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  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Wasilla …. 🙂

  2. vdiv says:

    I gave my iPhone 4S with iOS 6 to an avid Android user to check out the new maps. He was thoroughly impressed with the speed of zoom and move operations and the vector nature of the maps. He also marveled at the street names and how the fonts were also scalar, fitted perfectly inside the streets and followed their curves.

    The mapocalypse was instigated by Samsung who at this point genuinely hate Apple. There may be other valid concerns with iOS6 such as the inconsistencies in the user interface elements introduced by it, but by and large this was probably the most successful major iOS upgrade to-date.

    The new iTunes interface on the other hand may be somewhat difficult to swallow.

    • Jay says:

      It was a buch of updates with the typical Apple spin magic… I figured if the CEO admited they messed up then well they did

  3. Jay says:

    Good old Mad magazine.

  4. Captain Obvious says:

    Obviously the maps app is shit. It missed my hotel last week by a mile and found the wrong bar last night because the names were similar. I really hate my Nexus ICS phone and should return it.

  5. Blind Love says:

    Apple and Obama can do no wrong.

    Why can’t you few hold-outs see that?

  6. sargasso_c says:

    On the upside, my town is just fine, it looks nice, turn-by-turn works, traffic is updated instantly, and it used one-tenth of the bandwidth of Google maps (which is a major consideration given the absence of 3G signal).

  7. GavinLeigh says:

    This is probably stating the obvious but there may be a few who didn’t know this was based on this iconic cartoon by Saul Steinberg from 1976:

  8. Peppeddu says:

    I don’t see what’s the big deal is all about.

    I’m sticking with iOS5 until Apple has fixed the problems and people are not complaining anymore.

    I am NOT going to upgrade a non downgradeable OS until the bugs are worked out.
    Clearly we left behind an important part of the PC era, the ability to go back when you don’t like to current software.

    Meanwhile I am enjoying Google maps every day 🙂
    And, considering switching to a mobile device that has a clearly defined support plan.

    Today Apple has no obligation to provide any update what-so-ever.

  9. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    Again, Jobs leaves and his company looses its way.

    RIP you bastard genius.


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