1. Captain Obvious says:

    Obviously that is puerile, juvenile, and reinforces racial stereotypes. I’m still giggling.

  2. Admfubar says:

    video is not working at this time

  3. hmeyers says:

    I think this video would be shit. I was wrong.

    +10000 karma points. Buddha, Jesus, MohomMud and even Richard Dawkins will honors these karma credits. Ra the Egyptian Sun God went in on this karma deal too. So have at it.

  4. Dallas says:

    No, not so much.

    Don’t want to know what a Milf is either but ewe, anyway.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Really Dallas? Are you that isolated within your community? MILF is been around for years, and is casually referred to on TV now as if it were respectable.

      Not a dig. Just interesting. I’m not “into” the gay community but I know what “a bear” is. Ha, ha. That might be about the extent of my expertise though.

      Thinking about how I know that—like my drug knowledge, like my race knowledge==mostly from comedians?

      • Dallas says:

        Well, I could have googled ‘MILF’ like you and the rest but decided the picture was all I had to see and I still don’t know what it is !! 🙂

        Isolated is a relative term but I do try to stay within 6-10 miles of my house when I’m in Dallas and keep about 50% straight friends – which is about the right mix.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Ohh Dallas… no reason at all for you not to take me at my word. Its educational. I would have thought “everyone” would know this abbreviation of common intercourse.

          But I digress. Isolated is what it reveals. Nothing wrong with that. Hard to surf the internet and pick up a lot of this slang and perversion. Bukake comes to mind. I did have to look up goatse though and a whole bunch of shit or whip cream combinations with strawberries. Someone is putting in over time to make them all up I think.

          Ha, ha….. so much filth and degradation out there on this information highway. I wonder how much really should be “known” to be part of the squalid masses?

          Course, isolation might be too negative. Would you prefer “pure?”

        • Dallas says:

          Bobbo… I’m not sure why you straights seek to fuck someone’s mother, but whatever….Live and let live, is what I always say.

          I’m hardly isolated. There is so much going on in my neck of the woods! In fact, all these straights are moving in ‘our’ area from the ‘burbs’. Just this morning there were crying babies and a line to eat breakfast at the gay restaurants here! Sheesh, isn’t there a Cracker Barrel or Chic-Fil-A up there?

          I tolerate all types and love the crying babies and SUV’s on weekends.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Now that you have been introduced to the concept, you’ll probably start to see it “everywhere.”

            No DILF’S in your world huh? (Daddies…) I think the term is a compliment especially in a youth oriented culture. Skill and experience (and perhaps willingness if not gratitude) going a long way). Its all perspective and individuality.

            To each his own.

          • Noname says:

            pedro, following your crush again! Your hopeless.

    • msbpodcast says:

      MILF = Mother I’d Like to Fuck.

      Now be edified.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        HEY!!!—You gave Dallas a fish.

        Thats doubly insulting. ((Another thing I learned from comedians, although I think a close reading of Dallas on this forum will reveal the same…. and often humorously. Sad a gay might like women more than many hetero men?===Ha, ha.))

  5. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Not having the video available yet==what stereo types for an Asian MILF can I come up with? Eating rice, wearing vietnamese black pajamas, or using chop sticks is all I can come up with.

    I look forward to the video working again.

  6. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    My anti-scripting controls were stopping the video. That doesn’t usually happen.

    Not very funny as the MILF is not about parenting.

  7. orchidcup says:


  8. noname says:

    Ever Wonder What it Would be Like to Have Sex with an Asian Milf? NO!

    Now that you made me think about it, ooo yuk…

  9. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    Title is wrong, she is playing the Tiger Mom. But, Tiger Mom doesn’t get hits at the same level, so juice it up….


  10. Just saying says:

    Anyone who doesn’t know what it’s like to have sex with an Asian MILF also doesn’t understand their browser defaults.

  11. Uncle Patso says:

    We need more people like her.

    The Wikipedia article What? references includes this paragraph:

    “Chua also reported that in one study of 48 Chinese immigrant mothers, the vast majority ‘said that they believe their children can be “the best” students, that “academic achievement reflects successful parenting,” and that if children did not excel at school then there was “a problem” and parents “were not doing their job.”‘ Chua contrasts them with the view she labels “Western” – that a child’s self-esteem is paramount.”

    I have never understood this view. The feeling of self-esteem one gets from being able to do something is much stronger than any that comes from empty praise. I remember my own satisfaction from coming in second in my class in a spelling bee, or learning how to solve a quadratic equation, or, later, helping to frame and roof houses. I always felt embarrassed by unearned praise — it never did my self-esteem any good. But knowing that there are people living in houses I helped build 40 years ago does no end of good.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Hey Unc–you reminded my of school days when approx half the class would wind up against the other half and we would have a spell off. Boys vs Girls. Tall vs Short. Bus Riders vs Walkers. Whatever our abusive teacher could think of that we all agreed to.

      Imagine the lawsuits today to identify a student as a boy or girl? Horrors!!! Course–we played dodge ball then too. I loved hitting people as hard as I could…… and so did they.

      Good times.

      • McCullough says:

        Our favorite neighborhood game was called “Kill the man with the ball”. It was simple and to the point.

        Kind of like rugby without the rules, just pure anarchy.

        • Cliffyp says:

          We played the same thing, only it was called “smear the queer”. Probably be considered a hate crime now.

  12. Rachel E. Motivated says:

    “Ever Wonder What it Would be Like to Have Sex with an Asian Milf?”

    No, but thanks for using a large enough font in the headline that I didn’t have to SQUINT. Also, thanks for not using italics, so the letters didn’t SLOPE.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      something fishy about that.

  13. Somebody says:

    Team Coco should have googled “nubile”.

  14. PG says:

    Seeing as this is from team COCO, that means it’s from Conan O’Briens’ writing staff – those folks are as twisted as they come… Although I can’t see any video or image, I can just imagine how they can lampoon the subject…

    • Somebody says:

      To borrow from “Just Saying”:

      Anybody who thinks Conan O’Brien is as twisted as they come….

  15. Youtube-dl says:

    It’s on Youtube. Just download it from there.


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