State Department officials said Tuesday that formal negotiations to extend U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan past 2014 are set to begin soon — contradicting claims by Vice President Joe Biden that U.S. troops will be “leaving in 2014, period.”

Biden emphasized in last week’s vice presidential debate that U.S. troops would exit the country in 2014.

“We are leaving in 2014, period, and in the process, we’re going to be saving over the next 10 years another $800 billion,” he said. This makes the third Biden debate claim the administration or campaign has since walked back or clarified.

The vice president suggested President Obama’s tax plan would only raise taxes on individuals earning more than $1 million in income — rather than the $250,000 threshold the administration has pushed all year. The campaign quickly shot down the claim the next day.

And you can take THAT to the bank!

Meanwhile we are arming the terrorists allegedly responsible for 9/11 again. New York Times.

  1. MikeN says:

    And also’We didn’t know it was a terrorist attack for over a week, and told everyone otherwise.’

  2. Kahless says:

    At this point I’m not all that excited about the thought of either Romney or Obama. What’s crazy though is that it feels like the Obama campaign (maybe just Biden?) has gone into some sort of crazy tailspin.

    • hmeyers says:

      The Great One demonstrated that he is too good for debates and didn’t feel it was a good use of his time. Didn’t wanna be there, etc.

      What is funny, I’ve been saying this for 8 months and no one believed me (isn’t that right, Bobbo).

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        You’ve racked up a too long list of falsifiable statements for me to pick just one from. What statement are you thinkink of now?

        Conservatives: totally inflexible in their thinking. Everything must be simple and consistent. So much so, when they are confronted with the”fact” that some of their information is wrong and they should change their opinions, they ignore the new info on some pretext or another. EG–whatever you are babbling about now.

        Liberals and People who Actually Think: accept the occasional ambiguity or conflict as part of a deeper better understood picture of the complexity of the universe.

        But to whatever your point probably is: I think Obams is More BAD than Good and will readily accept and can list many of his faults and errant public policies.

        THE POINT WITH OBAMA, and almost every single Dumbocrat, is that they are NONETHELESS BETTER THAN THE PUKES.

        ….. and THAT is a very sorry state of affairs.

        • hmeyers says:

          The Tea Party and ultra-orthodox conservatives will tell you Romney isn’t really one of them ;).

          He doesn’t fit in with Akin and friends very well or the guys in Tennessee that want to outlaw teaching science in schools.

          My dream candidate would be Michael Bloomberg, of course that’ll never happen. And I do like Michelle Obama’s ideas with school lunches.

          I’m afraid despite your efforts to try to accuse me of being a conservative, I only really agree with the guns things and some of the pro-business growth ideas.

          My main objections to Obama:

          A. He didn’t get results. Forgiveable.
          B. When he didn’t get results, he didn’t come back with new efforts. Not forgivable.
          C. He spent a $1 trillion on a his economic plan and it didn’t achieve any of the goals. What president has ever got to spend $1 trillion dollars? I would have been hoping the entire state of Kansas would have been covered with windmills or something.

          I could never in good conscience support someone who if they failed just essentially gave up (or worse didn’t care to try again with new ideas).

          Unless someone super-terrible like Santorum, Gingrich or such was the other candidate.

          Romney is quite the middle of the road politician, he always has been.

  3. Alfie says:

    Let’s face it, we’ll leave Afghanistan only when the military contractors have decided they’ve made enough profits. Their profits are the only reason we’re there.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Wow Alfie….. a rational thought. LOADED with sarcasm rather than insight, but still rational.

      All Hail the New Alfie. Long may he post!

  4. John says:

    The problem with politicians is they make promises they cannot keep and should not make.

  5. Dallas says:

    Why are Teapublicans so anti military?

    Support our Troops

    • Dullass says:

      Maybe because most of them are veterans and learned about the scam the hard way. But I’ll hand it to you, Liberals like yourself have no problem asking others to do the fighting and dying to protect your sorry ass.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Ha, ha===PURRRRfect.

        Rmoney and his five strong healthy sons: “Serving America by Helping Rmoney run for Political Office.”

        The stink of the hypocrisy of your bumper sticker dittoheading should even rise to obnoxious in your own twisted pea brain.

        Silly lying Puke.

        • Dullass says:

          One problem however, Rmoney is not a conservative, just another charlatan RINO.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            How does ADDING another green house gas decrease the action of co2?

            You Science Deniers love playing with a 5 year olds appreciation of cause and effect. From memory, for the last 20 million years, co2 levels in the atmosphere has varied from 180ppm to 280ppm. In the last 100 years it has gone to never seen since the dinosaur levels of 390ppm and on course for much higher in the next 100 years even if we stopped dumping carbon in the atmospher right now completely.

            Your argument makes the scenarios even worse. Way to argue Homer.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Dullas–by your retarded make any excuse kneejerk response: there are NO conservatives. an entire party of RINO’s. The only true conservative is NORDQUIST (sic!). Or Daddy Warbucks?—another cartoon character for you to wet yourself over.

    • McCullough says:

      So you support the troops AND you support arming the enemy of those same troops. Which is it Skippy?

    • MikeN says:

      We support the troops when they shoot their commander in chief.

  6. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    What IS our mania for overseas entanglement? Big difference between being isolationist and the quicker death of being interventionist. Its CRAZY and makes no sense!!

    Its as crazy as philosophically based tax cuts, as opposed to budgetary planning.

    Its as crazy as taking Darwin out of Biology.

    Its as crazy as …… ohhh, I’m starting to see a pattern here.

    My country…. My Country…. MY COUNTRY====I cry for the City of Light on that Exceptional High Hill formerly Known as the USA.

    What will hit first? Global Warming or Indebtisstan?

    Glad, for ME, I’ll be sitting on my porch with my ice chest full of cool ones when it all comes home to roost.

    Silly Hoomans—throwing our greatness away as fast as possible.

    • hmeyers says:

      Bobbo, 3 weeks ago I was arguing against being the world police and you smacked me saying I was naive and if we withdrew from international involvement we’d be letting countries that are evil create a negative environment.

      And I still don’t think we need to world police. To hell with Afghanistan.

      As far as candidate promises go — Obama said in ’08 that unlike Hillary he didn’t believe in the individual insurance mandate, said he’d close gitmo, etc.

      I don’t think any candidate can actually solve the budget issues we have, but as long as we can print money, maybe it doesn’t matter much.

      People in other countries still take our monopoly money because the TV says our money is worth something and people believe what they hear on the tv.

      Sounds like a plan to me! Better than becoming Greece.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        My my HMyers—in the mood to talk?

        Your basic CONSERVATIVE MIND SET: you can’t perceive much less get comfortable in any MIDDLE GROUND? Cartoonish the way you avoid reality.

        But to your analogy to USA being the World Policemen. Can you grog your analogy if you think of our more effective role as being part of the Worlds Emergency Fire Brigade?

        Post back if any light dimly comes on.

        • hmeyers says:

          I think if we “scaled back” for a few years, other countries like Germany, Japan, South Korea would pick up some of the slack.

          By necessity.

          I do buy into your “fire department” analogy. I’m just sick of the USA being world police.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            I agree. Its the worst policy we could have. Poorly and wrongly emphasized by BushtheRetard and carried on idiotically by Obama.

            Agreement is always a warm fuzzy thing. Think I’ll play the game and chug one.

            thanks HMyers.

    • hmeyers says:

      Bobbo, there was a high profile study that came out last week saying there has been no global warming since 1997.–chart-prove-it.html

      Does this mean we still shouldn’t crack down on CO2 emissions, pollution, etc and pursue green energy? Hell no.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Hell NO is exactly correct. Every generally accepted scientific principle still has opposition camps of various sorts. Why should anything as complicated as AGW be any different?

        Thanks for the link, but I have no need to visit the Creationist Museum…. its just too silly.

        As I have posted dozens of times: the sea level keeps on rising:


        And how can there be “no effect” after the chemical composition of the atmosphere is flooded with co2? What “theory” could even support the notion of no effect?

        I CHARGE you HMyers with being a Science Denier! …. my god, I hope this outburst doesn’t get me banned from this forum. I’ve grown quite fond of Alfie.

        • hmeyers says:

          Let’s say for a moment that the “no global warming since 1997 thing is true” — and it might not be —

          The CO2 has risen. It is about 0.035% percent of the atmosphere (look it up).

          But there is this powerful greenhouse gas called water vapor.

          Perhaps that compared to the warming effect of water vapor — which is 50-100 times higher in concentration — the CO2 rise has a negligible effect.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Reposted from bad placement above:

            How does ADDING another green house gas decrease the action of co2?

            You Science Deniers love playing with a 5 year olds appreciation of cause and effect. From memory, for the last 20 million years, co2 levels in the atmosphere has varied from 180ppm to 280ppm. In the last 100 years it has gone to never seen since the dinosaur levels of 390ppm and on course for much higher in the next 100 years even if we stopped dumping carbon in the atmospher right now completely.

            Water vapor is factored into the Global Warming. As you know, it traps heat but this is mostly offset by its reflecting incoming solar radiation.

            The last time co2 levels were at current levels was when dinosaurs roamed the earth and yes as a coincidence (I’m guessing–but it could be causual I suppose, I don’t know) it was very humid then too.

            ….. and…. this is a great stooopid analogy for those that can’t think: there were no humans then either.

            Silly HMyers. Like evolution… the theory of AGW is supported by the warp and weave of science, by the multiple disciplines that are affected by it and that compose it.

            Takes MAGICAL NON-THINKING to deny it.

            Stick your head in the Freezer and tell us its cold.

            Your argument makes the scenarios even worse. Way to argue Homer.

          • MikeN says:

            No it’s not negligible. It is about 1 degree C of warming if you double CO2. Then you have feedbacks. It is possible it is a negligible effect if you have negative feedbacks that moderate this significantly. IPCC concludes positive feedbacks to get a higher number. What your 15 years of no global warming means is that the IPCC models are falsified, and their argument for high positive feedbacks is weakened.

      • MikeN says:

        Lucia at The Blackboard has evaluated it and found that there has been .5C/Century of warming since 1997 according to the dataset quoted. Small, but not zero. Scientists dispute it because you are looking at just a few years, the overall trend is up because years 2004 was much warmer than 1990, 2005 was much warmer than 1991, etc. Either way, air temperatures are a bad measure because the top meter of the ocean has as much heat capacity as the whole atmosphere. Ocean heat content is a better measure of global warming.

  7. As former President George W. Bush, aka Dubya, once said while gesturing with the incorrect hands to illustrate his point….”Sometimes the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.” ;=D

    • MikeN says:

      It’s impossible to mess that up, as it’s either his right hand or the audience’s right.

      And the correct quote is the right hand doesn’t know what the far-right hand is doing.

  8. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    hmeyers says:
    10/16/2012 at 4:37 pm

    The Tea Party and ultra-orthodox conservatives will tell you Romney isn’t really one of them 😉 . /// Yes, too bad they remain too easily swayed by truck loads of repetitive advertising.

    He doesn’t fit in with Akin and friends very well or the guys in Tennessee that want to outlaw teaching science in schools. /// No one does except those of the same narrow born again science denying non-think. EG–Lyin Ryan.

    My dream candidate would be Michael Bloomberg, of course that’ll never happen. And I do like Michelle Obama’s ideas with school lunches. /// Bloomberg better than Most. I thought Livingston? that other early running Mormon with the hot daughters… ambassador to china. Speaks a foreign language—obviously not qualified.

    I’m afraid despite your efforts to try to accuse me of being a conservative, I only really agree with the guns things and some of the pro-business growth ideas. /// BS. You agree enough for the label to fit. You may have more exceptions, but in the either/or world of two party politics==you are nailed.

    My main objections to Obama: /// Ha, ha. You see your unrecognized bias? Why not main Objections to Rmoney?

    A. He didn’t get results. Forgiveable. /// Good for you. Must be one of those RINOs?
    B. When he didn’t get results, he didn’t come back with new efforts. Not forgivable. /// Hard to come back in face of a Party putting Power ahead of Country…. dramatically more filibusters than ever before.
    C. He spent a $1 trillion on a his economic plan /// No, it was an aborted pork laden special interest graft paying plan only about 1/3rd his. Its what the Pukes Demanded even in their panic.

    and it didn’t achieve any of the goals. /// Not true. Saved Detroit. Saved 2 million jobs. Avoided a quick spiral to a World Wide Depression. could still happen what with Pukes still unvaccinated….

    What president has ever got to spend $1 trillion dollars? /// BushtheRetard in point of fact “spent” more… as variously defined and accounted for.

    I would have been hoping the entire state of Kansas would have been covered with windmills or something. /// Me too.

    I could never in good conscience support someone who if they failed just essentially gave up (or worse didn’t care to try again with new ideas). /// there’s your bias… Obams great fault is he is too much part of the system of what we get.

    Unless someone super-terrible like Santorum, Gingrich or such was the other candidate. /// Or Lyin Ryan. He is VERY MUCH part of that group or worse as with the 40 bills he co sponsored with Akins. The deal with Rmoney is we don’t know how he would govern. I assume much like the Super terribles you list at least for his first terms. He needs the right wing support to get the second term. A conundrum for anyone within hailing distance of reality.

    Romney is quite the middle of the road politician, he always has been. /// No. Hes a waffle. Effective in Mass only because Dumbos are willing to compromise. With a no compromise Congressional Puke Majority==Rmoney could be the worst man ever in Office. civil rights ripped up and thrown away. Tax transfers to the already too wealthy.

    Just Look.

  9. MartinJJ says:

    Leaving Afghanistan probably means moved over to Iran by that time.

  10. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:


    Obama scores KNOCK OUT SINGLE PUNCH at DD plus 9 minutes:

    Rmoney isn’t telling the truth. He doesn’t have a 5 point plan, he has a one point plan: tax breaks for the rich.

    Ha, ha. A thing of Beauty.

    Hooray for Candy. Id check the wiring on my car before driving home from the debates. What was all the crap about her limited role?? Posturing? I don’t imagine her actually violating any rules she agreed to.

    A knock out none the less. He could coast from here while they find a body bag. I expect the bloodshed to continue—BEATING A DEAD ELEPHANT!!!

    Haw Haw. About TIME!!! Lying Sacks of Puke.

  11. Benjamin says:

    Don’t tell them when we are pulling out. Bad idea. Just pick a secret date and leave then.

    • GregAllen says:

      Would we keep that secret from our allies?

      They wake up one morning and the Americans are gone!

      Dude, you’re joking, right?

  12. GregAllen says:

    If you’ve been following this story, as I have, you know that Biden more than anyone else has been pushing the generals to keep the 2014 deadline

    As generals will do, they would like to keep us there forever.

    America owes a collective thank-you to Joe Biden.

  13. deowll says:

    The Afghans have almost completely exterminated all the non Muslims in the country. Less than 3,000 in a nation of ~16,000,000.

    Most of the population subscribe to the world view of the Taliban. A family member who has done time in that nation called it one large human rights violation. At least for now I think we need to leave and only go back if we need to terminate some slow learners.

  14. msbpodcast says:

    Afghanistan was a cock up from the time we started to send the bombers to fly over and move the rubble around. (The taliban were demanding that the rest of the world feed them. That was playing real well too in the rest of the Arab world… [If we’d just have waited a few more weeks they’d have been starved into submission because the idiot taliban had been shooting their own farmers. {When you murder the people who you’ve got to depend on for food eventually you end up with nobody to plant the crops or even know what time of year is right for planting which crop where.}])

    Iraq was a criminal enterprise and a violation of something the British-led powers that were at the time had carved the Ottoman into.

    Both wars were entirely unnecessary.

    Think about everything bad that has happened to our economy since 9/11/01 because of Shrub and Cheney‘s decision that deficits didn’t matter.


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