking heads are expressing their collective outrage at the Twitter-ers. LOL!

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    A year ago I read that Obama had twice as many death threats as any other President.

    Could be simply the rise of Twitter and social networks but also could be from the rise in self-segregations from where citizens chose to get their news.

    Very different people get news from Entertainment Weekly and Rush Limbaugh than from MSNBC and the Daily Worker. Tends to isolate, alienate, and marginalize both groups.

    If you aren’t reading BOTH SIDES, you might be a fruit cake, or well on your way.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      Obviously the death threats to Obama didn’t double. They quadrupled. Bush got about 3000 per year. Obama gets more than 30 per day.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Can you run the math on your own statement? Should make you smile at how obvious it is.

        • dusanmal says:

          Not that I always agree with Captn Obvious but “more than 30 per day” can be estimated as 35 per day. 365×35=12775, approximately quadrupole of 3000, within error of “what more than 30 per day means?”. Reasonable numbers.

          • Captain Obvious says:

            The secret service doesn’t give out specific numbers on a sitting President except that there was a 400% increase and “more than 30 per day”. Obviously when Clinton takes office in 2013 then bobbo will get the real numbers. And a Grade 2 math text book.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Its not obvious to you that any adult fair honest person will admit to mistakes, laught, and “proceed?”

            If not, that raises another obvious problem.

            I have noticed over the years here how even obviously intelligent as most of us are have a bit of trouble just admitting to simple mistakes and moving on.

            What do you think causes that Mr Obvious, given that you are the most recent case in point?

            Can you better yourself if you don’t admit to mistakes…. how do you deny a downward spiral into self absorbed infantilism?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Ha, ha. Thanks Dusanmal–I did the math in my head and got it wrong too. Off by a factor of 10. RATS!!

            And my apology to Mr Obvious.

        • MikeN says:

          Let it slide. Let him think he knows math.

      • Richard Terry says:

        When Bush was president, I would hear several death threats from different people a day against Bush. I live in a majority pro-Bush area. I seriously doubt Bush had less than 10 death threats a day.

  2. Dallas says:

    Rolls eyes. Wow. Hundreds?

  3. MikeN says:

    I’ve been meaning to report to the Secret Service a serious plot against the President. We saw he botched the production of a fake birth certificate. I think a fake assassination attempt is in the works to get reelected, and they will botch that just as badly.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      Obviously you’re overreaching on that one buddy. Even for you. Go for something more plausible like a menage a trois with Goofy and Pluto at EuroDisney.

  4. dusanmal says:

    Problem is that the true danger at the moment is militant, anarchist Left which may see BOTH candidates as “evil”. One didn’t give them anarchy they expected, another that would stomp on it. They are also the ones who are marginalized by current political trends and would benefit most from any chaos. Right hate groups may be somewhat tamed by relative competitiveness of the Right at the moment (same as you wouldn’t find many active, destructive Left in 2008). So, as much Romney may be threatened we should worry from chaos of Obama being targeted by the same group even more. Nutters are nutters.

    • dadeo says:

      Problem is that the true danger at the moment is militant, anarchist Left which may see BOTH candidates as “evil”. One didn’t give them anarchy they expected, another that would stomp on it. They are also the ones who are marginalized by current political trends and would benefit most from any chaos. Right hate groups may be somewhat tamed by relative competitiveness of the Right at the moment (same as you wouldn’t find many active, destructive Left in 2008). So, as much Romney may be threatened we should worry from chaos of Obama being targeted by the same group even more. Nutters are nutters.

      The Right’s comfort in Romney’s rising polls is being tested by Mitt’s new-found (this round) moderate platform…and they are the nutters with the guns. The powers-that-be would like us to fear both groups as much as they do..we’re getting there.

  5. Albert Camus sort of says:

    Mostly it looks like something rednecks and other paulistas consider fun – pretending to threaten anti-Romney violence by Obama supporters.

    Good for a laugh at the K of C bar on Friday night.

  6. Harry says:

    Most of these are actually written by right wingers trying to portray Obama supporters in a bad light.Dog whistle shit.

  7. PaleRider says:

    Make a death threat and the Secret Service runs you down. I’m not loving that idea at all. But if anyone is that daft: enjoy your room.

  8. Rick says:

    Obama constantly gets death threats. America is the land of the kook that’s angry at his wife so he threatens the president.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Ever hear of Fake Reviews, on sites like Amazon.com and imdb.com? Well these could be fake Twitters messages, designed to give the media and authorities the necessary justification for censorship of free speech on the internet. Assume that even exists, on something that’s more international, than national (USA).

  10. MartinJJ says:

    Hemm. Can’t they just throw both criminals in jail before the elections? Problem solved. Then there might be some real choice also.

  11. jimbo says:

    Those liberals aren’t going to assassinate Romney, their mothers won’t let them have a gun.

  12. deowll says:

    I’ve noticed that liberals are a lot more concerned about the safety and dignity of fellow travelers than they are of others.


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