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  1. jim g says:

    After Obama’s SECOND term, this is all the park that NYC could afford.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    The set for “Waiting for Godot” hits the road.

  3. ECA says:

    NOW where is the dog park??

  4. UncDon says:

    Mobile Mugging / Makeout Unit

    Newest item in the undercover cop’s repertoire.

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    The Title from the Link is pretty good: Trailer Park. (but not large enough for a single unit?)

  6. Anita Mann says:

    “I’m dragging this thing to the U.N. ’cause I’ve always wanted to live in a TRAILER PARK DOWN BY THE RIVER!”

  7. noneofyourbusiness says:

    Obama gives $500 million to GM to create the latest green car. This is the winning design.

  8. NobodySpecial says:

    Weapon of mass destruction?
    Since Trailer Parks are known to attract hurricanes – all you have to do is position this Park on a Trailer in a city and watch it being destroyed by an act of God.

  9. CPBrown says:

    Is “Parked Bench” already taken ?

  10. dave m brewer says:

    A beaver in the hand is worth two in the bush.

    • dansus says:

      Can i plow your field?

    • dave m brewer says:

      Gee… must be to many gays in here or to many blind old farts who never got any…

      The girl has her beaver (looks like) in her hands and there are two BUSHES (another word for pussy) to the left.

  11. JelicoCat says:

    You can take the park bench out of the par, but can’t take the park out of the park bench.

  12. spsffan says:

    The guy in the jacket, playing pocket pool, is looking the wrong way!

  13. sargasso_c says:

    The trap is baited.

  14. WmDE says:

    Trailer park girl goes down for coffee.

  15. cd barber says:

    Wait! There’s a park… A trailer in that photo?

  16. Publius says:

    Hot babe

    That is all

  17. Frumpy ol man says:

    “POW” Park- on – Wheels..

  18. orchidcup says:

    Portable Roadside Park For Sale

  19. The0ne says:

    nice legs 😮

  20. Gotta go Gotta Go says:

    Forget the trailer park, I have to pee and all I have is this little cup!

  21. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Hidden beaver – damn….

  22. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Dude, Everyone who’s paying attention knows the Democrats suck anyway, so lighten up and have some fun once in a while.

    (Besides, the #1 priority is to get every American into a full-size 4×4, parked in a 3 car garage attached to a 2500 sq. ft. home on 5 acres – minimum, located at least 20 mi, from place of employment. until that happens, everything else is of secondary importance. Prioritize on minimum acceptable standard of living.)

  23. Brett says:

    Crouching madam, hidden beaver.

  24. RODEDOG says:

    Under my new administration I promise to clean up all the trailer park trash…and look good doing so.

  25. noname says:

    “Portable Parks” The Mitt Romney urban renewal plan.

  26. Dum Dum says:

    “The Last Free Place/Ride in America”

    “Willie ‘The Bum’ Passes Away. Mayor Donates Willie’s Favorite Park Bench to be Placed in Nearby Park (Again)”

    “Occupy Wall Street Abandons Previous Home”

    “Canada Donates Their First Nationalized Health Care ‘Waiting Room’ for New Obama-Care Recipients”

    “President Romney Finally Unveils His Retirement Plan for Future Seniors”

    “Lady Gaga’s Weirdest Outfit Yet!”

    “Squirrel Bait!”

  27. BigBoyBC says:

    Homeland Security spends billions to find a easy way for law enforcement to clear Occupy Wall Street protesters from public property.

  28. Forest Gump says:

    A new way for your employer to tell you that you’ve just been turfed.

  29. Mel N. Coly says:

    This gives new meaning to the phrase “Going over the hill”

  30. Peppeddu says:

    Nice legs!


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