Who Won the Debate?

  • Obama
  • Romney
  • Tie
  • That was a debate?


  1. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    Does it matter? We survived 8 years of Bush by God; so we are apparently invincible.

    • jpfitz says:

      “We” may all still be breathing but check out that debt now on the books. Bush/Cheney made fortunes as did their stock holders of companies like KBR and the like.

      So, yea it does matter. War cost are not to be trifled at when an election may bring to power a man who has war in mind. The blood on Bush/Cheney’s hands will never wash off.

      Lastly “God” had nothing to do with the lies and propaganda propagated by those that brought us to war in Iraq. Criminals, all.

  2. Not IT says:

    How can there be results here before the end? Anyways, I will be the first to claim the first ‘tie’ vote. They both lack impassioned responses. Just circuses for the people.

  3. NobodySpecial says:

    I think the socks possibly edged out the tie

  4. Dallas says:

    Even without Candy’s instant fact checking on Libya and subsequent bitch slapping Rmoney, Pres Obama scored a clear victory.

    Then, Romney stuck his foot in his pie hole with the “I support all Americans”. Well, Obama got an instant woody knowing the 47% point opening was gifted by Willard.

    The angry black guy won this one. Slick Willard and ironing board Anne are not gonna live in DC.

    • jbenson2 says:

      Guess you did not see Candy’s apology for her Libya mistake.

      But you have to give her credit. Her interruption with incorrect info will highlight the Libya fiasco for several more days. Not good for the Messiah.

      • So what says:

        You mean the part where she said “I’m sorry Governor Romney the President is correct” that apology.

        • jbenson2 says:

          Debate moderator Candy Crowley admitted that Romney was right to address the president’s response to the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Crowley admitted that she also agreed with Romney during the debate, when he said that the Obama administration spent two weeks telling Americans the attacks were about “a tape and this riot outside the Benghazi consulate, which there wasn’t.”

          You can be sure that Mitt will bring up the Libya attack in the next debate, which will focus exclusively on foreign policy.

          And since most of the media’s coverage of the debate will focus on the Libya exchange, that issue will continue to get plenty of coverage for the rest of the week.

    • 100%AntiObama says:

      You want to be on that? Educated people can see through Obozo’s bullshit and realize he’s literally destroying this country with his weak ass approach to foreign policy and the economy. I would vote for a cigar bearing wooden Indian before I’d vote for the guy with the Chocolate eclair backbone!

      • shooff says:

        Where were you educated?Did you go to private school or one them tax payer supported for profit charter schools?

        Weak ass foreign policy? I missed that class when I was working on my Master’s degree.

        I would say playing judge, jury and executioner without trial, with drones, is bullying and un-american foreign policy.

        But I’m positive it is not weak and not constitutional, but he is playing by George W. Bush’s rules.

        George W. Bush made a mockery of our constitution, Obama continues his policy.

        It’s not weak, but it is wrong.

        Call your congressman tell him to stop executing children in Pakistan with drones.

  5. The Wrong Guy says:

    As much as I hate to say it, Obama wiped the floor with Romney.

    Romney spent most of the time attacking Obama and repeating the same vague things he’s said before rather than saying specifically what he would do. Obama sidestepped a few times which which should have been hit more.

    I keep wondering if Obama seeming weak in the first debate was on purpose. Americans root for the underdog, which Obama became. He came out swinging to jump ahead. Not sure if I’m explaining myself right, but it seemed calculated. If so, I think it worked.

    • Martfin says:

      I think the first debate worked for Obama perfectly, whether or not it was on purpose or he was thinking about what Michelle was going to do for him that night on their anniversary. Mitt took a position in the first debate and publicly gave his postion which was then supported by Ryan. The second debate makes it easier to see through Mitt, because lets be honest he flipped more than a fish out of water leading up to that first debate.

    • Dallas says:

      Agree. I was amongst the first to say that Willard win the first debate and Obama was asleep.

      This time, Willard was on his heels most of the time and periodically came back on the assault only to highlight disrespect and/or ramble the script his handlers made him memorize.

      Even Rush Lardass and Donald Tramp IMMEDIATELY declared that Willard completely dominated the debate – a display of over the top rhetoric intended for their hapless sheeple.

      That was a good debate and another indicator of how the all powerful God wanted the outcome to be

  6. MWD78 says:

    does it really matter who wins if we all lose in the end?

    • Buckwheat says:


    • msbpodcast says:


      We can surely do better as far as representation goes not to pick a member of the 1%er millionaires club that these psychopaths and liars.

      Four years in and then you’re thanked and gone forever.

      We have a politically uneducated populace because nobody ever expects to be called on, but if anybody could become president or a representative we’d educate ourselves.

  7. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Idiot Roll:

    1. What: Still alive but slowly bleeding to death, falling in worldwide standing in every stat that is kept is not “invincible.” Are you actually thinking of some other word?

    2. Not IT: define “impassioned.” What do you want? Hair on fire, tears, more personal BS stories about someone they just met in the parking lot? Obama mentioned being raised by his single mom and NOT wanting Puke Taliban social policies visited upon his two daughters. I suppose Rmoney could have pledged some of his money or had one of his boys enlist?

    3. Dallas: Accurate and Fair as always. touch of humor in the “bitch slap.” Always appropriate to go light on the humor on such weighty issues.

    4. JB: off on a tangent as usual. No link to what he claims he saw as usual. Responding to a particular post–not usual. Trying to connect to the real world, lets give him a pass.

    5. Wrong Guy: wrong idea. Take things at face value unless you’ve got some evidence, otherwise you are just a few dead brain cells away from any other conspiracy theory.

    6. Martfin: counterfactual histories can never be confirmed. Who knows if the polls would have tightened as they have if Obama had come to fight the first time. While Rmoney lied all during the first debate, it was no challenge at all to take him down, no surprise. The lies were only slight variations on the other lies already told. Obama simply was not engaged and was too passive. That does reflect his general reticense to fight the opposition as much as he should. Hopefully he has a gut full of Puke Nonsense and will bring Holy Hellfire to his second term… to the degree he can given our system.

    7. 3ds sales. Pedro–stop spamming this forum.

    8. MWD. Stop being so stupid. There are many similarities AND DIFFERENCES between the two parites or any two parties. Use your brain for something other than a door stop.


    Obama wiped the floor with Rmoney: “You don’t have a 5 point program. You’ve got a 1 point program to let the Rich have a different set of rules to play by.”

    Said and Done. Anyone not understanding the truth and effect of that statement is pretty sad. A sheeple in the field. A moran. A low information voter.

    A Puke.

    • Dallas says:

      (3) you sir are a scholar and a gentlemen. We don’t agree all the time, but you’re on point all the time.

      (7) Pedro is a textbook sapiosexual but also a closet catholic priest. I think Pedro can stop by after his yard cleanup

    • jpfitz says:

      Now we all know what the moaning and groaning was about when the number format for comments was taken down.

      Bobbo, you must have drank a super juice before your comment, concise and on point. Though without pepe who would live under our bridge. I wonder how some people on this forum and others that I speak with can spew the same old crap. Constantly bringing up facts that are propaganda for either the right or left.

      Isn’t there any room for a middle ground, a meeting of the minds where compassion and respect for all is to be held in the highest regard. Guess not. We are a nation of blurbs, one liners and psychopaths who don’t give a shit about anything but their bottom line.

      I am sick of the lies, sick of the war’s… where my 20 y.o. Marine Nephew is in the most dangerous poppy filled area of Afghanistan. Does the American public have sleeping masks covering their eyes? Americans are just happy to be able to watch the next Honey Boo Boo, or watch that damned mind controlling, opinion creating and divisive format, the tele.

      Go read a book and turn off the MSNBC, CNN and FOX.

  8. Jim says:

    The police state won.
    “Police arrested Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein and her running mate, Cheri Honkala, after they tried to enter the site of tonight’s presidential debate at the Hofstra University.”

    The two were protesting against the exclusion of all but the two major political parties from taking part in the debate.”

    I’m not a greenie or liberal but, I would have liked to hear what they had to say.

    • jpfitz says:

      Really, where have you been, living in some free country where debate is or was encouraged? Not here fella. This is the US of A the home of the brave…. you know the rest.

  9. Captain Obvious says:

    Fox News called it a draw. Obviously…

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      I saw them call it a Rmoney win. Hannity on Wednesday (today?) plans a series of “exposes” including “the truth” behind Candy Crowley’s lies.

      I used to get upset about Faux News. Now, I can watch it like a cartoon. Same minimal pleasure, but it does provide a change of pace from dreary reality.

      Silly Pukes.

  10. Kent says:

    Leave it to American’s to elect someone even worse the next go around.

  11. MikeN says:

    Romney won the debate even bigger than he won the first one. People said Obama was too passive at the first debate, but by speaking he made things worse. He has always done better in polling when he just shut up and stayed out of people’s minds.

    His statements kept helping Romney. ‘His plan is to make it tough for illegal immigrants so they leave.’

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:


      Obama swept the floor with Rmoney’s Carcase of Lies and Evasions: Billions in Tax Cuts for Rmoney himself and his friends–program cuts for the rest of us. BUT–Rmoney is not out to cut your throat==he really “cares” about you and your kiddies.

      Do the Math. The shortfall is not made up by Growth in the Economy, Magic, or Lies.

  12. MartinJJ says:

    Why isn’t there an option “Wallstreet”?

  13. MikeN says:

    Why can’t these spammers put up posts that are grammatical?

  14. MikeN says:

    Both Fox News and MSNBC’s undecided forum said the debate shifted them towards Romney. Obama would have been better off not debating at all. Let Romney send people dressed as chickens to his rallies.

    • MikeN says:

      Then again FoxNews is partisan, and MSNBC declared the skydiver went faster than the speed of light.

  15. MikeN says:

    The Libya exchange that is supposedly a win for Obama is actually a loss. Somehow the Biden debate had a shift into global warming discussion, but it is more apt here. Stories hit the news about how the IPCC got it wrong on Amazon drought, sea ice, hurricanes, and particularly Himalayan glaciers. The scientists defended themselves with claims of uncertainty, it’s a small part of the case, and in fact our report gets it right if you look at the details. The problem was the public knew what they were sold, and that the scientists have in some fine print something else didn’t matter. They recognized they were lied to. Now here we have Obama claiming that he said it was an Act of Terror from Day 1, looks like a win for Obama, and the moderator even called it. Yet the public will have seen Obama on Letterman, or perhaps his UN speech on the news, and know what he said then. The whole point was to hide that it was an act of terror.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:


      Obama swept the floor with Rmoney’s Carcase of Lies and Evasions: Billions in Tax Cuts for Rmoney himself and his friends–program cuts for the rest of us. BUT–Rmoney is not out to cut your throat==he really “cares” about you and your kiddies.

      Do the Math. The shortfall is not made up by Growth in the Economy, Magic, or Lies.

      “Stories hit the news about how the IPCC got it wrong on Amazon drought, sea ice, hurricanes, and particularly Himalayan glaciers.” /// Wow. Stories huh? BWHAHAHA. This is like watching Faux Spews.

      “Stories hit the new….” Just picture that. How does a “story” “hit” the “news”? Much like shit hits the fan I assume, without the honesty but with the same smell?


  16. jpfitz says:

    I was happy to see a candidate call the other a LIAR!

  17. MikeN says:

    By the way, that was Michelle Obama clapping for Candy after the Libya transcript debacle. Even the President’s wife won’t follow the rules.

  18. MikeN says:

    Has Chris Matthews bought out the racism card yet? Either ‘You’ll get your chance in a minute’ was a white man putting a black man in his place, or getting Pres Obama in his face was playing to people’s fear of the Negro. I think he’ll go for both, as well as Romney asking Obama to repeat his statement.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Nope, he’s using a more generic insight: the Boss that puts his employees down.

      works for both blacks and whites. Not liking Rmoney is an equal opportunity recognition.


  19. gildersleeve says:

    Huh. Nobody mentioned Romney gaffe: terrorist, and Obama gaffe: Gangbangers. Eh, not important, but I can’t believe neither drew much in the way of traction or friction. Heh.

    • MikeN says:

      what’s the gaffe? I don’t even remember Romney’s line, and Obama’s is fine.

  20. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    Obama gave Romney the upper hand in that photo. Romney is open (arm is open to embracing the camera) to the camera while Obama is closed (arm blocking between the camera and his front).

    Maybe Obama is trying to throw the election.

    Would like JCD take.

    • MikeN says:

      And how would Obama change that? Do a pirouette while doing the handshake? Maybe the Jackie Chan gun steal?

  21. Dallas says:

    Something important and positive for Romney occured within 24-36 hours before the debate and few media outlets reported it.

    The Christian church is no longer declaring Mormonism to bring a cult. This is purely coincidental of course but I congratulate Willard for being embraced by fellow Christians as one of their own.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      I googled (mormonism christianity) and only pulled up Billy Graham removing the fact that Moronism is a cult from his website.

      Lots of websites showing the differences between Moronism and Christianity: the divinity and nature of Christ being the dividing line.

      Removing a negative does not make a positive unless you got more.

      • hmeyers says:

        I imagine if a gay Republican to got the Presidential nomination, you would see similar behaviors.

        Really, the Republicans have needed a bit of diversity for a while.

      • Dallas says:

        Oops, I thought the cult retraction was broader than Billy Graham.

        I wonder if the vatican headquarters has a public position on mormonism and planet kolob.

        Anyway…. back to the topic of electing the leader of the free world!

  22. MikeN says:

    The kid who asked about not having a job out of college? Well he talked to both candidates after the debate. He asked Romney for help in getting a job, and he asked Obama about the Chicago Bulls. He correctly analyzed the strengths of both candidates.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Did he get a job?

      As a vulture capitalist, Rmoney only has actual experience in laying people off.

      silly to confuse that negative for a plus.

    • Sam says:

      Yeah, but the job Romney offered is in China at a company that use to be in the U.S. before he shut it down.

  23. MikeN says:

    Obama said higher gas prices are because of rising demand in a growing economy that he saved. The problem is gas prices have doubled while growth has been very low. Eventually voters will hear Obama speak of growth coming in the next four years, and they are going to realize what that will do to gas prices according to Obama…

    • hmeyers says:

      Obama is right. When the 2008 real-estate bubble collapsed — gas prices went from $4.25 a gallon in Summer ’08 to like $1.50 per gallon.

      Th financial turmoil shattered the oil speculation market, causing the price level of oil to crash.

      Once we adjusted to a “new normal”, the oil market gained pricing confidence against upon stability.

      Keep in mind, I want to see Obama out of office, so I’m just pointing this out because it was what happened.

    • Dallas says:

      Last time I looked, other countries use oil.

      Why to Teapublicans think as if America is a planet?

  24. MikeN says:

    The answer has already been polled by people forced to put their money on the line to vote. After the debate, InTrade’s Obama market went up by 5%. This is bad news for those of you wanting to bet on an Obama reelection, as now your return is down to just over 50%. You’d best send your money now, before that return shrinks ever more as an Obama victory becomes more likely. There is a foreign policy debate coming, and Obama will mention that he killed Bin Laden, and Romney will pledge war with Iran. Then again if Romney won, this blog will finally be proven right on that point.
    Start your sign-up now, and wire the money tomorrow morning. You might be able to get a bet in before the debate starts.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Ha, ha. You don’t even understand the basics of something as simple as Intrade and yet you want to post about the complexity of World Finanacial Markets?

      Figure out how parimutual betting parlors work first. Report back when you figure out that your profit is dependent on the price you bought in at, your positions wins, and what the ending market is worth.

      What a maroon.

      Mike: I do see an active intellect at work but you need a bit more discipline. You can learn MORE when you recognize you actually know LESS. Proof: Alfie thinks he knows everything whereas he knows nothing.

      Its true.

      • MikeN says:

        Why would I want to figure out parimutual betting parlor when Intrade is not a parimutual betting parlor? Now a 60% return. Better for you to bet Romney as that way you will be happy no matter who wins.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Knock, knock…..
          Who’s There?
          Parimutual who?

  25. Dallas says:

    I checked the voting results just now and Obama has a clear lead. Even if you subtract the 4 times I voted, the results are clear.

  26. MikeN says:

    Or if you think Romney will win bet that, and then even if Obama loses, you still make lots of money. It’s a win-win! But would you then having made the bet still vote Obama against your financial interests? True sign of a patriot.

    50% return in a matter of weeks if you bet on Obama. I hear they don’t even report your winnings to the IRS, so you can do the Geithner tax dodge like a good Democrat.

  27. MikeN says:

    So new numbers are out, and it turns out the drop in jobless claims was just a matter of ‘poor timing’. A state messed up its reporting. So when will Eideard put up a correction?

    One under-reported aspect of times changing oh-so-slowly for the worse is the weakness of Keynesian measures. Even in the face of a dogpile of cowards and craven Congressional liberals wanting to go full speed ahead – that portion of stimulus measures that was able to be implemented continues to have an effect.

  28. MikeN says:

    60% return betting on Obama! Go to InTrade now!

  29. MikeN says:

    That poll should read Obama/Crowley.
    How did she have the transcript in front of her?
    And how did Obama know she had the transcript, when he said ‘get the transcript’?

    Has he ever said ‘please proceed’ in response to a question at these debates? No, he wanted to set Romney up for a takedown from the moderator. All Romney had to do was say, why did you leave for Vegas after what you knew was a terrorist attack?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      All your talking points are belong to us.

      Nonsense dittohead chatter that makes no sense unless you are currently drunk on the Kool Aid.

      That poll should read Obama/Crowley. /// Blame the Messenger psychosis.

      How did she have the transcript in front of her? /// She Didn’t.

      And how did Obama know she had the transcript, when he said ‘get the transcript’? /// If she “had” the transcript, she wouldn’t have to “get it” now would she?

      Has he ever said ‘please proceed’ in response to a question at these debates? /// Never said Rmoney was a stinking lying bag of shit either. Whats your point about the infinity of things that were not said. Silly.

      No, he wanted to set Romney up for a takedown from the moderator. /// “I see Conspiracies….everywhere.”

      All Romney had to do was say, why did you leave for Vegas after what you knew was a terrorist attack? /// To best serve America as the Republican Party is doing more damage to America than any Terrorist Attack ever could. Brain rot such as you demonstrate—not good for America, or anywhere else for that matter.

      • MikeN says:

        She said on the View that she had the transcript in front of her.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          I did not know that. I still wonder if Obama knew that. The exchange we are batting around is “consistent” with that but could have been said equally as probable without any such fact or knowledge BECAUSE the Libya situation was recent and on everyone’s mind.

          I take you at your word and apologize.

          • MikeN says:

            My original interpretation was that ‘get the transcript’ was directed towards Romney. But knowing that Crowley had the transcript, and then realizing that Obama said ‘please proceed’ I now interpret it as a setup.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Thats NOT what you posted just above.

            Silly to go onto a blog and initiate made up BS. How soon do you plan to run in Republican Politics?

            Dolt. Dishonest and Stupid. You will go far.

        • tcc3 says:

          Can you link to where she said that? The clip I found said she remembered it/heard his speech in the Rose Garden.


    • MikeN says:

      And it sure looks like Obama knew who would be asking the question. He’s over there and saying Hi, Kerry before the guy even realizes he is next. Obama covers it up by asking for the guy’s name, after he had just said ,”Hi, Kerry”.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      Obviously Obama rattled MikeN.

  30. deowll says:

    I’m a little puzzled about this because people say Obama won the debate but what he said doesn’t seem to be swaying the voters. On the other hand Romney is supposed to have lost but so far the evidence suggests that people continue to be swayed by what he said….If the objective is to win the campaign Romney didn’t lose. At best/worst this is a tie.

    • MikeN says:

      Then why is InTrade showing a gain for Obama? People who put their money on it thought Obama improved his already good chances of victory.

      • MikeN says:

        Expect Obama’s numbers to go up even more as people realize they can get a 50-60% return on their money in a matter of weeks.

    • Dallas says:

      I’d agree the American Sheeple have a short attention span of like 10 minutes and don’t look past one year ago.

      Willard is banking his campaign on this strategy and lying all the way through. It’s a reasonable strategy

      • MikeN says:

        Yup, it’s how Democrats getting elected even though Communism was a disaster everywhere.

      • MikeN says:

        Are you rationalizing an Obama loss already? You need to bet money on Romney too, so you can at least make money off it. Don’t forget to give your fair share to the Democratic Party. Obama is sending out mailers like it’s a bill to be collected.

      • Dallas says:

        Personally, I’m a winner no matter who wins.

        I’m voting for my country not for personal wealth. I’m voting for the negro.

        • MikeN says:

          That’s the spirit. But try to say it in a way that wouldn’t get you fired at most companies or kicked out of school.

          • noname says:

            PP(pointless pedro) for today’s daily affirmation a vote was taken, you won!

            You won, first place; the world most ignorant moron.


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