See all the sordid details here!

  1. MikeN says:

    So is Obama going to have an earpiece and receiving assembly under his jacket for the next debate?

  2. Holdfast says:

    Are you insinuating that someone else did>

  3. MikeN says:

    Nah, it just seemed like he needed it:)

  4. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Some say this was paper, i.e. outside notes which is apparently verboten.

    Others say it was nothing more than a handkerchief, which he apparently used to pat he mouth at 01.26.35.

    Two observations:

    1) Do we need to have cameras from multiple angles, always isolated on the candidates, during the entire debate? Perhaps we can hire the substitute refs from the NFL and have them throw a yellow flag if any shenanigans are observed?

    2) Even if it was a handkerchief, who can categorically state that notes were not written on it? I heard of much more ingenious ways of bringing notes into class while in college.

    Even having both candidates frisked and inspected prior to and post debate, there will always be accusations. Can anyone say birth certificate?

    • Ivana Gisagna says:

      It was a handkerchief. With notes written on it in chocolate ink. And when he put it to his mouth he was licking the writing off to destroy the evidence.

      • Cap'nKangaroo says:

        I don’t know about chocolate, but I did read that he specifically went back to his podium after the debate to retrieve the handkerchief.

  5. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    Rmoney said right from the start that all forms of cheating and lying is just part of the process. You know, just as a vulture capitalist would.

    Everything playing true to form.

    The rule itself is rather silly. I don’t see anything wrong with a few notes. I could “almost” go with ear pieces to aides as well “but” all these debates are just a form of “Trial by Combat.” More than any Presidential debate I can recall this was DEVOID of content. Just a show.

    Much better: stand alone quizing by a panel of experts/news pundits–ie==Never Happen.

    The Very Best: submit a detailed budget. Again-never happen. So we are left with the Circus.

    Same as it ever was.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      “Much better: stand alone quizing by a panel of experts/news pundits…”

      I’ll go a step further. The candidates are grilled like you say, but at the same time they are playing something like table-tennis or foosball. You will get a much better idea how well they can think on their feet and the amount of “politispeech” will be reduced. I believe you would get much, much closer to what the candidate actually believes.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Even better: Beer Pong. That would simulate lack of sleep, the wifey cutting you off, having to meet with the VP, plus we can all root for our favorite brand of beer. Very telling information.

        Yes, what we need is a “citizens revolutionary committee” to keep the politico’s in line.

        Could even be a New World Order.

  6. jbenson2 says:

    Dvorak Uncensored is getting mighty desperate to say anything to prop up Obama.

    Hey McCullough!
    It’s a freaking handkerchief!

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Ha, ha. Proof that when you have proof you provide it.

      Say there JBenson==how come every other post you have ever made was without links?

      As will be your next 173?

      …….”♫…And tiptoe thru the tulips… with me….”

    • McCullough says:

      So Benson…..just because I made a joke about Romney, you jump to the conclusion that I’m an Obamabot. How do you know I wasn’t propping up Gary Johnson, or maybe Ron Paul?

      You see, that’s whats wrong with you people, and by that I mean dems and reps. Since I am neither, I have the luxury of being able to poke fun at anyone I want. I consider it a win-win situation.

      And I went to your link, but the video has been removed by the user…hmmmm.

  7. duh365 says:

    The TSA should put all presidential candidates through a full body scanner before taking the podium.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    Now the “debunkers” (aka Deniers!) are saying it was only a hanky. Who whips out their hanky at the start of a debate, just in case they need to sneeze, and plops it square in the center of the rostrum? And it if was made of cloth, so what? His staff could have written his notes in fine point pen ink. So only he could see it. But from a distance, it wouldn’t show on camera.

    You should remember that this is the guy who was in favor of the US involvement in the Vietnam War. But spent 30 months in France, as an untrained mormon missionary, in a predominately Catholic country, to avoid the draft. And when he got back to the US, did another year of college, to avoid it some more. Which was his 3rd deferment, altogether. So if that’s not cheating, what is? Seems the Republicans have had a record of ducking out on wars, they’re in favor of everyone else fighting. Like George W. Bush. But report this in the news media, as Dan Rather once did, and they hand you your hat. So even though these facts about Romney are plainly obvious on his Wikipedia page. Don’t expect the mainstream media to utter a word about it. They don’t want to lose their jobs. Because corporations get presidents elected, and everyone who opposes them, fired.

    • McCullough says:

      And where did Clinton, the lying darling of the left spend his tour in Vietnam, uh wasn’t it England?

      sheesh, what a moron.

  9. deowll says:

    It was a freaking hanky. The video shows him using it. However if you guys think Obama need notes go for it. By the time he finds his place he’ll look as foolish as many of you sound.

  10. MikeN says:

    Wait a minute, the candidates don’t have notes? Then what was Obama staring at the whole time?

    • So what says:

      Same thing as any red blooded male, porn.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      Before the debate I heard Republican debate consultant currently in pay as TV gasbag say he always advised his clients to immediately write down the 3 or 5 main points they wished to highlight as soon as they reached their podium. Then mark them off as they were able to inject them into the debate.

  11. Dallas says:

    Why do Teapublicans have to cheat, lie and drug Obama to get ahead? Because they have no solutions.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Their undies are in a total twist right now after Jack Welch twitted that Obama rigged the new job figures.

      Under stress–listen to what people say with no evidence at all. They are completely projecting what they have done/would do in similar situations.

      REPUBLICANS = LIARS, CHEATERS, FOOLS but they support the billionaires.

      • Dallas says:

        I think Jack Welch is older than Clint Eastwood. Not sure what’s going on there but you know the old saying….. follow the $ ..

        • Cap'nKangaroo says:

          They say Jack Welch is a brilliant corporate CEO, but if he let his lawyer wife write the prenup and then cheat on her, you have to question his ability, if not sanity.

      • Cap'nKangaroo says:

        Saw some response to Welch’s remarks on CNN, MSNBC and CNBC. Don’t believe any of them gave any credence to the rigging the numbers aspect.

        But CNBC did seem to be on a Jihad about downplaying the significance of the numbers. Yesterday, they were all about talking up a “Romney rally” to the stock market.

    • MikeN says:

      You’re right. They are accusing Obama of rigging the employment numbers and the polls. It has had its effect as Romney has gained in the InTrade odds. You can now get almost a 50% return betting on Obama. Unless of course the Republicans are right…

  12. Wow says:

    Mitt Rommel 2012, let’s conquer North Africa!

    Oh wait, we just did that. Doh.

  13. MikeN says:

    So apparently the details of how to destroy Obama in verbal sparring can be fit nicely on a single sheet of paper?

  14. MikeN says:

    Look carefully. There is something under Obama’s jacket with wires headed to his ear.

  15. Mextli: ABO says:

    With Barry the emperor not only has no clothes he has no brain. If that’s the best the Democrats can do it’s no wonder they have to live off of the federal teat instead of getting a real job.

    I’m buying popcorn for the Biden show.

    • Dallas says:

      Obama fixed the Bush decade of disaster. Lets review the indesputable facts.

      Unemployment was well above 8% , now well below 8%.

      Bin Laden was blogging and watching porn, now he’s shot in the face wrapped in bacon in the Indian Ocean.

      Pirates shot in the head. No more pirates

      Conquered Mars.

      GM saved and big durable shit made here again.

      Young people were dying under Bush, now young people alive, insured and healthy .

      We’re spending more money in the military than ever.

      Over 92% of people are employed and paying into the system.

      Not a single airplane with terrorists has flown into a building under Obama’s watch. Not one. Yes, under a Republican presidency.

      Like Israel, Britain and other military powers, gays now openly serve and those boring khaki outfits now have a hint of color!

      • MikeN says:

        If only he’d been wrapped in bacon, Amb Stevens might still be alive. Obama said he ensured Osama was given a proper Muslim burial.

  16. ± says:

    The sheeple bicker.

  17. Gotta Hand It To 'Em says:

    Oooh, LOOK! Something ELSE for you twits to argue about while the republic burns!

    Dance, monkey, dance.

  18. The0ne says:

    Your nerds, when will you learn!

    He was on a hot streak so to ensure his own cleanliness he was well prepared beforehand and had stuck the tissue in the area that that the sun can’t get to. This way, when he goes he doesn’t have to worry about it.

    This is simply a matter of him making sure the tissue was still usable after such a hot streak with Obama. I would figure you Rep would enjoy this to be honest.

  19. MikeN says:

    In just the last 2 years, population has gone up 2%, jobs have gone up .88% and people not in the workforce has gone up 4.5%.
    This is just the last 2 years, so Obama’s excuse of it’s all Bush’s fault doesn’t hold up.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      Yeah Mike but just look the unemployment rate went down………;-)


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