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That was worth seeing. I especially like the donkeys.
It should have been easy for Obama. He could even have said: “There you go again. Your numbers just don’t add up.” and then given those numbers as he did with more authority. THEN all he had to do was look at the camera, look at Rmoney when responding, and look amused everytime Rmoney openned his mouth. It would have been “non confrontational” consistent with Obamas style. It would have been informative, truthful, and in opposition to Rmoney.
Rmoney: “Thats Not My Plan”
Obman: “It would be nice if we could believe you on that, but you change your plan constantly. Where are your details showing your plan would work?”
So easy.
Lets seee, where was I? I know..I’m not as Think as I Dumb I can.
ROFLMAO. Pretty funny.
Tragically funny summary of ObamaCare:
That bitch needs a trans vaginal ultrasound.
Mildly funny “if” it had been from a comedian. coming from a political candidate, its just sad. and a doctor no less advocating for less care.
Yes—its completely farsical to think that the USA can’t change a thing in its healthcare system. Don’t look at Europe getting better results at half the cost. They eat cheese.
I’m watching Dr Phil right now… first time in years. Wow. What a guy. Nailing people to his couch. Cheating Husband and girl friend told they are liars, cheaters, manipulators etc. BOTH of them. I wonder how Dr Phil could handle a debate. NO–NOT A DEBATE. That is just circus, more Kabuki. No–a counseling session: “Who are you kidding when you set about to lie, cheat, and steal.”
That would be perfect.
Wow! They pronounce Romney in the same way I do!
I thought I was the odd one.
Watching the Young Turks:
Rmoney: “I’ve never heard of these tax breaks for moving businesses over seas. Maybe I need a new accountant?”
Cenk Uygur: “Which accountant are you talking about Mitt? The ones you have in The Cayman Islands, Bermuda, or Switzerland.”
In contemplation, a thing of beauty.
Now we are seeing America’s future in high-paying animation jobs being outsourced to Taiwan and promoted here on Dvorak Uncensored. When will this madness end?
Gangnam Style at the end was a magnificent touch
Except for the Troll who feels he needs to defend the indefensible, where are all the other nutjob libs on this blog?
Maybe they are smart enough to not try and defend the indefensible and look like a fool?
Or maybe they decided to be on the winning team and vote for Romney!!
Oh_NO–I can understand having a disagreement and Darwins knows I GREATLY disagree with some of the dumb ass non-think talking points that go hand in hand with too many Puke voters on this forum, and I can almost agree with your sentiment when outright lies and MATH that doesn’t add up are used to “support” a position, but even on my worst days I don’t think a worthless Puke has an “indefensible position.”
Is that what you really think, or does it just make you feel superior to say so?
Please provide an example of any Obama policy or position that you think is more than wrong, but is also indefensible.
WARNING: this is a TEST. A good measure of just how “unhinged” you have become.
Something’s wrong when the best defense of Obama comes from Al Gore.
Cheer up liberals. You still have Joe Biden to save the day. He lies more than Obama, Kerry, Gore, and Clinton. Combined.
Video was also released showing that when earlier questioned by a New Hampshire resident about his grades in law school, Biden had falsely stated that he had graduated in the “top half” of his class, that he had attended law school on a full scholarship, and that he had received three degrees in college.[134] He had in fact earned a single B.A. with a double major in history and political science, had received a half scholarship to law school based on financial need with some additional assistance based in part upon academics, and had graduated 76th of 85 in his law school class.
“Yeah. Well, you know, I think that, you know, as I wrote about in the book, ‘Dreams From My Father,’ which is really sort of an exploration of my father and my mother and what legacy they left me, I think a lot of my early memories are sort of an almost idyllic sort of early childhood in Hawaii where there weren’t many things to worry about, and I think everybody’s childhood, to some degree, is like that. ”
The debate Obama is the real Obama. Right now some people are singing I need Obama that I used to know.
Obama has been running against a Romney straw man for so long, he was surprised when the real Romney showed up. Plain and simple.
The clear winner was the unabashed liar who spewed garbage at an unprecedented historically high rate – which America then ate up and cheered about:
Romney The Rombot – Version XXXXVII , Release 2012 Version 4