You can see more here.

– Obama accused Romney of proposing a $5 trillion tax cut. Not true. Romney proposes to offset his rate cuts and promises he won’t add to the deficit.

– Romney again promised to “not reduce the taxes paid by high-income Americans” and also to “lower taxes on middle-income families,” but didn’t say how he could possibly accomplish that without also increasing the deficit.

– Obama oversold his health care law, claiming that health care premiums have “gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.” That’s true of health care spending, but not premiums. And the health care law had little to do with the slowdown in overall spending.

– Romney claimed a new board established by the Affordable Care Act is “going to tell people ultimately what kind of treatments they can have.” Not true. The board only recommends cost-saving measures for Medicare, and is legally forbidden to ration care or reduce benefits.

  1. Zues says:

    Doesn’t matter who you vote for, the government always gets in.

  2. HoneyBadger says:

    Master Debaters MXC – a template for all future debates —-

    • Chick-fil-A - AKA Big Bird says:

      LOL – MXC = awesome – Here’s one even more relevant to the Romney-Obama debate yesterday – Las Vegas Vs Sesame Street –

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Good call. One of my favorite shows: “That gonna leave blood in the stool.”

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    McCullough, in what I take is supposed to be a defense of voting for third party candidates says:
    10/4/2012 at 7:59 pm

    Do you understand the concept of globalism? /// I have a concept of the notion. It varies depending on the subject and needs to be carefully defined by anyone who wishes to discuss it. The notion of DEFINING ONE’S TERMS was brought home strongly to me again yesterday. Friend and I discussing “Cutting the Stone” a book title referring the Hippocratic Oath. I confessed I did not recall that term. I’ve read it several times and it is a short document yet I drew a blank. My friend told me there were several different versions of the Oath, modified over time and for particular purposes. So–I understand the concept and purpose of the Hippocratic Oath. Now, when speaking to others, all we have to determine is which WORLD ORDER are we talking about?

    Do you know anything about Agenda 21? /// Only that it came after Agenda 20.

    Do you know that people like yourself laughed at people who even mentioned the NWO? /// As undefined as this discussion is so far, yes, most discussions of NWO are mostly made up conspiracy theories worth not more than a chuckle. The Koch Brothers meeting in Vienna at a Secret Bilderberg conference usually hits that mark. Even at this high water mark for idiot conspiracy birthing events, aspects of the group are troubling. Some comical, but some troubling. As in most issues, even NWO is a mix of things: pros and cons. All we need to be is SPECIFIC rather than blow dog whistles. This dog don’t hunt that way.

    And yet it’s been stated over and over again, from world leaders, Popes, Bankers, Heads of the EU, that we need a New World Order? /// Well, of course we need a NWO. What do you propose? If its USA acting alone as the Worlds Only Superpower, that is one proposal. Completely insane, but most NWO talk is. The “world” is what it is. Each interest arguing for its own supremacy. Its called “The Marketplace of Ideas.” Nothing to be paranoid about, nothing to overly focus on. Mostly to be laughed at while eyeballing a kernel of truth here and there. Got any kernels?

    Do you think the United Nations has the US in their best interest? /// Of course not. Why would any group “not” the USA have our interests in mind. As you surely agree, the germane issue is does the USA have the USA’s best interest in mind? Because the USA is not “one” thing and must be defined just as what is best and what is an interest. Easiest example: short term or long term? Applies to every discussion. ((Its never discussed.==Like every other key term in any exchange of ideas…. and until you agree on these definitions, on exactly what is being discussed, there is no exchange of ideas. Just howling in the wind.))

    It’s a big picture, one I think most have overlooked, because like yourself, they are wrapped up in the Bullshit that is the 2 party system. // When you are neck deep in BS, its a good thing to pay attention to BS. The BS goes from your fingertips and extends out to the stars.

    Presidential elections are minor bullshit. The big picture, the forest, not the trees. That’s what concerns me. /// Completely false by any definition. In an Ocean of BS, its the teaspoon in your lungs that kills you. Its the tree that falls on you that directly affects you, the health of the forest becoming irrelevant.

    Maybe I am a Constitutionalist, and maybe I am an isolationist, but it is because I believe we have to maintain our sovereignty, to survive. /// For this short term undefined position, I will agree with you. How is this concern relevant to anything at all that you have posted just preceding? Neither expressions/subjects illuminate any point you have made.

    ROOTS is not just the history of slavery. Study the roots of globalism. /// Please connect those dots for me? International trade, colonialism, Empire Building, all forms of NWO. All with us still today. Whats your point?

    Now–do me a favor?=======SIMPLY ADMIT=======
    Whether or not I get to keep ObamaCare makes a difference to many people.

    Any “philosophy” must include the recognition of simple truths.

    • McCullough says:

      “Do you know anything about Agenda 21? /// Only that it came after Agenda 20.”

      You’re either lying or stupid. And you’re not stupid.

      But seriously, if you don’t know what Agenda 21 is, this conversation is definitely not worth pursuing.

  4. msbpodcast says:

    The debate was just giving us a very expensive illusion of a choice, like between heart attack and cancer.

    It changed nothing, expect money from one rich bastard’s pocket to another rich bastard’s pocket.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Objectively wrong. Rmoney says he will repeal ObamaCare on day one. I want my ObamaCare.

      Why can’t you admit the simple truth? Elections make a difference.

      While other relevant issues of concern may not change one way or the other, this one (ObamaCare) could certainly change.

      The point of being half as intelligent and informed as you are is to weigh and contrast the similarities and the differences between candidates. When you only look at one to the exclusion of the other, you sound like Alfie.

      ALFIE!!! I’d think you’d avoid that.

  5. Dallas says:

    The unemployment rate is now well below 8%.

    Clearly, God wants the negro to win. This is no lie

  6. Nitroneo says:

    Fact check yourself, one of the first items the Obamacare board did was outlawed several anti-cancer treatment drugs for chemotherapy. The death board is here and it is growing. The drugs which were used to keep the Lockerbie Bomber alive for 3 years after being released with only a 6 month estimate. After seeing and after the truth got out as to why the Lockerbie Bomber survived so long NICE approve the drug treatment. The drug was created in the UK, yet outlawed for medical use by NICE until May of 2012, and it is still outlawed in the US for use based on decisions made by the board appointed by Obamacare.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      You got a link to what I would wager is an outright lie?

      but even if such a thing is true, now or even in the future, denial of care takes place in EVERY SYSTEM. Silly to draw attention to one or another.

      So…under ObamaCare I am denied certain drugs?

      BUT–under RmoneyCare I get the Emergency Room where no cancer drugs at all are given as cancer is chronic care and not emergency care.

      Total FUD. Typical Lying Republican. Sad there are so many of your type.

    • NeutronJK says:

      Yup, where is a link(s) to substantiate that claim?

      Anyway, the death boards have been here for a while. Insurance companies have been rationing and denying health care to people for a few years now.

      So even if your claim was accurate, which is a huge IF, it would still be a matter of putting your health in the hands of a death board run by profiteers who gain by denying you access to health care or in the hands of government-run board.

      Sorry, but I’ll trust the government before I’ll trust insurance companies.

  7. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is too far Right says:

    ± incomprehensibly says:
    10/5/2012 at 6:06 am

    Your unwillingness to accept responsibility for your D or R vote // What indicates to you I don’t accept responsibility for my D or R vote when all I do here is argue in favor of such voting?

    causes you to wiggle and squirm /// again, give an example of this

    with specious sophistry, /// I am never specious with my sophistry

    but doesn’t change a whit your complicity in the results. // No–I proudly claim them and chide others for not doing the same and I give reasons and clear simple arguments in support.

    If I want ObamaCare, I need to vote for Obama and not for Rmoney, Gary Johnson, or any write in candidate, or Lincoln, or anyone else. Simple, direct. Can this be “sophistry?”

    Ha, ha. What dolts…….All of you “there’s no difference” hand wringing chicken littles. Make Reality your friend: Embrace the Horror.

  8. MikeN says:

    Who fact checks the fact checkers? Luckily WeeklyStandard has figured out how to properly read Politifact: move the dial 2 spots towards lying for Democratic points, and two truthtelling for Republican statements.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Ha, ha. Thanks for posting.

  9. rabid monkey says:

    Fax? We don’t need no steenkineeng FAX! We got’s eemale now BOYEEZ! FAX are for the disenchanted masses who are more akin to rhetorical BS than they are even the pager in this day-and-age.

    By the way, just what the hell is a mow-‘dem? Is that where I go out and cut my lawn, or is it where I get in mah jalopy wid’ mah gat, and mo’ ‘dem sum’bitches down y’all?

    • rabid monkey says:

      Yuk, Yuk!

      • rabid monkey says:

        ok, I’ll admit first, this was NOT funny in the least and I apologize first to my bestest friend Rupert. Rupert likes to meet new people but the problem is he is invisible, and cannot be heard. Rupert finds it difficult to meet new people and make friends. I keep telling Rupert however that he has ME as a friend and that he needn’t worry about other human beings at all. He has me and only me to play with. We play in the sandbox by the way. Sometimes the sandbox gets all muddy after it rains. It does not bother Rupert and I. We still fight over who gets the fastest Matchbox car….even though I traded fair-and-square for my drag-racer. The bum!


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