I was listening to Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and OMG I just realized that Grandma is a Communist! She thinks that she is entitled to get Social Security and Medicare after paying in for a lifetime. Quit being a victim Grandma! She thinks shes entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing! What’s wrong with her? Get a f-ing job taker!

Paul Ryan says it best though. He wants to privatize Social Security and Medicare in order to “break the back” of the collectivist philosophy. Ryan understands that to make money is the essence of human morality. Ryan understands that people who have earned a lot of wealth deserve to enjoy that wealth and that it is immoral to force them to the old, tired, sick, and poor. These people, like Grandma, are nothing more than looters. How dare she? How dare she!?

So Grandma – I’m voting Republican this year. Romney and Ryan are coming after you.  I’m going to get my tax cut and you can go get your own food and home and medical care. I’m kicking Grandma to the curb. I’m a Republican. Go Mitt! WooHoo!

  1. ± says:

    If a visitor here posted that, they’d be trolling. What’s it called when a moderator does it? 

    • Gwad, his own self says:

      I don’t think that word means what you think it does

    • It's Very Clear says:

      “What’s it called when a moderator does it?”

      Being a drama queen!

      Get this guy a snorkle. His head’s so far up Obama’s rear end, he’s gonna black out.

    • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

      Then Paul Ryan can get a real job, and do his Government thing on the side for free!!

      But no, he wants a nice cushy do nothing job in the Government, with all the perks!!!


  2. NewformatSux says:

    Actually it is Obama that has cut Medicare, and wants to cut even more. He is the one who said it ridiculous to spend money on health care for old people in the last 6 months of life. Even in the budget talks, it was always the seniors whose spending he was most eager to cut. Part of this and perhaps all of it is because seniors voted for John McCain.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      Paul Ryan was cool with it. He wrote the same Medicare cuts into his budget.

      • NewformatSux says:

        No he didn’t. He took the cuts and gave the money to Medicare, not ObamaCare. So Ryan’s old plan does not cut Medicare.

        • Cap'nKangaroo says:

          Paul Ryan’s budget takes the same amount of “cuts” (reductions in payments from Medicare Advantage) and applies it towards deficit reduction. The budget DOES NOT return the money to Medicare.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Another total BS posting.

    Bob Woodward says Obama is lying to us and he has the proof.

    BOB WOODWARD: He is tuned in to his own ambivalence, and in the reporting on this, it’s very clear he realizes we face a problem that is not going to go away, that he’s got to address. And there are documents that are floating around that I got and notes of meetings, and you see. For instance, on Medicare, he’s now campaigning on “We’re not going to cut Medicare.” And there are documents where last year he was saying, “Oh, yeah, we have to cut it $250 billion over ten years.” …

    Yeah, and, I mean, it’s not just his campaign team. It’s the president himself. He says, “We’re going to reform and strengthen Medicare for the long haul the right way by reducing the cost of health care – everyone would agree with that – not by shifting it onto seniors.” Well, in his own documents, he says, “We have to do this.”

    Yea, our Scum Dirtbag President is lying to us again and the morons among us believe him.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      Woodword sure gave us a good look at the true workings of the administration. But I think George Will nailed it with his column about an Obama win despite his train wreck of an administration.

      Nation hesitant to give up on Obama

  4. no spam says:

    If you were able to master 8th grade math (little inconvenient things like the exponential function), you would know that sometime in the near future you’re going to have a hell of a lot more to worry about than granny’s entitlements.

    But go ahead and keep up the red team/blue team bullshit. Like you have any real choice with that game. You get to pick the red condom or the blue condom, but it’s the same dick fucking you up the ass.

    • ± says:

      Descriptive and accurate metaphor, but regardless, most people here are going to vote D or R and force non R or D voters and minors/dependents they love to take it up the ass too.

      It is unfathomable. Our government could be overthrown constitutionally in 6 short years, but it won’t happen.

    • B. Dog says:

      I’m with no spam on this one.

  5. denacron says:

    Maybe worth watching with a SS discussion.

  6. dusanmal says:

    “She thinks that she is entitled to get Social Security and Medicare after paying in for a lifetime” – Social security have been sold to the public as “insurance” at the time because it was clear at the time NO ONE would take money for the Government troth for the shame of not being able to do it themselves… Insurance angle made it palatable. Now, it is “guarantee”. At the time it was set to kick in AFTER average expected lifetime. After. Not as retirement but as support for extremely long and unpredictable retirement and feeble extreme old age. Under those conditions it would be feasible even today. And one more thing for grandma, since Venerable Bill Clinton discovered that he can pretend that he has budget surplus by “borrowing” (read: stealing) from grandma’s Social Security fund, what is supposed to be there is by now a pile of worthless “I owe you” papers from the Government to the Government. Sad as it is – reality is that SS program have perverted, people are assuming that it is for something else and gladly grabbing “Government Money” and worse – it is dead as Monty Python parrot. Time to stop lying to grandma and abolish this ponzy scheme. Private retirement accounts 100% in care of their owners 0% in hands of the Government is the only way out.
    Similarly with Medicare. This time Obama is the wise guy who found how to rob grandma money from Medicare to pay for his love child Obamacare. Government is not to be trusted with our money. Switch Medicare to the user control, not Government control and keep grubby politician and bureaucrat hands off that money. And be honest to grandma and grandmas to be: there will be nothing left there by the time we are in retirement if bureaucrats have access to it.

    • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

      Private retirement accounts only put money in the hands of the banksters who run them.

      • Phydeau says:

        You took the words right out of my mouth. Well said. If SS had been privatized before the last Wall-Street-caused crash in 2007/2008, it would have been bankrupt.

        There sure are problems with Social Security, but turning all the money over to crooked bankers is not the answer.

        • NewformatSux says:

          Dow at 14000, explain this bankruptcy to me.

          • noname says:

            Dow at 14000.

            It the same con as housing prices will only go up!

            For republi-cons, old cons never loose their appeal to make a dishonest profit. The cons just get recycled, repackaged into AAA rated inscrutable securities and offered as new products. All because housing prices will only go up!

          • noname says:

            PP(poor pedro) your rambling again.

            Take your meds!

        • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is just too far Right says:

          I have never heard it said what is obvious to me:

          On Day One–Wallstreet Investments are worth $X.

          On Day Two–Soc Sec is privatized and now $Y is added to Wallstreet to buy those stocks.

          Seems to me the “value” of WS has just been diluted by Y factor. IE==more money used to buy the same underlying value.

          That “sets up” all the stock to be proportionately reduced at some point in the future.


          Lets keep our shit separate from our shinola shall we? And yes–I want a GD LOCK BOX.

          Instead, I just get to bend over and take it like the rest of you. At least—I ain’t asking for it.

  7. Mextli: ABO says:

    RE: the photo at the top of the page.

    Right back at ya Granny!

  8. Noname says:

    Marc Perkel, you summed it up nicely!

    It’s all true, by the definitions and rhetoric of the Repuks; GandMa and Pa are losers and takers!

    Given all mighty high morals the Repuk have and how the middle class is just soo needy and unworthy today, how many millionaires and billionaires are not taking Social Security?

    • jim g says:

      Anyone who thinks they’re entitlted to something they did not earn IS a theif. A freeloader. If they wanted a better future for themselves in their golden years then by god, they should have gotten a degree and a career and earned it like others who DID apply themselves.

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    What is the real reason Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan for his running mate. Could it be that Mitt fell in love with Paul Ryan when he read how Ryan wants to eliminate all taxes on capital gains, interest and dividends. And since this is the vast majority of Romney’s income, according to his 2010 tax return, Mitt Romney would pay less than a 1% tax rate.

    And do not use the excuse that this income was already taxed on the corporate level. It was not. Mitt Romney has structured his investments such that they avoid corporate tax treatment. This is the “pass-through” tax loophole.

    If you applied Paul Ryan’s tax plan to Mitt Romney’s 2010 income, Mitt would only pay tax on the income he earned as a speaker and author. That works out to a 0.82% tax rate.

    • NewformatSux says:

      The pass-through tax loophole needs some explanation. The Atlantic nor their source have provided it. Simply put, Romney’s low taxes is because it is capital gains, the original investment was taxed. Perhaps he got a carried-interest loophole, but that is contradicted by the claims of pass-through.

      The pass-through ‘loophole’ is one used by millions of small businesses, where the partners pay business taxes on their personal income tax statement, frequently having to take money out of the business to do it. That’s why analyses of the top 1% are mostly flawed, because the top 1% of personal income tax payments is filled with S-corporations that are paying ‘pass-through’ taxes.

      • Noname says:

        Your right NewformatSux, FOX NEWs is the “Truthier” source for everything you need to know about pass-through tax loopholes!

        • NewformatSux says:

          Umm, no, my source would be my own tax returns. Corporate tax paid as personal income tax.

          No explanation of how this loophole lowers Romney’s tax bill because it generally doesn’t except for small incomes that pay at a lower rate than the corporate rate. The author just doesn’t know what he is talking about, or is more likely lying to an audience he knows will eat up whatever he says, spreading it on blogs.

      • Cap'nKangaroo says:

        Principals in private equity are usually are paid by getting a portion of the funds gains and a management fee. Usually “2 and 20”. Two percent of the fund and 20% of its profits. Some (like Romney) will swap the 2% for an additional take of the profits. This is paid out to the General Partners as “carried interest” and is treated by the IRS as a long-term capitol gain/qualified dividend. I.e. subject to 15% tax rate.

        Bain (and many other private equity funds) set up a lot of their investment funds in the Cayman Islands because the Caymans do not have a corporate or individual tax rate.

        And by setting these funds up as something other than a C-corporation, these funds can “pass through” the carried interest “gains” to Mitt Romney and other General Partners.

        “Pass-through businesses can also take advantage of the individual capital gains rate of 15 percent. Meanwhile, traditional C-Corps are saddled with a capital gains rate of 35 percent. This makes them less nimble than pass-through entities and less willing to sell unproductive assets.

        In addition to sole proprietorships and partnerships, these pass-through entities include S-corporations, limited liability corporations, and publicly traded partnerships (PTPs).”

        • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

          I don’t understand why my interest income isn’t taxed at this rate too, rather than the full marginal rate???

          • Cap'nKangaroo says:

            There has been much debate about carried interest, but from what I’ve read, it has supporters from both sides of the aisle. Even the IRS said changing it for private equity firms like Bain would open a bigger can of worms.

  10. Noname says:

    Grandma is a sassy and feisty lady!

    I would never change a thing about her!

  11. shooff says:

    Thanks to that philosophy, my Dad in Ohio is now voting for Obama. He got two new knees from his medicare membership and a $1500 would not have covered the pills.

    • ± says:

      It sucks that most people vote for their own personal short term interests and the best long term interests of everyone are irrelevant. This is why the country is where it is.

      • msbpodcast says:

        The difference is that his dad cost medicare a few grand. He’ll only need knee replacement surgery once and he actually paid into the system/

        Mittenz cost us all millions every year for as long as he lives and beyond…

  12. jbenson2 says:

    Most polls today show Obama and Romney in a statistical tie. Over the past week, Obama has fallen 4 points.

    Even with a +7 Democrat margin on the participants!

    • Gwad loves you, everybody else thinks you're an asshole says:

      Why don’t you look at the polls in the states that matter?

      Romney isn’t faring so well there.

    • ± says:

      That link is dead on.

      The only thing missing is rubbing it in to R and D voters that THEY are the SOLE reason the country is in the mess it is.

  13. CPBrown says:

    Medicare is going to/has to change no matter what. The question is who is going to control that process, the patient or the government ?

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      It won’t be systematic change it will evolve depending upon the political winds.

  14. Admfubar says:

    it is all smoke and mirrors boy and girls.. it dont matter what they say, they have to do the bidding of their masters, corporate america……

  15. sargasso_c says:

    Granny needs a makeover.

  16. Phydeau says:

    It is so funny seeing these wingnuts contorting themselves into supporting a smarmy right-wing multi-millionaire with dozens of offshore accounts hiding his money from paying taxes, who’s made much of his money exporting jobs from America.

    Amazingly good propaganda job, Fox News!

  17. NewformatSux says:

    I was surprised listening to the debate that Obama’s grandma is still alive and on Medicare.

  18. NewformatSux says:

    Obama is no commie. He insisted that New Orleans had to pay 10% of the money that the Feds were giving to help after Hurricane Katrina.

  19. jbenson2 says:

    What I saw during the debate:

    a fellow who is eager to be President
    a fellow who is tired of being President

    • noname says:

      The group of friends over my house saw something different.

      a fellow whose ideology broke the economy and over eager to fix it by lowering his buddies taxes (the classic mechanic who brakes cars so he could charge to fix them!)


      a black fellow who’s is tired of republican lies!

  20. jbenson2 says:

    Check out Chris Matthew’s response to the debate.

    And the Biden / Ryan debate is next!
    MSNBC, Dallas, Bobbo, and Uncle Dave are going to blow a gasket.

  21. jbenson2 says:

    The quote of the night “Trickle down government”

    Obama – Uhhh, ahh, uh

    Romney – Facts!

  22. jbenson2 says:

    The night janitor at Big Ben doesn’t clean a clock as well as Romney does.

    • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is just too far Right says:

      BS. Name what attack by Rmoney on Obama “worked?”

      What happened was Rmoney whistled past the graveyard and did not get called on it. That is not cleaning anyone’s clock.

      Rmoney won because Obama chose not to take him on. But any thinking person with the facts at hand need to take both candidates on with the records they have.

      Rmoney simply doesn’t add up. Obama needs to get more aggressive.

      • stormtrooper 651 says:

        It’s spelled “Romney”.

        • stormtrooper 651 says:

          No wait, I see, you were being witty. That’s some sharp wit you’ve got there buddy, like Shakespeare.

          • stormtrooper 651 says:

            What’s next in your lazer-like analysis? How about you point out that Rmoney is a “big fat poo bunny”, or that he “smells like poo”, or maybe that your dad could beat his dad.
            Looking forward to more of your “intelligent insight”.

          • jpfitz says:

            You talk to yourself a lot. Hmm….
            What’s your point, anything in that head of yours- that isn’t your own voices.

            Oh, your being sarcastic. Well your not funny or ironic. So just give everyone a break and comment something useful.

          • noname says:

            did PP(poor pedro) find a new butt buddy?

          • stormtrooper 651 says:

            noname says: “did PP(poor pedro) find a new butt buddy?”
            Wow, noname with the homophobic hate speech, you think calling someone gay is an insult? Explains your wish for anonymity. So I’m guessing you vote democrat to hide your secret hatred of blacks and gays. A bit like Eidard constantly posting stories about pedos.

          • NewformatSux says:

            JP are you Charles Barkley posting under a pseudonym? It’s You’re not your.

          • NewformatSux says:

            Yup and Jews. If blacks ever started voting Republican again the liberals would bring out the hate speech in droves.

          • jpfitz says:

            @ stormtrooper 651,

            Yea, yea, yea my typing skills suck and I was always a poor student of grammar. So shoot me, but thanks for the correction, overtime I’ll learn with a little help from my friends.

        • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is just too far Right says:

          Well, at least I’m not a racist?

      • jbenson2 says:

        Obama needs to get more aggressive?

        Don’t think so. He has other plans. Too many murders in his home town of Chicago when he is forced into retirement next year.

        So he has his chief financier, Penny Pritzker, do so some house shopping. The word on the street is Obama is leaning toward buying this little abode that will be ready for him on January 2013.

        Pritzker, a wealthy Chicago business executive and heiress to the Hyatt Hotels fortune, served as national finance chairman for Obama’s 2008 campaign and is the co-chairman of his 2012 effort.

        Internal polls conducted by the Obama campaign indicate Obama cannot win re-election, despite public surveys.

        She is also raising money for the Obama presidential library and museum, which also are slated for Hawaii.

        • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is just too far Right says:

          Silly post. Nice pics in your link though. Thanks for that.

  23. NewformatSux says:

    So has the new Journolist come up with the talking points for the liberal media yet to pass on to the blogs?
    Perhaps they will just go with Ezra Klein’s solution, pick someone and call him a racist. Fred Barnes, whoever.

    • jpfitz says:

      I directed a previous comment to the wrong person. Sorry stormtrooper 651.

      @NewformatSux says:
      10/4/2012 at 6:53 am

      Yea, yea, yea my typing skills suck and I was always a poor student of grammar. So shoot me, but thanks for the correction, overtime I’ll learn with a little help from my friends.

  24. jpfitz says:

    I also raise my middle finger in solidarity with Grandma.

  25. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is just too far Right says:

    Rmoney did come off looking better if you are dumb as shit==meaning, he cam off looking pretty good.

    this goes mostly to whether you evaluate “the race” or the substance. Rmoney had answers to the few points raised but he got left off the hook by being allowed to lie and be vauge, evasive, and contradictory. He is going to cut tax rates, increase military spending, and that third thing==all while the MATH says all the deductions allowed under the code will not pay for the above cuts.

    How “good” can a candidate be when he flat out lies? I take it Obama did not want to challenge Rmoney 5 times in a row to badger him to tell the truth.

    Same with repealing Obamacare.

    Same with Education.

    The MATH makes Rmoney a LIAR. Now–I think Rmoney made a good point regarding Obama’s 90 Billion spending on Green Energy. and in response…Obama was quiet. He didn’t lie or promise things in the future to work out.

    So–I give the win to Rmoney because people have shit for brains and operate without a memory for what Obama was handed which is exactly what Rmoney wants to cause again.

    HE’S A VULTURE CAPITALIST FOR CHRIST SAKES. If you think he gives diddlyshit about creating jobs…. you’re smoking dick. And Obama retreated to too typical spineless Democrat passiveness.

    Where are those drones when they are needed?…. Or even a feral pig?

    Its all a comedy… all the needless pain discounted.

    Silly Hoomans.

  26. jpfitz says:

    And FUCK YOU paul ryan. Grandma says.

  27. jpfitz says:

    90 billion in green energy is a drop in the bucket. Imagine a world without fossil fuels and then you’ll blame Obama for not spending enough on alternative renewable energy exploration and experiments.

    I have a suggestion, maybe it’s too late. Watch the debate then turn off the tele. Let the debate sink in and don’t watch the spin doctors on fox, cnn, or any network spin the debate you just watched.

    • deowll says:

      I can image a world without fossil fuels but all of us will be dead when that happens. If we can figure out how to exploit methane hydrates your grandchildren may be dead first.

      • jpfitz says:

        We must start to think outside the box(earth). I have to keep raising the point that the solar industry, no matter what happened to solyndra, is a viable source of energy.

        Everything from buildings to transportation will have to change to have a future. Methane may be an interim form of energy, but that will run dry eventually. We will also see a societal change, we will all be living in urban centers. The days of suburbia with plush lawns and three car garages will vanish.

  28. bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is just too far Right says:

    jpfitz says:
    10/3/2012 at 9:20 pm

    90 billion in green energy is a drop in the bucket. Imagine a world without fossil fuels and then you’ll blame Obama for not spending enough on alternative renewable energy exploration and experiments. /// I would agree if there was a more formal approach to the long term energy policy of the USA. A NATIONAL POLICY of energy source mixes, upgrading the grid, graduated tax policy on carbon to allow the market to introduce efficiency, subsidy review (eg–stop ethanol subsidies) etc. Even a drop in the bucket is a wasted drop if it is spent willy nilly without a specific plan. Appoint a panel of experts, get a written plan published and criticized for a while, then pass anything. Review as needed and make changes indicated. GET ON WITH IT.

    I have a suggestion, maybe it’s too late. Watch the debate then turn off the tele. Let the debate sink in and don’t watch the spin doctors on fox, cnn, or any network spin the debate you just watched. /// I can do both. My basic approach as often demonstrated here is to disagree with everything I hear and then disagree with my disagreement. Compare and contrast. Which disagreement seems stronger?

    Again–Rmoney “won” only if the judge has no substantive knowledge at all of the subjects covered. Rmoney has no plan that budgets out as he claims. Only empty rhetoric. Worst example: little story about his sons repeating a lie and Rmoney not believing it. Anybody want to “score” that as anything other than BS… or are points given for his perfect hair?

    • jpfitz says:

      bobbo said about renewable energy.
      “Appoint a panel of experts, get a written plan published and criticized for a while, then pass anything. Review as needed and make changes indicated. GET ON WITH IT.”

      I agree, though the politicians and oil giants will always block solar, wind and whatever is not fossil fuel. Too much at stake for those making trillions on oil. Those same companies also contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to make sure we won’t “GET ON WITH IT.” Corrupt K street in Washington will be the swan song of a once great nation. The people have to wake up and take back Washington. Small companies need protection from giant corps to create and innovate new types of renewable energy.

      I have some solar lighting around our house, granted the lighting is on a small scale but very bright and has been cost free for three years. I am not talking about pathway lighting. The future seems bright if people would accept change regarding energy.

      • T Boone says:

        every time I want to disagree with jpfitz he goes and makes a lot of sense.

  29. jbenson2 says:

    I’ll buy the Green Religion mantra when Obama flies on a solar powered Air Force One.

    • jpfitz says:

      Green is a silly term. Energy is whats at stake. Religion also has no place in technology. Benson, go fly a kite, in a thunderstorm with a key attached to the tail. Maybe then your sarcasm will be thunderstruck. All new technology was scoffed at until proven to be useful for mankind.

    • NewformatSux says:


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