A school has banned parents from watching their children take part in sports events – unless they pass a criminal records check. Parents have been banned from watching their children compete at sports unless they have been vetted by police.

The Isambard Community School in Swindon, Wilts., insists all parents must clear a Criminal Records Bureau check to weed out potential paedophiles.

Neil Park, 54, was furious when he was turned away from watching his son George, 12, play rugby.

The father-of-five said: “I was turned away from the school because I had not been CRB checked.

“I couldn’t believe it. Government guidelines state that parents are allowed to watch games…But any strangers can be questioned and requested to show the appropriate paperwork, which is fair enough…

The school introduced the new measure at the start of the term to prevent strangers from accessing other parts of the school from the playing fields.

A spokesman said: “It is with regret that from now on we will be unable to accommodate parents wishing to spectate at our sports fixtures unless they are in possession of an up-to-date Swindon Council CRB check.

You can always count on the Brits to lead the way in Nanny State political correctness.

  1. Nolimit662 says:

    This is complete BS!! Like this is really protecting anyone. What’s someone gonna do?? Jump out and rape a kid on the field with everyone watching? Yeah, because that’s happened before. This is exactly like the bullcrap tsa baloney. Sure nobody likes terrorists or pedophiles, but you can only go so far to protect people before it just gets oppressive.

  2. Mrs. Doubtfire says:

    Yeah, and no more of those kinky father-daughter dances either.

  3. NewformatSux says:

    This is funny coming from a site whose editors don’t support the idea of home-schooling.

    • McCullough says:

      I’m pretty sure JCD home-schooled some of his kids, and I’m not particularly opposed to it, but I don’t have kids. I guess it would depend on who is doing the teaching.

      So there.

    • ± says:

      Home schooling is cool unless it helps to inculcate another generation with anti-science lies.

  4. George says:

    It seems that if someone’s criminal background is serious enough to ban them from a stadium, then it should be serious enough to ban them from society.

    • ± says:

      Exactly. That is why Megan’s laws are just BS. If when you let them out, you still have to worry about them, then don’t let them out. And too, an excon, once freed, should have every benefit the rest of us have and shouldn’t be ostracized for his past.

  5. Dallas says:

    Why do Teapublicans want to remove spectators from spectator sports?

    • NewformatSux says:

      The public serves the state, not the other way around. That’s why liberals oppose home schooling(along with getting the support of teachers unions).

      • Sam says:

        Home schooling is just code for… we want a voucher based education system so we can dismantle public education and free speech.

        This all started back in the 60’s when the churches tried to get a voucher for parochial school students so they could create a religious educational system using government money.

        You want home schooling, fine. Just make sure you still pay your taxes including the ones that support public education in America.

      • Captain Obvious says:

        Obviously liberals don’t oppose the support of teacher unions. It sounds like homeschooling is bee under your bonnet grandma.

  6. Tenaya says:

    Have all the school staff, administrators and teachers all passed the same background test?

  7. googler says:

    Not knowing the location Swindon, I used Google Earth to find it & was able to zoom down to the playing field, full of participants, without a clearance.

  8. Jim says:

    maybe a side-effect of all of this will be to not have the parents that go absolutely nuts if a ref doesn’t make a call for their child, or start fights in the stands over inane things.

  9. bobbo, the future is so bright, I gotta wear tinfoil says:

    NFS is very insightful on this issue. You should NOT BE ALLOWED to home school without passing a background criminal/pedophile check.

    Its for the children.

    When you have an effective tool to safeguard the public, its negligent not to use it. This could ripple as well. The breathalyzer ignition blocks used in cars could also be used in home schooling: no teaching of creationism unless you can pass the drunkalyzer.

    Yes, the ripples…. I see the ripples……..

  10. bobbo, the future is so bright, I gotta wear tinfoil says:

    Duplicate Post: NFS is very insightful on this issue. You should NOT BE ALLOWED to home school without passing a background criminal/pedophile check.

    Its for the children.

    When you have an effective tool to safeguard the public, its negligent not to use it. This could ripple as well. The breathalyzer ignition blocks used in cars could also be used in home schooling: no teaching of creationism unless you can pass the drunkalyzer.

    Yes, the ripples…. I see the ripples……..

  11. bobbo, the future is so bright, I gotta wear tinfoil says:

    Website says I posted and even calls me out for a duplicate, then my post does not appear.

    First time ever. Weird conbo of response/defect there.

  12. CPBrown says:

    Idiotic protocol soon coming to the US.

  13. Mextli: ABO says:

    “We are very disappointed that the Swindon Advertiser and other newspapers have made such a big issue out of this small story ……”

    Isambard Community School

  14. Mextli: ABO says:

    “We are very disappointed that the Swindon Advertiser and other newspapers have made such a big issue out of this small story……. ”

    Isambard Community School


  15. Mextli: ABO says:

    The school says the paper’s article is not correct.

  16. NewformatSux says:

    Obama’s auto czar pens op ed we need death panels.
    The public serves the state in liberal vision.

  17. ECA says:


  18. Holdfast says:

    The source of this story is not reliable. The “Daily Wail” is pretty notorious for misreporting things that they think will move the discussion. The next chapter of this story could involve imaginary bureaucrats in Brussels being blamed.

    Think of it as a bit like your Fox News but a higher standard of literacy but less hot reporters.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      The school has already posted a comment on the story.

      “We are very disappointed that the Swindon Advertiser and other newspapers have made such a big issue out of this small story….. ”


  19. sargasso_c says:

    Swindon, is a town west of London. Once famous for railway workshops, manufacturing and canals (all gone). I lived near there for 3 months. A short drive to Oxford.

  20. jpfitz says:

    Isambard when skim read looks or appears like Islamabad. Just saying.

    Leave it to the Brits to bring more FUD into society. Though with the Jersey Island scandals, maybe the’re onto something.


  21. Charliej says:

    The paranoia is spreading. I am an old man. Will I live to see the day when everything that is not forbidden is mandatory? When we retired, my wife and I left the US. We now live in a country that is not run by lawyers. Where you can live without looking over your shoulder, worrying that you might be breaking some law that you don’t know about.

    • crackpotwhileflyinggeneralaviation says:

      You moved to Antarctica?
      Cool, very cool!

  22. Brock says:

    The inevitable result of life in an anything goes liberal led society. Bad food, old cars, crappy medical care, a monarchy and a constantly monitored and checked society. At keast they try to protect kids. In Chicago, I suspect the adults give kids guns to protect themselves…..

  23. Stevie B. says:

    Embrace the horror.

    • Noname says:

      pedro, is all the horror he can embrace with hand lotion! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  24. bobbo, the future is so bright, I gotta wear tinfoil says:

    “Embrace the horror.” /// Ha. ha. Nice summation. Anyone can take what they want from it.


    For the analysis: can anyone state a specific reason why this procedure should not be done? Note: this is a trick question as the answer should actually be relevant to the safety of the kiddies and not to the many irrelevant tangents that touch upon the subject.

  25. hmeyers says:

    I don’t know enough about the topic at hand to have any opinion.

    There might be stats or some data to back this up that we are not aware of. Or maybe not.

    In the absence of this info, I don’t have an opinion except I do have some level (not infinite) that I do have a level of faith that bureaucracy and sociologists do sometimes know what they are doing.

    Case in point, I support the efforts the Michael Bloomberg to reduce the # of fatty peoples with bad habits. I also support the efforts of Michele Obama in regards to school lunches. [But yeah, I will vote for Romney. In a Democracy when things aren’t working, we can change regimes. Things are not working …]

  26. jpfitz says:

    “Case in point, I support the efforts the Michael Bloomberg to reduce the # of fatty peoples with bad habits. I also support the efforts of Michele Obama in regards to school lunches.”

    Kids disappearing and nutritional consideration of fat kids is an oxymoron.

    This has nothing to do with this circus of an election year dividing the country and families. D or R or I, will anything change. Nah.

  27. Glenn E. says:

    So how do they plan to weed out all the pedos that watch the Olympic gymnastics, in the future? Do they really think they aren’t the majority of the viewers for those events? That’s like saying women who frequent Ballets, are there to check out the male dancers’ package. They should make those dancers wear a short skirt or loose shorts. And watch the female patronage, drop off!

  28. GregAllen says:

    When my daughter was in Girl Scouts, it was almost this strict.

    All adults had to have a basic ($5) criminal background check to participate in any club events.

    I don’t think that appied to “public” events like banquets or awards ceremonies but there weren’t very many of those.

    But any event where you would be with the girls in a room or a vehicle, you needed to have the background check.

    Was this a ‘nanny state” policy?

    As a parent of a small daughter, it gave me a little reassurance. At the very least, it make me believe the Girl Scouts took the safety of my child seriously.


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