How many politicians does it take to screw in a light bulb?”

Romney’s wife, Ann, was in attendance, and the candidate spoke of the concern he had for her when her plane had to make an emergency landing Friday en route to Santa Monica because of an electrical malfunction.

“I appreciate the fact that she is on the ground, safe and sound. And I don’t think she knows just how worried some of us were,” Romney said. “When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly, there’s no — and you can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. So it’s very dangerous. And she was choking and rubbing her eyes. Fortunately, there was enough oxygen for the pilot and copilot to make a safe landing in Denver. But she’s safe and sound.”

Hey Mitt, you can always open the cabin door.

  1. Crug says:

    Sarcasm anyone? Thanks for participating in an obvious attempt at “hey.. don’t look here, look over there!”

    Abysmal foreign policy. Loss of civil liberties. Warping of the constitution.

    Yes I know some of this began under the Bush administration. I am sick of the “Change” that has been happening to our society.

    $70,000 for an apology commercial in Pakistan that did nothing but inflame people who didn’t know anything about a video trailer? Let’s see if we can add at least one more American citizen to the body count.

    Let’s just throw them off a truck on a major highway. Then these deaths will truly be just “a bump in the road”.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Yes I know some of this began under the Bush administration. I am sick of the “Change” that has been happening to our society. /// ALL OF IT started with BushtheRetard. Clinton opened the door but didn’t push anything thru.

      A nice summation: “The Pukes made the mess and are now complaining that Obama isn’t cleaning it up fast enough so that they can do it again.”

      Silly Hoomans.

      • MWD78 says:

        “Clinton opened the door but didn’t push anything thru.”

        sarbanes oxley would like to have a word with you.

        • tcc3 says:

          and Clinton would like to have a word with you about how he wasn’t president in 2002.

        • jpfitz says:

          The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act can have a word with Clinton.

          From Wikipedia.

          “It repealed part of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933, removing barriers in the market among banking companies, securities companies and insurance companies that prohibited any one institution from acting as any combination of an investment bank, a commercial bank, and an insurance company. With the passage of the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms, and insurance companies were allowed to consolidate. The legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton.”

  2. NewformatSux says:

    Better cash in now. I told you you can get a 40% return in 50 days. Now it is still a 37% return, in 42 days. Better cash in now. Buy Obama on InTrade.

  3. Hal says:

    Yes he could be that stupid

  4. soundwash says:

    Ah..yeah, -I think I will never even ponder registering to vote until the so called “revolution” takes place.

    -Until and/or when the two major parties are finally dissolved, as well as The Fed and all related henchman in The Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches [+Lobbyists, meh, why not?] are brought to so called justice and dissolved as well. (retroactive as far back, alive or dead as needed, of course.)

    Voting for the lesser of two (or three, or xx) evils is still a vote for evil nonetheless.

    (I believe in “nothing”, -I guess. (save perhaps, for “the Real Science+Consciousness” combo that is forbidden almost everywhere.))

    I use the term “evils” only so the “majority” has a clue on my life-long position.)

    Until then, I’ll make my own fun poking the Silly Hoomans between the Hemispheres. }:-]

    -Har, har


    (look Ma!, I think I used perfect grammar in a
    post for a change. -well, almost.) ;p

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      …….♫ What’s that sound????……Everybody look……. etc.

      I will comment on your grammar: it looks like I wrote it.

      To the substance: Voting is ALWAYS choosing the lesser of however many evils. WHAT do you think government is afterall? As all the fruit loops here will affirm: government is slavery. Now–I disagree its slavery==but it does scooch down the continuum on evil. Necessary, but still evil……. evils rankable across many continuums.

  5. orchidcup says:

    Were parties here divided merely by a greediness for office … to take a part with either would be unworthy of a reasonable or moral man.

    — Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
    Source: letter to William Branch Giles, 1795

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Mitt Romney was joking.

    Everyone who thought he was serious to too stupid to vote. I mean, you all are a bunch of complete morons and a detriment to the human race.

    “The Los Angeles Times story that relayed Romney’s airplane remark to the world was based off a pool report written by the New York Times’s Ashley Parker. When we asked Parker this morning whether it seemed as if Romney made the mark in jest, she left no doubt. “Romney was joking,” she e-mailed. Parker told us that while the pool report didn’t explicitly indicate that Romney was joking, it was self-evident that he was. “The pool report provided the full transcript of his comments on Ann’s plane scare,” she said, “and it was clear from the context that he was not being serious.”

    He wasn’t being serious but I am. You people are idiots. Must be Liberals to be this dumb.

  7. NewformatSux says:

    You guys do realize he was joking right?

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    You can never know the mind of another person and people do have a range of potentials they present to the world on each waking moment. But…

    1. The Rmoneys don’t strike me as having a relationship built on subtle and deep understandings of physics and any saracasm that might be built on it. SO–unless there was a long running joke between them regarding how their personal jets would be nicer if they could go out on the veranda===I think Mittens was caught having studied the Book of Moron rather than anything in the real world…… funny….. money/getting rich is rather an “other world” obsession too.

    It all fits together.

    B. I forgot. Ha, ha.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      2.0 Oh–The Mittens appear to me to have a relationship based on deep mutual support and concern. THAT is also consistent with being concerned for her ability to breath and doing whatever is most at hand to help her.

      Yes—he is that dumb.

  9. E. Fucking Nuff says:

    OK, OK, I’ll vote! For anybody you want! Just please please PLEASE have all of these goddamned yammering politicians
    SHUT UP! Enough already! Just go ahead and have the election right now because I really don’t give a shit WHICH one of the lying bastards gets the Number One Stealing Position at the Trough, as long as they and all of their little champions ALL just SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT!!!

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Crug says:
    9/25/2012 at 11:34 am

    ->A nice summation: “The Pukes made the mess and are now complaining that Obama isn’t cleaning it up fast enough so that they can do it again.”<-

    Cleaning it up? Creating massive debt. /// Yes, the only pragmatic (Keynesian) response to a massive Stock/Credit/Housing CRASH. Not as much a crash as a reset given the changing/flattening playing field of world markets and the push to computerization and efficiency.

    Promoting a change of governments from those who are friends /// aka Criminal Military Dictators

    with the U.S. to those who would slit our throats as we sleep. /// They all would, thats why we pay ransom to them.

    Increasing regulations via executive fiat more than any other president. /// Talking point. Care to be specific? Like having shut off valves that work on exploding oil wells? THAT kind of evil regulation?

    Reducing our liberties. /// Yawn.

    Weakening our borders. /// Ha, ha. Borders are porous because thats the way our job creators want them. Get all the wage slaves fighting each other and keep investing in the Caymans.

    If by "cleaning up" you mean evicerating our constitution and way of life then I am so very happy he hasn't been "cleaning up" any faster. /// Just call Obama "Bush Light" without the overt Torture.

    MWD78 says:
    9/25/2012 at 12:10 pm

    “Clinton opened the door but didn’t push anything thru.”

    sarbanes oxley would like to have a word with you. /// Making something legal, or no longer illegal, doesn't CAUSE anyone to do anything. Its the Banks that decided it was a good idea to steal deposits and over leverage them in unsecured credit swaps.

    Or not. Its been done and everything that was wrong with our "system" before the CRASH of 2008 is still here now only WORSE–with everyone having their heads in the sand. The Pukes pushing for this stupidity and the Dumbo's too spineless to fight them.

    Given the stupidity of the American Electorate, I can almost not blame the dumbos. The fight would amount to educating the public and hoping for the best: aka, slim pickings.

    Maybe after Crash #2, the Public will wake up?

  11. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    “Hey Mitt, you can always open the cabin door.” /// Most small a/c don’t have cockpit doors. Even those that do…. what difference would this make?

  12. Rabble Rouser says:

    It only takes 2 politicians to screw in a light bulb, but they are either very small politicians, of very big light bulbs.

  13. deowll says:

    Sometimes I just think its hopeless. Unless somebody really knows this plane had oxygen masks then the original snide remarks about Mrs. Romney are worse than brain farts. You might be able to open the doors on rental and the reason to get clean air in and smoke out should be obvious as in you breath and see better.

    Four more years of going the way we are going and the US is going to make Spain and Greece look prosperous. People will be fighting for the right to go dumpster diving because we are seriously running out of other people’s money. We are running on money borrowed from the Fed and it’s just handing out fake cash transfers as loans and the Treasury is printing more money. If you did a 100% tax on the 1% you would not get enough money to sustain current spending so I’m forced to conclude in a few short years things are going to utterly implode. The dollar will be worthless except as tender and to wipe you butt. The 1% which has already lost 37% of what they had will do it again or worse. Jay Lino wasn’t the only 1%er to take a pay cut.

    The WH is utterly clueless in foreign affairs and doesn’t care and it is utterly clueless on economic affairs and is only concerned about getting four more years to redistribute the rapidly vanishing wealth this nation once had. By any metric you want to use the average American is much worse off now than they were four years ago and the nation is in horrendous shape.

    Congress is utterly impotent and many of the Dems and maybe as many of the Repubs don’t understand they are about to blow their own brains out along with everybody else’s.

    You think I’m wrong? I said the Arab Spring was bad news for the west because the Muslim Brotherhood would take over Egypt and they hated our guts. They want to reestablish the Caliphate and subjugate the world to Islam as they are commanded to do in the Koran. Anybody that bothered to check facts at all had to see this coming from day one.

    I had serious reservations about the rest of North Africa. I never thought the timing of the recent attacks on 9/11 was some sort of cosmic accident.

    This nation has lost the values that made it great. It is rapidly ceasing to be great. Simple case of cause and effect. This nation isn’t going back to those values. It going forward into the valley of destruction and it, or at least a vast number of voters are counting on our wise leaders and government hand outs to save them. Preeet to that.

  14. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    do-ill waxing eloquently but as always just as stupidly says:
    9/26/2012 at 11:04 am

    Sometimes I just think its hopeless. Unless somebody really knows this plane had oxygen masks /// well, thats a good point. I just assumed it was a corporate jet. They all by regulation have masks. Do you think the Rmoney’s were travelling by crop duster?

    then the original snide remarks about Mrs. Romney are worse than brain farts. /// I missed those. Not worth reviewing for whatever bon mots got uttered. I have no doubt at all she is a great wife and wonderful mother. “We People” are gracious this way.

    You might be able to open the doors on rental and the reason to get clean air in and smoke out should be obvious as in you breath and see better. /// Because rental aircraft are different than non rentals? I wont confirm but this is sounding like the plane, whatever it was, was on the ground? Gee, if that was the case, yeah==on smoke in the cabin, I would exit aircraft asap. Why open a window when you can still blow up?

    Four more years of going the way we are going and the US is going to make Spain and Greece look prosperous. /// Now it wouldn’t.

    People will be fighting for the right to go dumpster diving because we are seriously running out of other people’s money. /// No, they give it to us interest free cause we are still the strongest international available currency there is.

    We are running on money borrowed from the Fed and it’s just handing out fake cash transfers as loans and the Treasury is printing more money. /// Not there yet, but its coming.

    If you did a 100% tax on the 1% you would not get enough money to sustain current spending /// so what? Tax on income is only a part of the solution.

    so I’m forced to conclude in a few short years things are going to utterly implode. The dollar will be worthless except as tender and to wipe you butt. The 1% which has already lost 37% of what they had will do it again or worse. Jay Lino wasn’t the only 1%er to take a pay cut. /// I agree. The 1% is as shortsighted to their own long terms interests as the 99% is to their short term interests. Kinda life affirming we are all that much the same.

    The WH is utterly clueless in foreign affairs /// how so?

    and doesn’t care // about what?

    and it is utterly clueless on economic affairs // how so?

    and is only concerned about getting four more years to redistribute the rapidly vanishing wealth this nation once had. /// Hah, hah. Utter blather.

    By any metric you want to use the average American is much worse off now than they were four years ago and the nation is in horrendous shape. /// Stock market up. Jobs increasing not decreasing. Health care more secure. etc. This is all very definitional and I suspect you don’t know what half the words you do use actually mean.

    Congress is utterly impotent /// unfortunately, thats not true. What they are is captured by the Corporate Interests and feathering their own nests all to the detriment of America. If they were impotent, that would be a good thing by comparison.

    and many of the Dems and maybe as many of the Repubs don’t understand they are about to blow their own brains out along with everybody else’s. /// Thats true.

    You think I’m wrong? /// as can be.

    I said the Arab Spring was bad news for the west because the Muslim Brotherhood would take over Egypt and they hated our guts. /// I agree.

    They want to reestablish the Caliphate and subjugate the world to Islam as they are commanded to do in the Koran. Anybody that bothered to check facts at all had to see this coming from day one. /// I agree thats what they “want.” But its not what they can do. Settle down do-ill.

    I had serious reservations about the rest of North Africa. I never thought the timing of the recent attacks on 9/11 was some sort of cosmic accident. /// Very insightful.

    This nation has lost the values that made it great. /// Un huh. Name those values. Note we had to have had that value in the past.

    It is rapidly ceasing to be great. /// Define great.

    Simple case of cause and effect. /// Whatever it is, I don’t think it is simple.

    This nation isn’t going back to those values. /// Correct. Always forward, the river of time flows.

    It going forward into the valley of destruction /// The valley of destruction huh? Lordy, lordy. We is all toast.

    and it, or at least a vast number of voters are counting on our wise leaders and government hand outs to save them. Preeet to that. /// Can my proxy stand in line or will the post office be able to mail me my check?

    Ha, ha. The image I have. GOATSE!!!!

  15. The0ne says:

    This is pretty funny to me. I can’t stop laughing. A window that opens on a plan. That’s a great idea!

  16. hmeyers says:

    We haven’t even entered in the “real” presidential election season.

    That begins next week after the first debate.

    Romney is the challenger. Obama is the incumbent. Romney has some explaining to do of why a switch should happen.

    If Romney’s performance is lackluster, he will likely lose the election.

    Meanwhile, Obama has to prove he actually gives a flying fuck and isn’t going to just shovel some more horseshit in our general direction in the form of some words he expects us to forget a few days later.

    Romney needs to come across as someone who isn’t some corporate robot, actually gives a shit about the common and has some sort of plan and ideas.

    If things go like they have been, Obama gets re-elected with ease.

    All the pressure is on Romney is make a connection that he really gives a shit about the problems that middle-class voters are facing every day. Is he a corporate robot? If he is, he’s gonna lose.

    • hmeyers says:

      But again, until debate #1 happens … everything is in flux. Romney will need to be able to connect with average voters and come across as someone who actually cares and has a plan.

      Obama? He’s tired of all this crap and will bust a rehash speech. He might even say something inconsiderate or extremely stupid (“you didn’t build that. someone else did”).

      Yet, if Romney comes across as a corporate robot or someone with no plan average people can relate to, Obama’s performance doesn’t matter.

      Edge: Obama.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Throwing a lot of dust and smoke and mirrors up into the air not to be a Puke Stooge there HMyers.

        but, innocently, maybe your “model” for understanding a year of campaigning is correct and it didn’t have any effect at all for what the current polls show.

        or, maybe the concrete is more than half set up now and all the debates will do is allow for people to draw their initials on.

        Why would “words” from Rmoney convince anybody of anything except that Rmoney will say anything. I can even imagine 3 debate wins by Rmoney and then after the debates, all the video clips showing that Rmoney is either lying, changed his mind again, or… is a total nincompoop. After all, lots of showing that Rmoney lies has already put Obama ahead now. Why not again?

        Rmoney lies. Not only lies, but is proud to do so, confusing lying with bread and butter politics.

        You know: “Whats good for the goose, is good for the Gander…. or some kind of sauce….” The man lies and says anything so consistently … he’s not worth listening to.

        Ryan is more interesting. Better liar. Its not how he changes what he says, but how he never says the truth by omission. He won’t say he is destroying MediCare, he won’t say he is voucherizing it. Trying to BS the public by words that try to hide the lie.

        Silly Pukes and their Stooges – – thinking/acting that lies, obvious lies, outrageous lies are the way to get the pulbic on their side.

        Good thing, they are only 47% correct.

        Why are you part of the 47% HMyers? Only the 1% should be in the 47%. Are you in the 1% HMyers? I think your stated history is that you are in fact part of the other 47%–you know, the leeches and victims like the rest of us 99%ers.

        Ha, ha. Math.

  17. noname says:

    Oxygen masks are much over-rated, Geesh!

    All Ann Romney had to do was hit the “Flight Attendant” button next to the overhead light button, push aside the oxygen mask and ask for the pilot to release the window locks, that prevent the windows in passenger cabin from going down!

    So that you can get that “oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open.” as Mitt Romney said.

  18. Crug says:

    How many idiots does it take to leave a post up for other idiots to continue to post on long after the original premise of the post has been proven to an absolute political lie?

    At least some of you are smart enough to know that Romney isn’t black and the Obama didn’t pick Paul Ryan to be his running mate.

    Read the truth, then SHUT UP.

  19. NewformatSux says:

    So does this mean liberals are going for the dumb label for Romney? They like to do either dumb, evil, or old for Republicans in every cycle, and have the liberals in the media and at Saturday Night Live emphasize it. I thought they were going for double evil this time.

  20. NewformatSux says:

    Liberal commentators including Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman fell for a piece of satire by Roger Simon describing a Romney campaign in disarray and Ryan hating everyone.

    • tcc3 says:

      Republicans are at a point of absurdity where satire about Republican positions/rhetoric/actions are indistinguishable from reality.


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