I was listening to Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and OMG I just realized that Grandma is a Communist! She thinks that she is entitled to get Social Security and Medicare after paying in for a lifetime. Quit being a victim Grandma! She thinks shes entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing! What’s wrong with her? Get a f-ing job taker!

Paul Ryan says it best though. He wants to privatize Social Security and Medicare in order to “break the back” of the collectivist philosophy. Ryan understands that to make money is the essence of human morality. Ryan understands that people who have earned a lot of wealth deserve to enjoy that wealth and that it is immoral to force them to the old, tired, sick, and poor. These people, like Grandma, are nothing more than looters. How dare she? How dare she!?

So Grandma – I’m voting Republican this year. Romney and Ryan are coming after you.  I’m going to get my tax cut and you can go get your own food and home and medical care. I’m kicking Grandma to the curb. I’m a Republican. Go Mitt! WooHoo!

  1. deowll says:

    As I expected many of the most partisan people on each side are claiming victory.

    It did appear that a good many Obama partisans in the media such as Jones thought Obama had failed to carry the field though I’m not asserting that he was seriously injured either especially not with his base because nothing that anyone says or that happens touches their support for him.

    I think that Romney did will with his base and the question is how did he relate with independents. I suspect he at the least did okay there.

    The DNC media is going to be working hard to find the best way to spin this. They should have something ready to go by tomorrow morning.

    • Phydeau says:

      Geez deowll, what a tool you are. I read the Republican line in the media before the debate even happened, and here you are regurgitating it like a good little teabot. Are original thoughts too distressing to you?

  2. jbenson2 says:

    You can add CNN’s James Carville to the list of Democrats questioning President Barack Obama’s performance against Romney.

    “President Obama came in, he wanted to have a conversation. It takes two people to have a conversation. Mitt Romney came in with a chainsaw. He’s trying to talk to a chainsaw.”

    What’s Carville want? Another Rodney King?
    “Can’t we just get along?”

    Americans are starting to realize that Obama is in the deep end of the pool and he can’t swim.

  3. jbenson2 says:

    Obama the debater: Makes Jimmy Carter look awesome!

    Bewildered and lost without his teleprompter, Obama flailed all around the debate stage. He was stuttering, nervous and petulant. It was like he had been called in front of the principal after goofing around for four years and blowing off all his homework and our tax money.

  4. Captain Obvious says:

    Obviously everyone is actually thinking: Mmmmm, naughty Grandma sex.

    For all you youngins out there, the incumbent sucks at the first debate. Remember Reagan’s first debate in 1983? He looked like a geezer with a colostomy. And then – smackdown.

    Don’t get smug or cocky yet.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      I stand corrected: 1984. This is the internet after all.

      Remember Mondale kicked Reagan’s ass in the first debate.

  5. orchidcup says:

    All Grandmas are freeloaders sucking on the Medicaid tit.

    I say terminate the bitch with extreme prejudice.

    A slave is no longer a viable resource after the age of 60.

    • msbpodcast says:

      <sarcasm>I bet grandma is sorry she shat out your parent, you li’l arch-capitalist turd of a turd.

      Funny how the rest of the civilized world manages to not want their own grandparents dead so they can sell off their stuff and not have to pay for anything for maintainance.

      But I just made a mistake.

      I inferred that the US was civilized. Its not…

      • orchidcup says:

        A civilised country warehouses their worn out slaves in an “assisted-living” facility until they are thankfully called to Heaven by the Lord and we are mercifully relieved of our duty to listen to their whining and complaining of their aches and pains while they cruise around in their wheelchairs and create a general nuisance for everybody.

        Think of the money we could save if we would trade the wheelchair for an electric chair.

        Once a slave is no longer able to work they are useless to society and a drain on resources.

        Pitch them in an oven and be done with them. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

        • NewformatSux says:

          +1 for the double down instead of a sympathetic explication.

          • orchidcup says:

            Okay. Trading a wheelchair for an electric chair is a bit over the top.

            A lethal injection of drugs is more humane.

            The most common drug cocktail is a combination of sodium pentothal, pavulon and potassium chloride.

            The sodium pentothal slackens the muscles, depresses the central nervous system and induces unconsciousness.

            The pavulon blocks the exchanges between nerves and muscles, suppressing the respiratory system and beginning to stop the heart.

            And finally, the potassium chloride stuns the heart to stop it altogether with an electrolyte imbalance.

            Goodbye, Grandma, and good riddance.

  6. orchidcup says:

    We are discreet sheep; we wait to see how the drove is going, and then go with the drove.

    We have two opinions: one private, which we are afraid to express; and another one – the one we use – which we force ourselves to wear to please Mrs. Grundy, until habit makes us comfortable in it, and the custom of defending it presently makes us love it, adore it, and forget how pitifully we came by it.

    Look at it in politics.

    — Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910)

  7. jbenson2 says:

    The left wing Dvorak Uncensored editors are sitting in stunned silence wondering if there is anything positive they can post after the Messiah’s crushing defeat last night.

    • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is just too far Right says:

      One note Benson. Just like Rmoney, NO SUBSTANCE.

      Style does not trump substance. All he said is he likes apple pie.

      Very demonstrative of whats wrong in American Politics today: can’t tell shit from shinola.

      • jbenson2 says:

        I’d rather have a President that likes apple pie than a President that likes ḥalāl food.

    • McCullough says:

      I would have like to have seen Ron Paul up there last night. He would have shamed both of these sellouts.

  8. msbpodcast says:

    after paying in for a lifetime

    I find the expression to match: you’ve been ripped off if you trusted that your kids and their kids would respect the agreements.

    And the only reply I can think of is Bin Laden taught us a valuable lesson, didn’t he?

    • bobbo, one true Liberal recognizing Obama is just too far Right says:

      Why should our kiddies “respect” an agreement that screws them over? They should not. NO GENERATION should take advantage of the next and have it stand. EACH GENERATION should pay for its own benefits.

      Can the greatest nation on earth provide its seniors with a safe and reasonable retirement as so many lesser nations do or is this social engineering/guarantee beyond our Darwinian Self Centeredness?

      Throwing Big Bird under the Bus isn’t going to solve Rmoney’s shortfall in wealth transfers to the SUPER RICH. He’s too smart to be that dumb…… ergo: HE’S LYING. Thats what Pukes do in the 21st Century.

      Just look. Do the Math, but LOOK!!!!

      5 Trillion in Tax Cuts is not made up by closing some of the loopholes when all the loopholes total 2 Trillion. And I did catch Rmoney saying “and the increased revenue from a growing economy.” Smoke and Mirrors.

      Do the Math.

  9. deegee says:

    If a person worked for 50 years and paid into it, then the gubment wants to kick them off? Pathetic.
    America is going to hell (well, technically not resurrected unto life).

    2 Tim 3:2
    People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of JHVH (YHWH).

  10. Gildersleeve says:

    Say this for her – Grandma ain’t got arthritis!

  11. Bob73 says:

    Yeah, you guys are right. What were we thinking when we paid all our working lives into a fund that we should have known the politicians would eventually pillage. We have no right to think our government should either pay us back in full with interest or see to it that we continue to receive our payments each month so we don’t have to end up on the government dole.
    Cripes!! I cannot believe you people!

  12. Andrew Zow: I see him as a talented kid with the world in his hands but not understanding the big picture. Life has been easy and being a big celebrity in big Texas can be too much. Social media has hurt a lot of athletes because of their antics. Sometime the greats have to fall hard. Hopefully he does not have to fall too far before he understands the true meaning of being a leader and role model.


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