So sad, idiots running, more idiots voting. I’m guessing it’s the fluoride in the NYC tap water.
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The RNC lost in the ratings to Honey Boo Boo.
How is your comment even slightly relevant?
Say Just==didjaknow everything is connected to everything else? Whether that is true or not, its a good exercise to run any two ideas thru. Kinda like playing 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon?===all it takes is a sufficient knowledge base and and active imagination.
Try to connect Idiocracy to Honey Boo Boo in 6 or fewer dots?
I can do it in ONE–and I’ve only seen the promo’s for Honey Booboo. Movie had some good moments but was too puerile for my own tastes, but to each their own. ONE degree of separation means the reference is Highly relevant.
Maya Rudolph…
SNL comedian Vanessa Bayer played Honey Boo Boo in a “Weekend Update” sketch and works with SNL comedian Maya Rudolph who starred in Idiocracy.
That all I got except Honey Boo Boo and the movie Idiocracy both reflect our cultural death spiral.
Maya Rudolph’s Bacon number is 2
Maya Rudolph and Rose Byrne appeared in Bridesmaids.
Rose Byrne and Kevin Bacon appeared in X-Men: First Class.
You guys are incredible!
Never playing Kevin Bacon with you.
At least the education system is working as supposed 🙂
You can find this informed commentary coming from any group on any subject. Idiocracy is a documentary.
Even right here on this blog, for example.
Sounds like talking to a bunch of people who have learned to get along in life by not disagreeing with people in authority, especially those who are brain damaged or have English as a second language?
BTW–who’s more stupid: those interviewed here or anyone using Howard Stern for anything except how base his market share is?
Silly Hoomans.
The Stern poll. Seriously? All of the people polled were exiting a homeless shelter. The only paper they read were used for keeping warm.
Homeless people are AMERICAN too and don’t forget that!!! When they get bored they read what they slept on, that more I can say about the rest of the country (including people in this forum.)
My comment was meant as sarcasm/joke. If ya can’t take it don’t yell at me. I don’t think Sarah Palin visits this blog, so I don’t know where you get your info. Ha!
Next time – keep the sarcasm rolling. See where you wind up.
((That was the punch line in the New Yorker uttered by a bum in the gutter. But this is not real life.))
Stern is a shock-jock.
Howard should have shown a little respect and given out the name, party and state of all those members of Congress that were interviewed.
lol, what’s congress’s approval rating? 8% ?. jk I don’t know but it’s low man low.
It’s not hard to be a genius these days.
Orchi—that gets funnier and funnier each time I pass it.
All that copy and pasting has had its effect?
Yes, with any segregated slice of a population one can make any argument one wishes. We all know that there are robotic, and non-critical thinking individuals out there in the world. News at eleven. However, for every single discombobulated mind, there exists ten minds that are astute thinkers. Let us not come to rash conclusions about how this very tiny and un-scientific study might represent Obama supporters. We humans always seem to possess the fallacy of labeling and lumping widely disparate patterns into a seemingly greater representative gestalt. Don’t get me wrong though. I am not calling anybody out as being ignorant. I am merely saying that life is full of saving energy. Thinking requires energy of course. It is advantageous from an evolutionary front to try to make wide generalizations from a mental perspective to try and make sense of this infinitely complex universe. It is just one part of the many mechanisms that has allowed our species to flourish. We still have much evolving to do however. Would it kill a mind to consider an alternate viewpoint, and thus be more able to make a more informed decision?
This has been Rabid Monkey’s ‘Pet Peeve of the Day.’ No offense to my favourite podacst of all time: “No Agenda.”
By the way, while I am on a rant….I adore and respect Adam Curry’s political dissections and enlightening commentary thereof, but when he starts to talk about subjects that involve science, his ignorance is jarring to the rational mind. Please Adam Curry, do not talk about science. Your lack of knowledge in this area is obvious. Please do not use the same blanket-skepticism you so artfully and effectively use against human-nature towards the laws of nature. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It still however has not stopped me listening to your very often funny and insightful podcast. I will continue to donate money, as I have for the last 3 years since you make a good case concerning the cost of entertainment and learning. It truly is a value-for-value proposition and I embrace it wholeheartedly.
Thats a fine review–almost encouraging me to give No Agenda another listen. I turned it off because of Adam Currys rant on a social issue (forget what now). Anyone can have an off day==including me. … or same or different show I turned it off because there was too much personal warm up chatter that could have been of interest to no living person not talking.
Its good to be able to differentiate the same value system as it is applied to two distinct subject areas. Telling shit from shinola.
Few activities are more enjoyable than a good conversation. Listening to one is already one degree of Kevin Bacon away.
I recall there is a fast forward on replay……….
Cheap entertainment.
If you interview any douchebag supporting whatever you want to discredit, and you are gonna be always right.
I though HS has grown out of this, but apparently he’s still in the same old 80s cheap stuff.
Surprisingly people still quote/link him.
rabid monkey expressing his good will towards man says:
9/25/2012 at 11:51 pm
However, for every single discombobulated mind, there exists ten minds that are astute thinkers. /// Factually, incorrect. Surprising coming from one such as rabid monkey, so it must be emotionally based?/a wished for desire rather than an honest thought?.
IQ/Astute Thinking falls on a bell shaped curve. For IQ the median/mean/mode is designed to be 100. Half of Hooman Beings have IQ above 100 and the other half are below. My sister has an IQ of 100 and I am constantly struck at how stupid she is. Explain the Kevin Bacon game to her and say: Now connect God and Jebus Christ and she would talk about how she like blt sandwiches…. and thats on a good day.
Family? I don’t think so.
I shall be the first to admit that my off-the-cuff remarks regarding the facts about the ratio of ‘discombobulated minds’ vs. ‘rational minds’ was mostly reactionary BS, and secondly was extreme rhetoric, and thus contains no scientific data whatsoever. The two terms are of course subjective in-nature and thefore any random person who gives more than a fig’s leaf about it shall deserve two figs out of five for simply putting up with the BS in the first place. I believe my point was made without resorting to such name-calling, and I apologize for it. I am no better than the two-party system of which I will only partake of voting in given that Ron Paul has decided to secede to it. SIGH….liberty apparently is a four-letter word in these times.
Ha, ha. I’ve read this thread from the bottom up. You end by being aggressively contrary and yet here you are just the opposite.
A struggle?
Your hyperbolic rhetoric was “fact” based, just wrong. You could have used the energy of your reaction and channeled it to be accurate as well as merely paroxystic. These are all choices, none on a forum with lasting consequences.
You do demonstrate a lack of understanding about what “subjective” means though….. its “everything” in one sense, and while I can substract from that, I can’t get near the “nothing” that you give it and I do believe the Universe is meaningless. Its subjective human values that give our lives the pleasure we all experience–as in writing that we don’t.
Ain’t that a hoot?
If you wish to entertain a metaphysical definition on the human-condition then I would be more than happy to oblige. Your rhetoric however is as much reactionary as it is redundant.
The tard factor is high among the D and R supporters.
However Bobbo, if you wish to entertain the concept of IQ measurements, the most accurate is not simply a Bell-curve, it is a Gaussian curve.
never-mind the fact that any IQ measurement is ultimately subjective in nature, and thus not worthy of any scientific meaning whatsoever…but again we are delving into the realm of BS.
No… you are taking that trip: solo.
Everything important in the universe is subjective.
Silly not to know that.
“No damn cat, no damn cradle.”
I disagree. As you stumble: IQ is “as defined” and the test to measure it is as stated DESIGNED to achieve the results found. It can be made to take any shape desired all based on the questions tested and demostrated to achieve that result. Hence–while boys and girls test differently on math and/or verbal they both Average 100 IQ because those questions have been balanced/offset. The human IQ Bell Shaped Curve could be off center by sex or bi-polar as designed. They chose the exact curve of the Gaussian Distribution ON PURPOSE as reflected by how predictive for other activities it could be fashioned.
PRAGMATISM. One key to the truth of the universe. Not proof–just a hint.
As much as anything can be, which means lots of exceptions, IQ measures exactly what it was designed to do.
Man working his will on the uncaring and meaningless Universe.
Yea, verily.
here is a funny link regarding the concept of intelligence:
In other words, your response has merely elucidated the point that I was trying to make in the first place that all observation is based upon subjective measurements….duh!
No–the measurements are “tested” against other predictions/outcomes.
There is a positive correlation ((all that science actually ever offers us)) between IQ and success in College, or income earned, number of books read, etc. The list goes on and on.
In fact, you can pick a life experience that has variable outcomes and design a test to predict how well people will do in that activity. That is subjective in one sense ((as all things are)) but also very objective in its predictability which confirms a certain reality. If it was all mere subjective ((a term we haven’t defined–along with every other word used herein)) there would be no predictive ability at all.
The hooman perception/subjectivity is based on a reality that is “there.” Most of the ambiguities can be resolved by defining one’s terms. We shoot our intelligence/subjectivity into a subject and measure what comes out.
Its all definitional. Good to think about what words mean, what they could mean, all while not loosing the emotions that tag along.
Very nice link. Thanks. I hate it when I bookmark such things and then a week later can’t find it. Makes me think maybe I’m:
Profoundly Retarded
Also known as: idiots
Like: cats
I first chuckled as I briefly read that thinking that idiots like cats. You gotta slow down when considering anything important.
LOL nice … is a disparaging scale to equate the highly intelligent feline species to anything remotely equal to ‘silly hoomans’ (as is your affectation of particular nomenclature regarding homo-sapiens). 🙂
An argument is deemed null if both parties apparently hold to the same accordance.
Yes, but establishing accordance as a base to go forward is a necessary and most often overlooked process. Two can also go forward on identified disagreement. That is only slightly harder but easier to do with a few agreements in the bank.
Capital ideas always bearing interest.
but aren’t mutually accepted agreement the basis for an established society anyways? In order to even be able to form any type of society there must always be some form of an agreement of sorts, otherwise there arises separatism, anarchy, and chaos. Any successful form of government incorporates all forms heretofore conceived by mankind in varying degrees of power. There cannot ever be pure democracy otherwise the mob rules. There cannot ever be true Plutocracy, otherwise the elite say what goes, there cannot ever be a true republic because it eventually devolves into the latter. A corporatocracy is another form of a Plutocracy……etc…and then we have a dictatorship and then all hell breaks loose. It doesn’t matter anyways given the current state of the world economy….
What did John Locke say about the consent of the governed and how abuse in that authority results in revolution?
Just because things cycle back and forth doesn’t mean the ride doesn’t matter==of course it does. Pax Romana about 200 years? Naill Ferguson (or that other guy) writing that relatively speaking we are now in an age of greater peace and comfort than ever before? (((before the fall?–viri just building up)))
Too much nihilism in your subjectivity.
Ha, ha.
my nihilistic tendencies are not of an existential sort however. More appropriately they may be deemed as Utilitarianism. This is more in line with David Hume’s philosophical bent.
but seriously David Hume is not a philosopher whose ideals I look up to, I merely used his name as an ancillary to bolster a stupid retort to an argument I could care less about. I still consider John Locke and thus Thomas Jefferson as my absolute heroes.
The struggle continues heh?
Hume is way more relevant to anyone’s life. something that can be digested and used?
Otherwise, you find yourself voting for a de minimus third party libertarian…. even worse, a hypocrit follower of Ayn Rand. ((I don’t know if Paul does or not–but he’s said enough to allow me to think he probably does. Sad and suspicious and totally not admirable when a doctor can be anti-choice.))
To much philosophy will turn a man ineffectual. (Plato)
Now the argument is real. I don’t give a fig about Ayn Rand’s political bent, her books are a nice read, but aside from that I consider Ron Paul to be the only rational choice as our next president and if you think otherwise than I wish you might become more familiar with monetary policy and be more cognizant of which entities actually ‘run the show’ as-it-were. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I know when a horse is led to an alkaline water pond. I may be wrong. I hope that I am wrong. I hope that I am wrong. If I am right though, the writing is already there. It only takes a studious mind who cares to learn the truth. There is evil afoot, and we ‘hoomans’ reek of it with absolute repleteness. It merely takes a thirst for the truth, and a discerning, critical mind to know the difference between the truth, and the BS fed to us day in and day out through the mass media.
Too general and vague to respond to except in kind.
Usually, one wishes to be effective in life, to have a consequence. Voting for 5% marginal candidates like Paul is for those glorifying in their own totally assumed subjective idiocies.
If Paul were running, he would only be a third “evil” from which to choose, not a hero any different from the others except as you have blinded yourself.
You have to include all his Kook Koo ideas along with his good ones to have a reasonably balanced picture of the man.
You have to be pretty much a “non pragmatic” operator to think that non-discrimination laws interfere with the freedom of human self determination. By that, I mean: yes–society interferes with and exercises police power over idiots and miscreants, just as it must for society to maximally perform. And thats the rot with libertards: blind to consequences in what is a good idea only in a void of causation.
responding to:
Too general and vague to respond to except in kind.
Usually, one wishes to be effective in life, to have a consequence. Voting for 5% marginal candidates like Paul is for those glorifying in their own totally assumed subjective idiocies.
If Paul were running, he would only be a third “evil” from which to choose, not a hero any different from the others except as you have blinded yourself.
You have to include all his Kook Koo ideas along with his good ones to have a reasonably balanced picture of the man.
You have to be pretty much a “non pragmatic” operator to think that non-discrimination laws interfere with the freedom of human self determination. By that, I mean: yes–society interferes with and exercises police power over idiots and miscreants, just as it must for society to maximally perform. And thats the rot with libertards: blind to consequences in what is a good idea only in a void of causation.
“Idiocy” is the first word used without proper discourse explaining why. Ron Paul’s ‘Koo Koo’ ideas are another area of which I beg for more explanation. You are far to vague when using such terms. Also, how many ‘evils’ do you need before you will stand up and take responsibility for voting for a candidate? Ron Paul is supposedly a ‘thrid’ evil. Who is the fourth ‘evil’? Who is the 5th? How many times does the number of ‘evil’s’ take before you will buckle-down and take a gamble on a presidential candidate for gosh-sakes? Apparently you like the currently forming Corporatocracy and thus you feel the ramifications are ‘out-of-your-hands’. I am sorry but being a citizen of the United States entails a certain responsibility. That responsibility requires that one can be free in voicing opinions about what it really means to be free, and voting for a candidate that he/she feels is more able to represent the greater good of the country. I stand by my choice. Ron Paul for President.
Now you’ve tested me however…for I must back up my scientific principled thought with EMPIRICAL evidence. Now it’s getting real. There of course is a difference between subjective, and objective thought and experience. Where does empirical evidence cleave it’s mark between these two seeming dichotomies? Perhaps John Locke may have a few words to say about epistemology. Let us not forget that Thomas Jefferson himself was influenced by John Locke’s ideals.
Good catch… right were I was going… now, I’m adrift.
…. treading…. Locke wasn’t about ideology either. He was a political theorist in the main. Dense, hard to understand as all the leading figures are/were?
“objective thought”—-ha, ha==you’re getting rattled….. but I agree. But one should not dismiss the other as both are what we are and what we are is the pinnacle of the Universe, as we know it, conceive it, all else being but a variation on our theme. Emotons/subjectivity is the ocean in which our intellect/objectivity swims. Each has their role.
nice ending to the conversation…..You sir are a poet. I am glad to have met your acquaintance.
A. I got nothing.
B. thanks.
C. Likewise.
I must concede however that you have done nothing more then manage to mangle most of what John Locke’s ideas were really about in your own hippie, idealistic repartee. You have seemingly retrofitted the greatest ideals of human freedom ever put down on paper into a fascimile of your own acid-trip induced mind-trip. Timothy Leary would be proud. May Thomas Jefferson’s Rice Krispies crackle in your honour, as he eats them with irresolute aplomb from his own grave.
people please STOP taking about that retarded toddler already!
From the previous post, was it ever resolve if Romney could be that stupid?
On the surface, I believe he’s not but he’s leaking pretty bad.
He is leaking air out from the window of his new fandangled aeroplane thingy-ma-gig. It is a flying fortress of BS. All hail our pre-determined president to-be. Mitt Romney is your new new overload. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
*overlord…sorry I absolutely detest misspelling words.
I thought ‘overload’ was a good slip.
So did I. A lot of science/insights proceed by happy accidents.
but being subjective….
can there ever really be any accident.
That subconscious beast within us is working all the time… looking for connections, the next new thing … or that island of safety, all depending on how you are bent.
I prefer overload. Much more descriptive.
I don’t know who’s dumber. These people or a guy who thinks you should be able to roll down the window on a jet in flight.
don’t knock the guy…if you were wearing a flight-suit with an oxygen mask with a parachute on your back then you too would advocate opening random windows in order to allow your wife two more suffocating minutes of agony before her lungs were sucked dry of life-giving oxygen in a previously pressurized cabin. SIGH…why am I even trying? Our politician’s stupidity even amazes my own drunken stupor at this moment.
It takes a real idiot to reply to his own reply…and so I must oblige: Shut up! You drunken retard. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Mitt Romney will be the BEST president this country has EVAR SCENE! Mitt Romney … President FER LIFE!
This previous post is in no way affiliated with the “Mitt Romney for President” coalition.
*courtesy of the Mitt Romney SuperPac.
Enjoy your Rice Krispies. It’s got electrolytes.
rabid monkey losing track of the thread and its tangents turning ab hominem says:
9/26/2012 at 6:38 am
If you wish to entertain a metaphysical definition on the human-condition then I would be more than happy to oblige. Your rhetoric however is as much reactionary as it is redundant. /// Words have meaning. I challenge you to identify any redundancy as opposed to adding additional subtleties of appreciation.
…. and just to digress to didacticism, I will affirm that my metaphysical definition of the human condition is expressed in my nom de flame. My reality… your stretch goal.
and the entire preceding conversational thread of our discussion (as it were) has been stricken from the record it seems. Thus the entire context of your final statement stands alone. It is thus is a seemingly disparate, discordant, wishful nom de fleur ( by the way I think you misspelled “nom de flamme”) beauty that only smells good once the flamboyant rhetoric has been flushed and the true nature of the parley is taken for what it really is: a cheap shot at self-aggrandizing. I love it! You are a good adversary and you keep me on my toes. 🙂
“Thus the entire context of your final statement stands alone.” — This sentence makes no sense. I meant to say:
“Thus the entire context of your final statement has been reduced to a virtual island of meaninglessness.”
you know what? BLAH! I gather this is NOT the proper forum for philosophical debate. Facebook DEFINITELY wasn’t, and I am beginning to realize that the rest of the internet also is not. LOLZ! 🙂
Even my original comment that started this whole stupid conversation has been deleted from the comment section. I am dismayed as well as grudgingly bemused….slightly. SIGH!
That Stern clip is amusing but not surprising. After all, “Forty-six percent of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years.” Americans are comfortable with their ignorance.
Yah want to know why DHS is buying all that body armor and ammo? They are expecting this:
Appears the supporters are all victims of a government-run education system.
Oxygen masks are much over-rated, Geesh!
All Ann Romney had to do was hit the “1st Class Flight Attendant” button next to the overhead light button, push aside the oxygen mask and ask for the pilot to release the window locks, that prevent the windows in 1st Class cabin from going down!
So that you can get that “oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open.” as Mitt Romney said.
Wow. This guy was definitely created within the last 10,000 years.
The right has their share of idiots these as well, so though the left seems to attract more for some reason.
However am I the only one who thinks voting should be harder not easier? I mean if your not willing to put at least some effort into voting maybe you shouldn’t be voting in the first place. If you can’t be bothered to get an ID, or know who your representatives are, you are probably not an informed voter in the first place.
I guess I’m strange, in that I don’t think voting should be some afterthought you just do on Tuesday because some Union Leader, Pastor, or politician told you do, and instead should be something that you put some thought into.
An idiot voter who votes a certain way because vh1 told them to, is more of a threat to this country than any invading army.
I thought the “burden” of getting the ID was the money required to get the confirming documents necessary to get the “free id” and the time and distance to travel to the locations providing same?
Every rule has its downside and unfair effects. I’d be for the ID as well if it weren’t obviously and expressly stated to be for the purpose of hurting the democratic party. I’d be against it the other way too.
It sure is tempting to shit on poor uneducated people though. I see the appeal of the Republican Self Made Party.
I do have mine, losing it for the rest of you.
This thread is a little stale. Maybe this post will be of interest:
It’s from the Wall Street Journal relating to Libya.
Excellent example of Monday Morning quarterbacking combined with factless conjecture.
What did YOU see?
You know, the White house is squirming over this, and I know you’re a bright guy, so what’s the deal? Obama never screws up…really?
You’re slippin’ bro…waaaay too much hero worship, what exactly has Obama done for you?
Now make sure your response is at least 1500 words or more.